MTL - Back to My Dad’s High School Days-Chapter 64 "Scumbag" Lu Ge

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"What's wrong?"

Lu Tong sat down, took out the candy from his pocket, and put it in Qin Shiwu's palm.

Qin Shiwu cried so hard that he couldn't take it back all at once, holding his phone, sobbing and couldn't stop.

Lu Tong's voice was very soft, which could be called gentle like water: "It was fine just now, is there anything sad?"

Qin Shiwu wiped his eyes with his arm. His skin was tender, and the rough cloth rubbed back and forth on his eyes a few times, and his eyes turned red.

Lu Tong grabbed his hand: "Don't wipe it, don't your eyes hurt?"

After Qin Shiwu finished crying, his nasal voice was heavy: "It doesn't hurt."

Lu Tong: "If it hurts, you can say it."

Qin Shiwu: "Nobody cares if you say it."

What he said was not without factual basis.

In fact, sixteen years later, if Qin Shiwu cried and fell at home, as long as the nanny was not around, no one would come to him even if he cried like hell.

Even if there is a nanny to take care of him, he can't be coaxed well.

Qin Shiwu didn't cry to get the nanny's attention. As time passed, the crying child couldn't get candy, so he stopped crying.

Lu Tong: "Say it out, I'll take care of you, how about it?"

Qin Shiwu lowered his head and said nothing.

Lu Tong raised his head and blew his eyes lightly: "Does it still hurt?"

Qin Shiwu burst into tears again.

Lu Tong: "Don't wipe it with your hands this time, I bought a napkin."

He wiped Qin Shiwu's crying face clean, grabbed his hand and wiped it, then peeled off the candy in his palm and stuffed it into Qin Shiwu's mouth.

"Okay, I'm here to play today, have fun, don't cry." Lu Tong rubbed his head.

Qin Shiwu had sugar in his mouth, and later realized that he had caused trouble to Lu Tong: "I'm sorry."

"There's nothing to be sorry about. There are always times when people are uncomfortable, and there are also hurdles that they can't get through." Lu Tong comforted: "When you grow up, you will find that the hurdles that you feel are not worth mentioning now."

Qin Shiwu asked him: "Is it true?"

Lu Tong: "Of course it's true."

Qin Shiwu asked again: "Do you also have troubles?"

Lu Tong: "Of course. I'm not a fairy."

He paused, probably to comfort Qin Shiwu, and he said a lot today: "When I was in elementary school, I lost my newly bought pen. It's a big deal. I still remember that when school was over in the afternoon, I didn't even dare to go home."

Qin Shiwu's eyes widened: "Really?"

Lu Tong: "It's absolutely true. But now that I think about it, it's just that."

Qin Shiwu looked into the distance: "When I grow up, will I feel that what I'm sad about now is a trivial matter?"

Lu Tong: "Maybe not. But when I grow up, I will never feel as uncomfortable as now."

Qin Shiwu: "Why? Is it because things are not worth mentioning?"

Lu Tong made a joke: "Because when you grow up, you will have more troubles. Compared with the troubles as big as mountains, the troubles in front of you are all small troubles."

For example, when he was in elementary school, the pen that had been abandoned all the time made him feel that the sky was about to fall.

But now that he and Qin Chu have a relationship that is constantly being cut and messed up, the trouble with that pen seems insignificant.

The troubles in life will get bigger and bigger as you get older, and there will be more and more troubles, and then you will spend your whole life just being troubled like this.

Everyone is the same, and you don't have to feel like you're having a hard time.

There are always more difficult days in this world, at least Lu Tong thinks that he is more than inferior than inferior.

Qin Shiwu sat for a while and asked Lu Tong: "Are you really going to have a gland removal operation?"

Lu Tong: "Qin Chu told you?"

Qin Shiwu shook his foot: "Don't blame him, I asked it myself."

Lu Tong leaned on the chair, let go for a while, and then said: "To be honest, I didn't think about it."

Qin Shiwu looked at him.

Lu Tong has always been one-sided in doing things, and he does things as soon as he thinks of them. This kind of "I didn't think about it" style rarely appears.

But this time, for him, he encountered a problem.

Lu Tong started another topic: "Qin Chu is still in a cold war with me."

Qin Shiwu grinned when he heard his father's name: "He must be reluctant to fight with you for too long."

Lu Tong shook his head: "It's been a week."

Qin Shiwu was surprised and said, "It's been so long, but he's quite determined."

Thinking of this, Lu Tong couldn't help complaining: Yes, there are no text messages or phone calls.

Lu Tong said: "When I think about it, the end of the Cold War is what Qin Chu said."

Qin Shiwu: "What does he want you to understand?"

Lu Tong hesitated, and explained the cause and effect.

He thought that Qin Chu was angry because he removed his glands, but Qin Chu said that Lu Tong didn't understand him at all.

But what else could he be angry about except being angry about having his glands removed?

After listening to Qin Shiwu, he propped his chin and said bluntly: "He is angry, so don't tell him."

Lu Tong was slightly stunned.

Qin Shiwu returned to normal, and said inscrutably: "The authorities are confused, but the bystanders are clear."

At the beginning, he only planned to say something like an expert, but he was worried that his parents, two new lovers in love, would not even be able to make it through a novice village, so he continued: "Going to have a gland removal operation is not to make it clear that you don't believe him." Do you like you? Or, to put it another way, I don’t believe how deeply he likes you. I’m most afraid of being suspicious when it comes to emotional matters. If you make him feel that you are just playing with him, Qin Chu will of course be angry.”

Lu Tong was dumbfounded: "Did he think so much?"

Qin Shiwu shook his head: "Anyone will think so much. If you discuss it with him, he won't be angry."

He looked into the distance, deliberately not looking at Lu Tong.

Qin Shiwu said: "He will definitely respect your opinion. If you want to remove the glands."

He told himself that from Lu Tong's point of view, the child is just a stranger who has never met before, where did the feelings come from.

But after thinking about it carefully, the feeling of grievance spreads its teeth and claws, as if trying to find him desperately.

Lu Tong said, "You don't seem to like my surgery."

Qin Shiwu gritted his teeth and squeezed out a sentence: "I, I also respect your opinion!"

"May I know why?"

Qin Shiwu kept his mouth shut.

"It doesn't matter if you don't tell me now. When you want to tell me, you can come to me at any time." Lu Tong smiled: "But don't cry."

Qin Shiwu felt embarrassed and wiped his face: "I'm not crying anymore."

Lu Tong asked him: "Let's go, where else do you want to go to play. Go to the gate, you can watch flamingos."

He grabbed Qin Shiwu's palm very naturally, Qin Shiwu was dragged by him and ran for two steps, staring at the hand he was holding, smiled and stuck to it.

Qu Muyao said before that Qin Shiwu was a child with a lot of forgetfulness.

Only remember the good things about others, but not the bad things about them. So the big grievance has been endured, and when it's over, as long as you give him a little sweetness, he will immediately reconcile with you.

All the previous pasts were hidden in his heart, buried layer by layer. It will never be revealed until the next conflict erupts.

I don't know if this kind of character is good or bad.

Lu Tong bought him something to coax the children. He originally thought that Qin Shiwu would not like these childish souvenirs, but the other party immediately put them in his schoolbag as treasures after accepting them.

Lu Tong said, "I'll buy it for you if you want it, and throw it away when you're done using it."

Qin Shiwu shook his head: "I won't throw it away, I'll take it home and store it."

Ever since he found out that Lu Tong was going to have a gland removal operation, Qin Shiwu felt more and more that the time he traveled here was stolen.

will i die

Qin Shiwu asked himself.

Did time travel cause a butterfly effect?

Qin Shiwu stared at the bubble gun in his hand.

If Lu Tong really went for the operation, it doesn't mean that I have less than a year left to live.

He didn't think much about it when he crossed over. At first, he just thought it was a novelty. Later, he fought with Qin Chu and Lu Tong, and forgot to think about it.

When he was in the hospital last time, Qin Shiwu met Dr. He, and the few words he said were still fresh in his memory.

The owner of his current body seems to be a very sick person. Could it be that he is dead?

The last Qin Shiwu was not dead, how could he occupy this body?

Preoccupied, Qin Shiwu didn't pay attention to the road under his feet, and bumped into a huge doll.

He quickly looked up and found that it was a big dinosaur holding a balloon. There are staff in doll clothes like this in the zoo, and you can meet two of them in ten steps. Qin Shiwu didn't take it seriously, took a step back, bowed his head and said, "I'm sorry."

Unexpectedly, this step did not go back, the dinosaur doll suddenly controlled his head, lifted his chin up, and looked at him affectionately with peas-sized eyes.

Qin Shiwu had just finished crying, his eyes were red, and there were still some teardrops on his eyelashes.

The dinosaur doll admired it for a while, and suddenly gave all the balloons in his hand to Qin Shiwu.

Qin Shiwu: ...

He pointed to himself: "You gave it to me?"

The dinosaur doll nodded.

Qin Shiwu:? ? ?

"Aren't your balloons for sale?"

The dinosaur doll didn't answer this sentence, but forced the balloon into Qin Shiwu's hand, and hugged Qin Shiwu in a bear hug.

Then he rubbed his face and head furiously.

Qin Shiwu blushed from being rubbed, and ran out after struggling: "What are you doing!"

The dinosaur doll let go after being bullied enough.

Qin Shiwu hurriedly took two steps back, spat for a long time, and spat out the fluff that he accidentally ate in his mouth.

"Who are you!" Qin Shiwu glared angrily.

The dinosaur doll repeated the trick and grabbed his hand.

Qin Shiwu stared at him vigilantly.

The two watched for a while, and Qin Shiwu suddenly twitched his mouth: "Dad?"

Dinosaur dolls don't squeak.

Qin Shiwu said "Damn", jumped up and was about to pick off the dinosaur's head, but was hammered by the two short claws in front of the dinosaur: "Don't move around!"

It really was Qin Chu!

Qin Shiwu didn't care about being shocked, and quickly turned his head to look at Lu Tong who was queuing up in front, and then turned his head back: "You are poisonous!"

Qin Chu asked him, "Why are you crying?"

Qin Shiwu was taken aback for a moment, curled his lips and said, "I didn't cry..."

Qin Chu beat him up again: "If you still want to lie to me, the crime will be aggravated!"

"Oh, don't fight! Okay, okay, let me tell you! Blame me! It has nothing to do with Lu Tong!"

"Of course nonsense has nothing to do with him, do you still want to rely on him?" Qin Chu said naturally.

Qin Shiwu: ...

"Fuck this plastic father-son relationship, let's break up our friendship!"

Qin Chu suddenly exerted strength, hugged Qin Shiwu in his arms, like hugging a big toy, and rubbed him on the head.

Qin Shiwu hurriedly pushed Qin Chu away.

"What are you doing!"

Qin Chu said coldly, "Are you still sad?"

Qin Shiwu pouted: "It's not sad, stop rubbing me! My hair is all messed up!"

Qin Chu: "What hairstyle do you have?"

Qin Shiwu: "Forget about it, why did you come to the zoo? Aren't you in a cold war with Lu Tong?"

Qin Chu snorted.

Qin Shiwu: "Did you sneak here?"

He took a few steps back, and when he saw Qin Chu's appearance, he burst out laughing immediately.

Qin Shiwu stretched out his thumb: "Absolutely. Your costume is too delicate. Where did you get the dinosaur suit?"

The more he looked at Qin Chu's appearance, the funnier he became. Thinking of Qin Chu becoming the vice chairman of SUPCON Marine sixteen years later, everyone was afraid of him and everyone respected him. Compared with the current situation, Qin Shiwu Can't stop laughing at all.

Qin Chu: "Ask someone else to borrow it. Lu Tong is here, don't talk to me, what to say can be up to you, understand?"

Qin Shiwu said: "Wait! What do you mean you can do it yourself? Damn, give me a script for acting, brother!"

As soon as he finished speaking, Lu Tong came over with two ice creams.

Qin Shiwu hurriedly stood at attention.

"Standing in a military posture." Lu Tong stuffed an ice cream into his hand: "Who were you talking to just now?"

Qin Shiwu pointed to the dinosaur doll: "I'm buying balloons."

Lu Tong glanced at the balloons in his hand, there were more than a dozen in total: "Did you buy them all?"

Qin Shiwu bit the bullet and nodded: "Yes, these balloons are pretty pretty."

Lu Tong: "It's not convenient to hold it." He opened the map in his hand: "I haven't visited the Hippo House before, let's go now."

"Wait!" Qin Shiwu said righteously.

Lu Tong is doting on him now, but he still hasn't calmed down, and he obeys Qin Shiwu's words.

"What's wrong?"

Qin Shiwu said solemnly: "Suddenly I feel tired from walking, or else we can take a rest here!"

Lu Tong was at a loss: "Didn't you just sit all the time?"

At the critical moment, Qin Shiwu remembered his trump card, and quickly said coquettishly, "I'm tired of crying!"

Lu Tong really softened his heart: "Then sit here for a while."

Qin Shiwu sat down, his legs trembled for a moment, coughed dryly, and had nothing to say: "Look at this dinosaur, what kind of dragon is it?"

Qin Chu was not far away, pretending to be the mascot.

Lu Tong's mind was partly on Qin Shiwu and partly on Qin Chu, even he was not interested in dinosaurs, which he was most passionate about.

He glanced hastily and replied, "Tyrannosaurus rex."

Qin Shiwu said, "Really, why?"

Lu Tong said, "Because its front paws are very short."

Qin Shiwu really had nothing to say this time, so he repeated dryly: "Really."

Lu Tong closed his eyes and rested for a while.

Qin Chu's dinosaur head immediately stared at Qin Shiwu, Qin Shiwu looked like an enemy, and mouthed: "What are you talking about!"

Qin Chu didn't see his mouth shape, and drew a horizontal line on his neck with his front paws, as a threat.

"By the way, Lu Tong!" Qin Shiwu hurriedly spoke again, he thought for a while, and finally matched Qin Chu's brainwaves: "When do you plan to reconcile with Qin Chu?"

Lu Tong opened his eyes: "I've never quarreled with him before."

Qin Shiwu nodded: "That's right, you don't look like someone who can quarrel. Is that Qin Chu's unilateral cold war with you?"

Lu Tong shook the phone: "Obviously. Your answer is correct."

Qin Shiwu sighed, and thought: Damn, this is not my mother's problem, what do you want me to ask! Didn't everyone say they didn't quarrel with you? Can't you lower your middle school head and admit your mistake!

Of course, Qin Chu was unwilling to take advantage of his own faults. He raised himself to the commanding heights of morality, criticized Lu Tong condescendingly, and then unilaterally declared a cold war. In the end, he forgot to leave a step for himself, and he couldn't get down no matter what.

Now we have to make this move.

Qin Shiwu could only continue to find topics: "Then you..."

"Lu Tong?"

Qin Shiwu turned his head.

The last time "Lu Tong" was not called by him, nor by Qin Chu, it was an Alpha who was a high school student who called him.

"I thought I made a mistake." Alpha smiled and said, "Long time no see, do you still remember me?"

Qin Shiwu and the dinosaur Doudou looked at each other and exchanged radio waves: Do you know each other?

How could I know it!

Lu Tong thought about it in his mind, and said, "Gao Qin?"

Gao Qin said: "I'm so honored, Xiaohua."

Hearing this address, Lu Tong couldn't help but feel a headache: "If you don't want to reminisce about the past, get out."

Gao Qin laughed and said, "Just kidding, after you entered No. 1 Middle School, you didn't have much contact with us old classmates. You thought you had forgotten us."

Lu Tong was merciless: "I almost forgot."

Gao Qin complained: "It's really ruthless."

He looked at Qin Shiwu, patted him on the shoulder, and said familiarly, "Hello, are you Lu Tong's current classmate?"

Qin Shiwu looked at him warily: "No. I'm his friend."

Lu Tong: "A freshman in high school."

Gao Qin was dumbfounded: "Are you taking care of the child? My mother, I have never seen you as a good wife and mother before. Junior, how did you handle him? In the past, it was more difficult for us to ask him out to play."

Qin Shiwu felt complacent for a while, and thought: Of course, what is my relationship with Lu Tong, and what is your relationship with Lu Tong!

But according to Gao Qin, he and Lu Tong seem to have known each other a long time ago.

Qin Shiwu's guess was right. Gao Qin and Lu Tong studied together in the attached middle school, and they were in the same class.

The attached middle school is an affiliated middle school of the No. 1 middle school. Generally, if the grades are good, they don't need to take the senior high school entrance examination.

When Lu Tong was in No. 1 Middle School, he was directly promoted and did not take the exam.

Gao Qin's grades back then were good, almost on par with him, but this guy didn't care about the opinions of his teachers and parents at all, he insisted on studying art, intending to fulfill his great dream of art.

In short, I just gave up the recommendation quota, had a big quarrel with my family, and finally went to the No. 7 Middle School—an art high school, which is also a very famous high school, but compared to No. 1 Middle School, it is still worse.

When Gao Qin was in junior high school, he had a good relationship with Lu Tong, and the cohesion of their class was not bad. Although they went to different high schools, the class group has never been disbanded, and some people bubble up every now and then.

However, Lu Tong is a long-term diver.

"Wang Cheng said several times that he wanted to have a party, but it didn't work out." Gao Qin sat on the bench to the right of Lu Tong.

Lu Tong: "Go easy."

Qin Shiwu was a little unhappy that Lu Tong was sitting so close to him, and Gao Qin became more and more upset. It's nothing else, mainly one A and one O, and it's not a very intimate relationship, what are you doing sitting so close to each other!

As everyone knows, Gao Qin doesn't know that Lu Tong is an Omega now, and he still treats him as an Alpha.

Back in junior high school, the two were considered rivals in their studies. Gao Qin and him took turns winning prizes in physics competitions, and they were the two gold medals of the attached high school that year.

The relationship is naturally stronger than the average person.

Gao Qin asked: "By the way, what school did you get in this time?"

He was talking about the college entrance examination on Monday.

An education bureau made the city entrance exam, which is a big test. All classes were notified at the beginning of the semester. Now that it is the second half of the semester, it is time to test the learning results of this semester.

This preliminary test is related to the placement of liberal arts and science classes from senior one to senior two, and it is also related to the quota of competition classes from senior two to senior three.

Lu Tong said, "Go to the fourth high school entrance examination."

Gao Qin: "That's the same school we got. I thought I could go to No. 1 Middle School."

Lu Tong twitched the corner of his mouth: "Back then, I recommended you not to, but now you think about it?"

Gao Qin chuckled: "What do you know, what you can't get is the best. Don't you come out for self-study on Sunday night? Don't you have to arrange seats at night for the exam on Monday? There are not so many people in the class. I will call Shang Xiao Fat Liumao and the others, go to the open-air barbecue stall by the river, see you at the old place?"

Lu Tong was not in a good mood recently. Hearing Gao Qin's proposal, he thought about it and agreed.

Gao Qin said suddenly: "By the way, I heard Xiaopang said that you are in a relationship? Is it true or not?"

Lu Tong nodded: "Really."

Gao Qin looked at him in horror: "You can also fall in love!"

Lu Tong: "What's wrong with me?"

Gao Qin: "I was deeply influenced by the forum in junior high school. I always thought you were a fairy who only drank dew. Damn, which lady dragged you off the altar?"

Lu Tong didn't bother to talk to him.

Gao Qin said: "Then bring your younger siblings with you when you come, let us open our eyes, what kind of fairy is it to take down your Jiaohua?" He paused: "Could it be the host Chen Yuanyuan?"

Lu Tong: "No." He didn't hesitate: "It's a man."

Gao Qin thought, "A man?" Omega.

He touched his chin: "There are many beautiful men, but there are not many who are more beautiful than you."

Gao Qin said, "Strange."

Lu Tong:?

Gao Qin couldn't bear it anymore, and stared at the dinosaur doll: "What's the matter with that dinosaur? It's been staring at me since the beginning? Don't think that I can't see it if I wear a hood! Two naked murderous looks rushed Come here!"

Qin Shiwu hastened to smooth things over: "You misunderstood, the staff see what you are doing. By the way, can I go to your party?"

Gao Qin never refuses anyone who comes: "Come, as long as you don't recognize your life."

Qin Shiwu: "I'll just follow Lu Tong!"

Gao Qin chatted with Lu Tong again, and said, "My girlfriend is still waiting for me, so let's go. Remember to come on Sunday night. I will watch the group later, and I called a few people in the class together."

Lu Tong rubbed his eyebrows.

Qin Shiwu said: "Let's go back."

Lu Tong: "Stop playing?"

Qin Shiwu laughed and said, "That's enough, I had a lot of fun today!"

He thought for a while and said, "Lu Tong, I want to take a photo with that dinosaur."

Qin Shiwu pointed to Qin Chu.

Lu Tong took out his phone.

Qin Shiwu said: "I want to shoot with you!"

Lu Tong looked up and found that there were quite a lot of parents and children taking pictures with dolls, but he didn't expect that Qin Shiwu also liked to take pictures of tourists like this.

Lu Tong: "But who will take pictures for us?"

Qin Shiwu: "Just take a selfie, come with me!"

He looked very excited, his eyes lit up.

Lu Tong talked to the dinosaur first, but the dinosaur basically just nodded and didn't speak.

After reaching an agreement on the requirements, Qin Shiwu stood in front and took a group photo.

Seeing that he was happy, Lu Tong couldn't help asking, "Are you so happy?"

Qin Shiwu looked at the photo several times: "Yes! Let's go back, I'm tired and want to sleep."

The incident at the zoo came to an end, but Lu Tong never forgot the scene of Qin Shiwu crying miserably.

He could think of the wrinkled face of the other party when he closed his eyes, and when he thought about it, he felt depressed too.

Lu Tong couldn't tell where this metaphysical feeling came from, but the more he thought about it, the more he felt something was wrong. After thinking about it later, he found that he didn't go to Qin Shiwu's house at all, but was tricked out by Qin Shiwu.

He took out his cell phone, found Dr. He's cell phone number, and dialed it.

Dr. He quickly answered the phone: "Have you finished your medicine?"

Lu Tong said calmly: "Doctor He, I want to ask about Qin Shiwu."

Dr. He smiled and said, "What do you want to ask?"

- On Sunday night, Zhou Hai did not assign Lu Tong any task to tidy up the class.

The whole evening self-study is all empty.

Qin Shiwu was waiting for Lu Tong at the school gate early on. Now that the weather is getting hotter, Qin Shiwu has already taken off his long-sleeved jacket and started wearing short-sleeved school uniform.

Since the afternoon, the weather has been muggy. After a thunderstorm, it has cooled down a lot.

When the temperature drops at night, wearing short sleeves will definitely catch a cold.

Lu Tong knew that Qin Shiwu liked to play tricks on boys, and he wanted grace over warmth, so he brought him a long-sleeved jacket.

When he took out his coat, he looked at his phone.

Qin Chu's cold war really went too far. For the first two days, Lu Tong only thought of him as losing his temper, but in the end he really couldn't bear to see him. Lu Tong said it first, and sent a few text messages, but nothing came of it. He made a phone call, but he never got through.

As a result, yesterday, when He Nian was scrolling through the forum, he reminded himself that recently there was a young girl in the first year of high school who chased after Qin Chuchai so arrogantly that she dared to pull a banner at the school gate to confess her love.

Lu Tong didn't say anything at that time, but the more he thought about it, the more annoying he became.

Speaking of which, Qin Chu's love luck has always been very strong, and it hasn't stopped since he entered high school.

There are always girls catching up one after another. This one is gone, and there will be the next one, just like a relay race.

Although Qin Chu didn't express that he didn't care about the girl who was chasing her, but others didn't think that was the case.

Strange rumors spread ten times, ten times to hundreds, and reached Lu Tong's ears, becoming a concubine's love.

If he hadn't understood Qin Chu's personality as a person with secondary illnesses, Lu Tong might really have believed these nonsense.

Qin Shiwu also heard the recent rumors, and said directly: "Don't believe this."

He complained in his heart: This is the retribution of reincarnation!

Sixteen years ago, because of the peach blossoms that Qin Chu couldn't finish pinching, Lu Tong was often secretly jealous.

Sixteen years later, in the face of all kinds of handsome men and women in the entertainment industry and Lu Tong who are crazy about CP, Qin Chu also soaks in the vinegar tank every day, and can check twenty times a day.

Moreover, compared to Qin Chu's small fights, the hype that Lu Tong faced later was not just for fun.

All the studios that followed his hype had invested a lot of money, and almost all hoped that their artists would hug Lu Tong's golden thigh, and wished that the two of them would cook the raw rice first.

Forget it, at least no one will take the rumors with Qin Chu to heart.

However, the cp that was created with Lu Tong has a large number of people who truly feel that they are a match made in heaven, that they are real, that they are definitely in a relationship, and so on, which made Qin Chu feel big.

The two took a taxi to the riverside. Gao Qin had been waiting early in the morning: "Lu Tong! This way!"

Lu Tong saw a few bottles of wine on their table and raised his eyebrows: "Drink?"

Gao Qin grinned and said, "What kind of soul does a barbecue without drinking have? Xiaopang, your wife is here, so why be ashamed, why don't you come out and kneel down to greet her!"

Xiaopang blushed: "I'm your mother! How many years do you have to remember! Brother Lu, don't listen to Gao Qin's nonsense, he did it on purpose. Fuck! Just pretend I haven't said this before!"

When Lu Tong was in junior high school, everyone who knew him was sure that he would be an Omega.

Xiaopang was also one of the many nerds back then, brazenly calling Lu Tong his wife in the small group, but the result was that there was not even a pair of trousers left in the screenshots taken by the class to tease him.

Until now, it is still a chat after dinner.

Lu Tong sat down, Gao Qin looked back: "Why didn't you bring your siblings?"

Xiaopang also said, "Yes, Gao Qin said you would bring your sister-in-law, and we are all waiting."

Gao Qin's popularity is good, such a small gathering, even invited ten people to come.

Men and women, some know each other, and some don't.

The people I don't know are probably the "family members" brought by the classmates from the previous class.

Liu Xiaobing crossed her hands, put them on her chest, and said contrivedly: "God, I also want to see which little fairy caught my male **** away. Male god, don't you deliberately hide your beauty in a golden house and don't show it to us?" Bar?"

Lu Tong was a little embarrassed, and coughed: "No. Recently...he is fighting with me."

Liu Xiaobing said "Damn it".

Fatty thumbs up: "Sister-in-law is worthy of being a god, she is proud of being favored. Are you in the same class?"

Lu Tong shook his head: "A freshman in high school."

Liumao sighed with emotion: "It's actually younger than us."

Lu Tong said, "Let's eat first."

He took the meat from the barbecue off the stick and put it in Qin Shiwu's bowl: "Eat it when it's cold. What do you want to drink?"

Qin Shiwu had a great time eating: "Drink!"

Lu Tong poured him a glass of coconut juice with a blank expression: "No."

Gao Qin saw Lu Tong's gentle and watery appearance, and then looked at Qin Shiwu: he is obviously an omega!

Being so kind to an Omega, but calling him his friend, Gao Qin felt something was wrong, this sense of intimacy was too much, although it didn't feel like a relationship, but it wasn't his brother or sister... so it appropriate.

What's more, Lu Tong still has a partner.

A terrible thought rose in everyone's hearts: This—could this be the legendary chopping and kicking?

Gao Qin and Liu Mao looked at each other and swallowed together.

It must be an illusion...

Xiaopang wiped his sweat.

Halfway through eating, Lu Tong stood up and said, "I'm going to wash my hands."

There was a public restroom not far away, he peeled the prawns greasy for Qin Shiwu, and Qin Shiwu didn't look good when he ate.

Lu Tong looked at his face helplessly, and felt that he had endless desires. So he pulled him up together: "Come with me."

Xiaopang looked at the hands of the two holding hands together, and saw Qin Shiwu's obedient and docile appearance to Lu Tong's words, and couldn't help but make up the shocking setting of the domineering president Little White Rabbit.

The concept of "just friends" in his heart was shaken.

Not long after Lu Tong left, Liu Xiaobing said in silence: "You male **** and his friend...isn't it...a bit..."

"It's too intimate..." Xiaopang added.

"Impossible, how could Lu Tong be that kind of person!" Wang Cheng immediately denied it categorically.

"It's just that they have a good relationship. There is also a pure friendship between AO!"

Everyone enjoyed themselves, as if they had convinced each other.

Haha laughed dryly, and read the gossip from each other's eyes.

Liu Mao summed it up: "Yes, don't guess. Don't we know Lu Tong? Who is he? What kind of character is he? How could he do such a explosive thing like stepping on two boats?"

As a result, as soon as the words fell, a young man with a very stunning appearance appeared beside the barbecue stand, wearing the school uniform of No. 1 Middle School.

The visitor was not friendly, and asked them about the barbecue stall: "Is Lu Tong here?"

Gao Qin was stunned for a moment and asked, "Are you..."

Qin Chu was annoyed: "I'm his boyfriend."

...Damn it! !

Not only did he do the thing of stepping on two boats! The genuine lady has come to her door!

Xiaopang's expression changed, and he slid off the stool: Brother Lu! Unexpectedly! You are actually a scumbag!

The author has something to say: Misunderstanding [Erkang Shou·

A little late! Excuse me!

And the baby will fall off the horse, but I have already thought about the plot of falling off the horse! Let Lu Tong catch more clues first! After all, there is no actual drama, and there is no way to believe such an outrageous metaphysical incident just by intuition!

·Thank you for the little angel who voted for the overlord or the irrigation nutrient solution for me~Thank you for the little angel who voted for [Bazooka]: 1 in July; thank you for the little angel who voted for [Mine]: I’m rude in the next box, Yin Nuo, Qingse, Hansu, Chengmei, Baqi, Wuyikou Chaifei, Daiyu 1; thanks to the little angel of irrigation [nutrient solution]: 68 bottles of Jiaojiao Qiyue; 37 bottles of eight cups of milk tea a day; 25 bottles of EliaukYebo; wind 20 bottles of Xueye Guiren; 10 bottles of Su Chen, Yuan Shuli, Youyou, Wang Mumu and Wang Linlin, 10 bottles of Su Chen, Yuan Shuli, Youyou, Wang Mumu and Wang Linlin; 7 bottles of Four Grass; 5 bottles of Ajin, Chinese Little Cook, Jiujiu; , 4 bottles of winter mushroom cool; 3 bottles of tea opera, Xiechuan, and the brightest star in the night sky; 2 bottles of I want to go to heaven!, Qingshan Bu Lao; 1 bottle of cool summer, salt?, and long cold; thank you very much for your support ,I will continue to work hard!