MTL - Bastard Male Wife-Chapter 76 Which Chu family?

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The rules of the game this time are very interesting, leaving people with three guesses.

What are small things? Who is it now? What is the price marked in advance?

All game participants can look around and look around, but guess the price is only three times, and the initial difficulty is already very high.

The scene was very large, but people's attention was difficult to shift. If someone wins the top spot, it is impossible to hide these sights, and they will be attacked by the crowd.

How to get this thing is a problem, how to hold it safely to the end is still a problem.

The words of the prince were very inspiring and enthusiastic, and the provocations of the Chiman Mission were blunt enough to inspire more fighting spirit.

Xie Tingyue felt that many people should agree with him.

Looking back, sure enough, the sad eyes were a pair of hot eyes.

Everyone is motivated!

The prince seemed very satisfied with the effect, and did not care about the Chiman Mission's announcement, and whispered to the officials around him.

The official is also an acquaintance.

Long Qinglin!

Putting on the official uniform, the green boots were put on, the belt was tied up, the crown was tied up, and Long Qinglin looked more and more elegant and calm, quite official.

He leaned down slightly, smiling, and whispered to the prince. The two did not seem to have much sense of distance, and the atmosphere was very close.

This Longqing Lin ... seems to be trusted by the Prince?

With a heavy palm, Chu Mu squeezed it.

This is worrying.

Xie Tingyue smiled at Chu Mu slightly: "I'm fine, just thinking about what the object is and who it is."

Putting his doubts about Long Qinglin aside, he began to seriously consider this issue.

Should not be a game participant, a trader.

The first person to start the game is very important. If he randomly selects a merchant, he will definitely not sell it easily. How important is the opportunity to lead the mutual market, the wealth brought by it is simply uncountable, it is too difficult for someone to bid for more than the benefit, and to the extent that it is not expected, it must be the best way to stay. He hid and hid. Others didn't know that they wouldn't pay a high price. The more others didn't offer high prices, the more he wanted to hid and hid. This is an endless cycle. As for the rules of the game ... it's not impossible to find empty holes.

Either business people or officials.

Chu Mu seemed to think of this, and his gaze crossed the scene: "There are a lot of lively officials here."

Xie Tingyue nodded, his expression was very serious.

How can I find so many people?

Is it a Daan official or a mission?

Before hearing the news, Lu Li said that he would attend the meeting, and the visual line turned around. How could he not find anyone, not even one himself, and the reliable tips were even less.

Xie Tingyue's eyes slowly passed across everyone at the scene. There are a lot of people in the Chiman Mission. Most of them are expressionless, and a small part of them are exposed. They are barely provocative and don't see much information. Daan officials are even more cautious. It was only Long Qinglin who could be said to be active at the scene. He had been whispering to the prince, and now he didn't know what to say, making the prince laugh.

"So many people ... it's really difficult to see, and you don't see much."

Chu Mu seemed to have dialed something because of this sentence, her smile was slow, and her voice was profound: "So the problem lies in too many people."

Xie Tingyue paused, her eyes suddenly lighted up!

Yes, the problem lies in too many people!

Although the game has set up problems, it will not be impossible. The mission is willing, and the Prince will not agree. Therefore, this solution may not be difficult to find, but it is too easy to be blinded by a leaf.

This person must not be hard to find!

It is not difficult to find, it is very outstanding in the crowd, either its looks, or status, or different places ... In short, it must be conspicuous.

The people in the audience, except for the game participants, could not move casually, the prince who led the game and the leader of the mission Wu Kui, the most special temperament, was Long Qinglin. This person is fair enough to deceive.

But he was too close to the prince, and his performance seemed to be the prince's henchmen—at least on the surface, such an identity should be avoided.

As for the people of the Chiman Mission—the appearance and temperament can't be used to describe it. It can only be said that everyone is tall and not very delicate. They can only say that they have characteristics. But the Prince's people are avoiding suspicion. Don't they avoid it? If the two sides are fair, no one can favor it.

Picking these out, most of the rest are mediocre and unattractive.

"Either look or temperament, or status ..."

Xie Tingyue and Chu Mu looked at the first row of right-handed people at almost the same time.

King of ceremony!

King Li is a laid-back prince. It looks like he has no power and less than imagination. In fact, he has enough status, and no one dares to lose face.

Xie Tingyue looked for a moment, eyes narrowed, and chuckled out loudly: "Wang Ye seems particularly stable today."

Chu Mu understood the meaning of his words and laughed: "It's not just stable, it's too stable."

The two did not have much contact with King Li. They only met a few times in Qingxian. They did not get much information. It can only be seen that the king was a **** and wrote everything on his face. On that day, his face was deliberate. Not writing anything ... that's the problem.

Xie Tingyue: "Master Wang seems very thirsty."

After a while, I have already drank two teas.

Chu Mu smiled deeper: "Some people can't help but want to drink water when they are nervous."

Xie Tingyue: "It looks like we found it."

King Li should be entrusted with a heavy responsibility. He was worried that people on his side could not find him. He was very anxious, but he couldn't say clearly. He could only hold his own calm, keep the royal style, not arbitrarily, and not lose face.

"We can think of it, others can see it." Chu Mu pulled La Xie Tingyue's hand and reminded him to look in a direction.

The people of the Mu family and the Hang family have already moved, which is in the direction of King Li.

Xie Tingyue thought about it, and was not too anxious: "Many people have mixed eyes, they should not be easy to shoot, only for temptation."

After all, there are only three opportunities for each person to ask a price. When you are not sure what a small item is, you must be cautious.

this game……

In a short time, I am afraid that the results will not be achieved.

Chu Mu: "Do you want to explore separately?"

Xie Tingyue looked at Chu Mu's eyes, thought for a moment, and smiled: "Okay."

Chu Mu released his hand, and the two separated one after the other.

Going far, Chu Mufang turned back and glanced at the direction Xie Tingyue left.

From the moment he opened his eyes again, from the moment he kissed Xie Tingyue as his wife, many things had changed from his life. All kinds of information whistled, hitting the face in the same way, hurried and fast, and people were not allowed to refuse.

At this time in my last life, many things had not yet happened. By the end of his life, his limited physical energy was simply not enough to cope with many things, and the time was too short. He had no time to figure out the facts.

He felt that the royal family didn't seem to know his existence, and because of this, he hated it more and became more horny. Now thinking about it, it is his enchantment. The state of having nothing but horns is too crazy and terrible.

People live a little bit fettered.

Fortunately, he was not thin, this time, he had a wife.

Chu Mu slowly turned and walked towards the corridor.

Shit luck will not have a second time, he cherishes the opportunity to live again, and he does not want to let Xie Tingyue get into it until he is uncertain about the danger.

His Royal Highness ... Do you know me?

Xie Tingyue actually knew what Chu Mu was doing.

Opposite to the twilight, his heart gradually throbbed. When he was not sure of this intention, he would be afraid, but now he is certain, approaching Chu Mu, but reassured. Chu Mu had a lot of jokes with him, but it was all true. Now he can understand that Chu Mu has been expecting him to approach him, and he is conflictingly worried that he will be in danger and is always struggling.

Chu Mu wanted to hold up a sky and protect him rigorously from the wind and rain.

He believed in Chu Mu's ability and was also considerate of this tenderness. When Chu Mu said that he separated, he did not refuse.

He also believes that Chu Mu will not conceal what he is doing now, so why bother with morning and evening?

Xie Tingyue walked to the side without any hesitation and observed the Chiman mission.

People are always good at finding opportunities in the staggering cross-section, and the field has slowly heated up.

Small things ... what exactly is it?

Xie Tingyue trims her eyebrows slightly, keeps thinking in her head, and what the Chiman people take out will be something unique to her country?

The Chiman people live in the cold north, the soil is barren, and there are not many special things. It is well-known that the fur is there. The animals there are excellent in the ability to protect against the cold. There are many good skins. There are probably only medicinal materials that like extreme weather. Here comes the jewelry.

Is it too easy to guess? But if it is jewelry, the price is hard to say, and the difficulty is too high.

But it ’s not that, it ’s that? Does Chiman want to take an unusual path?

Just thinking, someone suddenly spoke in his ear.

"Lan Yingbu, Xie Er, I recognize you."

The comer's voice was rough, but it was Wu Kui, the leader of the mission!

Xie Tingyue arched his hand as a gift: "I've met Wu Shijun."

"Your Da'an is just a gift," Wu Kui pressed Xie Tingyue's hand, and his eyes flashed. "Lan Yingbu is hard to find among our Chiman nobles. I thought it was better to buy some in Da'an with the group. If you ca n’t buy it, why do n’t you put out more of that cloth? Otherwise, you give me some. How about this game, I ’ll give you some information? ”

This means that you can cheat.

Just wondering if this is a temptation or something else?

Xie Tingyue stood still, withdrew his hand, and smiled slowly: "Before the border customs city has opened, your nobles have Lan Yingbu, which is a good way."

Wu Kui sneered: "As soon as we came to Daan, we were robbed. Isn't your Daan a good tool?"

The words were ridiculed for a moment, I do n’t know if I was unhappy because I hit a soft nail, or I remembered something unpleasant.

What the mission lost, Xie Tingyue already knew from Chu Mu's information channel that it was cold smoke. It is also strange that every time the entanglement of root and seedling tissues is more or less related to them.

"The nature of the events is different and cannot be generalized."

Wu Kui was even more upset: "It's not all about losing money and gaining advantage. Why can't you generalize?"

The other person's expression was gloomy and somewhat unwilling. Obviously he still hated it and couldn't relax.

Xie Tingyue jumped in her heart, and suddenly there was a bold guess. Could it be that the small objects in the game today are also cold?

His eyelashes moved slightly, and he tried a little: "I heard that Zunshi lost the medicinal materials. Some medicinal materials are hard to find, but Zunshi is extremely convenient. Why bother to care so much and get angry with myself?"

Wu Kui looked at Xie Tingyue, and suddenly touched his chin, his eyes were full of interest: "Why, Xie Er is interested in medicinal materials? You sent me a batch of blue fabrics, but I can consider-"

Xie Tingyue: "The envoy talked and laughed, Lan Yingbu is difficult to make, I just want to give it, and I don't have it now."

"Let ’s bluff less, do n’t you think I did n’t bid? I know your Lanying cloth is very expensive—" Wu Kui said, moving closer to Xie Tingyue in the first two steps, lowering his voice, "But money is nothing but Human life is the most important thing outside of you. I know you have a deep love for your husband. I'm afraid you didn't intentionally talk like this and talk to me. Talk about medicinal materials to lower prices? "

Xie Tingyue's thoughts quickly turned in her mind, smiling with her jaw, and she said along the lines, "What's the matter? Can Zunshi bring me lonely smoke?"

Wu Kui's eyelids moved slightly, and his face changed instantly, but only for a moment, and then changed back.

But this moment was enough.

It should be understood, Xie Tingyue understood.

Wu Kui's eyes froze slightly, showing danger: "The sore that rotten should be wiped off. It is useless to apply any medicine. The dead should also obey God's will. Don't think about miracles. Xie Er, I advise you, Your head should be sober! "

Xie Tingyue was unhappy.

You are the sore, you are the mortal!

How is Chu Mu his affairs with me, what does it have to do with you, and why is he pointing here and there!

Of course, he also scolded in his heart, Xie Ting has always been stable on the moon, but also smiled: "Thank you for your personal affairs, you will not care about it."

Turn around and leave.

In the direction of King Li in the field.

What was that thing, he already knew it!

Over there, Chu Mu had successfully encountered the prince.

Subjects meet the monarch, when they worship.

"I have illness in the lower body, which is not good enough to perform the full courtesy, and please forgive His Royal Highness." Chu Mu, sitting in a wheelchair, could not kneel, but leaned his hands in salute.

The Prince's eyes flickered a little, and he quickly smiled brightly, and gestured to help him: "If you are not North Korea today, you don't have to stick to the bar. You are not healthy, just sit up."

Chu Mu's face was peaceful, Junya Qingrun: "Thank Your Highness."

Prince: "I don't know this--"

At this time, it was time for someone else to play. Long Qinglin was quite wink, and immediately smiled and introduced: "His Royal Highness, this is the eldest son of Chu Jiayi, who is seriously ill."

The Prince did not seem to have heard: "Which Chu family?"

Read The Duke's Passion