MTL - Be a Social Cow In An Infinite Game-Chapter 122 Model Community (4)

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After realizing the key to the dungeon, the direction to avoid risks became clearer, and the chance of survival increased, and the two quickly calmed down.

But Mr. Ji's words still made them deeply uncomfortable.

Obviously, he didn't see the relationship between the two of them at all, and only regarded them as ordinary teammates.

If he finds out, they will trigger the death condition and be executed on the spot like a muscular man.

Xia Zhiyi felt that the matter would not be so simple, so she said, "It's not just homosexuality that is banned, right?"

For some reason, she couldn't believe that this **** place only catches homosexuals and excludes them.

Mr. Ji didn't deny it, but he didn't go into details: "There is a manual of rules and regulations for the model community in the room. You can read it by yourself after entering. I don't have time to explain it one by one."

He glanced at his watch and put his hand down: "Now it's time for you to choose your own house, your family is waiting for you inside.

"I'll give you two hours to get acquainted with your new home and neighbors. After two hours, I'll come back here to pick you up and take you to visit the model home and meet the twins. I don't want anyone to be late.

"People who have no sense of time and are late at will cannot be good parents."

After Mr. Ji finished speaking, he turned around and was about to leave.

Jing Ruyu called him to stop, frowning tightly: "Are you sure you didn't discuss the grouping?"

Mr. Ji turned his head and met her eyes, without saying a word.

Jing Ruyu thought about it calmly, and then corrected: "Human emotions are not systematic and single, and love does not only occur between men and women, nor does love between men and women necessarily occur.

"Like is a feeling between two parties, regardless of gender, it can't hurt anyone, so why be prejudiced against homosexuality?

"Furthermore, people of the same **** who raise children together do not necessarily have a romantic relationship. Both friends and family members can raise children together.

"If preconceived, ignoring their pure emotional relationship, and speculating on the emotions of others, isn't such a domineering thinking mode more poisonous to children?"

Unmoved, Mr. Ji said slowly, "So?"

Jing Ruyu was calm and composed: "We are friends and teammates with her, I think we can take care of Bubu together, we don't need to be separated."

Water dripping through stone is not a day's work.

As far as the job NPC is concerned, trying to influence him with a few words and make him let go of his prejudices and accept homosexuality is simply a fantasy.

The mouth escape skill is a special cheat of TV dramas, a new world that is kind and cruel, and only wants human life cannot exist.

Therefore, she was not stupid enough to confess her identity on the first day of entering the book, and stepped on thunder with her life.

But it's more dangerous to form a team separately, and she can't just watch Xia Zhiyi take this risk.

Boo Boo is a child, which is the focus of this dungeon, and listening to them, staying with her is definitely more secure than teaming up with unknown little NPCs in the dungeon.

Xia Zhiyi hurriedly fought for herself: "That's right!"

She picked up Bubu's trump card: "I've been with her for so long, she must be reluctant to part with me! Are you willing to see the child sad!"

But Mr. Ji pushed the frame of the mirror.

"Worth it."


"Parting is also an essential part of growing up."

"Then why is she crying?"

"Why are you crying? It's not that you're dead, Yin and Yang are separated. You can live next door to her, and the chances of meeting her will only increase."

Xia Zhiyi immediately hugged Bubu, covered her ears, and pretended to be terrified: "Oh my God, how can you talk about life and death in front of children!

"They're still young, they can't listen, it's not conducive to their growth!"

After shouting, she stared expectantly at Mr. Ji's surroundings.

She was waiting for the red wind, the wind that could bring blood.

As a result, several seconds passed, and there was not even a shadow of a stray cat.

She glanced at Boo Boo, and tried to cover Boo Boo's eyes.

Still nothing happened.

She looked at the ground and repeated tentatively: "They are still young, so they can't listen to these words, it's not conducive to the healthy development of body and mind..."

Still nothing happened.

Gan, why don't you come out to work, you cloak man!

Is my condition wrong? ?

Or are you a shameless person who dare not cut Ji with a knife? !

Mr. Xia expressed his anger at this!

Mr. Ji saw through her thoughts, and said with a sneer, "Don't think I don't know what you're planning.

"But please understand, this is also my territory."

—they can't kill him.

Xia Zhiyi's wishful thinking came to nothing, and she sighed regretfully.

Looking at the innocent Bubu in her arms, she made another plan and encouraged her: "Come on, good boy, cry boldly, cry hard for this uncle!"

If you can't control violence with violence, then play the tear card!

Bubu tilted his head in confusion: "Boob?"

Mr. Ji: "..."

"Why are you crying?" He pointed indifferently at the balcony on the second floor, "Even if you are at home, you can meet on the balcony.

"All roads lead to Rome, and parents should try their best to solve the problem. Instead of messing around here."

Xia Zhiyi: "...?

"I'm obviously working so hard to fight for the team formation problem, how can this not be considered a solution?"

"I say it doesn't count."

"I'm really convinced of you, the old-not-so-young Liu!"

Huang Xiao and the others: "..."

Such a rigorous and not-so-young Liu who made it difficult for the copy system to get started.

Xia Zhiyi finally struggled again: "Really?"


Mr. Ji's voice was very firm.

"Here I have the final say."

Xia Zhiyi heard the words, and couldn't help but start to look at him: "You...can't be the ghost king of this dungeon?"

After the words fell, the rest of the people all looked shocked, and took two steps back tacitly.

It's not impossible.

They have never seen a task NPC and they are also part-time ghost kings, but they are not from the new world, how do they know whether this operation is feasible or not in the new world.

But if Mr. Ji is really the king of ghosts... then wouldn't he be able to kill from the beginning to the end of the clearing time? !

Mr. Ji glanced at her lightly, his expression calm.

He didn't say anything, nodded his watch indifferently and left, as if he didn't bother to answer this question.

Xia Zhiyi turned her head to look at Jing Ruyu, and sighed a long time: "This man is simply a stubborn donkey, not at all likable."

Bubu felt a little emotion, and pointed at Mr. Ji's leaving back: "Bad uncle."

Xia Zhiyi smiled and patted her head.

Jing Ruyu held Xia Zhiyi's hand as usual, trying to comfort her.

As a result, as soon as he touched her hand, he immediately reacted, raised his hand immediately, paused for two seconds, and then slowly and carefully held it again.

— Nothing.

It's okay, the system hasn't changed/perverted enough that holding hands is considered love.

Although they are indeed in love... now they can only hide it temporarily.

Ah Yu, Huang Xiao and Shao Ziwen have already turned their heads to choose their temporary residence.

The four houses look exactly the same when viewed horizontally or vertically, and there is nothing to hesitate about.

Ah Yu directly chose a room and walked in, but no one responded.

Seeing that Xia Zhiyi and Jing Ruyu fought so hard, Huang Xiao and Shao Ziwen took the initiative to leave two buildings next to each other.

"Take care of each other." Shao Ziwen said friendly.

They sold her a small favor, and they might be willing to help them later, even if it was a little favor.

The situation is urgent and the dungeon is dangerous. It is understandable to be careful for your own life. After all, the child that those two people are carrying looks not simple, and it may be of great use in the future.

Xia Zhiyi and Jing Ruyu thanked each other.

Jing Ruyu led Bubu to choose the one next to him without hesitation.

She was used to keeping Xia Zhiyi inside.

"Call me loudly if you have anything to do, and Boubo and I will go over immediately."

Xia Zhiyi nodded, turned around and walked resignedly to the new house, ready to welcome the "family".

She prayed in her heart as she walked: I hope to be a normal person, I hope to be a normal person...

Standing at the door, she took a deep breath, turned the handle, and bravely pushed the door open—

The entrance was empty.

She froze for a moment, and then heard the sound of the TV coming from the direction of the living room.

Listen carefully, it seems to be playing a cartoon.

Her little NPC should be watching TV right there.

She turned her head to look at the shoe cabinet, and saw a thin brochure on it, with the words "Rules and Regulations of a Model Community" printed on the cover.

After opening it, there was a line of small characters written inside: If you want to pass the "Good Kid Test", please parents strictly abide by the contents of the manual, and it will be destroyed after reading it.

Then there are several densely packed words:

1. To maintain the harmony and reputation of the community and create a perfect growth environment for children, everyone is responsible and must not stay out of it;

2. Take being a good parent as your own responsibility, and always focus on your children until death;

3. Good parents should ensure the personal safety of their children and not put them in danger;

4. Do not let children hear or see bloody, scary and other irritating scenes and words;

5. Children should go to bed on time at nine o'clock every night, and no delays should be condoned;

6. Good parents need to behave in a civilized manner and must not be rude in front of their children;

Seven, shall not promote homosexuality and sex;

8. Do not allow children to be picky eaters;

Nine, not to...


Looking at the big names, Xia Zhiyi almost didn't recognize the word "not to".

The last item in the manual reads: Everything that is not conducive to children's growth must be eradicated or reported to the administrator immediately.

Xia Zhiyi felt deeply uncomfortable.

A thin manual, but full of suffocation between the lines, it is creepy.

There are also several strange rules, such as "the tree is green, the sky is blue, and other colors are not allowed".

Xia Zhiyi couldn't help but feel uncomfortable looking at it, and even looked stupid.

This is not a template for raising children, it is a template for oppressing children's nature!

Those raised according to this manual are completely puppet children.

The puppet will only be obedient and let it be manipulated, and do what it asks, isn't it what they call "perfect"?

So after passing the fart test, they must be able to find the ferry, so she won't let Boo Boo become a child at the mercy of others again!

But now, she dared not imagine what the pair of perfect children who were called models had become...

At this time, the manual in her hand suddenly burst into flames, and it actually caught fire right in front of her face.

She let go of her hand in fright, and the burning manual fell lightly to the ground in the burning flames, and finally there was no ashes left.

Xia Zhiyi: "..."

It really burns after reading it.

She looked up again and saw a young man appearing in the entrance.

He is neatly dressed, wears glasses, and smiles, and it is impossible to tell whether his personality is good or bad.

She also couldn't tell if the new world had arranged a personality for him.

"Hello, I am the temporary father this time, and you are the temporary mother, right?"

The man held out his hand politely.

"My name is Zhang Sheng, what's your name?"

He smiled: "In a family, parents can't call each other 'Sir', 'Miss', that's too polite and unfamiliar, isn't it?

"I believe that Mr. Ji will not want us to be a pair of strange parents."

Upon hearing this, Xia Zhiyi shook his hand decisively and politely, and smiled slightly.

"Hi, my name is Xiaoqiao."

The author has something to say:

Wicked and never forgetting the original intention, is to catch a sheep and only pluck her wool!

This article is all made up by this rubbish.

Thank you very much for being able to accompany me to write this cold topic all the time, thank you! 【Bow.jpg】

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