MTL - Battle Emperor-Chapter 2371 I have an advantage!

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? The strongest fighting skills failed to bring much actual damage to the opponent, but still allowed Xie Aoyu to capture the first-line opportunity, that is, the strength of Shura King is strong enough to withstand the attack, but it is still at this moment that it costs a lot of money. Yes, after all, it is one of the most powerful fighting techniques in the world. It contains all kinds of horrific killing tricks, it is also equipped with divine power, and there is a great thunder power. ""

The combined crit of multiple forces, even the quasi-invincible giant, consumes a lot.

He wants to recover, it takes a breath.

Breathing is fast, but in their realm, breathing is fast enough.

Xie Aoyu blasted out, striving for a short respite from Shura Wang. The man and the knife combined and ferociously rushed into the past. He naturally applied an upgraded version of the seven broken shields and cuts based on the flying knife. The strongest blow, a strong collision passed.

The Excalibur itself is the limit of the Heavenly God Soldier.

Its power is destined to make Xie Aoyu's attack two or three times stronger, and the destructive power is even more amazing.

The king of Shura was a little surprised that Xie Aoyu's speed was so fast that he had no chance to regain his strength at all. It was really too fast.

He was not very worried.

brush! brush!

King Shura shook his body twice from side to side, and saw two King Shura appear in Xie Aoyu's sight at the same time, attacking from the left and right respectively.

This trick to fool me?

Xie Aoyu almost laughed out loud. The cloud-like fog in his stormy weather is like this. It can instantly transform dozens of him to deceive others, but it is too difficult for others to deceive him. He has a mind, and it is a fearsome power.

Under his eyes, King Shura on the left disappeared immediately.

King Shura on the right is true.

God help me too!

Originally, Xie Aoyu didn't expect to be able to damage King Shura. He did not expect that King Shura actually used such methods to deal with him. Wasn't it giving him a chance? His mind was to crack the corner of the mouth, which was almost an illusion.

In fact, Xie Aoyu did not notice that the physical skill of King Shura is indeed mysterious. If Xie Aoyu's mind had been greatly improved in the East China Sea Island, it would be impossible to find the true and false. Natural That promotion was unknown to outsiders. The only people who could know it were Set, Waiters, Harvard, Mu Tianluo, Pachena and Yang Yuling. All of them have been killed. It is impossible to pass.

Therefore, this hidden strength promotion gives Xie Aoyu the opportunity.

He did not hesitate to kill to the right, completely disregarding the action of King Shura on the left, and also made Maria and Demon stunned. Even they could not determine which one was the true King Shura, so they could not judge. Xie Aoyu chose right or wrong.


Ignoring the king Shura on the left, the king Shura on the left directly hit Xie Aoyu's body, like a dream bubble, quietly dissipated.

Xie Aoyu's magic sword also cut at the body of the true Shura King.


King Shura was a little horrified this time. He didn't expect that his steadfast body skills were actually ineffective, and Xie Aoyu cracked them to the fullest.

In a critical moment, King Shura issued a helpless sigh and did not know what it was used for. A black halo waved from his body and enveloped it.


Xie Aoyu hit the top of the black mask with one stroke.

A knife containing Xie Aoyu's full strength, but failed to break the black mask as expected, but it split and chopped up. There was a violent wave, and numerous cracks appeared, but it did not burst. Instead, it was a counter-shock force from above. Bounced out, Xie Aoyu rebounded and flew out more than 1,000 meters.

King Shura also took the opportunity to recover to its peak.

His black mask also disappeared.

"That's not your strength!" Xie Aoyu said in a deep voice.

King Shura hummed: "This is a few powers reserved by the power of the demon palace. I was fortunate to get it. I thought it could be used at a critical moment, but you were forced to use it."

"Just so invincible giant." Xie Aoyu sneered.

"Really? This time you and I do it again, I promise you to take it back." King Shura said coldly.

His words, Xie Aoyu believed.

King Shura who was able to persecute this time was a little bit embarrassed. To be honest, there are multiple reasons, not because his own real combat power is better than others, but rather obviously inferior.

Divine Power, Divine Knife, and Fighting Skills cannot bridge the gap between him and the quasi-invincible giant.

"Go ahead, too," Maria said.

Standing next to him, Moyutian nodded slightly, and flew forward.

He fought with King Shura twice.

One is difficult to deal with, not to mention the two are working together.

Xie Aoyu took a deep breath and remained calm. He also looked forward to Liu Yanxi and Qin Yueyi coming as soon as possible to relieve his crisis.

"I admit that I am not an opponent of the invincible giant." Xie Aoyu said truthfully.

Such frankness suddenly made Maria's eyes sharp, and intuitively told him that every time Xie Aoyu was like this, he must have a moment of action.

Maria knew too much about Xie Aoyu.

But she couldn't figure out what Xie Aoyu had done, unless he used the demigod thunder, but the result would be the destruction of the world, which is not in line with Xie Aoyu's personality. He could not let countless relatives and friends in the world to bury him for him.

"Beware of Xie Aoyu cheating," Maria reminded.

Demon God and Shura had absolute trust in Maria, and both were on guard.

Xie Aoyu said: "I'm not your opponent, but you have to kill me, it is even harder, because I have an advantage, an advantage that none of you knows."

"Advantage?" Maria looked at him puzzled.

"Yes, no one knows the advantage." Lei Yuntianyi behind Xie Aoyu fluttered gently. "You probably don't know yet. Actually, Leiyun Tianyi has changed a lot."

"It is nothing more than the fusion of the two types of thundercloud sky wings of the human world and the **** demon world ..." Maria said, her face changed slightly. "Did your thunder cloud sky wings merge with the **** world."

"you guessed right!"

After Xie Aoyu spoke, he had already raised the speed to the limit, and he shot it with a stroke. Like a cold mang, he passed instantly between Shura King and Moyutian.

Speed, extreme speed!

He had just fought with King Shura, but he deliberately hid his speed.

His biggest advantage is speed. In terms of speed, it is difficult to defeat all quasi-invincible giants, but he is not his opponent who is not particularly good at speed.

Once cast, King Shura and Moyutian were caught off guard.

Xie Aoyu shot out like a ghost, and his goal was Maria.

Not the opponent of Moyutian and King Shura, no other masters let Xie Aoyu take his eyes.

Therefore, taking Maria, the situation will change dramatically.

"call out!"

Maria is naturally cunning and swift, and she reacts quickly. There are two pairs of black wings flashing behind her, violently fanning them back, and at the same time a black magic sword appears in her hand. Hit the block.

More than a dozen super giants standing behind Maria also roared and rushed forward.

They were only one or two meters away from Maria. Once they fought desperately and Maria stepped back, it was easy to keep Maria behind.

More than a dozen super-giants have also gone all out.

Uh ...

A dense attack rushed out towards Xie Aoyu.

Behind the two quasi-invincible giants also shot quickly.

They will join forces to block Xie Aoyu.

Xie Aoyu laughed loudly, and the wind and rain traveled like rain.

Man disappears out of thin air.

This is a flawed body combat technique, which can only be cracked after personal experience, so Xie Aoyu recognized that none of them had seen it except Maria, so he could perform it.

After all, these are the combination of quasi-invincible giants and super giants. The power is also amazing, and the attacks are intensive. The rain like the wind has failed to exert the most powerful mystery, but Xie Aoyu suddenly appeared in the middle of more than a dozen super giants , Only about five meters away from Maria, and only three super giants in the middle blocked.

"咻!" "咻!" "”! "

The sword of thunder and lightning in the sky of Thunder Cloud burst out.

Three attacks directly flew the three super giants out of the way. It was impossible to hinder Xie Aoyu's progress. His magic knife took the opportunity.

Daoguang passed, the three super giants were beheaded.

Xie Aoyu made a strong stab at Maria.

The retreating Maria didn't panic, stared calmly at Xie Aoyu, and when Xie Aoyu approached, her left hand suddenly lifted, holding a badge in her hand, and hissing came from inside, a snow-white figure burst from the inside The result is that the Holy Spirit Crystal failed to reach the quasi-invincible giant, but even if it fails, it is still a super giant.

Suddenly shot out and rushed over.

Xie Aoyu's sword stood on his chest, colliding directly with it.

Did not dodge at all.

Maria took the opportunity to retreat again, this time dived directly to the sea.


The sharp blade hits the head of the Holy Spirit Snow Eagle.


In the splatter of blood, the Holy Spirit Snow Eagle was cut in half by Xie Aoyu. How could it compete with Xie Aoyu, but this trouble caused Xie Aoyu to miss a chance to kill Maria.

He also turned back in the air, and when he dived into Maria, King Shura and Moyutian had been intercepted from left and right.

The two played a sword light and crossed each other, blocking his pursuit.

Xie Aoyu stabilized his body, and no more shocks. He lifted his hands to kill the sword and spun it out. It also happened to be intersected by the cross of Demon God and Shura attacking sword light.

The advantage of the soul-killing knife appeared, flying directly across Jianguang.

To the sword of the soul, that sword light is as airless and meaningless. This is the effect of Xie Aoyu's eyes being fully improved.

The killing of the soul drove Maria away.

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