MTL - Be a Social Cow In An Infinite Game-Chapter 11 Entering the New World for the First Time (11)

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In the dungeon, time seemed to pass extremely fast, and in a blink of an eye, twilight had already stained the sky.

Under the sky, the two faced each other in silence.

Gao Hui looked at the people and the fruit in front of him.

He didn't expect that this plate of fruit would be delivered to him one day.

When the plate of fruit was delivered to him, he realized how different this plate of flesh was. It was extraordinarily delicious and mysterious, and no one could tell what it represented.

Is it a dangerous illusion, or a coveted favor?

Facing Gao Hui, there was a faint smile in Xiaoqiao's eyes.

Holding the fruit plate, she looked directly into Gao Hui's eyes, her tone was calm and showed a hint of refusal: "You have seen it yesterday, and you know what to do.

"Eat it, this is my lady's reward for you. If you don't finish eating, I can't return to the lady, don't make it difficult for me."

Gao Hui's eyes stopped on the fruit for a while, and then on Xiao Qiao's face, and the information Xia Zhiyi and Jing Ruyu gave this morning was still playing back in his mind.

For a moment, he hesitated.

Does this plate of ordinary-looking fruit really have hidden murderous intentions?

"What will happen if you eat this?"

He asked directly.

Xiao Qiao said, "Hasn't Xia Zhiyi already given you the answer to this question?"


Gao Hui: "She's not dead."

Xiao Qiao: "Yes, she is not dead."

Gao Hui fell silent again.

Xia Zhiyi didn't die, not only did she not die, she even put on the Gu family's clothes, as if she had integrated into the Gu family.

She can even come back refreshed after a dangerous side mission, and even Xiao Qiao can change the mission location for her.

She had nothing to lose, she—was she really lying to them?

Xiaoqiao's eyes are faint, like a bright mirror that has already seen through other people's minds.

She smiled slightly, and stuffed the fruit plate into Gao Hui's arms.

"The fruit plate symbolizes that my lady loves you very much, she has noticed you, you can go to see her at any time and make your demands.

"But I know that you are different from Xia Zhiyi, you know what you want and what you should do - you are much smarter than her.

"So, follow your inner thoughts and eat, honored guest from afar."

Xiaoqiao grinned, her smile extremely friendly.

Under many pressures, Gao Hui's strong desire to survive made Gao Hui more convinced of the concept of privilege.

He began to feel that the hallucinations were just an excuse, Xia Zhiyi was just trying to find a way to repel dissidents, seize privileges, and live alone...

With the blessing of NPC, how could it not be better than this dreadful day?

Who wouldn't want to get out of here alive?

Cold sweat oozes from his forehead, and his Adam's apple rolls. Under many temptations, Gao Hui raises his hand and picks up a piece of peach with bright flesh.

"Don't eat!"

Xiaoya rushed out suddenly, a different emotion finally appeared on her face, she hurriedly stopped Gao Hui.

"Don't eat it, you, you forgot what Xia Zhiyi and the others said? What if it's dangerous if you eat it!"

"just in case?

"You also know it's just in case, not 100%."

Gao Hui snorted lightly, and swallowed the pulp in front of Xiaoya.

He has his own considerations, and it's not up to a brat to tell him what to do!

He must be able to get out of here alive!

The life and death of the rest...has nothing to do with him.

Xia Zhiyi and Jing Ruyu got the torches by relying on the little girl they rescued yesterday, Xia Zhiyi was still licking her face, and asked for two more torches in case of emergencies.

There is no lighter here, so we can only use fire pockets.

The little maid asked them what they were for.

Jing Ruyu said bluntly: "Burn the weeds and clean up the backyard."

Then he used Xiaoqiao as a shield and said, "Housekeeper Qiao asked us to clean up the weeds in the backyard, because there are too many weeds to cut with a knife, so we want to burn them directly, is that okay?"

Upon hearing this, the little maid found another bucket for them and said, "Since it's the order from Butler Qiao, of course it's fine.

"This bucket is also for you. You have to be careful when you burn it, be careful not to burn it to other places, and don't make too much noise, otherwise the master and the others will be angry."

Xia Zhiyi patted her on the shoulder to reassure her.

What can happen?

The big deal is to burn all the dirty things underneath to eliminate harm for the people.

As for being angry, no matter how big it is, they have already **** off the task NPC over and over again.

The two returned to the backyard and decided to open the door to investigate the situation before cleaning up the weeds.

Jing Ruyu lit a pinch of weeds first, and threw it at the soil pusher as a warning—don't mess with them, they really know how to start a fire, and then everyone will go to the west together.

After finishing this step, Jing Ruyu stepped on the ground with a torch first.

"Be careful." Xia Zhiyi's heart tightened, and she couldn't help but say.

Jing Ruyu nodded, lowered his arms, and burned the ground with the heat of the torch.

It was peaceful.

Only then did she continue to walk a few steps forward, and after confirming that it was all right, she turned around and said, "If you are afraid, just wait for me here."

Xia Zhiyi shook her head: "No, I'll go with you. If something happens, I can take care of you. Besides, there will be a lot of dungeon tests in the future. I don't have the luck to rely on others every time. So I have to work harder on myself.”

As a newcomer, when things go wrong, he should go up, and the experience bar that needs to be hit must also be hit!

Seeing the resolute look in her eyes, Jing Ruyu opened his lips slightly, hesitated to speak, and then said in a compromised way: "I'll go ahead, and you follow me."

Xia Zhiyi immediately lit her own torch to follow.

The two of them moved carefully, one in front of the other, and they were responsible for paying attention to the mounds in the front and back. If there is something that is not long-sighted, they will give it a summer fireball gift bag with a torch!

Fortunately, the bones buried in the bottom were interesting enough, they did not come out to disturb the situation, and the journey was uneventful.

They finally came to the backyard gate.

Back to back, Xia Zhiyi held up the torch cautiously, and Jing Ruyu was responsible for opening the door.

The door to the backyard was not locked, and it was easier to open than expected.

Jing Ruyu pulled the latch back and put both hands on the door, but she didn't rush to open the door, but asked Xia Zhiyi to stand aside first, lest something rush out and hit her.

After Xia Zhiyi found a relatively safe place, she finally opened the door—

It was fog again.

Nothing but fog.

Not to mention the customs clearance ferry, there is not even a sound of water.

Xia Zhiyi also turned her head to look: "Sure enough, it's fog again."

She looked around, found a stone, threw it out the door, and immediately there was a monster's howl in the fog, making her scalp numb.

Xia Zhiyi: "...This also makes people afraid to go in."

Jing Ruyu closed the door calmly.

"I can only come again at night."

Xia Zhiyi had no choice but to agree.

If you can only encounter the strange water sound at night, it means that there is a special time trigger mechanism in the customs clearance place, except for this time point, you will not be able to see it at other times.

However, at night...

"That thing last night... will it come tonight?"

Jing Ruyu shook her head, expressing that she was not clear.

They haven't seen the danger at night, and no one can say for sure how that thing came about last night.

If it doesn't come to their yard tonight, will it wander around the mansion?

The danger at night is probably more than that during the day.

Xia Zhiyi sighed: "It would be great if I could know where and how it came from.

"What shall we do tonight?"

After pondering for a moment, Jing Ruyu said: "It came in the middle of the night last night, we should rest first at night to recharge our spirits, and then act after it didn't appear in the second half of the night.

"We have reminded other players in the morning that if its appearance is really related to the fruit sent by Miss Gu, they probably won't eat it. Then we can confirm whether it has anything to do with Miss Gu."


Xia Zhiyi nodded. She raised the torch and looked towards the cemetery.

"Weeding first now, housekeeping is back to work!"

Another day passed.

Everyone was so frightened that they were exhausted physically and mentally, and they didn't bother to talk, but Gao Hui's condition improved a lot, but he was also indifferent to others.

Today's process is the same as yesterday, after dinner, turn off the lights, and go to bed.

Xia Zhiyi made her own quilt, took off her shoes and went to bed, and when she turned around, she saw Jing Ruyu sitting on the opposite bed looking at her, with a pillow in her arms, her gaze fell on her.

Xia Zhiyi didn't understand, raised her eyebrows tentatively: "?"

Jing Ruyu looked calm: "Just to be on the safe side, I think I should sleep with you tonight."

Xia Zhiyi: "..."

Jing Ruyu: "You don't need it? That's fine."

After finishing speaking, she put the pillow back in place, and was really ready to lie down and sleep, not caring about anything else.

"and many more!"

Xia Zhiyi called to her to stop, and gave her half of the bed, then retracted under the quilt, only to stare at the ceiling with a pair of bewildered eyes.

"Let's sleep together, it's safer..."

She also didn't expect that she would have so many opportunities to share the same bed with her ex-girlfriend after breaking up.

But she really hasn't let her go in her heart.

She closed her eyes in pain, and spurned herself in her heart: Xia Zhiyi, you are really worthless.

Forget it, anyway, Jing Ruyu doesn't know that she still likes her - one day, she will be able to let go of Jing Ruyu like Jing Ruyu let go of her!

Jing Ruyu came over holding the pillow and quilt.

The two lay on the same bed without saying a word.

a moment later—

"If you're scared, I can hug you to sleep." Jing Ruyu said.

Xia Zhiyi looked at her with a "swish": "Huh??

"What does Boss Jing mean by that?"

Jing Ruyu turned her head to meet her eyes, and smiled slowly: "It's nothing interesting, I'm a kind person."


Xia Zhiyi turned her head back.

The good one is kinder.

Could it be that if it were someone else, she could kindly hug him to sleep?

That's not impossible. After all, they broke up and they are both single. They can sleep with whoever they want, and they have nothing to do with each other.

Thinking about it this way, it seems that her ex-girlfriend is stingy...

No, no, now is not the time to think about these things.

Go to bed quickly and recharge your batteries!

"No need," Xia Zhiyi rebuffed in a muffled voice, turning over and giving her the back of her head, "I'm going to bed, good night."

In the dark night, Jing Ruyu also turned over, looked at her blurred outline quietly, and then said softly: "Good night."

In the middle of the night, Xia Zhiyi woke up again in a daze.

This time, I was woken up by the sound outside.

—Someone is screaming.

Opening her eyes, she first glanced at the people around her - Kong Kong.

She woke up instantly, rubbing and rubbing her eyes, looking and looking, trying her best to confirm if she was hallucinating again.

However, no matter how many times she looked at it, Jing Ruyu was definitely not by her side.

She gasped for breath.

Here it comes again, no way no way, people can't be unlucky twice, right? Even a ghost can't catch a person to pull wool!

"Ru, Ruyu...?"

She got off the bed cautiously and tried to make a sound.

In the end, he saw Jing Ruyu standing at the door.

Hearing her voice, Jing Ruyu turned to look at her: "You're awake."

Xia Zhiyi immediately breathed a sigh of relief.

"You are here, I just heard someone calling, and thought I was hallucinating again."

When Jing Ruyu heard this, she said solemnly, "I know, that's not an illusion.

"Someone died."

Xia Zhiyi couldn't help being taken aback: "Who died?"

Jing Ruyu said solemnly: "Gao Hui."

Xia Zhiyi: "..."

Jing Ruyu pointed to the small hole left on the door, motioning for her to look for herself.

Xia Zhiyi leaned over and moved closer.

The moonlight is cold outside the door.

Opposite them is Gao Hui's room.

The door of that room was wide open at the moment, and Gao Hui collapsed at the door, bleeding profusely, and there was something unclear whether it was a person lying on his body.

Then, in the long silent night came the sound of chewing.

The monster started eating.

Xia Zhiyi covered her mouth in fright.

Xiaoya woke up.

In a daze, she heard Gao Hui yelling, and then saw him being thrown to the ground by something unknown.

By the moonlight outside the house, she saw that thing opened its mouth and bit Gao Hui's neck. Soon, Gao Hui became silent, and he couldn't even bark.

The smell of blood permeated the room in an instant, followed by intermittent chewing sounds, and sticky sounds...

She woke up instantly.

Instinct told her what it was, but fear made her forget words and actions.

She lay on the bed, stiff as a piece of wood, not knowing what to do with herself.

Her limbs were cold, and she was so frightened that she closed her eyes tightly.

This was the closest she was to death!

Soon, the scalp-numbing chewing sound disappeared, and the dead silence once again filled the long night.

Xiaoya was slightly stunned, she wanted to make sure that the thing had left.

But before she opened her eyes, there was a sudden burst of cold air on her ears and cheeks, as if something had stuck to her.

Then she heard someone talking in her ear, the voice was low, full of **** smell—

"Did you see that?"

The author has something to say:

There are fewer and fewer comments to provoke QAQ...

Read The Duke's Passion