MTL - Back to My Dad’s High School Days-Chapter 78 start shooting

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Qin Shiwu stayed in Beijing for a few days, and finally remembered that he was going to school.

He went to find Lu Tong and learned that the other party had asked him for a semester's leave. From now until the start of school in February next year, he can play at home.

Fifteen or sixteen years ago, Qin had a serious illness. He had secretly vowed to study hard every day after he came back, but as a result, he was delayed for a semester when he came back, which made him a little sad.

He also wanted to show off his skills and make Lu Tong look at him with admiration.

Lin Siyin took care of Qin Shiwu in Beijing for a few days, and then went to Gu's house to see the old man.

Qin Shiwu was not very popular with the old man because he looked like Qin Chu, and he didn't bother to go with his grandmother, so he stayed at home as Lu Tong's little tail.

Lu Tong didn't go out these days, probably to avoid the limelight outside.

He doesn't go online, but Qin Shiwu still does.

Ever since the relationship between Qin Chu and him was completely exposed that day, there has been another bloodbath on the Internet, and various gossip forums are discussing this matter.

There is also a sentence in it that was swiped on the screen, which is the sentence "I thought my brother would be confused if he was not popular, but I didn't expect my brother to be a wealthy wife if he was not popular."

As for the previous incident between Qin Chu and Lu Tong, it was basically found out.

However, the forum was emptied a few years ago, and their high school posts have completely disappeared. The posts of some high school classmates and high school acquaintances circulating on the Internet are all patched by Sister Pei's public relations team. Otherwise, if the matter of high school is revealed, it will bring new melon fields to the people who eat melons.

The "Our Life" program group has signed a contract with Lu Tong, and the shooting time has also been set, which will be next Saturday.

In addition to Lu Tong, the program team also invited Lu Ling, Dahua Xiangyun who just gave birth to her second child last year, Liang Xinwei, a well-known old drama star in the entertainment industry, Chen Xiaojian, an intern who is a father-to-be, and Xiaoman, a amateur daughter.

When Sister Pei got the list of participating programs, there were already rumors on the Internet.

The fans of Chen Xiaojian and Lu Tong have always been unhappy with each other. Although there is only a little news, they still took advantage of the heat to pinch each other.

On Thursday, "Our Life" announced the recording guests, and one stone caused a thousand waves. Netizens who had already finished eating melon saw Lu Tong in the show, and came to leave messages one after another.


"Lu Tong is going too?"

"I already had a hunch that I would never finish this melon."

"Looking forward to it, claiming Brother Jian~ Demons and ghosts, don't post [flowers] [flowers]" "Program group nb??? Can you get a photo of Lu Tong's son??"

"Didn't Lu Tong's fans blow up his son's face so much that it aroused my curiosity and presented it to Kangkang?"

"Uh, it's a bit of a shock, didn't you say that the shadow stopped, and it stood up again..."

"Didn't Xiying quit the entertainment circle? Are you brainless?"

Where there is Lutong, there must be tearing.

First, Lu Tong's fans fought with passers-by, and then the battlefield expanded, and they started to fight with Chen Xiaojian's fans.

But all of this was expected. What the program group wanted was the popularity of fans giving away for free, and no one's comments were deleted. After a day or two, it basically stopped.

Qin Shiwu turned over on the sofa and was watching the previous issue of "Our Life".

He is not interested in variety shows, but "Our Life" is well filmed, with lots of laughs and timely tears, plus what rural life is there, it satisfies the fantasies of today's young people , is a variety show that is very suitable for dinner.

Lu Tong was knitting a sweater on the sofa. The weather has turned cold recently, so he has nothing to do.

Qin Shiwu glanced at it, and couldn't agree with his mother's interest in knitting sweaters. He just wondered in his heart when he learned it. He was clearly a person who knew nothing about it sixteen years ago.

Lu Tong noticed that he was looking at him, and asked, "What's the matter? Don't you want to shoot this variety show?"

Qin Shiwu shook his head: "No. I have never lived with anyone else."

Lu Tong: "Don't worry, it's not a big deal."

He put the half-woven scarf on the sofa: "If you don't want to go, don't go, I won't force you."

Qin Shiwu rubbed over from the sofa and lay on Lu Tong's lap like a puppy: "I don't want to go. My brother is so handsome, are you afraid of being seen by others! That's right, isn't there a Chen Xiaojian inside?" ,he…"

He, Qin Shiwu, knew about Lu Tong's rivals on the Internet!

As for the leading ones, there is this Chen Xiaojian among them!

"Aren't you going to get into trouble with him?" Qin Shiwu stared at him.

Lu Tong said calmly: "No. Things on the Internet belong to the Internet, and the studio belongs to the studio. I have conflicts with him because of conflicts of interests. Even if they blackmail me, it's because their studio bought the draft. Have I , the guilty conscience should be him, not me."

As soon as he finished speaking, the doorbell rang outside.

The nanny came in from the yard: "Mr. Lu, it's your cousin."

Qin Shiwu: "What is cousin doing here?"

Before the nanny could finish speaking, Lu Ling came in from the yard by himself: "Lu Tong, I have something to do with you."

Lu Tong: "What can't be said on the phone?"

Lu Ling: "It's not clear on the phone, you know that Chen Xiaojian participated in this recording, do you know who he is with?"

Lu Tong: "Who?"

Lu Ling: "Their team is determined to fire CP this time. His son chose Zhang Putao, the emoji boy who is now super popular on the Internet. He has his own traffic. There is also an amateur daughter who is also a small Internet celebrity. Guess what? Who did he choose as the other half?"

Lu Tong: "I don't want to guess, can you finish the sentence at once?"

Unpredictably, Lu Ling spat out a name: "Ren Yuanye."

"Pfft—" All the tea in Lu Tong's mouth was sprayed on the ground.

"Brother Xiaoyuan?" He looked up in surprise.

Lu Ling twitched a bit: "Yeah, I thought you forgot about him, after all he was..."

Qin Shiwu heard this name after several months, and he was still no stranger: "Ren Yuanye?"

Lu Ling: "How do you know each other?"

Qin Shiwu: Damn! Not only do I know each other, I also know that he once conspired against my mother!

He: "Isn't he engaged in design?? Why did he come to participate in a variety show??? Changed to become a star?"

Lu Ling was surprised: "How do you know him?"

Qin Shiwu suddenly became hoarse, and he couldn't figure out whether he should know him: "Then, why can't I know? Or I, I shouldn't know...?"

He was so blessed that he used exactly the same tricks as he did sixteen years ago, but if he couldn't explain clearly, he directly blamed his dad: "My dad said it."

Who knew that Lu Ling's expression became even more distorted: "Did Qin Chu tell you? Qin Chu actually told you about him? Is your father crazy?"

Lu Tong changed the topic: "Don't talk about this, brother Xiaoyuan has returned to China?"

Lu Ling nodded: "It should be time to return to China. It's better for you to tell Qin Chu about this in advance, otherwise he will definitely make trouble when he comes back."

Listening to their conversation, Qin Shiwu heard a confusion.

What's wrong again?

Back then, Ren Yuanye did have some interest in Lu Tong, but this interest stopped abruptly, and then it didn't anymore?

But now from Lu Ling's mouth, it sounds like it's not that simple.

Either Lu Ling was exaggerating, or it was something that happened "after his death".

Moreover, before his time travel, he never knew who Ren Yuanye was, but after time travel, he discovered that this Ren Yuanye was Lu Tong's childhood sweetheart.

Logically speaking, the **** childhood sweetheart—it's impossible for him to know nothing about it?

otherwise! It's just that his father hates this man so much that he can't even mention it at home. Even Lin Siyin and the others kept silent!

The situation is serious, Qin Shiwu is no longer sounding the alarm in his head, he is just curious about what Ren Yuanye did back then.

Qin Shiwu hurriedly pulled Lu Ling: "You haven't told me yet, isn't Ren Yuanye engaged in design? Why did you come to participate in the show?"

Lu Ling: "The policy introduced in the past few years, variety shows can't invite all stars, but must invite outstanding industry stars from all walks of life, and also add ethnic characteristics, local customs, etc. It's hard to explain clearly at the moment."

Qin Shiwu: "What about Ren Yuanye? Is there anything worthy of inviting him?"

Lu Ling: "Of course it's worth it. He has already won the designer award for five years abroad. Do you know how to win glory for the country? Besides, he has a good-looking face and is an Alpha. There are quite a lot of fans chasing him on the Internet. He’s well-known.” He lay on the sofa: “And fans of this kind of designer have always looked down on the entertainment industry. If you read his fans’ comments, it’s as if he’s been wronged by participating in this show. Damn, it’s not him You can only come if you agree! Could it be that the program team forced him to come?"

Qin Shiwu muttered: "Did he often participate in this kind of program before?"

Lu Ling: "He has done it abroad, but he seldom returns to China, and this is the first time in China."

He paused, then looked at Lu Tong: "This is the first time you have participated in this kind of reality show, right?"

Lu Tong: "No, I participated in some programs for program promotion when I first debuted."

Lu Ling: "You used to be on the sidelines, but this time you are the protagonist. It's different."

After he finished speaking meaningfully, he stared at Lu Tong and didn't move.

Qin Shiwu instinctively noticed a strange atmosphere, and it was difficult to get to the bottom of it.

Lu Tong raised his eyes: "This is what you want to say?"

Lu Ling nodded: "It's about the same. By the way, have you got the script? It's going to be filmed on Thursday. Let's get familiar with it first."

Lu Tong said ruthlessly, "Aren't you leaving after talking?"

Lu Ling swaggered and lay down on his sofa: "I won't leave. Brother, you just ran away from home, you know."

Lu Tong: "Did you quarrel with Brother Lin? He doesn't seem like someone who would quarrel with you."

Lu Ling: "That's right, I quarreled unilaterally again and then ran away from home, what! Can't you!"

Lu Tong: ...


You can't stay long anyway, he thought.

Sure enough, before dinner, Lin Ci personally visited the Qin family.

Lu Ling and Qin Shiwu watched TV with a pillow in their arms, and slapped their thighs while watching, crying tears of laughter.

Lin Ci greeted Lu Tong first, then tore Lu Ling off the sofa without a moment's pause, carried him away on his waist.

Lu Ling is a bit afraid of Lin Ci, even after being married for many years, he still has such a small habit of scolding her husband's eighteenth generation ancestors behind his back, and immediately cowards him face to face, and loses his temper. This is all thanks to his ex-boyfriend. It wasn't Lin Erxian who was afraid of Lin Ci back then, and he was also afraid of Lin Ci when he was with him.

In addition, although Lin Ci looks gentle and gentle, he has a bit of a patriarchal style, and he is very strict with him, which also makes Lu Ling very dissatisfied.

The quarrel last night was not just because Lin Ci wouldn't let him get up to eat popsicles in the middle of the night.

Qin Shiwu sighed with emotion: "I thought my cousin was going to scold Uncle Lin. Looking at his posture, it seems that he is going to fight."

Lu Tong: "He? Hehe, forget it."

Qin Shiwu: "Why is my cousin afraid of Uncle Lin?"

Lu Tong: "It's a long story, and now there is a more troublesome thing to deal with."

Qin Shiwu: "What?"

Lu Tong was serious and silent.

Sure enough, at night, before it was time to get off work, Qin Chu rushed back with a sullen expression.

Qin Shiwu had a premonition that something was wrong, so he took the lead upstairs to take refuge.

After the nanny set up the dishes, Lu Tong sat down and picked a piece of meat for him: "It was agreed in advance, I didn't know that Ren Yuanye had returned to China."

Qin Chu put down his chopsticks with a slap, and seemed to be very concerned about the matter: "The ghost lingers!"

Lu Tong: "Are you still angry? Your son is so old, he should turn the page on everything."

Qin Chu bit his chopsticks and looked at him resentfully.

He saw that Lu Tong's hair was on his back, so he decided to coax him: "I was wrong about what happened back then, I shouldn't have quarreled with you, I shouldn't have had a cold war with you, and I shouldn't have gone to see him, okay?"

Qin Chu poked the rice to pieces, and just refused to eat a mouthful. It seemed that he was still worried about Lu Tong's incident back then.

Lu Tong helped his forehead: "Then what do you want to do?"

Qin Chu was silent for a while, then announced: "I want to participate too."

Lu Tong's eyes widened slightly: "Are you participating? Do you have time?"

From the beginning, Lu Tong didn't count Qin Chu in the program group.

Apart from a few celebrities who participated in the regular first episode of "Our Life", only designated intern families must appear on the screen. In order to ensure the authenticity of the reality show, all the photos are taken of a day's life of the celebrity family. As for the celebrity's children and husband, they are free to participate or not. Sometimes there will be a script for the effect of the program, and when it is filmed, it will be used as an easter egg. But for a big shot like Qin Chu, the program team naturally didn't dare to add scripts to him.

"Why don't I have time?" Qin Chu snorted, "I'm not going to participate. Seeing you and Ren Yuanye having a sweet time?"

Lu Tong said: "Jealousy pays attention to a basic law, do you hear what you are talking about now?"

"What is my relationship with him and what is my relationship with you? It is worth your effort to quarrel."

Qin Chu didn't like it, and said strangely, "Isn't it your childhood sweetheart?"

Lu Tong couldn't help laughing out loud.

Qin Chu hugged him slowly: "You can still laugh, I will never forget what he did to me in my life."

Lu Tong kissed him: "Didn't I apologize, I'm sorry, I'm sorry! Did you hear me?"

Qin Chu grudgingly hummed, and made some small calculations in his heart.

The "Our Life" program group was divided into five groups on Thursday morning and set off for five families.

Qin Shiwu paid much attention to the day when he was on the show with Lu Tong for the first time. He supervised the nanny cleaning at home one day in advance. By the way, he got up early in the morning to pick and choose in the closet, and chose the most handsome set of clothes to put on. .

The No. 1 program team was in charge of tracking and filming Lu Tong's family, with three cameras, four staff members, plus a director and a screenwriter, and it was gone.

The two vans drove for an hour, and in the leading van, the camera was clocked in and ready.

The person in charge of the commentary is the ace host Shaoya hired by the program group, the resident program host of Pineapple TV, and has been hosting "Our Life" before.

As soon as the camera was turned on, she adjusted her status and greeted the camera.

"Hi, hello, we're leaving for Lu Tong's house now, wow, the car has been driving for almost an hour, I'm so excited..."

As she spoke, she looked out the window.

"To be honest, I'm a little afraid that the director asked me to go with Lu Tong this time. I've only seen rich families in TV dramas before. Will there be any rules when I go in?"

The little assistant said cheerfully: "As soon as that one arrives at the gate, two rows of bodyguards will stand up in unison. We will bow to you as soon as you enter. Welcome, Miss Shaoya!"

Shaoya: "Then I'll be scared to death, will the director pay for mental damage? But I want to see Lu Tong more than seeing the bodyguard. I don't know how it feels to get along with him."

"You haven't seen him before?"

"He has been to Pineapple TV several times, but every time he catches up with me recording a program, I miss it every time. When everyone rushes to see him, I am the only one in the director's hall. I tell you there is another time we The director of the studio also ran out to meet him..."

At the beginning of the show, it is usually the host's chat, leaving the topic and task aside, and use it for post-editing.

Shaoya can be regarded as a relatively active host, and she speaks more naturally and amusingly. The atmosphere in the car is good, and even the staff chatted with her.

"Dangdangdangdang, stop chatting, I'm talking about business now, have you seen the envelopes in my hand? Come take a close-up of the camera brother, there are three in total, see?" Shaoya slipped the envelope in front of the camera Turned around: "This will be a task for Lu Tong in a while, ha, ha, ha, ha!"

The little assistant complained: "You smile like a villain."

Shaoya didn't take it seriously: "The tasks contained in the envelope are assigned to different people. This larger one is for Lu Tong, this one is for his son, and this one is for his husband. Assign tasks, they must complete without telling each other, exciting."

The little assistant looked out the window: "I feel like I haven't arrived after driving for a long time, so others will arrive before us, right?"

He was talking about the other four groups.

The second group is in charge of Chen Xiaojian. They are an intern family, so they live in a homestay arranged by the director group. It is arranged like a family and is in the city center.

Xiang Yun and Liang Xinwei are in the third group and the fourth group respectively. The two families live in the same community, so the two groups also went together.

Like Qin Chu, Lu Ling's family lived in the suburbs a little farther than the city center, and it took a little time to drive there.

Qin Chu also had a villa in the city center, but Lu Tong's status back then was not suitable for living in the city center. It was too easy for the paparazzi to find out the address of their home, so the two of them discussed it and finally decided to live in a quieter place, where the roads were difficult to find.

Shaoya and the others drove for an hour and a half, and finally arrived.

The little assistant got out of the car and said with emotion: "This is Repulse Bay, and the housing price is almost the same as the city center."

Looking around, Lutong's villa lived on a somewhat sloping hillside, and the development was very complete, with green mountains and green waters, facing a vast ocean.

Shaoya introduced: "I heard that Repulse Bay is also a villa area developed by Supcon Real Estate, and many local tyrants live in it. A few years ago, Mr. Yang told me that he could not afford a toilet here if he saved his entire life. "

She stretched her waist and took a deep breath: "Ah~ this is the smell of rich people! Let me tell you, you can fill the empty mineral water bottle with some air here. More expensive than other places."

The little assistant opened a map given by the director team: "Yaya, how do I get to Lu Tong's house?"

Shaoya took the map: "Let me see, don't panic if people panic." She looked to the right: "Go, go take that cable car up."

Several staff members of the program group got on the cable car. Except for the cameraman, everyone else was basically a grandma Liu who had entered the Grand View Garden and had never seen the world.

The cable car drove for fifteen minutes and stopped. After Shaoya got off the car, she looked at the road in front of her and said with certainty: "I should go in this way, and then I can reach the gate. Wow, it's really difficult Look for it, the road is quite long, come here, come over and take some pictures, you can’t see the end when you take pictures from here..."

The crowd walked for another five minutes, when they suddenly heard a "ohhhhhhh" scream from the videographer, Shaoya quickly looked over, and then sighed: "Wow... Really, really interesting Money... This villa is too big..."

She turned around, and after admiring the villa, she saw Lu Tong at the door.

Lu Tong seemed to have been waiting for a long time, with a smile on his face, Shaoya immediately clasped his hands together and exaggerated: "Ah! It's Lu Tong!"

Lu Tong stepped forward to greet him, he stretched out his hand, and Shaoya excitedly said to the camera, "Can I shake hands? Really? Can I really shake hands?"

Lu Tong held her hand: "It's been hard work along the way."

Shaoya said embarrassedly: "No, no!"

Lu Tong: "I'll take you in."

Shaoya followed Lu Tong, and quietly turned her head to show her hands to the camera: "See, the hand that Lu Tong shook, I won't wash my hands today, really."

After entering the gate, you have to pass a garden.

Shaoya was in the garden, and took the opportunity to hand over the task envelope to Lu Tong. Lu Tong had read the script before, so he accepted the envelope cooperatively.

Shaoya said: "Aren't you going to take it apart and have a look?"

Lu Tong smiled and said, "Wait a while to dismantle it."

Shaoya looked around the villa, and the following cameras took pictures of the villa from different positions.

When they reached the gate, Shaoya heard a very clear and clear young voice.

Her heart skipped a beat, and she became nervous involuntarily. Of course, Shaoya also knew what happened on the Internet recently, so he immediately guessed that besides Lu Tong and his son, who could be the boy's voice that could appear in the villa?

Sure enough, in the next second, Qin Shiwu came out of the room.

The sunlight outside was very good, shining on him, forming a wonderful picture.

The roses in the garden, the handsome young man, the encounter like a fairy tale, and Qin Shiwu's smiling face later on, after the show was broadcast, almost all the netizens' hearts were harvested, calling Qin Shiwu the little prince, the prince, She is a noble and glamorous fairy who follows Lu Tong's character, does not eat human fireworks, and only drinks dew.

Of course, the first impression is good, but with the subsequent broadcast, the character of this little fairy collapsed again and again, and finally became the milk treasure, the puppy, the devil boy who "does all kinds of evil" in the eyes of netizens, and is completely a sand sculpture Bar! Whether he and his father can debut together and talk about cross talk, etc., is another story.

The author has something to say: The post is late! !

Excuse me! !

And this week was bye 5555! I would like to trouble everyone to help me promote this article. 555 for collection! If you can collect 12,000 before Sunday! I will add more!

And please leave a message! !

I feel like this article is almost over, but there will be extra episodes when parents are pregnant with their babies! Don't panic!

·Thank you to the little angels who voted for me as the overlord or the irrigation nutrient solution during 2019-11-15 12:00:53~2019-11-16 12:10:19~Thank you to the little angels who cast grenades: Airrs, Ye Chen , Meow Tingzi Jiang 1; thanks to the little angel who threw the landmine: 2 cold crisps; Alfani, Ye Chen, Ah Jin, 1 piece of rudeness in the next room; thanks to the little angel who irrigated the nutrient solution: M55 bottle; empty Jojo Taro 49 bottles; Neiko 38 bottles; Mo Qi 24 bottles; Gu Xinggui 20 bottles; Boopa 11 bottles; Rong Yuan, Chen Baiyang 10 bottles; Shao Jun 9 bottles; Xia Chi Chi, Lucifer 8 bottles; , Lililili, 5 bottles of watermelon bralette; Dudu, Qiu Erbao's piggy bank 3 bottles; I want to go to heaven!, 29058880, Sa_bck, 2 bottles of Feng Xueye Guiren; -Jinjin, Shuanglin, I feel that my leg hair is blowing with the wind, today the wind is huge, and I have a cool summer bottle; thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!

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