MTL - Be a Social Cow In An Infinite Game-Chapter 152 Break time

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Passing the dungeon is hard work, and it's hard to come out, of course, you have to have a good rest, so the two of them didn't plan to get up early, and they hugged each other crookedly in bed.

Jing Ruyu was quite sensible during the transition period, so she didn't come to disturb the young couple.

It's already very miserable that they can't be sweet and sweet in this dungeon openly, if the transition period still spoils the scenery, it will be absolutely miserable.

Xia Zhiyi likes to sleep in his girlfriend's arms the most.

Xiangxiang is soft and has a sufficient sense of security. Her body and mind can be greatly comforted in this embrace.

The air conditioner was turned on in the room, and the air was cool.

Jing Ruyu doesn't have to be afraid of the heat, and hugs his girlfriend with peace of mind.

She gently pulled up the quilt on Xia Zhiyi's body, gently covering Xia Zhiyi's waist.

She then sprinkled a passionate kiss on her forehead.

Xia Zhiyi hummed comfortably.

Jing Ruyu said with a smile that she looks like a puppy.

Xia Zhiyi also laughed, with a lazy voice: "Obviously you are more like a puppy, but you are the only dog ​​and snake in the world."

Jing Ruyu frowned, a little curious.

"What is a dog snake?"

"It's a new species, it's my girlfriend, a black snake that looks like a clingy puppy when it's entangled with people."

"Is it similar?"

"Very similar."

"Hmm... Then our President Xia is really good at naming names."

"Of course~"

Jing Ruyu couldn't help laughing, and chuckled.

Xia Zhiyi also laughed along with her.

Gentle smiles intertwined, wrapped in a sweet breath.

They kissed in this relaxed leisure time.

As long as there is a lot of love, there is no further excess desire.

"By the way," Jing Ruyu gently stroked Xia Zhiyi's hair, and asked warmly, "Did you have something to tell me yesterday?"

When she had a seizure, Xia Zhiyi obviously wanted to say something to her, but was interrupted, and there was no time to say anything.

Xia Zhiyi hugged her waist, looked up and closed his eyes, as if he was lazy even to the bone.

"Yes, I want to tell you that I'm going home to see my parents..."

"I saw Jing Dong and the others waiting for you below yesterday, and I thought of my parents.

"I feel that if they know these things, they will definitely be like your parents. They don't go to sleep, they just watch over me worriedly and wait for me to come back. They don't feel relieved when they don't see me.

"You know, they love me the most.

"Ruyu, I miss them..."

Speaking of this, she suddenly felt a little sad in her heart.

Jing Ruyu's parents knew what she was going through at least, and were psychologically prepared for the child's future life and death.

But her parents didn't know, and they were not mentally prepared. If she failed to pass the level, they would have to face the sad news of their child's accidental death in a car accident...

She didn't dare to imagine her parents' reaction that day, and she didn't dare to measure how much it would hit them.

She fears and resists this ending—she still has to be by their side and accompany them all the time, she hasn't been their daughter enough yet!

Jing Ruyu keenly sensed her depression, and knew the reason without saying a word.

She hugged her tightly, kissed her lips tenderly, and stroked her long hair.

"Then go home and see your uncles and aunts, they must miss you too.

"When the last copy is cleared, I will accompany you back to visit them, okay?"

Xia Zhiyi looked up at her.

Jing Ruyu said with a smile: "Uncles and aunts shouldn't dislike me for being your girlfriend?"

The four eyes met, Xia Zhiyi's eyebrows and eyes were curved, she looked away, and said in a brisk tone: "Then I don't know, there are many people who want to be their son-in-law~"

Jing Ruyu smiled when she heard this.

She turned sideways to meet her sweet lips.

"Then I have to bribe their daughter first."

Aiyi came forward to meet her, Xia Zhiyi smiled and hugged her neck, kissed her lips back, and entangled her tongue.

The atmosphere is brisk, full of morning light.

Along with the rustling sound, there were chuckles on the bed from time to time.

The long-lost leisure time finally came again.

Xia Zhiyi went home to accompany her parents.

When she got home, she was just in time for the leader's child to throw a temper tantrum and run away from home to become their child.

The children of her parents are very popular, and they are both friendly and funny.

Therefore, even if there are no children at home, the children around are willing to come and play with them.

The kids also offered to help them out, run errands and all, without giving them any trouble.

Some children have conflicts with their families, and they will cry and say that they want to be children of their Xia family, or they will run away from home, and the place must be their home.

Those parents were very embarrassed at first, but after a long time, they figured out their children's tricks, so they ran away with them. Anyway, they would definitely catch someone in Xia's house.

Parents will even considerately ask the child to bring some homemade things to her parents before leaving, invite them to taste, and thank them for their willingness to tolerate their little bastards.

Xia Zhiyi's ability to coax children was learned from being around her parents.

After walking through the new world dungeon, she felt that she had learned well.

The little boy recognized Xia Zhiyi.

As soon as she entered the door, he immediately stood up from the sofa and greeted seriously: "Hello, sister Zhiyi. From today onwards, I will be sister Zhiyi's younger brother!"

Xia Zhiyi just thought it was funny.

After greeting her parents, she went to the living room and sat down, deliberately teasing the child: "No, you are too young, sister Zhiyi doesn't want a younger brother who is so much younger than me."

This child is only three or four years older than her family's Bubu.

She refused so quickly, without even thinking for a second, that the little boy was shocked.

He fell into deep thought and distress, and finally raised his head and said seriously: "Then when I grow up, I'll be your younger brother again, okay?"

Although he is small now, he will not be small when he grows up!

At that time, he will definitely be the younger brother of sister Zhiyi!

Obviously didn't realize how big the age difference was between them.

Xia Zhiyi smiled happily: "Okay, then it's settled, you have to remember to grow up well."

The little boy nodded happily.

Looking at him, Xia Zhiyi suddenly thought of Bubu, that child who is still sleeping in the new world.

Both of them still need the care of their parents to grow up, but their family, Bubu, was born in such a place. She knew life and death at a young age, and was forced to see all kinds of horrible and **** scenes, and even she herself was a part of it. .

Could it be that she really can only stay in the new world for the rest of her life, and there is no way to leave?

"Ding dong."

The sudden sound of the doorbell interrupted her contemplation.

Father Xia got up and went to open the door.

It happened to be the boy's mother standing outside the door.

The woman greeted him with a smile, and said apologetically, "I'm sorry, Uncle Xia, I've troubled you to take care of my **** again, I'll take him back now.

"Here, this is the jujube cake made by my family. You can try it with Aunt Xia later. It's delicious!"

We have been neighbors for many years, but the refusal has resulted in division.

Father Xia took the jujube cake that was still warm, and invited her into the room with a smile: "He's watching TV."

"Good boy, if you don't watch TV before you finish your homework, go to someone else's house to watch TV!"

The woman entered the house aggressively.

When the little boy saw his mother coming, he quickly hid behind Xia Zhiyi.

Only then did the woman notice Xia Zhiyi, her anger disappeared, and she said with a smile: "Ah, Xiao Xia is back!

"Isn't it a coincidence that my family made jujube cake today. I didn't know you came back, so I didn't have enough. I'll send you another one later."

Xia Zhiyi smiled: "Thank you sister, I don't need it anymore, it's so troublesome to run around, I'll be full after I come back from dinner."

"No trouble, no trouble," the woman said, walked up to her, held her hand, and asked with a smile, "Does Xiao Xia have a boyfriend? When do you plan to get married?

"If not, I know a few good single guys here, let me introduce you?"

Xia Zhiyi showed an awkward yet polite smile.

Gossip and marriage reminders seem to be self-taught skills of every generation, and they are never late.

"No need, sister, I don't need an introduction," Xia Zhiyi smiled calmly, "I have someone I like, and we've been together for a long time."

When she said this, Xia's father and mother's eyes instantly focused on her.

Daughter has a date?

How long have you been together? ?

Good guy, is this mouth a wall? In the past, no wind leaked out, and I kept it from my parents for so long!

Seeing that she has a partner, the woman will give up matchmaking and be a matchmaker.

After exchanging pleasantries, she went back with her child.

Only Xia Zhiyi and her parents were left in the house.

As soon as the person left and the door was closed, the parents immediately moved towards their daughter and surrounded her with a sentence from left to right.

"What's going on? When did you have a partner? Why don't we know?"

"That's right, why are you keeping this from me and your mother? What's so embarrassing about this?"

"Let's not talk about this, who is it? Have we met? When did you get together?"

"How does he look like, is his personality good, is he good to you? What does he do at home? No bad habits, right?"

"Oh, you child, talk!"

Sitting among them, Xia Zhiyi calmly listened to their questions, but never thought they would be in a hurry.

She laughed and said: "Mr. Xia, Mrs. Xia, you are asking so closely, how can I have a chance to talk?"

When the couple heard this, they stopped bombarding them, and immediately sat back obediently and asked questions one by one.

"How are people?"

"Okay, very good, very good."

"Good for you too?"

"Of course, how could I see someone who treats me badly? I'm not stupid."

"How do you look?"

"That's so pretty, most people can't compare to her."

"What do you do at home?"

"He runs a company."

"Have we met?"

"Well... seen."

After the couple basically got to know each other, they said together, "Oh..."

Mother Xia: "What's your name?"

Father Xia: "When will you bring it home to show your parents?"

After Xia Zhiyi finished listening, she smiled softly.

She turned and hugged her mother's arm, leaning on her shoulder attached.

"If there is a chance in the future... I will bring her back to see you."

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