MTL - Battling Records of the Chosen One-Chapter 3180 Into the eternal gate

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What makes Lin Xun feel tricky is--

If the origin of Da Yuan swallowing the sky is related to the Taichu master, then the Taizhu master will certainly be able to predict that when he notices all this, he will try to make up for it.

In such cases, the master of the early stage may have laid down his own hands and waited for himself to throw himself into the net!

But if you don't make up for it, this is an unpredictable hidden danger, and doubts will always cause deadly threats.

At this moment, the summer solstice suddenly said, "Lin Xun, you don't have to go to the river where the person grows to go to the gate of eternity."

She waved her sleeve gown.


Vast and heavy, an eternal boat like a bronze coffin emerges out of thin air.

Summer Solstice said: "Tiantian secret realm is not only the key to open this eternal boat, but also the star map to the gate of eternity. When you use the power of Dayuan to swallow the sky, you can condense the eternal gate.

Knowing this, Lin Xun first glanced, and then showed joy, "I didn't expect that the door of eternity is far in the sky and in front of my eyes!"

"You haven't asked me before, I thought you knew it."

The summer solstice said.

Lin Xun was ashamed.

In the final analysis, it was his previous time that he never intended to seek the secrets of the eternal door, so that he would not understand them.

Su Wanjun on the side laughed: "In this way, you don't have to worry about making uncontrollable changes in the past destiny trajectory and cause and effect by making up for past defects."

If you do n’t go there to change the past on the river, naturally you will not cause changes in past fate and cause and effect.

Lin Xun was also much more relaxed, and stepped forward to the eternal boat.

This treasure is vast and heavy, with a mysterious star map imprinted in the center, which is transformed by the heavenly secret realm.

"I'll see what's hidden in the eternal middle door ..."

Lin Xun took a deep breath and pressed his right palm on the star chart.

As he operated the power of Obuchi's dome, the mysterious star map suddenly glowed, creating a wave of strange ripples.


Suddenly, there was a muffled sound in the void, and a portal appeared to break through the eternal barriers. The chaos in the portal transpired, light and shadow flowed, as if billions of stars were around.

Eternal gate!

Lin Xun recognized it at a glance. The original Master of Heaven had encountered this portal.

But without waiting for Lin Xun to think more, a terrifying breath emerged from the Eternal Gate, and a great shore figure exuding a golden light of all kinds appeared, just like the legendary Supreme God of War.


A pair of golden figures, like a burning lamp, instantly locked on Lin Xun, without any hesitation, directly waving a golden war halberd and beheaded towards Lin Xun.


The war halberd turned into the sky, setting off an endless light rain.

Lin Xun's figure remained motionless until the golden halberd slashed, and he poked out his right hand, and grabbed it in the void.

The golden war halberd was immediately held firmly!

And with the force of Lin Xun's palms, this mighty golden war halberd shattered, and the golden figure holding the halberd was shocked.

"There is so much!"

The golden figure made a startling sound.

But he did not flinch, and a golden halberd was re-condensed in his hand, but when it was cut, it led to a horrible light of calamity.

That's the power of silence!

As early as the fortress of good fortune, Lin Xun had encountered similar robberies, but at that time, it was borrowed by the angel of heaven's command Ying Shanying.

And now, it is being exhibited by that golden figure.

Seeing this, Lin Xun became more and more certain that this eternal gate has a great relationship with Taichu!


The killing light came, Lin Xun finally moved, throwing his fist, as if dying and dying, easily smashing the power of the deadly robbery.

And that terrible fist, it was the body of the golden figure that cracked, and the light shone like rain!


The golden figure flew down fiercely, and before standing still, he turned and fled deep into the eternal gate.

"Summer solstice, you and senior Su stay here, I will go back." Lin Xun said, the figure has rushed into the eternal gate.


The light and mist are vast, and a path paved by Daoguang appears in the eternal gate, extending all the way to the endless depth.

As soon as he entered it, Lin Xun felt a sense of strange and unfamiliar rules, just like the order of the Tao that maintains one world.

"Is there a world in this eternal gate?"

Lin Xun was thinking, while sweeping deep into the path.

His sense could sense that the golden figure who had left the wound before was fleeing forward.

Lin Xun saw this, and hurried to catch up.

After a full quarter of an hour.

Suddenly, in Lin Xun's consciousness, he suddenly lost his sense of the golden figure, as if the other party had suddenly disappeared.

After thinking about it, Lin Xun moved on. It didn't take long before he saw the exit of this path, swirling slowly like a vortex.

Just looking at Lin Xun knew that the golden figure was leaving this vortex.


Lin Xun's body flashed, and a clone condensed, rushing into the vortex first.

His deity followed closely behind.

After a whirlwind, Lin Xun was moved to a world.

Before waiting for Lin Xun to see the scene of this world, a dull roar and collision sounded, and the bright light spread and spread.

It was also at this time that Lin Xun saw that the avenue clone that had arrived before him was ambushed!

It was a group of monks. There were nine people, each of them shining and terrifying, and the treasures they were manipulating were permeated with calamity.

That is enough power to make Da Wujing Reality characters tremble!

Obviously, if Lin Xun's first rushed in just now, he would be destined to suffer such siege.


Lin Xun raised his hand, and the avenue siege that was under siege turned into a ray of light disappearing out of thin air.

The group of monks were stunned, and they all realized that they had been fooled, and all of them became gloomy, and they all sought to kill Lin without hesitation.

Bang ~~

Instantly, the overwhelming atmosphere of calamity turned into thunder and lightning looking over the forest.

They all have boundless levels of deeds, but they are not powerful in the long run, but because they can borrow the power of solitude, they make them extremely threatening.

For other monks, I'm afraid that I have already retreated.

How could Lin Xun jealous of these.

See you--

He reached out his right hand and made a stroke in the void.

The roaring calamity was easily cut apart like a cloth, and it was torn apart.

As Lin Xun stepped forward, a horrible power spread.

Bang Bang!

On the opposite side, the nine monks were stiffened, and then each one was forced to kneel to the ground, and all the way was imprisoned.

Looking at them again, it was already full of fear and horror.

Lin Xun ignored these.

He glanced around, the sky was dark, the earth was dark, there were no sun, moon, stars, no vegetation, mountains and rivers, empty.

It seems as if there is only heaven and earth, and there are no boundaries.

Is this the world within the eternal gate?

Lin Xun raised an eyebrow and looked at the repressed group of monks, saying: "Lin Mou arrived at the beginning, there are many things unclear, so I want to ask you ..."

It wasn't that he didn't want to search the soul, but remembered what happened to Ying Shanying.

After Ying Shanying was imprisoned at that time, he once said that if he borrowed the Heavenly Destiny messenger, he had already left the imprint of Taichu's dominion in his body. Once the soul search was conducted, he would be violent immediately. Perish.

Therefore, at this moment Lin Xun did not do so.

Those monks had ugly faces, and although imprisoned, their lives were at stake, but they said nothing.

This made Lin Xun frown, and just about what to say, a gentle and clear laughter came from the sky far away:

"Lin Xun, I have been waiting for you for a long time, what do you want to know, come to me."

The figure is like the bell of the morning bell and twilight, showing the strength that reaches people's hearts.

For ordinary people, the state of mind will be surrendered silently in an instant, and the owner of this voice will be involuntarily awed and follow his orders.

But for Lin Xun, who has reached a state of "heart travelling through all ages, through all ages", the power contained in this voice has no influence on him at all.


Suddenly, Lin Xun's pupils shrank, and he saw the nine monks who had been suppressed on the ground by themselves. After this sound, they turned into ashes and disappeared!

"Some people who don't have long eyes, just make up for the pals."

That clear, gentle voice sounded again, casually and naturally, as if killing nine immeasurable realms was nothing to him.

In that casual attitude, it was cold and indifferent.

Lin Xun was silent for a moment, and laughed suddenly, saying: "It is not necessary to pay for sins. I want to take a look at what is hidden in this eternal gate. If you can't give me a satisfactory answer, I'm afraid it will Do not spare or spare. "

The voice was still floating, and he had moved forward, and instantly straddled the boundless world to the place where the voice came.

The world here is still dim, but in the void, there are almost countless flames of light floating, and you can't see the end.

It gives people the impression that the lights of millions of stars are dotted there, quietly burning, and the light emitted is also strong and weak, bright and dark, and different colors.

And not far away, a tower was built.

There is nothing strange about Daotai, but because of the figure sitting cross-legged on it, this Dao suddenly has an indescribable charm, as if standing on the top of nine days, and floating at the end of eternity. Alas.

The figure struck the black robe, the clothes were neat and tidy, and the body was surrounded by a ray of crystal clear chains of calamity, like the number of sand on the Ganges River, endless, and he himself was invincible and invincible.

When looking at this person, Lin Xun's pupils suddenly contracted.

Too early to dominate! !!

Already in the vanity above the sky of Hua Fanjie, Lin Xun has seen the Taoism and Laws left by the other party. How can he not recognize the other party?

However, Lin Xun never imagined that he would see this horrible existence in the world within this eternal gate.

Didn't he say that he was trapped by the swordsman of the swordsman many times before, and was suppressed in a secret world of the mysterious gods?

At this time, the man on the stage had raised his eyes to look for Lin Xun, his voice was mild, and his clear eyes were smiling, saying:

"Lin Xiaoyou doesn't have to be nervous and don't have to be relentless. I've been waiting for you, and I will solve your doubts in happiness."

Read The Duke's Passion