MTL - Battling Records of the Chosen One-Chapter 3176 Reunion

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Lin Xun thought for a moment, shook his head, and said, "Past regrets, remorse, hatred, helplessness ... Although countless, for me, it is a precious experience."

After thinking about it, he also said, "As for my avenue, it has been tempered through countless lives and deaths, and there is no way to make up for any defects."

This is not a boast.

If his path has been leaked in the past, may he have what he has today?

The summer solstice whispered softly: "Then you are like me, aren't you interested?"

"Not really. I'm curious about the source of this traceability. It can bring the monks back to the past and make up for the shortcomings in life. Don't you think this kind of power is amazing?"

Lin Xunxiao asked.

Xia Zhi said, "I'll take a look, too."

While talking, a burst of air rang out in the distance.

I saw several figures moving under the sky, and the speed was extremely fast.


As soon as Lin Xun spoke, he was interrupted by a cold voice, "Let's go!"

It was a powerful man headed by a black robe with blood on his head, wrapped in thumb-like golden rule power, which was extremely powerful.

They moved in vain, hurried, as if escaping, and there was a tinge of light in their brows.

"Looks like it should be hunted down ..."

Lin Xun thoughtfully.

Suddenly, a cold voice sounded from a distance, "Lin Xiaoyou, please help me stop them!"

Lin Xun's pupils froze, and he immediately waved his sleeve robe and sang softly: "Hello!"


A celestial being transformed by the law of the avenue emerged out of thin air, and it quickly swept across the world, standing in front of a group of men with black hair and blood.

"court death!"

The man in black robe with blood on his face sank, and a sword slashed out at the rampart barrier that day.

The scarlet sword gas resembles the light of a chaotic world, exuding the power of destroying the heavens, and the terror is boundless.


But when Jianqi fell behind, he fell apart, and then looked at the rampart barrier that day, as if it was indestructible, he was not shaken at all.


The men in black robes with blood on their faces all changed slightly.

When they wanted to take another shot, Lin Xun had come from afar, and groaned with a smile: "Everyone, please stay away."

As he arrived, an invisible coercion swept across the hall like a storm, letting the man in the black robe **** suffocate and felt a lethal threat coming to his face.

Their faces changed again, and they dared not take the initiative again.

"Who are you, dare to step in and wait for me?"

The man in black robes with blood on his face turned blue.

The breath released from Lin Xun's body was too horrible. Confronting him was just like staring at a master who was proud of nine days away, leaving him with an inexplicable sense of astonishment.

Because of this, even though he was anxious and angry in his heart, he didn't dare to take the initiative.

Look at the other five people around him. Although they are full of murderousness, the brows are faintly anxious.

"I have no injustice with you, but I am friends with those who pursued you. In such cases, you will naturally be stopped."

Lin Xunxiao said.

"Thank you, my friend."

And at this moment, a fiery red shadow had moved from a great distance, and her appearance was as beautiful and bright as a girl.

Surprisingly Su Wanjun!

Suddenly, the black-blooded men in the blood sank again.

"Senior, what's going on?" Lin Xun asked.

"Let me kill these mean things before I talk to you."

Su Wanjun cleared her eyes with shame, and already shot.


A light cyan Tao sword swept across the sky, with a sharp edge covering Tianyu.

"Fight with her!"

The black-haired man with blood on his back waited for it, and they all shot.

But just for a moment, they were stiff, and they felt a horrible coercion coerce like the ancient mountain of God, making their bodies unable to move.

not good!

They were so mad that they were too late.

How fast and sharp was Su Wanjun's sword, just in the blink of an eye, a muffled sound was heard, and the bodies of six men including the black-blooded and blood-stained men were smashed by sword light, and blood flew like a waterfall.

Before they were dying, they could not help but look at Lin Xun's position subconsciously, and apparently understood that the culprit who suppressed them before was Lin Xun.

It's a pity that I understand a little bit late.

Looking at the **** scene, Su Wanjun stumbled. How could it be unclear. The reason why Lin Xun is so easy to kill those opponents?

She put away the sword, looked up Lin Xun up and down, and said, "I didn't expect that you are so powerful today."

By virtue of her power alone, she can suppress the existence of six supernatural powers, which she can't even do!

Undoubtedly, after entering these wonderful roads, there will be a world-changing transformation on Lin Xun!

This made Su Wanjun look at Lin Xun with a touch of different colors.

Lin Xun laughed: "The predecessors are ridiculous. Now that the enemies are already ambush, can you tell me why?"

Su Wanjun glanced around and said, "Let's talk while walking?"


"Naturally the city of Huai'an, the imperial capital of Nanke."

"Haha, it's so good. Xia Sol and I are planning to go there, but because I first arrived, I don't know where this Nanke City is. If there are seniors leading the way, it is not a problem."

Lin Xunxiao said.

"Let's go."

Immediately, Su Wanjun set off with Lin Xun and the summer solstice and disappeared into this world.

When rushing, Lin Xun also learned the ins and outs of things from Su Wanjun's mouth.

Not long ago, Su Wanjun realized the "pillow of the yellow beam" in Zhou Tiandao's rule in Huaan Guonan Kecheng, and dreamed of going back in the past. His spirit and Taoism entered the river where the former people grew up.

The Taoist body remained in Nanke City, sheltered by the restraining forces laid out by himself in advance.

But it didn't take long for Su Wanjun, who was trekking in the river of human growth, to be aware of the danger. When she returned from her past life, she found that she was staying in the city, and suffered a fatal threat!

The threat came from the black-blooded man and his party.

They broke through the restraining force laid out by Su Wanjun, and tried to take Su Daojun's body in it. Fortunately, at a critical moment, Su Wanjun's spirit and Daoxing returned, and it was a dangerous way to resolve this. Field disaster.

Otherwise, the consequences are absolutely grave.

Because of this, Su Wanjun, under anger, chased him all the way from Nanke City.

"Senior, they had enemies with you before?"

Knowing the whole story, Lin Xun couldn't help asking.

"No revenge."

Su Wanjun shook her head. "They did this for a simple purpose. They used it to intimidate me and let me join the" Earthquake Department ", one of the early nine books."

"They are the messengers of the earthquake department?" Lin

He was surprised.


Su Wanjun said, "In this traceability world, the most powerful force is the destiny messenger of the earthquake department. They act in accordance with the order of the earthquake department's destiny master 'Lei Xuanting'. In this world, their leader is' Xue Refining Heaven ', an old thing from the Age of Demons. "

Speaking of which, she thought of something, saying, "Yes, this Xuelian Tianzun and Ying Tiansheng are also related. They all come from the first line of the Demon Age. In addition, Ying Tiansheng must also call this Xuelian Tianzun a master.

Lin Xunyi said for a moment and said, "So, this Xuelian Tianzun probably already knew that it was the power of me to kill Ying Tiansheng and a batch of demons?"

"It's natural."

Su Wanjun said, "However, in my opinion, relying on the ability of Xue Lian Tianzun, I am afraid that I am no longer your opponent."

Lin Xun smiled and said, "I have a hunch. If the destiny messengers of the earthquake department knew that I had arrived in Nanke City, there would be some moths."

"Then what are you going to do?"

Su Wanjun said.

"It depends on what they want to do."

Lin Xun laughed.

When talking, the outline of a huge city has appeared in the distant world.

According to Su Wanjun, this is already entering the border of Huai'an State, and it only takes half a day to reach its imperial capital Nanke City.

They did not delay, galloping all the way.

Along the way, Lin Xun saw that in Huai'an, there are many cities. In each city, many locust trees are planted, and the living beings who live in the city are ordinary people and do nothing.

This situation is the same as that of the mortal world. The monks and the common people do not interfere with each other, and no one can affect each other.

And when looking at Nanke City from a distance, Lin Xun was amazed.

It was a strange city, built on a huge locust tree rising from the sky, each leaf had a range of thousands of meters, and the veins of each leaf were built with dense and dense buildings.

The trunk and branches of the locust tree have formed a road of communication with each other, crisscrossed, seemingly messy, but completely integrated.

Looking far, it looks like a tree city!

"The imperial city Nanke, is really different."

Lin Xun sighed softly.

His gaze looked up from the bottom of the huge locust tree, and he saw the turbulent red waves rolling, with countless beings living in different areas, staged a scene of people, sad and happy.

But at the top of the huge locust tree, there is a lot of terrifying breath rolling, that is the breath of the mighty!

"In the canopy land is the core of Nanke City. It is also the place where the monks in our eyes most easily sense the" pillow of yellow beams "in Zhou Tiandao."

Su Wanjun whispered softly.

She has been traversing this source for more than a decade and is naturally familiar with the situation there.

When talking, she had taken Lin Xun and the summer solstice flying past.

Until they entered Nanke City, they kept flying, passing over the leaves like a small sky, and finally reaching the place of the crown.

The leaves here are clustered together, and each piece has a vast range, and spider-like streets and various buildings are listed in it, creating a scene of strange scenes.

On one of the streets, Su Wanjun and Lin Xun, the summer solstice floated down.

And at this time, Lin Xun was keenly aware that in the nearby area, many powerful people had looked over, but not him and the summer solstice.

But Su Wanjun.


ps: There will be a second change tonight, but it will be very late. I ca n’t wait for my brother to wake up tomorrow ~