MTL - Battle Emperor-Chapter 2424 The heart of the emperor is born!

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~ Date: ~ September 30 ~


Dragon God Emperor Yang Changxiao

"A million years ago, I had lost my life. The ancient emperor forced me to regain my soul and help all souls to escape the danger of the doomsday plan.

After speaking, the huge soul body of Dragon God Emperor suddenly doubled.

Powerful soul power gets consolidated

Shao Jie sits in a high-altitude posture and speaks with a spell in his mouth.

Everyone's breathing has stopped

The doomsday plan has never been felt, but they all know that once the doomsday plan comes, the fate of all death is now on them.

The body of Dragon God Emperor's soul gradually turned into countless spell symbols lingering around Shao Jie's body, beating continuously as if there was life

Shao Jie ’s spell lasted for two hours to complete, and the strange shirt on his body quietly shattered into countless spell symbols, one after another, fused with the spell symbols converted by the soul of the Dragon God Emperor. After Shao Jie completed the spell, his power also stirred up, as if suddenly striding into the realm of invincible giants.

"War spirits listen to my orders" Shao Jie shouted

In an instant, the 5.6 million War Emperor's bodies shook their souls, that is, the special war spirits were stirred up and turned into a violent and unruly light and shadows gathered in the sky.

With the integration of the war spirit power, those spell symbols also became furious.

When the spell was symbolized as black, purple, gold, and white, the power of the war spirits ceased to be conveyed, and those war emperors fainted to the ground. Their souls were consumed but not completely lost, which means that the war emperors did not die

The reason why it is so natural is that the demon's war-fighting means played a vital role

Shao Jie changed his handprints with his hands and ended up exploding with only a soul.

That soul is the war spirit and the only war spirit in the world after surpassing the realm of war emperor

Shao Jie's soul showed a smile to Xie Aoyu and others in the holy city. "I'm gone"

Then he carried the four-colored soul into the sky, and the glory of the top of the nine days turned into the sky.

Rumble ...

Where the four-color brilliance went, the seawater in the sea area quickly diffused out to the surrounding area, and a huge space rushed directly into the bottom of the middle sea area with a depth of millions of meters.

There is a huge undersea city there.

"Heaven Clan Base Camp"

"That's the tens of millions of years of the Tiancur tribe's stronghold in the human realm ... Tianmo Shencheng"

Everyone saw everything through the huge light curtain that appeared above the Lei home

Xie Aoyu inquired before knowing that this light curtain was made by Emperor Dragon God to see success

If it fails, naturally you have to choose to leave the Three Realms as far as possible to reach the farthest place before the doomsday plan is launched. It depends on your luck.

When the four-color brilliance has not yet reached the sea sky, the city of mantras saw the day of mantras trembling violently and quickly collapsed, and a huge light ball emerged from the ground in the center. Eighteen electric lights were flowing in the light ball.

"Power of Doom Thunder"

"That is the power of eighteen Doomsday Thunder"

Everyone is shocked

The power of five doomsday thunder and lightning can easily kill invincible giants such as Fang Junyu and the power of eighteen doomsday thunder and lightning. I am afraid that it will give anyone time to escape, and you will not be able to survive for a few years.

"Well ..."

Tiangu sounded loudly

The war spirit of Shao Jie in the color and glory suddenly absorbed all the glorious stimulation of the war spirit and reached an unprecedented height. Correspondingly, a quaint jade card appeared looming in the light ball. The emergence of the war spirit's telepathy immediately caused the huge light sphere to begin to fluctuate. The power of the eighteen Doomskin Thunders within it violently fluctuated.

"Look at the Doomsday Thunder's power begins to weaken"

"Zhantian Lingyu is coming out"

Everyone expects that the battle of the heavenly spirit jade will fly from the light ball and directly integrate into Shao Jie's war spirit

Shao Jie's war spirit power flashed brightly and flashed brilliantly

People saw Shao Jie turning back to them at the moment when they hit the ball of light. The eighteenth-apocalyptic power of the **** of thunder also quickly dipped into the ball of light. The ball of light quickly weakened and shrank sharply.

Rumble ...

The tumbling seawater slowly gathered in the middle and covered again

Mid-sea waters return to calm

Heaven and earth silent

Everyone held their breath and stared in the direction of the middle sea area

In a short time, the sea area suddenly sank for more than a thousand meters, and then the water from the east, west, north, and south seas poured in and floated up again.

Everything is calm

"The power of the thirteen doomsday gods disappeared" There was a trace of excitement in the voice of the demon

No one doubts his words.

Crisis relief

No more fear of Lei's residence

The demon's momentum suddenly released



At the same time, ten magical lights appeared on the back of the demon, and his body was surrounded by an imaginary light. At the foot, there was a sun light.

The previous card to fight for the heart of the emperor, that is, the incarnation of the two invincible giants, has been completely destroyed because of the self-detonation of the two invincible giants. He no longer has the certainty to win, so he no longer waits but takes the initiative Attack strategy

"Xie Aoyu, Wei Tianshu, Fang Junyu came out to fight" Tian Molang sound

There are only four of them in the world.

The heart of the emperor is destined to be obtained by one of their four invincible giants

Xie Aoyu stepped out

Yun Mengyao, Pan Hui, and others opened their mouths and finally closed their mouths. They had nothing to say about the true invincible giant. They already knew that the quasi invincible giant had a more difficult pure white soul on it. The various designs before the giant realm can at most threaten the giants with pure white souls. It is really impossible for the invincible giant to face the previous master Gothic Rieche's ability to damage the demon.

As Xie Aoyu moved forward, the atmosphere suddenly became tense.

Many experts return to Lei's home

The Emperor once again launches a defensive force that can withstand at least a certain period of time

Everyone takes action

However, it is surprising that neither Fang Junyu nor Wei Tianshu, the sixth giant in the divine realm, ever appeared.

"Do you two still want me to kick you out?" Tianmo Lengheng

No one answered quietly

The demon snorted, what secret method seemed to be used to persecute people

That is, at this time, the clear sky suddenly glowed with bright light, thousands of clouds, flowers, and peaceful chanting. The golden lotus, the dragon and the golden lotus tumbled and flew out of the golden lotus and the golden lotus. Those golden lotus beating constantly

A vision of heaven and earth covers this area of ​​10,000 meters

This place seems to be out of touch with the outside world

A word pops up in almost everyone's mind

The heart of the emperor is born

Once this idea flashes, it can no longer be erased.

"Ding Dong"

The sound of spring clanging sounded everyone's nervous excitement, mania, joy, and all kinds of emotions.

A little halo suddenly flashed in the southeast direction about five kilometers away from Lei's home.

It's a triangular crystal that seems to enclose everything in the world

"Heart of the Emperor"

Almost everyone blurted out

The heart of the Holy Emperor was born only a few kilometers away from Xie Aoyu, and Tianmo was more than 2,000 meters away. The sixth giant of the gods, Wei Tianshu and Fang Junyu, never appeared near this place. The natural distance is farther away.

The heart of the emperor was born following the destruction of the doomsday plan, which is unexpected to everyone.


Xie Aoyu immediately urged "Tian Ren Ren You You" to reach the limit to seize the heart of the emperor


The cold hum of his stature just came

Immediately afterwards, Xie Aoyu felt a sudden pain in the heart. The seeds of the curse of the blood-sucking heart hidden beneath the heart suddenly burst and burst out.

The intense pain caused Xie Aoyu to pass out.

"It's you"

Xie Aoyu couldn't believe looking at Tianmo. He couldn't figure out that he had confronted Tianmo, although he had confronted him, but he had never been within ten meters. How could Tianmo be able to set a blood curse against his heart without knowing it?

How is this possible

Xie Aoyu can be lifted, but it takes time and he was able to lift the curse against the blood descent, because the ancient psychic tree did not urge him, and there was no confrontation to lift it. It was prompted by the demon that Xie Aoyu's heart stopped beating in the blink of an eye.

He is about to suffocate

That is, he has the Holy Spirit to be replaced by others, even if it is an invincible giant.

Xie Aoyu's first game eliminated from the battle for the heart of the emperor

The demon blasted out quickly

At the same time, Fang Junyu also descended from the sky and brought the speed to the limit and pounced on the heart of the emperor.

The two top invincible giants are rushing at full speed

Only the sixth giant of the gods, Wei Tianshu, has disappeared so far as if it disappeared mysteriously.

Seeing the two invincible giants shorten the distance from the heart of the emperor infinitely

Just when they were about twenty or thirty meters away, a cold voice sounded that the sixth giant of the world, Wei Tianshu, appeared from the Lei family residence under the package of the cape. He was a little bit separated. "Two of you have no chance."

As the voice falls, the sprinting demon and Fang Junyu simultaneously scream in pain.

The demon clutched his chest and retreated nearly ten thousand meters

Fang Junyu ran out with her hands over her head.

Divine sixth giant Wei Tianshu stepped out to reach the heart of the Holy Emperor and reached out and held it in his hand

"You and the ban set in Messrs. Valley plot against me" Fang Junyu roared

His words made Xie Aoyu suddenly understand that when he was in the mixed valley, someone felt his heart and then retreated. After he returned, he found that there was a small hole in the place where Fang Junyu left. Obviously, it was taking away the secret calculation of Fang Junyu to seize the Holy Emperor's Heart Prepared

I hate to suspect that Shao Jie did not expect to be Wei Tianshu, the sixth giant in the divine realm.

Xie Aoyu wondered why he was afraid of himself if it was him

"When did you secretly calculate me," Tian Mo angered.

He was even more sad and did n’t know when he was conspired

Wei Tianshu, the sixth giant in the divine world, laughed wildly: "You will die in the muddle. I will be the only true god. Haha ..."

In the giggling laugh, the magic symbol behind Wei Tianshu, the sixth giant of the **** world, flickered directly using the space spell teleportation method and his voice rang through the world.

"Tian Mo Fang Jun Yu Xie Aoyu, you first developed your own strength and passed it down to help you seize the heart of the Emperor, and I just need to take action against you. If you have a future life, remember not to make this mistake."

ps: To be honest, there is no excitement. Tomorrow's finale will be accompanied by the emperor of the war for nearly two years. The new book will end. The other book will be revealed. Another news is revealed. The final chapter of the emperor is free. In the middle of the day, the new book will send 50,000 words in one breath. The brothers will see you tomorrow night. Do you want to know who is God Six? Do you want to know what the new book that has been trained without traces goes through tomorrow? See you tomorrow night.

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