MTL - Bastard Male Wife-Chapter 59 Real onset

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Stepping on the same land, with the same starry sky above her head, the cool night breeze slowly brushed across Chu Mu's face and touched Xie Tingyue's hair.

Xie Tingyue can even feel the temperature and breath of the other party.

Obviously so close, it feels as far away as never before.

Unable to say what it was like at this moment, Xie Tingyue just looked at Chu Mu as calmly as possible, waiting for the other party to give an answer.

Chu Mu waved back Qin Ping, turned his wheelchair forward, and looked as calm as he said: "If I said I came out to find my wife, can my wife believe it?"

Xie Tingyue raised her eyebrows: "What do you say?"

Install! You reload!

Chu Mu sighed softly and did not speak.

Xie Tingyue's heart was awkward, and the man in his sleeve made a fist subconsciously: "It's not fair, Chu Mu, you know all about me, but you have many secrets to hide from me."

Yes, he just wants a fairness, just fairness, nothing else.

"It's not fair ..." Chu Mu looked up at the starry sky, there was a tidal wave at the bottom of his eyes, and his voice was like a misty smoke, apparently not doing anything, it has made people feel sad. Everything, no matter how small, are you honest with me? "

No ridiculous nickname ‘Mrs.’, just say ‘you’—

The other party asked this question seriously.

Xie Tingyue froze.

No ... there is one more thing that he hasn't said and doesn't plan to tell anyone.

Chu Muyou sighed.

Wearing the light of Xingyue, the bottom of his eyes was empty, even if the habitual laugh line was hanging on the corner of his lips, he could see his bitterness and sadness.

Xie Tingyue bit her lips tightly.

He is sad.

He knew what that pause meant!

Chu Mu: "In this world, no one wants to be closer to his wife than I am."

Xie Tingyue felt guilty and even distressed.

He did not do well enough ...

But for a moment, he didn't react right. Obviously it was now he caught Chu Mu's weakness. Why should he be guilty first? Of course, the rebirth cannot be said outside. Others cannot believe it. Even the people around them know that their emotions will inevitably change. Doesn't he not want everyone to have a gap? And people live, who does n’t have a little secret, who can fully communicate with a person, everything is clear? No!

He obviously didn't mean this, but Chu Mu deliberately misled in this direction, obviously he didn't want to speak frankly!

"Let's not turn over our accounts," I thought, and Xie Tingyue was right now. "Just say today, if I have to ask, you can't answer? Who is the person who met you quietly?"

Chu Mu laughed loudly.

This reaction, Xie Tingyue really did not expect, he was on the spot.

"Mrs. has to ask, I am naturally happier," Chu Mu looked up at him with a warm smile, and her eyes were as gentle as ever. "But Madam ... really decided, do you want to know?"

Xie Tingyue's heart beat.

Now it is clear that he is questioning the teacher, why is he facing an important choice or himself? Looking back at Chu Mu, a long-awaited wait for the day ...

Does Chu Mu like his arrogant temper?

An idea suddenly struck his mind, and he was shocked. He looked at Chu Mu, carefully, "You didn't ... want to hide from me?"

"Why should I hide my wife?" Chu Mu held Xie Tingyue's hand with a smile, and stuck it to her face. "I said, I need my wife very much, but—I'm not sure, my wife needs me."

Xie Tingyue had a pain in her heart.

So has he been running away?

Chu Mu has always been gentle and indulgent, patiently waiting, no matter how anxious, longing for it, will not urge, waiting for him quietly.

However, the other side kept embracing him, but he was still hesitating ...

No, Xie Tingyue frowned. Chu Mu didn't say anything to urge, but she has been silently induced. Every time she approached intimacy like a joke, every plausible confession, maybe not a joke, mixed with sincerity. How much of this sincerity did he ... ignore? Every time I laughed and stepped on Haha, would Chu Mu's heart hurt?

Thinking about getting married at first, the night when Ms. Huang was cured, Chu Mu ‘intentionally’ got sick and asked him: Can you see it? After Mei Yan, he couldn't wake up at night, and saw the underpass in the study, and the mysterious Chu Mu himself ...

Maybe all of them are hidden, which is what Chu Mu intentionally does.

Chu Mu is waiting for him to know, waiting for him to take the courage to move forward.

"Why?" Xie Tingyue suddenly asked the question.

This time it was Chu Muyu who stopped, and didn't seem to understand: "Why?"

Xie Tingyue: "Why is it so good to me?"

Obviously there is no leading edge, is it the first time that a marriage has met? Why did Chu Mu have a deep affection for him and was always concerned?

Xie Tingyue didn't understand.

Don't quite understand.

"Why ..." Chu Mu looked down, and her long eyelashes cast shadows under her eyes. "I don't understand. I just don't think there is no wife in this life, no."

To be honest, Xie Tingyue doesn't believe in love at first sight. These four words are more appropriate in his understanding. He believes in the company of long flowing water and long love, but at this moment, there seems to be no other way to explain it. Can I only believe it like this?

He touched his face subconsciously: "I'm long ... pretty?"

Chu Mu laughed softly, her chest agitated, and she was very happy: "Mrs. is beautiful.

Xie Tingyue suddenly blushed.

Can't you say that? He is a man and not a woman!

Chu Mu put his hand to his lips, and kissed gently: "I'm afraid that Chu Mu can't escape the palm of his wife in this life."

The back of the hand was hot, and Xie Tingyue forced to recycle it subconsciously—

Can't move.

Chu Mu clenched his hand tightly, with Xingyue Huaguang under his eyes: "To this day, I have waited for a long time, since the wife hit herself, don't try to escape again."

Worried about Xie Tingyue's retreat, he went straight down and said, "Yes, I kept some people secretly in my hand, and only listened to my orders, and worked only for me. It was so secretive that no one around me knew it. The one is just one of them. "

Raising people is normal, and many large families even have personal guards, but Xie Tingyue's focus is not here, but secret.


Why is it so tight, who is it? But there are people around to attack Chu Mu?

Thinking of this, Xie Tingyue's heart was tense.

Chu Mu: "Because I have a life-threatening matter, I have to investigate it, I have to do it."

Xie Tingyue was anxious: "What's the matter?"

Chu Mu paused suddenly, looking ...

Slightly twisted, or painful?

Xie Tingyue trimmed her eyebrows and frowned. Is this a regret? Don't want to tell yourself?

Chu Mu grabbed his hand more and more, and seemed to be crushing his palm so much: "... Madam, I hurt ..."


Xie Tingyue said, do you have to pretend to be ill?

As a result, Chu Mu's head crooked and her strength dispersed, and she passed out directly.

Xie Tingyue touched the other person's forehead, and was frightened to death. He immediately shouted, "Qin Ping!"

Chu Mu was sick. The real illness was aggressive.

Xie Tingyue has been married for such a long time, and has been accompanied to take care of it. Chu Mu has several minor fevers, which are not serious. He will take medicine for a few days and he will recover as usual. He has never been sick so fast and so cruel.

There was no fever, or it was only for a moment, and the physical condition suddenly turned down, and his body was cold, and this time he did not even tremble, completely conscious.

"Medicine ... you have to take medicine," Xie Tingyue was anxious, looking at Qin Ping, "Isn't there a life-saving medicine for you, take it out!"

Qin Ping was also very anxious, frowning together, but did not take the action of medicine: "Medicine-finished eating two days ago, one after another, heavy rain, no mountain, no way to make a new system, that pill medicine is hard to find, even if there is, It takes a lot of effort to control ... "

He has been serving the master personally for a long time. He is most familiar with the physical condition of the master. He is usually okay. To this extent, the disease is not as effective as his own willpower. This time, I have to rely on the master to carry it by himself.

Xie Tingyue didn't know the roots and couldn't think about it. There was a problem in his head, what to do!

No medicine ... just go for medicine!

He seized Qin Ping: "This mountain is so big, I heard that there are many herbs. I remember Chu Mu's prescription. Do you know herbs? Can you pick them?"

"I know it, I can pick it up, but I'm afraid I can't find it all—"

Qin Ping thought, now it ’s not only the master who is beside him, there is someone to protect him secretly. It does n’t matter if he walks away temporarily. Although it ’s better to rely on the master ’s will now, more herbs and more help are naturally better. : "You can't find all the villains!"

Brother Dong also jumped out from one side and looked at Xie Tingyue: "Master, my grandfather has done medicinal materials business, I also know a lot, I will go with you!"

Xie Tingyue nodded wildly, and the two quickly left.

The girl-in-law Ginkgo reminded, "Ma'am, shall we take the young master to bed? The doctor will come soon."

Xie Tingyue only remembered that, yes, there was a doctor who sent a letter before Luli, saying that the doctor was coming soon, Luli was an official, and he was worried about the disaster situation of the people. The illness was fundamental and there was no possibility of an epidemic. The doctor must not be incompetent.

Will certainly be able to stabilize Chu Mu's disease!

Cover Chu Mu with a few thick quilts and pour in a few soup ladies. Ginkgo is busy taking care of himself, but Xie Tingyue can't move.

He clenched Chu Mu's hand tightly: "I won't ask, I won't ask again, don't you scare me, okay? You shouldn't die at this time, you won't die ..."

He didn't know why either. He was calm before, and when things came, he knew that he was calm and focused, and arranged the follow-up methodically, but this time, he was anxious.

Uneasy and unable to focus.

While comforting herself with the fact that Chu Mu was alive in her previous life, she was extremely uncertain about the future.

It's not like you have to live again, and you have everything you can do if you have a prophet. People are changing, and many things are changing, and they will not be exactly the same as before. For example, this flood came early.

The last time Chu Mu lived well at this time, but the last time Chu Mu did not go out, this time Chu Mu came out, there was an accident, and the disease was no medicine, who knows whether it will--

Will not!

Definitely not!

Xie Tingyue refused to think about that possibility.

The yard quickly became messy. Xiao Yunfeng couldn't walk away. Hang Qingyun personally brought the doctor from the clan. The doctor only glanced at him, and his face changed as soon as he pinched the pulse, saying that he could not do anything.

Hang Qingyu was very guilty, but he could n’t do it, and he could n’t help it, so he had to prepare enough things for the people below to ensure that whatever he wanted here, he gave the greatest support.

Qin Ping and Brother Dong fought abroad. Several herbs had been returned, but the types were incomplete. Xie Tingyue didn't dare to let Ginkgo fry for Chu Mu.

When the sky was bright, the doctor from the road was there.

Ginkgo paid attention to it early in the morning, and invited it to the courtyard as soon as possible.

The doctor's name was Guangbai. With a few years of age, the two were white and had goatees. They were very neat to take care of, but they were not very good-tempered. When they saw Chu Mu's look, they were angry: Calling someone? "

Before Xie Tingyue had time to feel guilty, the doctor had put down the medicine box, brushed out the gold needle in the cloth bag, opened the quilt and gave Chu Mu acupuncture.

The head, chest, lower abdomen, and even the soles of the feet were tied up.

Xie Tingyue was very distressed watching Chu Mu who was **** as a hedgehog.

After a while, Chu Mu began to tremble, and her forehead and palms began to sweat coldly.

Xie Tingyue touched, Chu Mu's body was still cold, without any temperature: "This ..."

Guangbai knew what he wanted to say, and sighed directly: "It's good to have a reaction, and it's even worse if he doesn't even know that he is afraid to tremble."

Xie Tingyue groaned. Before Chu Mu became sick, she was so dizzy and so dead that she didn't know the cold ...

"Okay, I can't die in a day or two." Guang Bai estimated the time and began to pull the needle.

What does it mean that Xie Tingyue's heart beats again?

Is it dangerous after a day or two?

He wanted to ask the doctor to show it again, and he was afraid that it would be disturbing to say too much. He simply stepped back from his position and looked forward with his eyes, waiting for the doctor to act.

Guang Bai snorted, whispered a little sensible, sat down, closed his eyes and gave Chu Mu the pulse.

It took a long time to apply the pulse this time.

His expression also changed.

The brows are getting deeper and deeper, and the movements are getting more and more. Not only did he finish the pulse with his left hand and his right hand, but also opened Chu Mu's eyelids to look at the eyes, carefully holding his head behind his ears, and let Xie Tingyue hold Chu Mei's body with his hand Look at the back ...

Xie Tingyue became more and more anxious, seeing the old man no more action, asked carefully: "But is it going to be a recipe? I have prepared pen and ink."

"The prescription is not in a hurry."

Guang Bai gave Chu Mu another needle, but this time the range was slightly smaller, only on his feet, which was very different from last time.

Needle □□, look at the needle, and then carefully observe the skin condition of Chu Mu, and ask Xie Tingyue: "Patients are usually frail, and their symptoms are more frequent?"

Xie Tingyue: "Yes, but take care, the situation has always been stable, not so great."

Guang Bai: "How about the prescription you always use, remember?"

"Remember." Xie Tingyue immediately gave Chu Mu's prescription to the doctor.

After listening to Guang Bai, with a beard, he sighed longly: "It's just taking care of it too carefully."

Xie Tingyue did not understand: "You mean--"

"The prescription used by the patient is okay. It is good to use herbs, and the most is tonic. Of course, there will be no problem after eating, but it is impossible to count on this medicine to cure the disease." Guang Bai looked at Chu Mu on the bed, looking Slightly pity, "The patient is not weak, but is poisoned."

Xie Tingyue was shocked: "Poisoning?"

impossible! I have n’t seen this in my life!

After only a moment, he reacted again, maybe ... not because he didn't have it in his last life, but he didn't find it.

Or it was discovered that Chu Mu did not announce it, and no one knew.

Now, does Chu Mu know that he is poisoned?

Unfortunately, Chu Mu was drowsy and conscious, and could not answer him.

"Yes," Guangbai said with certainty. "If he hasn't developed an illness and his health is stable, I can't see it. But now the disease occurs without the drug cover. The toxicity comes out. It's just that I'm not familiar with it. What is this poison? I don't recognize it, just know that it is overbearing and cold. "

Xie Tingyue: "What can we do now?"

Guangbai thought for a moment: "I gave him a few shots, stabilized his life, and then warmed with medicine as usual. After his body stabilized, you can ask a famous doctor to find a way to detoxify."

Xie Tingyue nodded and wrote down all the doctor's words. There was always a problem in his mind.

"Doctor, take the liberty to ask, how long has this poison persisted on him, can you know?"

Guang Bai squeezed his pulse again and sighed, "Ingrained, at least ten years."

Xie Tingyue: "But he will win the championship ..."

"So he was hit at a very young age, maybe he was born just now," Guangbai Yiming Gao Ming, who has seen the world, has seen illnesses in the high-door households, and can see the temperament of Xie Tingyue and Chu Mu. Seeing one or two, the meaning is even more pitiful, "From a high gate ..."

Xie Tingyue's nails were severely buckled into the palm of the hand, causing pain.

"No," Guangbai suddenly remembered something, "There is a kind of herbal medicine that should work wonders for the patient's current condition, but it is not easy to find."

Xie Tingyue was as excited as he found the life-saving straw: "I also ask the elderly to speak up, but whenever there is hope, we will work hard!"

Guang Bai nodded: "It's called smoky yellow, looks like this-"

He also brought a pen and paper and drew the look of the herbs.

"It ’s also lucky for you. It ’s a good time. Although the effect of the smoke yellow drug is strong, it is very special. It likes colder and not too cold weather. There is no summer and no winter. It is only born in late autumn and early spring. It also likes it very much. Wet, usually not enough, it needs heavy rain, the season is right, and it ca n’t grow without heavy rain. The continuous heavy rain in Qingxian is a natural disaster for people, but it has a right taste ... "

Talking, Guangbai's voice went down: "This medicine is also a nemesis of epidemic disease. It can be seen that God will cause disaster to people, and will never break people's vitality ..."

Xie Tingyue saw the doctor walk away: "The broad husband? The broad husband?"

"Oh, I just think that this smoke is hard to find. At this moment there must be this mountain," Guang Bai handed the drawing paper to Xie Tingyue, solemnly telling him, "It ’s sunny, the temperature is high, this herb will choke. "The life span is very short. You have to hurry up and let people search for that foggy place, and there will be gains."

Xie Tingyue was greatly grateful: "Thank you, husband!"

Guangbai waved and waved his hand: "It's nothing. It's the best to find nature. It doesn't matter if it's not found. The patient's torn body is like that, and he will wake up at least a few days later."

He was so joking that Xie Tingyue was not slightly angry, but was very happy.

Only dare to kid this way if you are sure!

No matter what the way ahead, Chu Mu will never die!

Xie Tingyue and Hangzhou Qingyi immediately borrowed a helper and went to the mountains to find a message from Qin Ping and Brother Dong.

Since Hang Qingyu borrowed someone to help him, naturally he would n’t post a letter. When the words reached, he pointed out that one person would go back and respond, and the others stayed, scattered in several directions, looking for the smoke and yellow water together.

Qin Ping does not know how others are doing, but he once again encountered those who were rooting in the Miao Miao organization and chasing Li King.

Most of them chased after the King of Rites, not much left, and spread apart. One person held a wooden stick and rummaged on the ground.

The cliffs and fog are thick. This situation is too familiar. Is it also looking for herbs?

The master is ill, Qin Ping doesn't want to cause trouble, he just avoids these people and looks elsewhere.

Master, you must hold on!


The sun was fine, the traces of the water retreated quickly, and the Xiao family house at the foot of the mountain had been cleaned up, and the loss was not great. Everyone began to move happily. On the top of the Dongshan, it gradually changed from lively to quiet.

People who knew Xie Tingyue and Chu Mu were a bit reluctant, and wanted to invite the two to see that Chu Mu's body was really unfit to move.

In the past few days, Xie Ting was guarding Chu Mu's bed day and night, and did all the work she had done with the girl-in-law. Hang Qing-yu looked at the heartache. She didn't do so well at first.

Can't help but tell Xie Tingyue: "In today's situation, you have to take good care of yourself. You have the spirit to take better care of Master Chu."

"I know." Xie Tingyue smiled. "Let's be harassed and thank you for your kindness."

Hang Qingshou waved his hand: "What's this? The old saying is that the white hair is as new as the old one, and you and my Xiao family are already dying. I'm going to get angry when I say this! I said to you, this The courtyard under the mountain is ready. I will buy something now and wait for Chu Gongzi to get better. When the doctor says he can move, you send me a letter. I sent someone to carry the soft bed and move Chu Gongzi down. You can rest assured that he will not be able to bear the slightest sin! "

Xie Tingyue: "Thanks so much."

Hang Qingyu left, and the Xiao family also went down the mountain in batches. After the terrible heavy rain, it did not cause a worrying scene, there was no epidemic situation, and the old man was very satisfied. He was relaxed, focused on seeing a doctor, and Xie Tingyue was also very satisfied.

The only dissatisfaction was tobacco yellow. When I found it, I gave it to Chu Mu. People no longer trembled, they were no longer cold, they just didn't wake up.

"Only a tobacco yellow, what else do you want to make your man jump up and down immediately?" The old man Guang Bai picked a pot of wine on the table, "satisfied you! Stayed so many days, thing It's almost there, and I should go too-- "

Xie Tingyue immediately turned around: "I also ask the husband and wife to show pity, and it will not be too late for my husband to wake up."

Guangbai snorted: "I see that you are also smart, how can you not understand the elderly?"

Xie Tingyue was very determined.

"Let's go," Guang Bai walked out with a glass of wine, "I'll wait for him to wake up and say goodbye to you!"

Xie Tingyue was finally relieved.

In fact, everyone understands that he doesn't need to look in the mirror to know what he looks like now, and he needs to rest. Chu Mu's body is also recovering in a good direction.

But he just doesn't feel tired.

I really ca n’t carry it. It's enough to hold Chu Mu's hand and lie on the bed for a while. He doesn't want to leave here.

Seeing that Chu Mu's lips were a little dry, he took water and fed it to Chu Mu a little.

"Wake up quickly ... I don't want to hold on ..."

Conscious, wondering how long he slept, Xie Tingyue noticed a line of sight resting on his head, hot, persistent, and unable to ignore it.

dream? Or ... who is watching him?

Above the head, of course there is only--

He immediately opened his eyes and looked up, Chu Mu's closed eyes opened.

Is this awake?

Xie Tingyue was overjoyed, and she didn't let go when she held Chu Mu's hand: "Wake up? Where is it?"

Chu Mu's voice was a little dumb: "Not bad."

Xie Tingyue: "Should you drink water?"

Chu Mu: "No water."

Xie Tingyue: "Huh?"

Chu Mu: "I want you."

Xie Tingyue didn't respond, and the gripped hand pulled hard, fluttering forward, and took it to Chu Mu's arms.

Chu Mu clasped his back tightly and covered his lips.

This is their first kiss.

Real kiss.

Maybe not so fierce and sparkling, but tender enough and affectionate.

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