MTL - Bastard Male Wife-Chapter 47 Huh, do I have you

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It was another heavy snowfall. The silver wrap and red lanterns made the year-round taste stronger.

Xie Tingyue is also getting busier. Ping Xing wears a moonlight dress and eats food. If there is not a patient in the family who needs special care, and brother Xiong who can cause trouble, he can rest assured.

The first sentence that comes back every day also asks: "Did Xinger get into trouble? Did it make you angry?"

Chu Mu smiled and shook her head every time, saying no.

However, the brother who brought his own brother knew that Chu Muyue said it was okay, and Xie Tingyue felt more guilty.

Calling my brother around, I wanted to take care of myself, and didn't want to trouble Chu Mu in the end. Chu Mu was very dedicated, meticulous and generous, and did not care about children, so he took good care of his brother.

The days when older brothers fell into the water have passed.

My brother is still alive and seeing that he can be in trouble for another hundred years.

And these are the results of Chu Mu's side care.

Xie Tingyue had strange emotions in her heart, which was very complicated.

He is grateful to Chu Mu. Due to the death of his elder brother, his mood has been wrong during this time. Chu Mu felt about it, did not ask, and quietly guided him in his own way. Xie Tingyue didn't feel it until the day passed, there was no safety, finally Rest assured, he realized everything before thinking about it.

Chu Mu ... is really a very gentle person.

"If I come back so late in the future, don't wait any longer." Xie Tingyue was very distressed to see Chu Mu wearing a blanket and squinting.

Chu Mu clutched the book casually, put the blanket on, and smiled: "It's never a hard job to wait for his wife to go home."

Without his instructions, the girl-in-law Ginkgo has already made hot tea with smart hands and feet, and brought hot parcel to Xie Tingyue to wipe her hands.

Chu Mu: "Look, I don't have to do anything, just pass the time by the way."

Xie Tingyue roasted his hands. In the past, he first checked Chu Mu's forehead temperature, and then checked his clothes. He felt that he was pinching his hands and felt wrong, and raised his eyebrows to train people: "Why is it wayward?

"I was in the room all day today, and it wasn't cold at all. Madam was not worried." Chu Mu said, holding his hand, still shaking, smiling please.

Xie Tingyue couldn't breathe a little at this smiley face, and finally sighed, and asked Gingko to bring a big salamander, put it on Chu Mu personally, and wrapped it tightly.

Chu Mu's eyes looked at him without blinking, he didn't speak, just smiled.

Xie Tingyue: "What are you laughing at?"

Chu Mu: "Nothing, it feels like we are the wives and wives of ordinary people-"

Xie Tingyue made a red face with a hand.

What ... my husband and wife, nothing to say so intimately!

Chu Mu always knows what to do, and Xie Tingyue has always been steadfast. He changed the topic now: "You are not here today, the Long family is here."

Xie Tingyue turned his attention immediately: "Are the gifts come?"

Chu Mu's jaw head: "I asked Qin Ping to inquire. They also went to Qi's house and gave a generous gift."

"The Qi family accepted it?"

"Well, accept it."

Xie Tingyue nodded slightly and understood.

The Qi family is rich again, and the prosperous children in the clan are the officials, and they are mostly released. There is no authority. The Long family is different. There are many people in the city who are officials in the capital. The disparity, Qi's family can not afford to mess with the Long family, really torn his face, it must be himself, no matter what his heart is, this family, Qi family dare not throw it out.

Chu Mu: "After receiving it, the old Mrs. Qi family immediately prepared a gift of the same amount and sent it to the Long family."

Xie Tingyue smiled suddenly.

This is interesting.

Accepting a gift from someone else ’s house means to accept the love, what if I do n’t want to love it, and do n’t want to tear my face? Answer: Prepare a portion of it and return it immediately.

We don't touch your light, we don't take your affection, we don't want to have a relationship with you, we have a little bit of contact. If you are sensible, everyone has unveiled this article, and no one should be fooled outside. You have to be provocative and we are not afraid!

This is a slightly obscure way of expression, as long as the other person's family understands, you should know what it means.

"Where is Long Qingfu?" Xie Tingyue asked, "Is there any news?"

Chu Mu: "Looking for a doctor, the Long family said that he was seriously ill and would take good care of him and never let him out again."

Xie Tingyue said quietly that she wouldn't let it out ...

I did n’t prepare before, I got the word, now I know what ’s going on, and then Long Qing is back again and again, and they can set aside news by the way. Now, I ’m afraid it wo n’t work.

"Come here is Long Qinglin?"

"Yes," Chu Mu knew what Xie Tingyue wanted to ask, and answered him with a smile, "This person is thoughtful and smooth everywhere, it is extremely difficult to tell the truth, the secret of the Long family is afraid that it will progress slowly."

Xie Tingyue understood that it was difficult to check Tao Mushu along this line.

Chu Mu asked him, "Where are you, is there no good news?"

Speaking of this, Xie Tingyue frowned: "Yes! The girl who was bullied at Mei Yan last time was called Yang Chulan, remember? She has lump on her neck, which is not good for a long time?"

Chu Mu nodded: "Remember."

Xie Tingyue: "I remember where I had heard of this disease before. The scented aloe vera ointment was just the right symptom. After the banquet, Brother Dong went to find it and gave it to people. The good news came from the Yang family in the past two days. The sore is scabby, look better, you won't make it again! "

Chu Mu looked down and put the tea cup on the table: "That's fine."

Xie Tingyue: "I think this aloe is good, just discuss it with the shopkeeper, develop a new line, make skin care products to remove spots and scars, by the way, put fragrance powder and fat on the agenda, and make a new set with blue Come out! "

Chu Mu laughed so much: "That sounds good."

Xie Tingyue: "If you plan well, wait a few months after the new year, my name Xie Er will ring!"

After listening to Xie Tingyue's plan, Chu Mu was not tired at all. She also poured Xie Tingyue a cup of tea and moisturized her throat. When Xie Tingyue finished all the words, she took a breath, and then asked: "The person behind He Yuanqi, has not come up ? "

Xie Tingyue put down the tea cup and looked calmly: "I'm about to say this. There's a sign."

"Oh?" Chu Mu was right.

Xie Tingyue: "The other party was very careful. I tried it. I didn't want to be found. We still caught the tail. It should be from Qingxian. It was too late a year ago. I want to go there."

Go south from the capital and walk by the sea. Before reaching Suzhou and Hangzhou, go to Qingxian first. Although it is only a small county here, because of its special geographical location, it is a key node for business and warfare. If you find such a place, Xie Tingyue dare not neglect.

And in his memory, there will be a natural disaster here in early February next year, with a large scale and numerous deaths and injuries. Due to this natural disaster, the loss of sericulture is serious, and the price of fabrics will increase next year, and there is no market for the price. The best quality batch of Lanying cloth is mulberry silk.

Regardless of the nature of being good to others, Xie Tingyue had to take this trip for his own business, and now he has grasped the little tail of the person behind He Yuanqi, just doing things together.

Then he seriously discussed with Chu Mu.

Chu Mu's condition has improved recently, but it is not considered to be an improvement, but he is not a major offender. For him, it is an improvement. Chu Mu couldn't live without him, so he turned around and was a little worried.

"Don't worry about me, just go," Chu Mu seemed to be totally unconcerned with this point, not distressed, and turned to other topics. "You seem to like doing business, but you don't see you enjoy it."

Recently, Xie Tingyue has made a lot of money. He bought a lot of things for his brother and Chu Mu, but he didn't care much about it.

Xie Tingyue: “Of course I enjoy it. I do n’t have time for it? I do n’t like doing business, but I have a special idea about this business. I feel I can go a long way when I continue. What I want, in addition to enjoyment, is also There is a choice. "

He hopes that in the future he will always have the right to choose, what he wants, can have, what he doesn't want, and he can refuse.

He wants to live as he wants.

"And human nature, everyone has their own calculations. Standing on this road, everything is a challenge. Isn't it fun to win these people?"

Xie Tingyue's eyes sparkled.

Chu Mu looked at him with a gentle look: "I just think that the lady who specializes in this way is very bright, like it will glow."

His eyebrows were too focused, too deep, like a warm tide, reflected to the bottom of his heart.

Xie Tingyue suddenly remembered Chu Mu in his dream.

That man kissed him with such eyes too ...

It seemed that the charcoal pot was roasted too close, and Xie Tingyue's ears were crimson.

Chu Mu was also touched, and her eyes were always on Xie Tingyue. It seemed that she didn't see the same, and she could not help pulling Xie Tingyue's hand.

Xie Tingyue did not retreat and let him hold it.

The atmosphere is harmonious and the hatchback is quiet.

Suddenly the door rang, and a big fat man rushed over like it: "Brother! I heard that you are free tomorrow, let's buy New Year's goods!"

Xie Tingyue's hand flinched back immediately.

Chu Mu: ...

Xie Tingxing tilted her head: "I'm sure I didn't bother you?"

The direction Xie Tingyue couldn't see, the child stared at him with white eyes.

He admits that Chu Mu saved their brother's life and had gratitude to him. He must also repay him in the future. This person has a different position in his mind, but ... it is still not pleasing to the eye!

This is the person who is going to steal your brother!

Come back with careful eyes, the child ran up and down and was a brother and a brother holding his waist, rounded his head in his brother's arms, full of possessiveness, sticking to the coquettishness: "Brother took me to buy a new life, why take me Go on— "

Xie Tingyue laughed at him, and the ambiguous atmosphere before him disappeared instantly.

Chu Mu smiled: "My brother is really naive and cute."

Xie Tingxing grimaced at him: "Yes, I'm innocent and cute!"

For Xie Tingyue, who was reborn, it was a long time ago to spend the New Year with his brother.

He cherishes his life this time, and misses all the things that he had. He touched his brother's little brain and agreed to it. He got up early the next day and took the younger brother to go out.

Chu Mu: ...

From morning to evening, the posture of Chu Mu leaning on the soft couch in front of the window has not changed much.

The later the time, the more complicated his subtle expressions became.

Qin Ping: "It's going to be dark, and his wife must be back soon."

"Who said I was waiting for his wife?" Chu Mu leaned in with a cool look. "Mouth."

Qin Ping: ...

You do n’t wait for the tea to cool down? And the book page, I didn't turn it at all. I turned to look out the window inadvertently ... Chang Sui also wanted to be invisible, but Chang Sui's eyes were not blind.

When it was time to turn on the lights, there was finally movement outside.

Bright clothes on the upper body, dressed up as a new brother, bear, and entered the room like a monkey. In front of Chu Mu, he displayed in a circle: "How is it good? The new hat, new clothes, new belt, and this that my brother bought--"

It was not enough to shake the waist, and he also picked up the jade on the waist ... and showed it to Chu Mu: "Peaceful Ruyi, my brother edited it by hand! Listen to the stall owner said that he is the most intelligent editor, and he can bless his loved ones in the coming year. By the way, my brother had to do it by myself. I said I just bought one. He did n’t do it. He even chose the color of the yarn for a long time! I said just take it casually. My brother also blamed my children for being ignorant. How can such things be casual? What about my brother's hand, it was very neatly edited for the first time. I liked it very much. As a result, my brother was dissatisfied and said bad, and he just dismantled and re-edited it. He said it was the best for me. This, I feel 'reluctantly glanced over', hung up on me! Unfortunately, you did not go, otherwise I can persuade my brother to get one for you. I will pass the time when I play, my brother is also indulged, you did not Are you angry? "

The child said so much without breathing, is it really a pity, or really a pride, everyone understands.

In the end, he also learned to block people: "You definitely won't be angry. The Chu family is famous, most generous, how can you be angry with a child of mine?"

Chu Mu smiled, and her smile was extremely elegant and calm: "Xinger has grown up and is sensible, indeed, our adults generally do not have emotions for these little things."

Xie Tingxing chatted for a moment.

If you do n’t get angry, do n’t get angry, do n’t you have emotions?

This is to scold him for not being able to hold his breath, complacent about a little thing?

Treacherous villain! No weight!

I still care about children with children!

Just as Xie Tingyue came in, Chu Mu looked at her, her smile was elegant and gentle, without any grievance.

Xie Tingxing rolled his eyes, Xiao Ye believed you!

"Brother! Let's have dumplings tonight!" He ran to hug Xie Tingyue's arm.

Xie Tingyue: "Okay. In recent years, you can prepare dumplings at any time."

It's too late now, just eat it when it's cooked, which is convenient.

Xie Tingxing pointed to Chu Mu: "I won't jealous Chu Dasha!"

It's sour, but dumplings are just right. See how thoughtful he is!

Xie Tingyue Zheng Jianjian head: "He is ill, it is best not to eat pungent taste, of course, not vinegar."

Chu Mu: ...

If Qin Ping had not covered his mouth secretly, he would have laughed.

In this way Chu Mu also saw.

A squinting eye came over, Qin Ping almost burst into tears, and didn't do anything for a long time! Chang Sui is very poor! Do not punish the Chinese New Year with the Chinese New Year?


The He family was powerless, the industry was annexed little by little, and the battle results were pleasing. Things outside, Qi Yingfei is okay, Shen Sanniang is okay, Lin's family is not a demon, her husband's second wife is quiet as a chicken, it can be said that this year is very warm.

The old and the new are alternated, and the three stay old. Except for Xie Tingyue's satisfaction, Chu Mu and Xie Tingxing are not very satisfied. The reason is the same: there is too much for someone.

Chu Mu suspected that a child of Xie Tingxing was so energetic that he didn't go to sleep for a long time. Xie Tingxing had similar reasons. He suspected that Chu Mu was a patient who didn't take a good rest and could not carry his sleep, so he could not monopolize his brother.

After the year, all the families came to visit, and the road left.

There are no foreigners at home this time. Xie Tingyue and Chu Mu accompanied her throughout the journey and found that Lu Li is a very interesting person, especially a newlywed couple who loves to tease 'Honey and Oil'. Until then, Xie Tingyue didn't understand what happened to Mei Yan that day, and even bet he was a man | his wife is not jealous, and he is not worried about her husband!

The beautiful scenery of the twilight and the beautiful moon are only awkward.

He seemed very eager to make people believe that Xie Tingyue cared about him, very, very much.

Lu Li is also the same. He clearly believed that the husband and wife had a good relationship, but they pretended not to believe it, and always took Chu Mu to bet. Bet your wife will be close to you in front of you for a while, bet your wife will be angry if you touch the wife, and let Chu Mu stare at the beautiful lady who is at the end of the fruit plate to see if the lady is upset ...

What can Xie Tingyue do?

Brother Chong is used to it, and her husband who is sick and weak is also very comfortable.

Not acting?

Embarrassed and accustomed to it.

In the end, it's not embarrassing anymore, all kinds of drama come in handy! Don't say Lu Li, even Xie Tingyue almost wanted to believe. He had a deep affection for Chu Mu, and was full of desire. He was not allowed to see anyone, neither man nor woman!

Earlier, it was just getting darker, and he acted like a ‘good wife’ and asked someone to hold the lamp.

Luli wondered, "Why did you hold the lamp so early?"

"I made you laugh," Xie Tingyue smiled embarrassedly. "My husband is afraid of the dark, so I don't hold it early. I worry about him."

Lu Li: "When is Chu Mu-"


Chu Mu flooded at the scene, and cough seemed to be dead.

Lu Li looked at the nose, nose, and heart, cleared his cough, and said positively, "Yes, he has a problem, and I even laughed at him."

Taking advantage of Xie Tingyue's time to pour water on his back, Lu Li quickly winked at Chu Mu: When were you afraid of darkness?

Chu Mu smiled: Madam made me afraid, I was afraid.

But in my heart, I was afraid that Xie Tingyue had misunderstood the secret road that day.

It seems like ... there is an additional lady asking for love.


Xie Tingxing's petting show-off trick is continuing.

Change clothes and hats every day, but no matter what you change, even the jade on the waist is changed, and the spikes with a peaceful knot will not be changed. I also saw the sky shaking in front of Chu Mu, and the chubby waist was like some institution. When you move so much, you always attract attention when you don't stop.

Chu Mu did not care about her face. When no one was there, she always showed Xie Tingyue his bare waist, bare jade pendant, no peace Ruyiui, and sighed with a bun, and spent more than a year ...

The meaning is obvious, as long as you send, I'm happy no matter what.

Xie Tingyue ... Xie Tingyue did nothing, as if she didn't understand.

Xie Tingxing despised this, and one day was very dissatisfied with Chu Mubu ’s ‘heavy’ homework, and then attacked it: “I can only use this trick to bully people, and I wo n’t even mess around with it. You must have no childhood!”

Chu Mu paused, whispering bitterly: "Yeah, how could I have such a luxury?"

Coincidentally, this scene was seen by Xie Tingyue.

Xie Ting took the three books directly from the bookshelf and threw them in front of Xie Tingxing: "You are also grown up, you should think about everything before you act, and be careful when you export. I wo n’t punish you for the New Year. These are not copied. Never eat! "

Xie Tingxing was shocked: "Brother I didn't do it on purpose! I didn't mean that, brother! Young Master Chu—"

No one ignored him.

Xie Tingyue pulled Chu Mu back to the room and gave him Ruyi Sui, who had been prepared earlier.

The gradual blooming of purple, from light to deep, gives Ping An Ruyi Sui a more calmness and elegance, which matches Chu Mu very well.

"After preparing this, it feels too cheap, you probably don't need it, so I went to learn a dish." Xie Tingyue pointed to the hot bowl on the table. Maruko also has red bean filling, which is sweet and palatable, and it should meet your appetite. "

Chu Mu was really surprised. "Did you learn it for me?"

"I thought this dish should be very easy to learn. Who knows that simple dishes are good but not simple. I have tried for a long time to make them delicious," Xie Tingyue brought the bowl, "Taste?"

Chu Mu took a bite with the spoon Xie Tingyue handed over.

The taste of Xiang Xiang Nuo Nuo was sweet all the way to the bottom of his heart, a soft heart and a mess.

"Since you're prepared, why don't you say it?"

He was lost for so long.

"It's not like you're too naive, having fun and enjoying it. How boring to say?" Xie Tingyue sneered. "It's rare to see you so childlike, or not to bother."

Chu Mu understood that Xie Tingyue was not insensitive, not that she didn't see anything, but she didn't say anything.

Just as he wants Xie Tingyue to be bold and trust him more, Xie Tingyue also wants him to be more cheerful and more arbitrary.

The mood was surging inside, Chu Mu reached out and hugged Xie Tingyue.

"Ma'am, I'm very happy."

Xie Tingyue put her head on Chu Mu's shoulder, and her smile was bright and bright: "Well, I know."

The candlelight is very good, the temperature is very good, everything is fine, as if life goes on like this, it is a lifetime.

But that night, Xie Ting woke up every night and found that Chu Mu was not there.

He quickly got up and got out of bed looking for Chu Mu.

He was worried that Chu Mu woke up unwilling to bother others, and couldn't sleep. He secretly ran out for a walk and was frozen. This man's illness was unhealed, what can he do if an accident occurs!

This way, we found the secret passage.

In the study, the institution was opened and the secret road was exposed, and Chu Mu, who was worried about him, was pushed by Qin Ping and went in!

Xie Tingyue covered her mouth subconsciously, not letting her shout out, and looked around, making sure no one noticed before leaving.

After he left, the closed passage was reopened, Chu Mu's wheelchair reappeared, and his figure disappeared into the corridor.

Qin Ping Dawu: "Did you show it to your wife on purpose?"

Chu Mu didn't speak, her back was straight, her eyes frosted with moonlight, and the tides at the bottom of her eyes seemed to hide thousands of mountains and rivers.

Xie Tingyue ran back to the room as soon as he ran, and his heart beat, almost jumping out.

For the first time, Xie Tingyue was suspicious of Chu Mu.

Chu Mu seemed to know a lot about him, and was sincere and frank enough. At one time, he doubted whether they had met before, but he was sure that he had no memory at all. He thought everything was just because Chu Mu was too smart, really ... is that so?

Chu Mu, who are you?


"Chu Mu isn't just a sick ghost, but it will last for a few days? Then Xie Er is also, but it is a **** from a small door and a small family. It is just that, and I do n’t believe he can survive this time ! "

In the second room of the Chu family, Sun's eyes squinted, and Kou Dan's nails were lightly poked on the ledger: "I have forgiven so long, it is time."

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