MTL - Battle Emperor-Chapter 2 Holy Spirit Water

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Looking at Xie Aoyu's angry face, Xie Zhe and Xie Gang laughed upright.

The two of them can be said to be the stupidest person in the Xie family except Xie Aoyu, because they have practiced for nearly five or six years, and so far they are only junior and inferior.

So the only thing that these two men can bully is Xie Aoyu, a freak who can't cultivate any vigour.

"Want to hit me? Come, hit me, hit here." Xie Zhe grabbed Xie Aoyu's fist and placed it in front of his nose, shouting.

Xie Aoyu's fist clenched tightly.

He felt his full strength flow into his fist.

"Hit me, hit me." Xie Zhe shouted.

It is unbearable!

Xie Aoyu finally could not bear it.

"Xie Zhe, Xie Gang, what are you two doing!" At this moment, a clear drink sounded, and a crippled figure appeared in front of the three.

The black hair pours out, a red melon seed face, beautiful eyes Qiong nose, beautiful.

Seeing this young girl, the arrogant Xie Zhe and Xie Gang immediately lowered their heads. They couldn't afford the girl, but they were junior and superior, two levels higher than the two of them.

"It only depends on the woman's little white face, and when I have a chance, I will see how Master Zhe teaches you." Xie Zhe whispered and turned to smile at the girl. I still have business. Let ’s go. "

"Hey, I said let you go." Bingwu drank with his hands on his hips, like a little pepper.

Xie Aoyu belongs to the typical macho. He didn't want to let Bingwu show up for him. He believed that as long as he continued to cultivate, pure power could defeat Xie Zhe and Xie Gang. Forget it, Bingwu, don't you not know what virtue these two **** are. "He looked at Bingwu and laughed," Why are you here? "

Seeing Xie Aoyu, the ice dance suddenly lifted her cheeky face and suddenly thawed like cold ice. She laughed and said, "I can't come to see you?" After saying and excited, "I came to tell you a good news of."

"What news makes you so happy." Xie Aoyu asked.

"An expert has taken me here as a disciple," Bingwu said excitedly.

Xie Aoyu said, "Which master?"

Ice Dance joked: "You ... Lan ... Ruo!"

"You Lanruo after the butterfly!" Xie Aoyu exclaimed.

Bingwu nodded excitedly.

Although it feels incredible, there should be no fakes in looking at the ice dance. Xie Aoyu's heart is bitter and happy. The bitter thing is that he thinks of himself, but he is more happy.

Who knows, there is a strange woman on the mainland of Qiao. The name is called the butterfly, the name is Lanruo, and the magical pet is the colorful butterfly. It is a World of Warcraft. This woman was born more than ten years ago. A decade-long mainland youth competition, a sword swept across all rivals.

Later, You Lanruo challenged the masters of the Quartet, leaving her footprints in almost every place on the Chiao continent, hitting all masters under the age of 30, and even reaching the second place with the King at the age of 30. Most Holy.

"How did she come to our little place?" Xie Aoyu said.

"I heard Master said that she was looking for something to prepare for her pet's evolution this time out." Bingwu said excitedly, "Master sees me and says that I stay here to waste, if she teaches me, I can now reach the spiritual realm, not the junior superior. "

Xie Aoyu said surprisingly, "It seems that Bingwu will soon become the second queen of butterflies."

Lost expression on Bingwu's face excitedly said, "I have asked Master. Regarding your situation, Master said that my uncle had asked her to find her, and she could not help it."

"I know this." Xie Aoyu laughed. At this point she was sure that it was the real butterfly Youlan Ruo, because Xie Gantuo asked You Lanruo to see what Xie Aoyu was looking at. It was very secretive.

The two returned to Xie's house while talking.

Enter the House of Six Elders.

Xie Aoyu's father Xie Gan was the six elders of the Xie family. In the early years, there were three families in Langya City. Xie family was one of them. It was Xie Qian who was born and led the Xie family to wipe out the other two families. The only family in Langya City was because of his passionate cultivation practice, so he did not take over as the patriarch, but gave him his half-brother, the current patriarch Xie Lian.

Stepping into it, a touch of medicinal fragrance came.

Lotte's Xie Aoyu's mood also became heavy. When he saw his father Xie Gan lying on the bed, his heart could be said to be mixed.

Thinking of his mother's premature death, his father Xie Gan pulled him up and ran for years because of his weird physique. Who had thought about it suddenly fell into a coma three years ago.

For three years, Xie Qian's body was no different from ordinary people, but he just was lethargic.

"Father." Xie Aoyu looked at Xie Qian as if he was asleep, and he couldn't tell what he felt. He hated himself. If he could cultivate his vindication, he would be able to cultivate his great strength, walk the mainland, and find a cure.

Every time I think of these, Xie Aoyu's heart is twitching.

He vowed secretly that even if he could not cultivate his fighting spirit, he would have to practice it to the extent that his physical training could compete with those fighting masters.

"Well ..."

The rapid footsteps came from outside.

Xie Aoyu and Bingwu looked up and saw that the patriarch Xie Lian rushed in from the outside with some dancing, and the excitement looked completely like the patriarch.

"Aoyu, you are back, great." Xie Lian said.

"Uncle, you?" Xie Aoyu looked at Xie Lian strangely, but he has never seen Xie Lian look like this, after all, he is the patriarch and must have majesty to the outside world.

Xie Lian trembled: "Do you remember how Master Ziyan said to rescue your father?"

Xie Aoyu nodded: "Remember, Master Ziyan said that to rescue his father, there is no other way than the legendary sacred water."

"Yes, just now I got a message that the championship awards for the ten-year continental youth competition have been announced. One of them is the Holy Spirit Water!" Xie Lian said.


Xie Aoyu jumped up suddenly.

He couldn't believe his ears. The champion of the mainland youth competition was actually the water of the sacred soul. You must know that it is one of the most amazing things under the stars.

"It's definitely not wrong. In accordance with the regulations of the Mainland Youth Contest, in order to allow all young masters to participate, the championship prizes are generally announced two years in advance. This is what I got from the city's main government. Come here, "Xie Lian said excitedly.

Before it was time to be happy, Xie Aoyu's heart was cold.

Because he can't cultivate his fighting spirit.

"Aoyu, don't forget that our ice dance was taught by the Queen of Butterfly. The Queen of Butterfly was the champion of the year. Now it is recognized that it is expected to impact the biggest hit on the mainland." Xie Lian laughed.

Bingwu danced his fist, "I will work hard!"

Looking at Bingwu's firm expression, Xie Aoyu's heart was touched. Even Bingwu was fine. Why can't I? I'm a man!

Men can't say no!

"Aoyu, if you said I would get the Holy Soul's water, how would you thank me?" Bingwu saw Xie Aoyu groan and thought that he was sad that he couldn't cultivate his spirits, so he changed the topic.

Xie Aoyu, who had figured it out, resumed the optimistic style and said, "Then I will marry you."

"Haha, OK, I will testify." Xie Lian laughed.

Bingwu stomped in embarrassment, and shouted, "Ignore you." Turned around and ran out, and turned back at the door, "I went to Master to practice."

Xie Lian laughed: "This is great news. I'm going to have a drink, Aoyu. Come with me."

"No, I want to talk with my father for a while." Xie Aoyu said.

Xie Lian said: "Either way." He left.

Xie Aoyu knelt in front of the bed, watching his father's serene face, he vowed: "Father, baby swear, we must seize the water of the Holy Spirit!" After he got up, he left and went to the mountain.

Regardless of Xie Qian ’s previous contributions to the Xie family, or the relationship between the patriarch and him, Xie Qian has always been carefully attended by people. Xie Aoyu is not worried about his absence.

Houshan is the place where Xie Gan practiced before.

The other Xie family's children practice in the Xie family's performance martial arts field or practice room. The only thing Xie's strength is too strong is beyond the Xie family's strongest, Xie Lian, who has five realms, so once he practices some kind of fighting skills, it is easy Influence others.

Since Xie Qian was in a coma, Houshan became deserted.

Xie Aoyu came to Houshan, he could no longer restrain the depressed mood, roaring: "I Xie Aoyu will never admit defeat, I must be a master, must!" He was so excited that he punched in a foot with a meter thickness Big tree above.


The sound of breaking came.

Xie Aoyu looked up and was dumbfounded.

The one-meter-thick tree was discounted by his punch. 2k novel reading network

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