MTL - Be a Social Cow In An Infinite Game-Chapter 1 Entering the New World (1)

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Xia Zhiyi resigned.

She is tired after working so long.

She wants to travel, relax, and reorganize her life instead of being stuck in a busy job day after day.

It just so happened that the savings accumulated from so many years of hard work were enough to support her to give her a mind-blowing vacation.

Colleagues expressed their dismay and regret for her.

She is very smart, quick in handling things, funny and cute, and never feels bored when staying with her, but now she is leaving as soon as she says, it is too sudden.

This was not sudden to Xia Zhiyi.

This result was within her expectations.

That's the way she is, if she feels pain about something, she will fight instead of give in.

If you lose money, you can earn more, but if you lose people, you lose everything.

As long as she is alive, she will always have the courage to start all over again.

And isn't she working so hard to make money just to live a good life for herself?

The money has been earned, and it's time to reward yourself.

On the third night after resigning, she went out to play with her friend Liang Xiaoling, which was also a farewell before the official start of the trip.

After playing for a while, the two held a cup of milk tea each, and chatted while walking along the brightly lit sidewalk on the river bank.

Liang Xiaoling asked her if she had thought about her resignation clearly.

She said she thought clearly.

Liang Xiaoling suddenly smiled, patted her on the shoulder, and joked, "Don't you leave the company because of your predecessor?"

Xia Zhiyi's ex, by coincidence, was her boss, Jing Ruyu, a very beautiful woman.

When the two met for the first time, they only said that they were ordinary social animals, and they didn't talk about the place of work in depth. It was not until a month after dating that the two dramatically discovered that they were in the same company. Because Jing Ruyu seldom came to their department, so The two have never met.

But they didn't make it public, they tacitly talked about a secret love affair between subordinates and subordinates, because they liked each other very much, and it was so peaceful, they talked smoothly for more than a year, during which time they even lived together.

At that time, she really thought they could go on forever...

She swallowed the pearl and looked into the distance: "If you think too much, it has nothing to do with her.

"I'm just too tired from work and want to take a break—please, I told you a long time ago that I want to travel, I'll just quit without her, okay?"

"Okay, okay, okay," Liang Xiaoling responded with a smile, and then the corners of her lips curved down again, with worry in her eyes, "So are you still thinking about her?"

The breakup was brought up by Jing Ruyu, just half a month ago.

It was mentioned very suddenly, even more suddenly than Xia Zhiyi's decision to resign.

After all, before that, the relationship between the two of them had been stable without any problems.

Xia Zhiyi couldn't tell if there was a problem or not.

Because that breakup was a sign.

They were still living together at that time, but the number of times Jing Ruyu went back to their home decreased significantly, and the number of times they saw each other also decreased.

After that, Jing Ruyu broke up, which was sudden and reasonable.

She said that she was leaving, leaving here, going abroad, and maybe she would never come back.

At that moment, Xia Zhiyi really couldn't believe that this scene like an idol drama could happen to her.

But why do you want to go abroad all of a sudden?

Why can't we be together when we go abroad?

Why never come back?

Why didn't she think about keeping her by her side, even going abroad for development together?

Jing Ruyu didn't tell her the answer, but looked at her deeply for a long time.

In the end, she just hugged her and then turned away. Since then, she has never appeared again, as if she had evaporated from her world.

Xia Zhiyi withdrew her thoughts, suppressed the heat in her eyes and the boredom in her heart, took a sip of milk tea, chewed the pearls for a while, and finally said nonchalantly: "Forgot, I don't remember."

She's not that stupid.

After being together for so long, they know each other well, so she knows better than anyone else that Jing Ruyu is determined to leave, and no one can change it.

"Hey, why bring this up, we came out to play.

"Go, go eat barbecue!"

It's no big deal, there is no grass anywhere in the world, if Jing Ruyu dares to leave, she dares to forget her!

They didn't go to work tomorrow, and the two ate, drank and played for a long time, then said goodbye and went home by car.

Xia Zhiyi didn't drive today and chose to take the bus.

There was no one in the car, and the seat was empty, so she could choose it at will. She chose the seat at the back and sat down, turning her head to look at the night view outside the window.

She suddenly thought of her parents.

She hasn't told her parents about her resignation yet.

I didn't think about the words, and I knew that my parents would probably disagree with me leaving such a good company.

But life is her own, she has a sense of how to live it, and she will tell them later.

The bus started slowly and resumed its journey.

The scenery outside the car window kept receding, and the dark night enveloped the entire city.

The huge body moved forward smoothly, driving on the road she was familiar with, and after a while, the entrance of the tunnel was right in front of her eyes.

This is the only way she has to go home.

The entrance of the tunnel was dark, like a silent and unpredictable black hole.

The headlights here are broken and no one has ever come to fix them, the only source of light is the bus.

Amid the unfathomable darkness and the humming sound of engines, the tunnel was somewhat cramped and empty.

Fortunately, Xia Zhiyi is very courageous, and has been on this road many times, and has already adapted to it. At this time, her mind is calm and there is no disturbance.

She was even a little sleepy.

Playing wildly with friends outside for so long, exhausted a lot of physical strength, coupled with the cool and comfortable air conditioner in the car sweeping across the skin, suddenly increased the weight of the eyelids, making her want to close her eyes and squint for a while.

Anyway, the road is still long, so she squinted for a while...

Close your eyes and rest.

Knowing that she was outside, she didn't dare to fall asleep completely, her consciousness remained awake, and she would wake up immediately with the slightest movement.

It's just that the road is very quiet.

Time passed by in the quiet space, silently.

Gradually, her consciousness began to fall into chaos uncontrollably, becoming blurred.

In a daze, she opened her eyes, and she saw the lights in the car suddenly go out, too fast to stay.

At this moment, an ominous premonition suddenly rose in her heart.

All this seems to indicate something.

What does it portend?

She can't think, she can't understand...

Fortunately, nothing happened, and she finally got home safely, took a shower, and lay down comfortably to sleep.

It's been very cool at night recently, no need to turn on the air conditioner, just open the windows.

The moonlight melted outside the window, and she was lonely and cold, and she slowly fell asleep in the moonlight.

She dreamed that she was on that bus again.

Leaning his head against the window, resting with his eyes closed, his heart is full of longing for the future journey.

Everything is the same, very real, as if she is still in the car and never left.

But soon, something different appeared in the dream.


Suddenly there was a strange noise in the silent tunnel.

It was the sound of coins falling into an iron box.

Someone got in the car.

someone gets in the car...


This car never stopped, how could anyone get in the car!

In the dream, she reacted instantly, opened her eyes quickly, looked forward instinctively, and froze in place.

She sees a woman.

The woman's appearance is so exquisite that it is almost monstrous, dreamlike and unreal.

There is a faint red in the pupils, which is extremely coquettish, but it is very suitable for this long face.

—Her ex-girlfriend, Jing Ruyu.

Jing Ruyu was dressed in black and stood there without sitting down.

The driver seemed unaware that the bus was still running smoothly.

The lights in the car suddenly went out, flickering endlessly, and the alternating bright and dark lights fell on Jing Ruyu, making it impossible for Xia Zhiyi to ignore her existence.

Especially her limbs from the waist down—

The long and powerful snake tail coiled around Jing Ruyu's body.

The black snake scales shone with a cold luster in the dim light, like the light refracted from a dagger on a person's neck, radiating danger everywhere.

Jing Ruyu's red pupils suddenly became thin and narrow, and she stared at Xia Zhiyi in the dark without blinking, as if staring at prey.

A suffocating cold air slowly climbed up Xia Zhiyi's back, as if there were countless skinny ghost hands walking on her back.

The old love and affection turned into ice cold at this moment.

In the next second, the headlights suddenly went out.

Boundless darkness instantly invaded every strand of air.

The light took away the warmth, and the whole body suddenly became cold, as if a monster with teeth and claws was clinging to the darkness and waiting for an opportunity.

Including Jing Ruyu.

However, before Xia Zhiyi could react, within a breath, the lights in the car turned on again.

Jing Ruyu also disappeared.

Outside the car, the exit of the tunnel is in sight.

At this moment, a piercing whistle suddenly sounded from outside the car, from far to near, and suddenly amplified in Xia Zhiyi's ears, causing her to panic.

Looking up again, a bright light came, followed by a truck full of goods!


The two cars collided violently, the front of the car deformed, and the shattered glass slashed across Xia Zhiyi's face, bringing out a bright red color.

There was buzzing in the ears, and the blood flowed profusely.

In an instant, the scorching flames spewed out!

At the same moment, a "ding" sounded in my mind, followed by a brisk and distant voice—

"Living after death, cherishing life is everyone's responsibility.

"Congratulations, you have obtained the qualification to enter the new world!

"Find the entrance quickly and enter the new world to gain a chance for your life!"

Xia Zhiyi opened her eyes with a "swish", sat up from the bed at once, dripping with cold sweat, and realized that it was after a dream, her tense nerves instantly relaxed, as if she had received an amnesty.


How could she dream that she had an accident?

It's fine to dream about this, but why does she still dream that her ex-girlfriend is a snake? !

She admits that her ex-girlfriend is ridiculously beautiful, but after the founding of the People's Republic of China, she is not allowed to become a genius! !

This dream made her physically and mentally exhausted, and even parched.

She turned on the bedside lamp, lifted the quilt and got out of bed, ready to pour herself a glass of water.

Opening the bedroom door, she yawned and stepped out, stepping into the fog. the fog?

The drowsiness dissipated instantly.

I saw that the place that should have been the living room turned into a vast white mist at some point, and the place where the furniture was placed was also empty.

She rubbed her eyes.

It's fog... fog everywhere!

She was stunned for two seconds, and quickly turned around to go back to the bedroom, only to hear a "bang" - the door closed by itself.

Caught off guard.

In the next second, a familiar brisk voice sounded in the empty ears.

[The door to the return journey has been closed, welcome the lucky ones to enter the new world, welcome to pursue your new life! 】

As soon as the words fell to the ground, the surrounding white mist suddenly surged up, engulfing Xia Zhiyi with a surprised face.

The white mist became thicker and thicker, and then dispersed in an instant.

Vaguely, Xia Zhiyi heard weeping and horrified voices coming from his ears.


"W-Where is this?! Why am I here!"

"Are you filming? What the **** is going on!"

Xia Zhiyi opened his eyes that were closed by instinct, and turned his head to look at the source of the sound.

She saw an antique building.

She also saw several people in modern clothes like herself, some in pajamas, some in suits and casual clothes.

Among them, there is one person who is the calmest and most conspicuous.

Feeling the gaze, the man slowly turned his head to look at her.

The eyes of the two met silently in the air, and the air gradually became silent.

She saw the other party's calm expression slowly showing shock.

She was also shocked.

"Why are you here? Did you come here and go abroad?"

Who will tell her why she can meet her ex-girlfriend who went abroad when she wakes up in the middle of the night and opens the door? !

The author has something to say:

Here we go, let’s write!

Long time no see everyone, happy 51 holiday~

Here is a bit of a guideline for eating this article:

- It is updated every day at 21:00 every day, and I will write a leave note if I have something to do

- There are private settings in the article, all logic serves the plot, and the three views of characters are not equal to the three views of the author

-Cai Cai is so hot that I am trying new themes and fields. If you don’t like it after reading it, you can stay as you like. Don’t tell me. See you next time.

- Please comment a lot for the cuties who read the text, I love you OvO!

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