MTL - Battle Emperor-Chapter 2349 In fact, if I kill you, it ’s not difficult!

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The depth of the sixth world giant, Wei Tianshu, is hidden. So far, no one knows who he is, and even the demon has never seen this old opponent who has been in the birth and death cycle for many years. ""

Xie Aoyu originally hoped to know Wei Tianshu's identity through the demon.

This idea can only be invalidated.

It was just that Wei Tianshu mentioned by the demons secretly calculated the ancient psychic tree, which made him think again. "The predecessors know how Wei Tianshu calculated the ancient psychic tree. When did they conceal it?"

"The secret calculation time is no more than a thousand years." Sky demon has no intention of concealing it. At the present level, there is nothing worth concealing about the power of control. You can open the skylight to speak brightly, and everything can be put on the table. "He first realized the power of destruction and completed the transformation. He did not completely decompose the power of destruction, but left a part to deal with me and the ancient psychic tree. I chose to enter the void and refine the **** of war. War demon soul, lift the curse of the soul, so he can't find my shot, only to deal with the ancient psychic tree, but regretfully, he got the ancient psychic tree, but was also imprinted by the ancient emperor, making The ancient psychic tree has always preserved a trace of spiritual knowledge, and secretly covered the power of destruction, causing it to undermine calculations, leaving behind a fatal dark illness. It is difficult to lift it! "

Everyone was relieved.

How strong the ancient Holy Emperor was at that time, and the only one who had never confronted the Demon was also the outstanding character that the Devil valued that year and could fight with him.

Destroy the reincarnation circle with one hand.

Its strength is beyond doubt, but it was finally conspired to death.

But dying just like that always makes people feel impossible. Now it seems that even with death, the ancient emperor still left all kinds of designs, affecting the current situation.

"Since the predecessor said that it is difficult to crack the power of destruction, in this sense, the ancient psychic tree is no longer able to compete with the predecessor. It seems that only the sixth **** in the realm of the world, Wei Tianshu, is qualified to fight the predecessor. Xie Aoyu said.

"It seems?" Sky Devils were also stunned.

Xie Aoyu grinned, "Yes, did the seniors forget that there is another person who can fight you, and can kill you with full confidence?"

Tian Mo heard the words and laughed aloud: "Among the realms, even the most powerful Dragon God Emperor of the year, and the masters of the Heaven Curse who attacked the real state of God, there was no such arrogance. I would like to know, who is so Be arrogant, dare to say this. "


Xie Aoyu soared into the sky, floating in the air, letting the wind blow and flutter, his eyes ejaculate, his whole body of warfare stunned, and he said, "I!"

"You?" The demon stunned.

All the masters of the **** world are laughing out loud.

They seemed to hear the most ridiculous joke.

Even the power in the human world is one by one.

"Don't believe it?" Xie Aoyu laughed. "I'll let you believe it!" He fingered the audience, "I want you to die, you must die now!"

As soon as his words fell, the demigod thunder in Dantian suddenly shook.

The giant realm can procure a demigod thunder, which can fully exert one-tenth of its power. If it is completely disregarded by life, one-third of its power can be achieved.

The coercion that caused the divine world to rupture emanated from Xie Aoyu.

The scorching sun in the sky is retreating, there are dark clouds, heavy winds, torrential rains pouring, cracks appear in the space, the earth cracks, the beasts growl in fear, and the sight of the end of the day.

All laughter came to an abrupt end.

Fear spreads throughout the realm of God, and everything is afraid.

"It's really easy to kill your demons," Xie Aoyu said lightly.

"Demigod Thunder!"

Maria and the Devil's faces changed suddenly.

Xie Aoyu said: "It is the demigod thunder, combining the power of destroying the thunder and the power of judging the thunder. As soon as I start, it will instantly detonate the heaven and earth thunder that has been formed every few million years in the universe. Well, it seems to It's almost time for the Heaven and Earth God Thunder to form again. "He stared at the Heaven Demon." You have the strongest Heaven Demon power and should be specially taken care of by the Heaven and Earth God Thunder. Unless you achieve the true God state, there is only death! "

"Oh, I was threatened for the first time in my demon's life, and it was quite fresh." Demon laughed.

"Don't deliberately use your speed, your strength, or your secret technique to deal with me." Xie Aoyu forced to look at the demon, his voice was calm, but it made people feel his determination, "My soul is the soul of Tianwei, if I agree, it can erupt in an instant. Even if the power is not as good as the demigod's thunder, but if it can explode, it can prevent all forces from threatening me, and then use this to inspire the demigod's thunder and let everything perish! ''

This time the demon calmed down.

Everyone's breathing became heavy and rapid.

No one expected the situation to take a turn for the worse.

The appearance of the demigod thunder deterred the demon.

"I didn't expect that you would think of this trick, very powerful." Tianmo calmly said, "but I don't believe that you are willing to destroy the divine realm and make your hope of the human realm completely dead."

"Death is left and right, so what's the difference?" Xie Aoyu said.

Tianmo looked at the vast ground beneath him, and smiled, "I left ordinary giants and supergiants in the **** world. Even if these people are dead, I can still overcome all combinations of forces, so I plan to give it a try."

Xie Aoyu's pupils contracted, and he bet that the demon was afraid to take action.

"Seeing no, this is the Skystorm God Light, combining the heaven and earth aurora, the sun **** light, the star **** light, the bright moon **** light, etc., a total of thirty-six **** lights, combined with the nothingness of the world, The power of the ethereal godless light is so powerful that I don't even know it, but I can tell you that it has helped me destroy the void of nothingness. "Tianmo calmly said.

His words shocked everyone.

Nihilistic light can destroy nihilistic world like a realm, wouldn't it be easy to destroy divine realm.

Xie Aoyu also realized the seriousness of the situation.

"I heard that you have a special spatial mystery, which is amazing. I also have a spatial mystery, and it belongs to the original space magic method of my demon. At the cost of a drop of my life blood, it can be passed away 100,000 miles away. Away from this place, do you say how confident are you that you will kill me? "Tianmo chuckled," It is not difficult for you to kill me, but if you want to attack me, it is difficult. You have to figure out these two concepts. "

This really makes Xie Aoyu feel tricky.

What should he do?

You can't be killed just like that.

"It's better, let's set a constraint on the Tianxu contract. You and I don't do anything. I send the thirty giants to explode, destroy the defense, and then retreat, giving you three days to escape." Tianmo said.

When Xie Aoyu heard this, it was a good idea.

The power of the Celestial Pact is terrible.

At least his medicine **** pointed to repeated mutations and multiple surges of power, which have not yet reached the point of dissolving the Celestial Pact. It should be difficult for the demons to crack it.

"Okay, I agree." Xie Aoyu said.


The big devil fluttered out, "Father, please add one. I want to fight Xie Aoyu fairly!"

God of Heaven said: "You are not his opponent now, just a few days later."

The devil heard that he retreated.

He knew very well that Heaven's orders were not allowed to be refuted.

Xie Aoyu took out the soul jade and wanted to see if the soul color of the sky demon was no longer pure white. He never thought that the soul color of the sky devil could not be glimpsed.

Next, Tianmo quickly made a contract of the sky curse and signed his name with his own blood.

In this way, it will not make people doubt the manipulation.

Xie Aoyu also signed his name.

The sky curse contract took shape, and Xie Aoyu and Tianmo both added a layer of restraint power at the same time, and Xie Aoyu slowly landed on the ground.

Even so, Xie Aoyu still dare not take it lightly.

They collectively retreated into Lei's home.

The emperor inside has already stood on the top of Lei Mountain, where the Lei's home is the highest, where the light flashes, the power is shocking, and it is impossible to see. He shot all out to strengthen the defense force to the limit.

Everyone looks forward to it.

If it is able to keep the 30 giants from exploding, it will be of great significance to them, at least they will be able to defeat the momentum of the sky demons.

Everyone was nervous and looked forward to it.

"Meng Yao, didn't my mother create a picture of a small space that can be carried in accordance with the large world of space. You can use these small worlds to put people in Lei's residence, and everyone will go in," Xie Aoyu said. If the defense is damaged, the power will be amazing. If it is not concealed in advance, it may be dangerous. At that time, I can also take you into the fighting space to hide. "

Yun Mengyao immediately went to do it.

People around were also active.

Only Xie Aoyu and Emperor Dragon God stood in the air and looked at the sky. The Emperor controlled the defensive forces on the top of the mountain, waiting for the power of thirty giants to explode.

The giant blew itself up, which could destroy the world.

The thirty giants blew themselves up. If there is no special method, the gods are very dangerous, so this so-called self-detonation is carried out by special means. It will only destroy the specified target and there will be no damage to the surroundings. Otherwise, the hundred giants The self-destructive destruction of the ruins of Wanjie even exploded with the masters in the ruins of Wanjie, and the power generated has long exerted a great influence on the **** world, and it will not be invisible.

"The Thirty Giants haven't done it yet," Tianmo said.

His voice sounded, and the hearts of everyone in Lei's residence hung up.

The time of real danger is here.

But the next scene made everyone hold back.

In the place of the three hundred giants, none of them even responded to the orders of the demon, and they always stood still, without any movement. This change made people wonder.

The devil yelled violently: "The ancestor's order has not been executed, you want to rebel!"

The rumbling shook everyone's ear drums.

But the three hundred giants remained motionless.

At this moment, the ordinary giants standing behind were also surprised, and the three quasi-invincible giants rose into the sky and rushed directly into the three hundred giants.

They had just stepped on and immediately felt a little bit of awkwardness.

"No, someone ..." One of the quasi-invincible giants changed his face and hurried back.

But as soon as he did something, he saw a huge cursed palm poking out of the crowd, grabbed it, and dragged him into the crowd. "Since it's here, don't leave. "

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