MTL - Battling Records of the Chosen One-Chapter 3182 Life of Emperor Yeongye

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One hundred thousand years of trial and one hundred thousand years of failure have finally been exchanged for the front line!

Too early, seemingly casual, but it makes people think of it.

How much perseverance and perseverance should this hold for one thing for 100,000 years?

The countless failures failed to shake his heart!

It is undoubtedly terrible to confront such a character.

But seeing Taichu continue, "That day, I was deducing the road by myself, but suddenly I felt inductive. When I looked up at the wonderful forbidden grounds, I saw a bronze coffin filled with chaos flying out. This is naturally The eternal boat is here. Although I didn't know the magic of this thing at the time, I'm sure it is a creation from the forbidden zone of life! "

"No accident, this Baofu flew out and was in my hands. In just one hour, I broke through the mystery of the star map on this treasure, condensed the eternal door, and came to this world."

Tai Chu's eyes glanced at heaven and earth, "At that time, like you, I knew nothing about this heaven and earth, but my heart was full of excitement and joy, thinking that the mysteries hidden in this place would most likely allow me to achieve the ultimate breakthrough on the infinite path. Leap into the higher path. "

Speaking of this, he sighed a long time ago: "But then I found out that this place is just the corner of the wonderful forbidden land. The mysteries about the origin and essence of life are extremely limited, and can only be born from this world. To explore those talents. "

Lin Xun raised an eyebrow, and said, "Dao Yuan swallowed the sky talent, you found it from here?"

"Little friends are anxious."

I smiled too early, and looked at the billions of flames of flames that burned like stars. "At that time, I spent thousands of years, one by one, to sense the talents of one by one, and one was to seek life. The second is to wonder whether there is the most powerful talent in this world. "

"Until one day, when I realized one of the talents, a variable suddenly appeared."

Speaking of this, Taichu looked at Lin Xun again, "Do you want to take a look?"

Lin Xun nodded.

Taichu raised his hand and a light curtain emerged.

In the light curtain, an emerging group of flames of light emerges, as if emerging from nothing, with a tinge of chaos, which has not yet taken shape.

But at this moment, the metamorphosis occurred, and one of the flames flickered suddenly, and a mysterious rhythm of life emerged.

Then, this group of flames burst into an incredible engulfing power, consuming all other talents near it!

Taichu's panic sounded in the light curtain, apparently Taichu at the time also noticed this abnormal change.

But when approached in the beginning, the hundreds of millions of flames of light and rain distributed in this heaven and earth all seemed to be drawn, rushing towards the beginning of the madness.

This movement was too big, which caught me off guard at the beginning.

And at this instant, the flame of light that glowed with the breath of life turned into a ray of light and escaped from this world.

The light curtain is now dissipated.

And Taichu, who was sitting cross-legged on the stage, said, "See? A talent that has just been born has miraculously possessed the breath of life. How incredible?"

Lin Xun couldn't calm down either, he vaguely guessed something, but wasn't sure.

There was a trace of pity in Tai Chu's eyes, saying: "When I caught up, that talent with life has escaped by the eternal boat outside the door of eternity ..."

Hearing this, Lin Xun couldn't help but said, "You mean, the Emperor Ye Yongye was transformed by the talent power born from this world?"

Taichu said: "Yes, in the years to come, I have sent many forces to investigate the eternal boat, and finally learned that that talented force has embarked on the road, claiming to be the Emperor of the Night, but also Seeking self-breakthrough ... it's incredible to think about it. "

"Unfortunately, my men are useless. I have never been able to capture the Emperor of the Night, and I later learned that this woman was born to control fate, cause and effect. This should be when she was born in this world. The power of talent. And having such talented characters ... is really too difficult to deal with. "

"A long time ago, I used the power of the first bell to drop a robbery. I thought that I could capture the woman. Who would have thought that she was still fleeing."

Hearing this, Lin Xun remembered the solitary horror that the Emperor Yongye encountered when he was traveling to the Forged City of God. At that time, the early bell came down and hit it badly. In the end, she had to hide In the streamer forbidden area, finally choose to reincarnate!

Obviously, what was said at the beginning of the beginning was this.

Ke Linxun could not calm down.

He finally understood why the summer solstice would say that in the memory of the Emperor of the Night, the matter inside the gate of eternity was blank, as if erased.

The reason is that at the moment of the birth of the Emperor Yongye, he had fled from that heaven and earth. How could he leave an impression?

Of course, what struck Lin Xun the most was that the life of the Emperor Yongye was actually transformed by a talent, which was completely unexpected by Lin Xun.

And so inferred, the solstice as the reincarnation of the Emperor of the Night, the origin of his life is also equal to this world!

This heaven and earth is located in the Forbidden Land of Miao Miao, and the forbidden land of Miao Miao is in the Miao Miao Road Market. This is tantamount to saying that the Summer Solstice came out of these Miao Road Market!

"Little friend, you're in a state of mind, maybe it's not clear at all, is the truth so bizarre?"

Taichu asked softly.

Lin Xun looked at the clear and calm eyes of the other person, and he calmed down and said, "I really did not expect that the power of the talents born in this world can still have life. And, my power of talent, also Have such a great relationship with each other. "

Think about it, although he was born with the Obuchi talent, but the source of this talent power is not from his mother Luo Qingyu, nor his great ancestor Luo Tongtian, but the eternal night with the treasure of the eternal boat. God Emperor.

The Emperor Yeongye is a talented creature born in this world!

"This is cause and effect."

He smiled too early, "Even though the Emperor Yongye fled from this world, even the eternal boat was taken away by her, but then I thought about it, it was a good thing for me."

"Good thing?"

Lin Xun frowned.

Taichu said: "A talent, but it can have life, for me, it is equivalent to let me see a possibility, that is, in this world, there is a mystery that can create life. After the emperor Yongye fled And I'm exploring it. "

"It took about 800 years, and finally I discovered some mysteries, and finally found the original power that gave birth to the Emperor of the Night."

Tai Chu's eyes brought a touch of subtlety, looking at Lin Xun, "In other words, this source of power is the source of Dayuan's swallowing talent."

This is undoubtedly telling Lin Xun that he has learned the essence of Da Yuan swallowing the sky, and this is a great threat to Lin Xun!

After all, from the time he was born, Obuchi's talent has influenced his life's fate.

Silent for a moment, Lin Xun asked: "You left the will and law phase waiting here, shouldn't it just wait for me to come here one day, tell me this?"

"of course not."

Taichu smiled, "Actually, the reason I waited here was the Emperor of the Night, not you. But I didn't expect that the lotus that Bodhi was waiting for would be your own Dayuan Talented young man. "

"In less than a thousand years, you have risen from the end of the Zihuang Empire and entered the eternal realm all the way from the starry sky. After going through countless trials of returning to the market, forging the market, and Kunlun market, you finally came to these wonderful ways. Market ... "

"Do you know, on this path of your spiritual practice, I saw endless turmoil, blood, variables, calamities ... For ordinary monks, I am afraid that I have already died many times, but you can often save yourself from danger. To create unexpected miracles and feats, I have to admit that you are indeed an unprecedented variable! "

Too early in the tone full of emotion.

In his entire life, no one who has been so glamorous has never seen it, but only in Lin Xun, he noticed a completely different variable.

Lin Xun's expression was calm. It was not unexpected that he was able to understand his past.

"So much said, what exactly do you want to do?"

Lin seeks.

"It's very simple. I want to get something from my little friend, such as the eternal boat, the gift of Dayuan swallowing the sky, Nirvana uprising, and the girl named Xia Solstice."

Too early to look calm.

Lin Xunmou froze slightly, and said, "You really need enough."

Too early, Yun Qingfeng smiled softly and said, "I know you won't agree, but as you said at the beginning, at this point, it's boring to cover it up. What I said now is exactly what I want If the friend agrees, I can guarantee that I will never treat you as an enemy again. "

"Then do you think I will agree?" Lin Xun said.

Smiled too early, "No."

Lin Xun's mind, look, and eyes calmed down even more, "Why do you ask why?"

At the beginning, he was still sitting cross-legged on the platform, with a relaxed manner and a calm tone. "I just want to see if you and Luo Tongtian will make the same choice. Now it seems that you are truly a family."

As soon as this remark came out, it was astonishing that Lin Xun trembled in his heart and said, "My great ancestor was taken away by you?"

Nodded too early: "Good."

There was a chill in Lin Xun's eyes: "You killed him?"

Tai Chu nodded again: "Yes."

Then he said patiently, "I wanted to take a look at Obuchi and take back the eternal boat, but I didn't expect that he would choose to die, just like you now."

He has always been calm and casual, even when it comes to killing Luo Tongtian, but the casual is the ultimate indifference and coldness.

It is like the Supreme Master who kills and robs, regards beings as ants, and robs and robs, don't care!

Read The Duke's Passion