MTL - Be a Social Cow In An Infinite Game-Chapter 134 Model Community (16)

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Jing Ruyu sat downstairs and was forced to listen to the Yun couple's parenting lectures and comfort.

The Yuns believe that none of the adults who come to their model home do not want to know how they raise their children.

After all, for them, the perfect child is the core of the model.

There is no parent in the world who does not want their child to be a perfect child.

Under the harmonious and friendly atmosphere of the community, the Yuns are also happy to help the newly moved woman in front of them.

The thought of her becoming a single mother made them feel even more sorry for her and her children.

Mrs. Yun held Jing Ruyu's hand, her eyes full of sympathy: "The things in life, birth, old age, sickness and death, are all to be experienced, mourning and changing."

Jing Ruyu nodded slightly after listening: "I will be strong."

Life is like a play, and it all depends on acting. She will sit here strong and listen to it, pretending not to know that Ye Ming's death is a copy of killing her own people.

Because she still has to wait for her daughter to come down and walk together when she has had enough fun.

Just don't know how **** is doing on it now...

Thinking of this, Jing Ruyu's gaze involuntarily turned towards the direction of the stairs.

It was quiet there, and it was also quiet upstairs, not a single sound came down, it was surprisingly quiet.

Following her line of sight, Mr. Yun glanced back and found that she was looking at the stairs. He smiled and said, "Don't worry, Jing Jing and Ning Ning will definitely take good care of my sister, and they will have a good time."

Mrs. Yun also chimed in and said, "Yes, yes, this is the child we have devoted all our efforts to educate, and is recognized as a good child by the entire community. There is absolutely no chance that anything will happen."

When the couple mentioned their children, they were full of pride, as proud as if they owned the whole world.

Jing Ruyu picked up the black tea on the table, glanced at them lightly, then lowered her eyes, which were full of disapproval.

"Be the perfect child, will the child really be happy?"

Let the child become the perfect template in the stereotype, without emotion, like two robots who can only output according to instructions.

Is such a child really happy?

Mr. Yun immediately retorted: "Why not? This is the glory of our model community being sought after by people!

"How many parents regard it as an honor to have children like Jingjing and Ningning? How many children want to be role models like Jingjing and Ningning?

"With the love and approval of so many people, how can you not be happy?

"Only imperfect, flawed children can't be happy."

Jing Ruyu listened to his words quietly, and said in a flat tone, "I'm really happy."

It is not the children who are just happy, but the parents.

Or rather, a pathological controller.

She felt that the Yuns and his wife had engraved the words "model and perfect" into their bones, and pursued them to the extreme of morbidity.

She was even a little curious, if they couldn't raise perfect model children, would Yun Jing and Yun Ning survive in this family?

How many further severe disciplines will they receive by then?

This answer... I guess you can get it by walking around the community.

She took a sip of her black tea unhurriedly, and glanced at the stairs again.

Maybe the twins who are strictly required treat her differently just because Bobu is different...

On the third floor, inside the Siguo house.

Boo Boo stood in the darkness, holding Jing Jing and Ning Ning's hands.

She couldn't see anything, and said softly, "Brother, Bubu can't see."


There was a crisp switch sound.

The ball of light on the ground suddenly glowed, like a small moon, dispelling the darkness and illuminating the starry sky around it.

It's just that there is no starry sky here, only a bare and cold floor.

Ning Ning stood beside the light ball, obviously he turned on the light.

The field of vision suddenly became clear, and Bubu's eyes lit up: "Bobu saw it!

"What are we doing here?"


Quietly looked calm.

Bubu immediately remembered Jing Ruyu's words, waved his hands again and again, and pulled her to go out.

"No, no, mom said it's dangerous here, and Boo Boo can't play here, let's get out."

On the first day she came here, Jing Ruyu told her that the room with the black door was dangerous, and Boo Boo had to be careful not to play in it.

The door of my brother and sister's house is also black, so it must be very dangerous.

She didn't even think that her brothers and sisters would take her to this place to play.

Jing Jing and Ning Ning looked at each other after hearing the words.

Under the light, Ning Ning's face was dyed orange, with a calm expression and a calm tone: "It's dangerous here, but it's also very safe."

He turned around and walked to the corner, and took out a car from inside: "Only here, no adults will care about what you play.

"Here, here is the car for you to play with."

It was rare for Bubu not to be distracted by the little toy, and he was still thinking about Jing Ruyu's words at this moment.

Jingjing saw her doubts and said, "Don't worry, we'll play with you here, when guests come, our parents will entertain them below, and won't come up.

"The door will not be closed, you can leave at any time and go downstairs to find your mother."

At this time, Ningning had already taken out all the toys that had been placed in the Siguo room in advance, and started playing by the lamp by himself.

Bubu glanced back at the door and tried to push it.

—Eh, it's really open.

She looked back at the cars under Bubu's hands, and then said seriously: "You can't lie to Bubu, Bobu is great!"

She wanted to say that she was amazing, but she didn't think of the word for a while.

Fortunately, the twins understood what she meant and beckoned her to play.

"We don't lie to Boo Boo, we like Boo Boo."

Bubu didn't sense any hostility, so he let go of his guard, happily ran over to play with the car, imitating Ning Ning to dub the car, and made a "woo woo" sound from his mouth.

Jing Jing also brought her own doll, and the three of them played house wine and pretend games together, pretending that they were the protagonists in the animation who would transform into gorgeous.

No rules, no adult stares.

This place used to punish children and let them bow their heads and admit their mistakes in the collapse has now become their most free paradise.

Halfway through the game, she became thirsty, so Jing Jing went downstairs to get juice and milk.

When she went down, Jing Ruyu hadn't left yet.

The two met each other.

She greeted Jing Ruyu politely: "Hi, Mama Bubu."

When Jing Ruyu saw Jing Jing holding three boxes of milk and one glass of juice, she immediately guessed who it was for.

She offered to help, just in time to get away and check on Boo Boo.

She listened to the suffocating parenting sutras of the Yun family down there until her ears felt callused.

It was quietly rejected.

She said calmly: "A good boy should learn to do things on his own."

Then he went upstairs with the fruit juice and milk, and seemed to refuse her to follow.

Mrs. Yun also said: "Let them play by themselves, Jingjing and Ningning will take good care of Bubu."

Jing Ruyu: "..."

There has been no movement for so long, I hope her child is really okay up there.

Quietly took the drink back to the Siguo room.

While helping Boo Boo to take apart the straw, she said to Boo Boo: "Your mother is still down there."

When Bubu heard Jing Ruyu's news, his eyes crooked: "Mom!"

No matter where she goes or where she is, as long as she knows that Jing Ruyu and Xia Zhiyi are still waiting for her, she will feel at ease.

After receiving the drink from Jing Jing, she said thank you cutely.

Ning Ning also picked up a glass of milk, poked the straw in, and asked, "Did your mother really tell you that this place is dangerous and won't let you in?"

Bubu drank the juice and nodded obediently.

Ning Ning drank the milk, but did not speak for a while.

A mother like Bubu is simply an outlier in the model community.

Because their parents here will only see the think room as a harmless punishment, using it over and over again to warn their children not to do wrong.

They never think that this place is dangerous, and children should not come near it.

Then the three of them sat around the light ball, drinking milk drinks and chatting.

Jing Jing: "Your mother treats you very well, right?"

Boob: "Mom, great!"

Ning Ning: "She will also let you carry two bags."

Bubu imitated the sound of the small animals in the bag: "Wow, ow, Boo likes it!"

The twins couldn't help laughing seeing her like this.

The smile is sincere, and there is no indifference.

Immediately afterwards, Jing Jing said softly: "Boob, we have a question for you."

Boob held the juice and looked up.


"Goodbye, brother and sister!"

Bubu happily waved to the twins in Jing Ruyu's arms.

After bidding farewell to the Yun couple and the twins, Jing Ruyu walked home with her unscathed, well-fed daughter in her arms.

She asked softly, "What did Boo Boo do with his sisters?"

"House house wine! Transformation!"

"So it's these, is Boob having a good time?"

"Happy! Bubu likes his brother and sister!"

Children's love is the purest.

They like whoever treats them well.

From this point of view, the twins are really good to Boo Boo.

Jing Ruyu felt a little relieved.

Before lunch, Jing Ruyu returned home safely with the child.

Xia Zhiyi finally breathed a sigh of relief when he saw the two of them.

The Yun couple are currently the most suspicious ghost king candidates. The model house they live in is like a dragon's pond and a tiger's den, and their lives may be in danger at any time.

But now that Jing Ruyu and Bu Buan are back safely, she is relieved.

Not only did Boo Boo come back, but she also brought back a small packet of snacks that the twins gave her.

She generously shared with strawberries.

The two children climbed onto the sofa and sat down, ready to eat.

Xia Zhiyi had to ruthlessly take away their snacks.

"You can't eat it now, I'm going to eat later, if you eat snacks now, you won't have enough stomach to eat."

Strawberry frowned, and curled her mouth: "But I want to eat..."

Bubu ate a lot at the twins' house, and he was craving it, and he was not craving it, but he enjoyed watching Xia Zhiyi with Strawberry.

Xia Zhiyi patted their heads: "You can eat after eating, mom assures you."

Jing Ruyu washed each of them a piece of small strawberry, and asked them to use this to satisfy their hunger first.

Strawberry just gave up, obediently watched TV, ate strawberries and waited for dinner.

Boob followed suit.

After taking a bite, it seemed as if he suddenly thought of something, jumped off the sofa, and ran to the bathroom without looking back.

Xia Zhiyi and Jing Ruyu were confused and turned to follow.

When they walked to the bathroom, they saw her stepping on the small stool, pulling her mouth with her hands, and grinning at the clean mirror.

Those two rows of fine teeth were clearly reflected in the mirror, looking extremely sharp, like sharp knives.

Then she motioned to the two mothers to open their mouths for her to see.

After reading it, her little face was full of confusion, and she suddenly asked, "Why is Bubu's different?"

The mothers' teeth are all neat and tidy, but hers are pointy, which is not the same at all.

Xia Zhi saw that she had a distressed expression, and her brows softened instantly.

"Because our Boob is not an ordinary child, but everyone's favorite, a little fairy with supernatural powers."

Bubu asked, "What is a little fairy?"

Xia Zhiyi said: "He is a very powerful person."

Boo Boo instantly cheered up: "Boo Boo is amazing!"

Xia Zhiyi smiled softly: "That's right, our Bubu is very good."

Jing Ruyu asked aloud: "Why is Bubu suddenly curious about his teeth?"

She hadn't asked before, and in this dungeon, no one found that her teeth were different, so she didn't care. Why did she suddenly become curious when she came back from the Model House today?

Bubu took a bite of the strawberry and said innocently, "It was my brother and sister who asked."

She pointed at her teeth, and said in a childish voice, "My sister said Bubu's is sharp."

Both of them were startled.

What did the twins ask?

Aren't people here unable to see that she has a problem with her teeth?

-and many more!

Could it be that the twins are the ghost kings? !

The author has something to say:

Read The Duke's Passion