MTL - Battle Emperor-Chapter 2404 Siege

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? The arrival of the evil spirit is naturally beyond concealment from Xie Aoyu. He already knew that before the evil spirit had defeated the quasi-invincible giant, Mu Jing had been consumed by Xie Aoyu, which also made Xie Aoyu's soul color from one fifth of white The soul has transformed to seven-tenths. It can be said that three-tenths of a minute can directly enter the realm of invincible giants. ""

As for the sword, it is still undergoing transformation.

Its transformation speed is far faster than imagined.

When Xie Aoyu was about to lift the fighting space, the evil spirit came in from the outside without being obstructed at all, as if the so-called invincible Fengtian mantra was to her, just like the air, there was nothing but nothing. Working.

Seeing this, Xie Aoyu was naturally excited, and he immediately stepped out of the battle space.

The two women are still in the process of rushing together to accelerate the sword.

"Master." The evil spirit looked happy when he saw Xie Aoyu.

Xie Aoyu was also very happy, "I can't see it. I haven't seen it for a few days. You have reached the realm of the super giant. It seems that you came from the station of Jiu Cai Phoenix and completed it at Jiu Cai Phoenix. Make a breakthrough. "

"That's right." The evil spirit did not hide it, saying, "All the essence of the flames left by the ten colorful phoenixes in the ruins of the World Realm collected nine million years ago has reached saturation over the past 10,000 years. It finally took shape, and he was seized by me before he even used it, plus the power in the vein of Vulcan which I had reserved, so this made me step into the realm of super giants, and the flames of the two major realms also arrived. The edge of the breakthrough, the fusion of the two, constitutes the fire of the demigod, there is not much difficulty, you can do it at will. "

"Okay, okay!" Xie Aoyu was naturally happy for it.

The evil spirit is a quasi-invincible giant that can be killed, and Pan Hui, who has increased its strength, has more than four old holy souls. It can be said that the quasi-invincible giant has reached a peak in the holy city, which is enough to compete with any power.

Now send him to the invincible giant realm.

Once you have it, you can fight back and wipe out all forces.

"Master, I haven't practiced yet. According to the power of the ten-colored Phoenix Flame Essence collected by Nine-colored Phoenix, I can completely break into the quasi-invincible giant, but I got a message and had to rush over." The evil spirit said.

"Huh? What news?" Xie Aoyu asked.

The evil spirit said: "The young master is trapped here by the Promise of the Promise of Heaven. The true purpose of the design of the ancient psychic tree design is to force the young master to accelerate the completion of the advanced level of the sword, and to achieve the true sword of the real state, you can break the infinite seal. Sky curse, then you can capture the magic knife, add the biggest chip to the ancient psychic tree to capture the heart of the emperor. "

"His calculations are quite deep." Xie Aoyu said.

"Before I came, the ancient psychic tree had begun to mobilize the strong to come here, and the Jiu Cai Phoenix had also dispatched quite a lot of them. Among them, some masters hidden by Jiu Cai Phoenix were the reincarnation Phoenix pros. Rate, again, outside of the Lei family of the God Realm, all the masters of the Hell Demon Realm already have the rate of the Great Demon King, entered the human world, and will come here shortly afterwards. The goal is also a magic sword. They seem to be in the ancient psychic tree. There is also an inside line installed around me, knowing that you are trapped in the Promise of Wuji, and you are coming at full speed. As for the Lei's resident, the demon has personally sat in the town alone, overwhelming the divine realm, and has broken through, at the latest two months. The heart of the Holy Emperor will be born around Lei's residence. "Said the evil spirit.

Xie Aoyu had a feeling that the final battle was coming.

The real war is coming.

However, the Fengjia invincible giant and Fang Junyu have not appeared up to now, and I do not know what choice they will have. It is Wei Tianshu, the sixth giant in the world of God, who is still hiding in the residence of Lei family. When the heart of the emperor is born, he is bound to Will show up, plus an ancient psychic tree of unknown damage.

In this way, the five invincible giants will appear to compete.

On the one hand, they do have some quasi-invincible giants. However, after all, the invincible giants are still inferior. He must improve as soon as possible.

"What do you think." Xie Aoyu knew that the evil spirit had just started to occupy the body of the daughter of the overcast **** Ge Mingde, Lian Yuxiang, and she naturally got some of her thinking patterns of external views, and inherited some of her wisdom. It can be said that evil spirits are still very smart.

"I thought about it. Since Hellworld, Divine Realm, and all the powerful invincible giants in the deep sea will come here, it would be better to turn this into another battlefield and make the heart of the emperor by the invincible giants of all parties. When he visits, it is best to gather strength and wipe them out! "Said the evil spirit.

"Good idea!" Xie Aoyu clapped.

Once the invincible giant loses its supporters, then the holy city can use all its power and can also pose a threat to the invincible giant under joint attack.

The evil spirit said: "The Promise of Promise Sealing Heaven has no effect on me. I can take the young master out, and then the young master will come forward to adjust the momentum and come back against them."

"Oh? Does the Promise of Promise Fengtian really do nothing to you?" Xie Aoyu asked.

"No, the mystery of the Promise of Heavenly Prophecy lies in the living individual, and I am more special, born from an abnormal mother and fetus, so I am a special living individual, so it has no effect on me." The evil spirit said.

"So, take some of us out." Xie Aoyu said.

At present, an evil spirit led Xie Aoyu out of the Promise of Heaven.

Xie Aoyu took them to the ground through the earthen entrenchment, opened up the fighting space, and included all three of them. In this way, even if outsiders arrived, they would not be found, and they could be based on the situation outside at any time. Go out everywhere, but after going out, only Xie Aoyu can help.

"The young master is going to adjust the power. I suggest going to Jiu Cai Phoenix Station first. Now Jiu Cai Phoenix is ​​taking away the human flesh and beheading it, for us, it will reduce one of the most terrible quasi-invincible giants." The evil spirit said, "Then go to the human world and the **** and the demon world to adjust the power. The Lei home in the **** world should not act lightly, it will attract attention."

"Haha, well, you've thought about it for me and saved me a lot of trouble." Xie Aoyu laughed.

Later, he asked the three women to join forces to advance the sword, and he left the fighting space.

Just emerging from the ground, Xie Aoyu appeared at the edge of his eyes with a large number of masters. To the southeast is He Zikun and Hou Yuanning, the two quasi-invincible giants, commanded from ancient psychic gods. Among them are the remnants of rebirth. The two are intertwined, and the power is quite horrible. There are only four of them.

To the northwest is the magical tumbling, hell-heavy masters in hell, led by the big demon, and there are also four quasi-invincible giants beside him. The number of masters sent by the demon world is very limited, only about one hundred, but the strength The lowest are semi-giant levels.

Then there is the East, which is the strongest from the nine-colored Phoenix headed by the reincarnation phoenix. What surprised Xie Aoyu is that following the reincarnation phoenix is ​​actually a quasi-invincible giant, and this person is completely black Rumo, the only pair of eyes are blood red. At a glance, it should be controlled by the Phoenix clan. When the era of the World Realm was destroyed, a particular strong man fell asleep and was controlled by the Phoenix clan.

It ’s the reincarnation of the Phoenix. I have n’t seen it for a few years. Xie Aoyu did not expect that this sinister and cunning phoenix has even reached the giant's realm. Although its soul stone is pure black, it should have just entered the giant's realm soon, and the speed can be improved. Tian Tian Shen Yan will certainly have a considerable increase in power, but he is destined to pay the price of life only for the strong rise of evil spirits.

The heaven and earth gods are terrible.

But evil spirits can also capture it.

Tripartite forces arrived together.

As for the strength of the divine realm, it suffered the biggest impact itself, and its strength plummeted. Xie Aoyu slaughtered in their temporary residence. So far, even the giants are difficult to find, and they are destined to have completely withdrawn from this highest stage. Difficult to get on the table.

These are almost all aspects of the non-holy city of the Three Realms.

If they are eradicated and the five invincible giants are beheaded, then the Three Realms will no longer have any power to compete with the holy city. Xie Aoyu is still a bit sure about these people. Only the five invincible giants are the biggest difficulty. Fortunately, they are against each other. There is mutual restraint.

"Unfortunately, I can't expose it without leaving the Promise of Heavenly Seal. Otherwise, if I take a shot, I can completely kill these people, but it saves a lot of trouble." Xie Aoyu did not go underground, sneaking deeper.

His goal is Jiu Cai Phoenix!

It can be said that when Xie Aoyu was in the human world, the biggest enemies he faced were the ancient psychic **** tree, Jiu Cai Phoenix and Tang Gutian.

Now that Tang Gutian is dead, the next one is Jiu Cai Phoenix.

At the same time, Xie Aoyu also wanted to know who the human being was chosen by Jiucai Phoenix, and since Jiucai Phoenix was going to seize, it showed that he had not given up to seize the heart of the Holy Emperor, otherwise, he would not have to seize it. After all, the physical body can't be compared with the physical body, unless the physical body like Xie Aoyu has the strength of the Holy Spirit.

Xie Aoyu accelerated to sneak.

He also clearly saw in his heart that around the Promise of Heaven, the masters of all parties all fell down, guarded it tightly, and it could be said that it surrounded dozens of layers.

Xie Aoyu sneered secretly. Now that he is here, make this place your burial place.

Before long, he came to Jiu Cai Phoenix Station.

The Phoenix station is full of towering flames. Whether it is flowers, trees, or mountains on the ground, it is all flames. You can even see the surface of a long river passing by with flames, which is very different. The temperature here is also exceptional. High, ordinary people can't bear it.

When Xie Aoyu arrived, he could see a lot of human masters in his eyes, naturally they were all fire attributes.

He went straight to the **** volcano where the Phoenix clan stayed, according to the route that the evil spirit said.

ps: Xiong Xiong is dead! ~ See the first release without ads, please go to ""

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