MTL - Battle Emperor-Chapter 2352 Go to war

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? Thirty-four and a half giants, death will be clear. ""

Their purpose is very simple. Use their self-detonation in exchange for the death of the enemy, and try to dissolve the enemy's attack. After all, the opponent is too powerful, and they have no hope of reaching the giant state, it will be difficult to provide any great effect in the future. The final solution is this way.

Looking at thirty-four faces, Xie Aoyu was moved.

What can he say?

"Xie Shao don't hesitate. Even if these four quasi-invincible giants join forces with so many people to attack, even if they can't get away, when the demons recover, they will surely be able to conquer this place, and then we will be really dangerous. Lees said.

Xie Aoyu looked at them, and his heart was shaken strongly.

Looking back.

Numerous masters gathered around.

Among them, the four quasi-invincible giants led all the super giants to gather above the position of Xie Aoyu and others, and looked at each other.

Obviously this is a demonstration.

There are nearly a hundred giants, of which the lowest rank is about 50, the ordinary giants are about 30, and the super giants are more than 10 people. They completely cover Xie Aoyu's giants, purely their super giants and quasi invincible giants, let alone The combat power has been defeated.

"Xie Aoyu, it is a man who comes out to fight!" The Devil yelled loudly.

Xie Aoyu stared at him. Tianmo had already stated that the big devil was not his opponent, but he still did so, just to force them to go out to fight.

"get out!"

"Are you a man? You are so embarrassed that you don't even have the guts to fight a war."

"You guys, come out, let's fight fair."

The yelling and screaming kept coming and going.

Xie Aoyu's face was gloomy and terrible. His indifferent eyes stared at the Devil. "If you have a large number and let your people back 300 miles, we will fight a fair battle. If you can go through three moves in my hand, even you Win, Big Devil, do you dare! "

"Haha, ridiculous, my people back, do you have to use your people to encircle me, it is really ridiculous." Of course, the great devil believes in the judgment of the demon, where can there really be a fair battle.

"Shit, soft egg." Xie Aoyu sneered.

The big devil was not angry, but laughed, "You listen to the orders and join forces to attack a little, we three million people, join forces to attack, I don't believe how long their defense can last."

Under his orders, all the masters of **** demons acted.

Each weapon was held high, urging all its strength.

Xie Aoyu looked back at the top of the mountain, and saw the vague Emperor in full action.

He was a little disturbed.

The Emperor's defense is terrible, but the opponent's attacks are endless. Unless he is strong, he will eventually be destroyed.

"It's better to let the emperor's seniors take a short break and fully recover. If they break the defense here, we will retreat, we don't have to stick to this place." Yun Mengyao groaned.

Xie Aoyu also thinks this is OK.

At least he can transfer to the human world through the large world of space and the small world of space in the picture, and enter the water veins of Donghaishen Island, where there is heaven and earth, and it is naturally safe.

"Can't do this." Emperor Dragon God spoke against.

Everyone looked at him puzzled.

Dragon God Emperor Road: "If nothing unexpected, the birthplace of the heart of the Holy Emperor is in or near Lei's residence, and it will definitely not exceed the place of Lei's residence by 100,000 meters."


Xie Aoyu and others were surprised.

This was the first time they heard the place where the heart of the Emperor was born.

"There are not many people who know this. The Emperor is probably only a few percent sure, but I get most of the soul power and soul memory. I should be able to determine that the birth place of the heart of the Holy Emperor is here." Dragon God The emperor continued, "So we cannot retreat. Once we leave, we will completely lose the opportunity to seize the heart of the emperor. Don't forget that our strength is generally poor. We leave, and unless there is an invincible giant, we have no chance to approach this place. . "

Xie Aoyu frowned: "In this case, I really cannot afford to leave, but I must stick to my defense."

The half-giant Willis said: "Xie Shao, only if we risk a war can we break down this crisis."

With the explanation given by Emperor Dragon God, Xie Aoyu could not hold on anymore. For the last hope, he could only stick to this place, and only then could he fight for that glimmer of hope.

"Okay, fight!" Xie Aoyu shouted.

Everyone stood straight.

Everyone is wary.

Xie Aoyu looked around and began to give orders.

"Meng Yao, you immediately mobilize the army of the curse division, ready to go to war!"

"Senior Emperor Dragon God, please help others senior emperor, strengthen your defense!"

"The two masters of the killing crossbow are waiting for the opportunity, so don't waste one!"

Orders passed on.

The entire Lei's home was active.

Xie Aoyu also put on the fist of death and pulled out the Moon Sword, and he naturally wanted to fight, otherwise, how would others treat him.

Seeing the actions of Xie Aoyu and others, the Demon King couldn't help but be overjoyed and ordered to prepare for the fight and fight to enter Lei's home.

Crazy Thunder Beast and Hu Tianqiu stand on the left and right.

In the rear are thirty-four and a half giants, and in the future are a master.

Xie Aoyu's three purposes are to kill the past, open a gap for thirty-four and a half giants, create opportunities, and other masters are auxiliary.

"Are you ready?" Xie Aoyu said.

"Ready!" Thirty-four and a half giants answered at the same time.

Many other masters have already set their own positions, and Yun Mengyao is also leading the team of cursors to be ready.

Xie Aoyu stroked the bone ring returned to him by Yun Mengyao.

Inside the Emperor Emperor out of customs.

Before the Emperor was an ordinary giant of purple souls, after this retreat, he merged with Tiansha's bones, and he was also advanced in cultivation.

The rest of the Hades have not yet exited.

"set off!"

Xie Aoyu ordered, and they rushed out.

Seeing this, the Devil ecstatically ecstatically, with a big wave of his hands, the masters of the **** demons quickly retreated, "Give them a chance to fight a fair fight with us!"

One of the masters retreated nearly a kilometer away.

In this way, a large space was given to give a chance to duel.

Xie Aoyu and his party walked out.

There are a lot of them. There are a total of 100,000 cursors commanded by Yunmeng Yao in the rear, all of which are floating to a certain degree, and they have completed a spell and are ready to attack at any time.

"Big devil, I have already come out, aren't you going to fight me fair?" Xie Aoyu stepped forward, came into the void, and shouted, "You are a man, come to fight with me. Move, I will admit defeat, you own the sword, you have the courage! "


This is the most thorough contempt!

The old devil's old face was iron-blue, and he felt a bit of self-deprivation.

In order to provoke, Xie Aoyu was forced to fight, and he said that he must fight a fair battle. Now that the conditions are ripe, do you want to fight? If you do not fight, you will be ashamed.

Millions of people are watching.

"Okay!" Said the devil, "I will satisfy you if you want to fight!"

The four quasi-invincible giants have to persuade.

The big devil waved his hands to signal that they shouldn't bother, so they marched forward.

"Aoyu must be careful. The devil is insidious and deceitful. It is the actual implementation of the plan of the demon palace. He knows that he is not your opponent. He dares to fight and must rely on it. Be cautious!" Hu Tianqiu whispered.

Xie Aoyu nodded slightly, "I understand."

He flew forward.

The two met at a distance of about 500 meters from each side.

"In the human world, I was indeed not your opponent, but now, even if you have any combat power, magic sword, fighting skills, it is impossible to kill me within three strokes, and you may not be able to Really beat me. "The Devil sneered.

Xie Aoyu said scornfully, "Is it?" The sword in his hand was erected, the golden light was shining, the sword was shining through the sky, and Leng Sen stared at the Devil, "then try it out."

He didn't talk too much with the big demon, and he took the initiative to attack by waving his sword.

Can be so valued by the demon, the transformation of the great devil is definitely not as simple as the ordinary giants, and his fighting power must be far superior to the giants of pure black souls.

Xie Aoyu shot, naturally ruthless.

Directly is the rotation without pole!

The most terrifying part of this fighting technique is that the power condenses into a ball and then bursts out.

That power is absolutely shocking.

"I also see what Xie Aoyu can be arrogant." The devil is also very dissatisfied with Xie Aoyu. He always believes that in the world, he is not Xie Aoyu's opponent, the key is that his level of fighting is too low, and Xie Aoyu's combat power is too strong.

Now he uses the power of the Devil Palace to not only successfully reach the state of giants, but also to fundamentally transform the fighting spirit. The power has soared, and he has been personally instructed by the demon, and has been comprehensively improved in all aspects, especially weapons. It is the magic sword given by the demon. This sword was obtained by the demon in the void world. You must know that those who can enter the void world reach the peak of the invincible giants. Similar to the invincible giants such as ancient psychic trees, they are not eligible to enter. The power of those people's weapons can be imagined.

The big devil also waved his magic sword and rushed up to kill him.

The two giants confronted each other.

The sword crossed the glorious light and cold, surpassed the light of the scorching sun, and collided with the air.


The bright light burst out suddenly.

Xie Aoyu's horrific divine power spurred along with the rotation of the infinite movement and the sharp edge of the sword, colliding with the devil's magic sword power.

The two stalemate with each other, which is a momentary effort.

Then the great devil felt a great tremor of the magic sword, and was shocked by the magic sword. He was shocked by the divine power. He trembled his body with a sore throat, sprayed his blood, and flew backward.

The Devil could not help but startle.

"Your combat power and magic sword ..." the Devil exclaimed.

Xie Aoyu snorted and killed again with a sword. "Big devil, I said three tricks to kill you, let's die!"

This time he did not reserve shots.

The fiercely stabbed sword.

The big devil who was injured in one move showed his intention to kill, "You want to kill me, you're not worthy!" His left hand shook, a badge appeared in his hand, and he pressed it lightly, and a white light burst from the inside. Shoot it out, and a hissing voice that scares everyone.

The white light and shadow crashed out like lightning.


The light and shadow hit the sword, and under the guard of the white light group condensed above, it did not let the sword break. Instead, the powerful force generated almost sprayed Xie Aoyuzhen and turned it backwards.

He immediately vibrated the speed, in the retreat, forcibly turned over his body, unloaded the impact, and soared into the sky, avoiding the white shadow's second attack.

Xie Aoyu also took the opportunity to see the appearance of Bai Ying clearly, and frowned suddenly.

Under the horrible power of the Hell Demon Realm, Xie Aoyu saw this white shadow, and he even felt that he still underestimated the power of the Hell Demon Realm.

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