MTL - Battle Emperor-Chapter 2375 Coercion

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Congratulations to the people, Xie Aoyu once saw it in the place where the statue of Thunder King of the Thunder Demon Territory was located. At that time, it was very lively, all masters arrived, even Wei Tianshu, the sixth giant of the gods, arrived, and finally Xie Aoyu got a giant titan, and he made a great name with him. ""

At that time, He Jingun was the representative of the deep sea.

Less than two years away, when he was still in the top rank of Tongtian, he actually crossed the semi-giant realm and stepped directly into the giant realm.

Looking through the soul jade, He Jingun is not a giant with a pure black soul. His soul is purely purple, but an ordinary giant.

Less than two years, the emergence of an ordinary giant?

Xie Aoyu couldn't help but marvel at the amazing power of the ancient psychic tree. If it is really the power created by the ancient psychic tree, then in the dark, the ancient psychic tree must have a very amazing power, I am afraid that it is also outsiders. I don't know.

"Since it has been hidden for millions of years, how can it be unprepared."

"It seems to be very clean. There is only one giant in itself. Isn't there so many giants in the end?"

"So similar to the ancient psychic tree, it must have built a considerable power for itself in a million years, only for the heart of the Holy Emperor."

"Millions of years of tolerance, can't be underestimated."

Xie Aoyu secretly warned himself that he must not lead to failure by underestimating the other party.

Really seeing will realize the terribleness of those century-old forbearing giants, not how terrible they are, but how much secret power they have secretly stored.

The battles of millions of years ago, their respective seals, may simply be a hidden way to hide each other's heart, in order to wait for the birth of the emperor's heart to prepare for it, otherwise why use the soul to restrain, not To allow others to practice to reach the state of giants is nothing more than to not want someone to threaten them during a million years.

The more he thought about it, the more Xie Aoyu thought the possibility was very high.

For millions of years, it is also the time when the sleeping person in the era of the realm of the world regained consciousness. If there is no such idea, he will not believe it.

"He Jingun, it would be even better if he could capture and read the memory."

Xie Aoyu murmured in his heart, he turned to look at Liu Yanxi, "Do you have any experience in reading memory?"

"Um ..." Liu Yanxi groaned.

"Sister Liu, don't be humble. You have the secret to reading memory. With the power of heaven and earth, there is nothing that can stop you from reading unless the invincible giant specifically prohibits it." Qin Yueyi laughed.

"Really?" Xie Aoyu was pleasantly surprised.

Seeing that Qin Yueyi had already said so, Liu Yanxi had to say, "It should be possible."

"That's great." Xie Aoyu's eyes flashed on He Jingun's body.

He followed He Jingun and followed secretly.

It didn't take long to see He Jingun entering Tang Gutian ’s palace in the mountain city, and Xie Aoyu followed in. There is a very powerful setting in this palace, but there is no setting on the ground surface, and Xie Aoyu can come and go freely.

Tu Yuan entered the palace.

It was full of half-giants, three or four giants, and none of them were super-giants. The strongest were just quasi-super-giants.

These people are Tang Gutian's men.

With such a little power, Tang Gutian can actually fight against the ancient psychic tree and nine-colored phoenix?

something wrong!

Xie Aoyu further determined that Tang Gutian must have a secret, but he did not know that he had hidden the secret there. As for the so-called ancient Holy Emperor's Sword, I am afraid it was just an excuse. His biggest secret should have another reason.

"He brother is here to be a lobbyist for the people of God." Said an ordinary giant.

"Yes." He Jingun did not deny. "I want to talk with Brother Tang separately."

The ordinary giant's face was gloomy and terrible, and he was still angry, and said, "Please come inside."

The two entered the palace.

Outsiders are not allowed to set foot in it. Once inside, He Jingun uses advanced shielding spells to isolate the eavesdropping of outsiders. Naturally, this is useless to Xie Aoyu.

Xie Aoyu's eyes could clearly hear everything inside.

"Brother Tang." He Jin shot.

"I Tang Zihao can't afford Brother He to call him that." Ordinary giant Tang Zihao said coldly.

He Jingun did not have a slight anger because of Tang Zihao's sneer, and he looked indifferent. "I know, Brother Tang Gutian has long developed his own self-esteem."

Tang Zihao's eyes shot at Han Mang, staring at He Jingun, and said coldly, "What do you mean by that? I can only rely on my father."

"Yes." He Jingun did not deny it, but gave a positive reply.

This answer made Tang Zihao furious and his intention to kill broke out.

Xie Aoyu in the dark was a little dumb. This is actually Tang Gutian's son. I didn't expect to be trained as an ordinary giant. It's not easy.

"Brother Tang wants to kill me?" He Jin shot.

Tang Zihao with his fist clenched his steel teeth, thinking of the current situation, he could only endure himself. "Yes, Tang Zihao is not as good as you now, and the dragon who lost the dive is not as good as a dog."

He Jingun's eyes flashed a bit of sharpness, and he still kept the indifferent color, "Brother Tang, the purpose of my visit this time, presumably, you also know."

"I don't know," Tang Zihao said.

"Then let me tell you." He Jingun's voice became sharper. "By the orders of my ancestors, from now on, the Tang Gutian Territory will be turned into the realm of the **** realm, which will be under the control of the angel family of the **** realm. The palace here will also be the angel Family. "

"If we don't agree with it!" Tang Zihao said coldly, he had known for a long time, but he heard the order of the ancient psychic tree with his own ears, and still hated the sky, even more angrily why Tang Gutian would not be able to The secret method of countering the ancient psychic tree was imparted to him, so that they are now subjected to such humiliation.

Hatred drove him almost crazy.

Tang Zihao, who has always been smooth, is hard to accept this reality, but he must accept that the situation is stronger than others.

He Jingun laughed: "Don't agree? Then our ancestors can't protect you. There are many masters in the **** world. Although there are no invincible giants, there are still a few super giants."

With the strength around Tang Zihao now, the strongest is a quasi-super giant.

They can sweep away with two super giants.

"If you do this, you are not afraid that we will go out." Tang Zihao said in a deep voice.

"Don't be afraid." He Jingun chuckled, "First, who do you go out against? Who is Xie Aoyu? He can't protect himself, how to keep a group of waste? Go to Hell Devil? People are so powerful, you go to be Cumbersome? Second, do you think you can get out of the deep waters? "


The threat of total contempt.

Tang Zihao glared angrily, "It seems that you think you can eat us."

"Yes!" He Jingun sneered.

"It's ridiculous, have you forgotten the secret power that my father has!" Tang Zihao looked up slightly and made a look of confidence.

He Jin shot, "Naturally, if your father has mastered the secret power, how can he be qualified to fight against my ancestor, I can stab him with a finger of his ancestor, but well, the secret power, according to my ancestor In other words, only the giants can barely break through, and Tang Gutian didn't tell anyone about it in order to prevent my ancestors from discovering it. As for you, as a child, you have not experienced hardships and arrogance, so he Did n’t tell you, he was killed by Xie Aoyu. Do you think we have anything to be afraid of? You reminded me that the secret power left by Tang Gutian can be used to fight for the heart of the emperor for the ancestors, haha ... "

Tang Zihao was furious, "You ..."

"Don't point me with your dirty fingers." He Jinquan opened Tang Zihao's palm with a slap. "I warn you, Tang Zihao, now you, no one will support you. In my eyes, you **** No, respect you, call you Brother Tang, and irritate me, you are shit, I will tell you now, get out of the palace immediately, otherwise, die! "

Tang Zi's heroic trembling.

He can't wait to do it, but he can only endure the situation now.

Seeing Xie Aoyu in the dark, he secretly sighed. How can Tang Zihao, who does not even have a super giant, be taken to heart.

"Not convinced?" He Jingun said scornfully.

"You said if I killed you here, who knows." Tang Zihao said quietly.

He Jingun laughed, "You are really a fool. I now know why Tang Gutian died without telling you the secret power. Do n’t you know what the situation is outside now? A few of you are really supportive. Yours, I tell you, as long as I say, kill you, I will accept him to join my ancestors, and they will be able to divide you into corpses and **** your corpses to contribute to me. "

Tang Zihao heard the words, cold all over the body.

He really didn't take this into consideration, not to mention that he usually stood high and didn't treat these people very much and how to make them work hard for himself.

"Oh, by the way, the ancestor also has an order to ask you to surrender the ancient holy divine sword scabbard." He Jin shot.

"Impossible!" Tang Zihao blurted out almost conditionedly, showing how much he valued the scabbard of the ancient imperial sword.

Xie Aoyu also listened to his heart.

The origin of the scabbard itself is very special. It also made the ancient psychic tree so concerned and named for it, and knew that this scabbard was definitely not ordinary.

He was also in love.

He Jin guns said: "I have no time to talk to you and hand it over myself, or after death, I will find it for myself and give you half a minute to consider it." After that, he came to the middle, obviously Tang Gutian was sitting In the position, he sat down and leaned comfortably on the back of the chair. "Nice, this feels good. No wonder Tang Gutian likes to display it like this."

Tang Zihao looked at the fire with two eyes, his fists clenched, his body tightened, and his mind was quickly thinking about how to do it. With the death of Tang Gutian, the once arrogant he also matured a lot, After all, in the recent period, many things have been plundered in the places under his jurisdiction.

"Okay, I'll give you a scabbard, but Lei Lian Holy Land must be left to me, no outsiders can enter!" Tang Zihao finally chose slippers.

He Jingun frowned. "You talk to me about the conditions."

Tang Zihao sneered coldly: "The Holy Land of Lei Lian is the key to the cultivation of my Lei family. In the realm of God, there is no large force with the attribute of Thunder. If it still cannot be left to me, I would rather die, Never surrender the scabbard, you know, the scabbard is in my hand, and I know I ca n’t keep it, so I hid it. It ’s not that I despise you. Come and look for it! ”

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