MTL - Battle Emperor-Chapter 2397 The best partner for the power of Thunder!

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? Pure, it can be said that the pure wind that is out of the force system of the wind falls on the holy wind. It is natural that the two have a certain exclusion. ""

This situation was expected by Xie Aoyu.

Both are the power of the wind, but they are also different, as if the twin brothers are also different, but their origins are the same, that is, they are all wind.

Xie Aoyu took a deep breath and the divine power surged.

He forcibly used the divine power to force the power of the wind into the holy wind, that is, the inlay of brute force, which cannot be said to be fusion.

After the two were forcibly combined, Xie Aoyu urged Lei Yuntianyi to use it to let the holy wind begin to shrink and condense to form a holy wind ball, and the power of the wind was in it, so the power of holy wind came Forcibly digesting the power of the wind can be considered overbearing.

The key to success is the power of Holy Wind.

Xie Aoyu finished what he was supposed to do, and he let go of his palm.

Observe with your eyes.

Then he took out Orepon's space ring, lifted the ban on it, and poured out everything inside it.

Throw aside things like useless necessities.

And those angel-specific items were also thrown away. He is not light, but left to Jin Guojin Tang brothers. They have a light attribute and a dark attribute, which is just right.

Of course, two of the angel feathers were specifically left by Xie Aoyu.

An angel feather contains a very strong, arguably amazing power of the Holy Light. It is very pure. Even if Xie Aoyu took a deep breath, he felt extremely comfortable.

"This should be the angel feather left by an invincible giant in the history of the angel family."

"This feather is amazing for people with light properties, but people with non-light properties are also helpful, that is, healing. With it, it is estimated that broken legs and feet may be repaired. This is an angel. The tribe has become a masterpiece in healing. "

"Well, it stays for the time being to keep it safe."

Xie Aoyu put away this feather.

He picked up another feather.

This feather is not the same as the previous one. It is not a light attribute, but a lightning attribute. It contains a wealth of lightning power. Xie Aoyu even suspects that the lightning power it has may not be weaker than that of Shenglei. But it is also strange that the feathers can be carried down.

There is no doubt that the owner of this feather is probably the invincible giant of the angel family. The mutant angel has the essence of cultivation.

"Lei Yu, the essence of invincible giant cultivation."

"The lightning contained in it is very sufficient to attack, and the power should be invincible giant level. Probably Ole Pen also planned to use it to attack me, but only saw that I had a demi-god lightning and was immune to lightning attacks. So it's not used. "

"Lei Yu, Lei Yu, thunder and lightning gather, gather ..."

Xie Aoyu looked at Lei Yu, his heart could not help but murmured, he thought of the power of gathering thunder.

To say that the power of gathering thunder can really be described as the first treasure of eternity. Depending on the cultivation, the power displayed is different, and the environment has a great influence on it.

Think of something mythical and legendary that was once bored.

The so-called myth is that there are gods and demons, and those who are called gods and demons do not have the so-called thunder-like power.

Xie Aoyu ’s divine power completely assisted. If the power of thunder gathering was stimulated, it would be absolutely amazing in terms of the power exerted. The two girls did not know before, he only slightly activated half the divine power.

"Lei Yu, connotation of thunder and lightning!"

"Gathering the power of thunder and gathering the power of thunder within ten million miles!"

"How do they both look like a perfect match for the world?"

Similar to this kind of almost single life-only place, if you want to exert the power of gathering thunder, it is almost delusional. The power is very small and almost useless.

Xie Aoyu urged the power of gathering thunder to reunite the fingertips, and the divine power merged.

Before long, I saw a thunder ball the size of a baby's fist between his fingers. As far as power is concerned, I am afraid that even ordinary semi-giants can't kill it.

He took Lei Yu out of the space ring again.

Stimulate the thunder again.

Bring the power of gathering thunder into the thunder feathers and merge into the divine power.

Boom ~~

There is no need to have a short process of gathering mines. A lightning ball with a diameter of about one meter appears above the lightning feathers in a short time. It has the same effect as in the Tang ancient space. There is no lightning power here. Very ordinary places, that power is much stronger than estimated now.

In other words, as long as you leave this area, the combination of Lei Yu and the power of gathering lightning can almost make the invincible giant retreat.

Xie Aoyu rejoiced, "I want to come here is the mystery of the power of thunder, it must find a partner, hey, Ole Pen really provided a good thing."

Lei Yu and the power of gathering thunder are a natural match.

The combination of them has made Xie Aoyu's combat power doubled, at least he is qualified to fight the invincible giant.

Put away Lei Yu, Xie Aoyu looks at other things.

There are a lot of items. However, they are limited by the special attributes of the angel family. They are basically suitable for people with light attributes. At most, they are the items that the mutant angel has.

There are some other good things, but in Xie Aoyu's eyes, it is nothing.

He didn't care much.

Xie Aoyu put these things away and was useless to destroy them.

Looking around, it is already quiet to see Liu Yanxi and Qin Yueyi in the battle space, who are still cultivating. With the help of the power of water, the speed of cultivating is really amazing.

At least for the moment, Yuanli can be said to be the best practice except for the Heavenly Sacred Stone.

The only disadvantage is that the formation of Yuanli is not much easier than the Heavenly Sacred Stone. The conditions are harsh and the formation time is very long. It is estimated that one or two million years can form a little bit. It is estimated that it can take five to six million years to condense, so this thing is only in the legend, it is difficult to really encounter it. If you can meet it once in your life, it is super lucky.

Xie Aoyu also began to practice with peace of mind.

Although the effect is not obvious, Idle is also idle.

At about midnight, Qin Yueyi went out first. She had already found a little water power under the nine veins, and her realm had improved. After this period of cultivation, she spent nearly two-fifths of water. Yuanli has made a breakthrough and officially entered the realm of ordinary giants with purple souls.

The remaining three fifths were all given to Liu Yanxi to practice.

Until the noon of the next day, Liu Yanxi didn't go out. She just completed the breakthrough and barely stabilized in the realm of purple soul ordinary giant.

Both women are ordinary giants, and Tianshen Shenshui joined forces to cooperate. They add up to be comparable to a quasi-invincible giant.

In this way, the three people no longer have much fear in this super big forest.

Not invincible giant, not afraid.

Invincible giants may not be able to deal with them.

So the three set off again, this time proceeding in the direction of the sharp sense previously sensed by Xie Aoyu, flying fast.

Rushing along the place where the sharp meaning came.

The closer you are, the more obvious the change in the Moonknife's Excalibur. Even the magic swords of Liu Yanxi and Qin Yueyi are sensed. Both of them are only quasi-tunnel, of course, the ones used now It's different. One is Ole Pen's excalibur, and the other is Xia Jiazhun's invincible giant. They are all heavenly.

Such a strong response made both women full of expectations.

They also realized that it was most likely that Xie Aoyu's advanced opportunity for the moon's meteor sword had arrived.

Once the magic sword advances to the real state of God, it will be the unique first **** soldier since ancient times. No weapon can match it.

At that time, if Xie Aoyu can match the respect of the invincible giants with the power of gathering thunder, then there will be a sword of true divine realm to rob the heart of the Holy Emperor, is there still suspense?

So all three are full of expectations.

Their speed is extremely fast, and it is a distance of hundreds of thousands of meters in a moment. Fortunately, Xie Aoyu's induction is super sharp, and he doesn't worry about missing it.

For several consecutive breaths, Xie Aoyu stormed out for nearly six or seven thousand kilometers.

Fengrui also gradually strengthened.


In the end, the sword was not controlled, and it ejected automatically. It turned into a blade of light and hurricaneed forward, leading the three of Xie Aoyu to follow.

Seeing this scene, Xie Aoyu three also concluded.

Advanced sword, no suspense!

But the problem is that such a powerful and sharp meaning can make countless weapons complete advanced, and this place is the territory of the ancient psychic tree, would he not know? Of course not.

That being the case, why is there such a strong sense of sharpness coming out?

Xie Aoyu almost concluded that there might be a trap ahead.

But even if it is a trap, they still have to break!

The speed of the three was super fast. It didn't take long for them to reach their destination. The vitality of life here was dozens of times that of other places. Xie Aoyu gave birth to the impulse to cultivate. It is mixed with a strong sense of sharpness, as if there are countless exquisite swords hidden in the sword, which may erupt at any time.

Xie Aoyu grabbed the sword and forcibly returned it.

Because in addition to this breath in front, there are more powerful fluctuations in power, as if there are countless masters hiding them, all at the giant level.

He took his two daughters and did not use earthenware.

Carrying out earthen surgery in such a place is tantamount to asking for trouble yourself. I don't know how many roots under the tree can't pass at all. He uses the fighting space to hide in it, and then looks out through his eyes.

I saw countless spiritual trees in front of him cursing Xie Aoyu.

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