MTL - Battle Emperor-Chapter 11 Medicine God Finger

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"Medicine finger? It is the legendary one-finger solution of Wandu, asking what is the drug god, but look at the legendary magic technique of one finger?" Xie Aoyu was surprised.

Zi Yan laughed: "You can't see, you're really knowledgeable, you even know the medicine finger."

"I have seen in a book that the medicine **** refers to the first invention of a generation of medicine **** Yun Dangtian three thousand years ago. He was defeated in the confrontation of the poison **** at the time, studied for more than ten years, and finally created After the medicine **** finger, in the competition with the poison god, only one finger is needed to release all the poisonous **** poison. "Xie Aoyu said.

"You're right," Zi Yan nodded.

Seeing Zi Yan's answer so positive, Xie Aoyu was puzzled.

You should know that the medicine **** finger is the top skill of the medicine **** that year. It is rumored that any poisonous substance can be resolved with just one finger. It is almost the **** that is passed on.

But this medicine **** means that although it does exist, how to cultivate, someone knows there.

Seeming to see Xie Aoyu's doubts, Zi Yan laughed: "I have the medicine **** refers to the practice of cultivation, but the practice of the **** of medicine refers to very difficult, even tormenting, if you persist, not only will it fail, but will also make your fingers It has since been scrapped, so ... "

"I want to cultivate!" Xie Aoyu said firmly.

"Are you sure? I want to remind you that, except for the medicine **** of that year, till now, no second person has successfully cultivated. Those who have cultivated their fingers have been scrapped." Zi Yan said solemnly.

Xie Qian's figure flashed in his mind. I thought of Xie Qian as himself. He captured the dragon fighting skills in his nine lives and traveled across the continent for himself. He tried to solve the problem of incapable cultivation, and exhausted his pain. Xie Aoyu calmly said: "I To cultivate! "

Under the calm appearance, Zi Yan felt unwavering confidence.

"Well, since you must learn, then I will help you to cultivate yourself." Zi Yan said.

"Thank you, Sister Ziyan." Xie Aoyu was overjoyed. Being able to practice the medicine gods means that revenge can be achieved. This makes Xie Aoyu very happy. "Would you like to give her first kiss to her sister?"

Zi Yan stared at her with a hand, and pointed her finger at Xie Aoyu's forehead. He said angrily: "Smelly boy, dare to take advantage of your sister, huh, I just saw that you weren't looking right, be nice to you, now you dare to tease your sister."

"Hey, am I not grateful to my sister?" Xie Aoyu said.

"If you can make the Medicine God's Fingers, that's the biggest thank you to your sister." Zi Yan said solemnly, "Boy, I can remind you again that the Medicine God Fingers are not as easy to cultivate as you think."

Xie Aoyu said: "I will succeed!"

Seeing Xie Aoyu so insistent, Ziyan didn't say anything anymore, and immediately began to prepare for the necessary necessities of practicing the medicine **** finger.

An hour later, Ziyan finished packing.

"The cultivating medicine **** means that there are two major obstacles. The first obstacle is the entry barrier. To get started, you have to go through baking of different fires. This is how painful you can imagine that different fires are not ordinary flames. Comparable; the second difficulty is the most difficult, which is the collection of exotic flowers, and this is extremely difficult, because no one knows how many exotic flowers need to be pointed Reaching the state of perfection, as far as I know, a family that can rank in the top three on the mainland has cultivated a person who cultivates a medicine god's finger. Eventually, he failed to reach the state of perfection because he could not gather enough exotic flowers. "Zi Yan explained.

Xie Aoyu said: "Different fire? Can sister have a different fire?"

"Of course, if there is no strange fire, then I will stay at the level of a low-level pharmacist for life." Zi Yan smiled proudly, "My strange fire is a very high-level phantom spirit fire."

"Phantom Spirit Fire ?!" Xie Aoyu exclaimed.

"Do you know this?" Zi Yan asked.

Nodded his head, Xie Aoyu said, "I have read a book that specifically introduces different fires. Although there is no grade for different fires, the power is very different. The strongest one is rumored. A Mars can burn a forest on a small hill. This phantom spirit fire should be able to rank in the top five of different fires, and its fire is like a ghost dance. "

Zi Yan said strangely: "Everyone said that you are versatile, I really believe this time."

Xie Aoyu smiled bitterly. In order to solve the special physical problems, he did not miss almost any kind of books in the expo group. Natural knowledge will be a little richer.

"You can't become a senior pharmacist without a different fire, so in other words, you can't make a high-level elixir without a different fire?" Xie Aoyu said, this is his concern.

"Of course, the higher the level of the elixir, the higher the level of the different fire, so that the success rate may be a little higher. Like the poisonous refining in your father, the required different fire is probably more than my phantom spirit fire. High. "Zi Yan said.

It seems that the poison should have been given to Xie Kun.

Since it was given by others, it also means that Xie Kun may not have it. After all, refining that poison does not only require very terrifying exotic fires, the materials are more advanced. Xie Aoyu does not believe that someone will take such a poison casually. Come out to Xie Kun.

This gave Xie Aoyu another confidence in revenge.

"By the way, with the ability of our four elders in Xie family, to what extent can the medicine **** refer to being able to fight?" Xie Aoyu threw another focus issue.

Where does Zi Yan know Xie Aoyu's thoughts, she chuckled: "You four elders, he is also a beginner. Not to mention that there is no different fire, the alchemy formula in his hand is very poor. The medicine **** pointed that as long as he started, But beat him. "

"How can we calculate the medicine god's finger?" Xie Aoyu asked.

"Medicine means that there is an indicator for getting started, that is, your finger becomes pale gold, that is getting started. When it reaches golden yellow, it is close to fullness. If you restore the original complexion, it is fullness." Zi Yan Explained, "This entry requires tempering with different fires, and each time the tempering fire is more powerful. If this first pass is not passed, the fingers will be burned to ashes. If you spend it, you need to collect a lot of Strange flowers and herbs, absorbing its medicinal power. "

Xie Aoyu smiled and stretched out his left little finger.

He is right-handed. No matter what he does or fights, he usually has his right hand as the main one, but his left hand is left unnoticed.

"OK?" Zi Yan finally asked.


Xie Aoyu responded forcefully.

Seeing this, Zi Yan no longer spoke, and he took out the crushed herb and matched it with three potions, of which the elixir was rubbed on Xie Aoyu's finger.

Xie Aoyu felt extremely cool coming from the slightest coolness. He knew that the calcination of different fires might be just one reason. It was these elixir that really got him started. I am afraid that everything is the top thing.

After it was evenly spread, Zi Yan said, "I'm going to start."

Xie Aoyu gritted his teeth and nodded slightly.

It must be very painful to be calcined by different fires.

Zi Yan flicked her finger, and a black flame like a phantom popped from her finger, and the flame bounced up and down, like a showgirl dancing.

As soon as the phantom spirit fire appeared, the temperature rose suddenly.

Zi Yan slowly placed the phantom spirit fire under Xie Aoyu's fingers. "If I can persist, I will gradually increase the temperature."

While talking, Zi Yan sent the Phantom Spirit Fire up.

The phantom fire just touched Xie Aoyu's finger, and saw the smeared elixir, potion, and other things immediately make a "sizzling" sound, and a heat flow quickly passed to his arm through his fingers, and then Turn into your chest and finally into your left chest.

"Does it hurt?" Zi Yan asked cautiously. "If you give up now, it's okay."

Xie Aoyu looked at Ziyan strangely, and said, "I don't feel it."