MTL - Back to My Dad’s High School Days-Chapter 52 warm hands

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After returning from extracurricular practice, Qin Chu suddenly became honest.

Lu Tong originally thought that the young master was just talking about chasing him for fun, but he didn't expect that the other party really took it to heart, and he put on a very serious look, turning around in a serious manner. **** up.

Qin Chu's first step in chasing him was to change his academic performance.

This point, Lu Tong once mentioned in the Starry Sky Pavilion: I like good grades.

It's a pity that Qin Chu and the three words "good grades" are far from each other.

Compared with Lu Tong's helplessness, Qin Shiwu seemed more preoccupied.

The scene of Qin Chu kissing Lu Tong couldn't get out of his mind, and when he thought of it, he propped his chin and let out a long sigh.

Seeing that he looked like a sentimental sister Lin, Lin Xiaomian couldn't help asking, "What's wrong with you?"

Qin Shiwu sighed: "It's nothing. I just feel melancholy."

He turned his head and looked at Qin Chu. For the first time, Qin Chu was not sleeping on the table, but was reading an English paper.

At the beginning, when Qin Chu read the test paper, Ji Rang once thought that the world was crazy.

Later, Qin Chu watched too much, and he became numb, and finally dared to ask: "Why do you suddenly remember to study hard and make progress every day?"

To this, Qin Chu did not give an answer.

On the other hand, when Old Zhao saw that Qin Chu was finally willing to study, his attitude changed 180 degrees, and he talked happily every day.

The few remaining in the class who refused to study couldn't help it. Lao Zhao said this: "What qualifications do you have not to study? Qin Chu has started to study hard. Let me tell you, you are only in the first year of high school now. The first year of high school What does it mean? The first year of high school means that you have time to do everything. Don’t wait until the second and third year of high school to regret that you didn’t study before and start working hard. Let me tell you, it’s too late!”

However, when Qin Chu first took the test paper, he still encountered a lot of challenges.

He hadn't taken the exam seriously before, and he filled in the exam papers indiscriminately. After doing a complete set last time, the grades are not too bad, and the score for English is the highest, because I can understand the whole paper, and I got 140 points. Mathematics and science are second, relying on formulas and techniques to solve problems, with correct answers, it is relatively easy to learn.

The worst is Wen Zong.

Sixteen years ago, high school was still divided into two major subjects: liberal arts, science, and comprehensive subjects. If you didn't accumulate the comprehensive literature by rote memorization, you really wouldn't be able to improve your score in a short while.

Especially the history, which was done in a mess, upside down, and without doing a few papers, Qin Chu lost his temper and pushed it to the side.

Lu Tong was also a little surprised by Qin Chu's transformation.

Since Qin Chu started to focus on his studies, he rarely came to harass him, and he didn't send many text messages all day long.

Even when he returned to the dormitory, the other party was still doing the test paper with a pen.

While he was curious, he felt a little helpless: As for it?

When Lu Tong said that he liked genres, it was purely made up.

If you really like someone, how can you put a template in your heart.

However, the advantage of this is that Lu Tong has more time to think about the bad debt between him and Qin Chu.

In a blink of an eye, it was late December, the weather was getting colder and colder, and the final exam was only a few days away.

Many students in the International Building began to pack their luggage in the dormitory, preparing to go home directly after the final exam.

In addition to local students studying in No. 1 Middle School, there are also many students from the province. They have to buy tickets in advance to go home. There are also people like Qin Chu who may have to go back to Beijing for the New Year during the holidays.

Compared with them, Lu Tong's movement is much smaller.

On the day when the final exam was over, Qin Shiwu jumped to the door of his dormitory: "Lu Tong!"

Lu Tong was cleaning up the paper and pens on the table. He crumpled up the draft paper he brought out from the examination room and threw it into the trash can, saying, "What do you want from me?"

Qin Shiwu said excitedly: "May I ask where you spent the Chinese New Year?"

Lu Tong said, "It's at home. You want to go home?"

Qin Shiwu shook his head: "I don't. My mother..."

The "mother" he was referring to here was the real mother of the original "Qin Shiwu".

"She won't go back to China this year for the Chinese New Year. I'm at home alone. Can I play with you during the Chinese New Year?"

Lu Tong: "If there is no one, come here."

Qin Shiwu stood at the door, his ears and hands were red from the cold.

The body he picked up was not very good, it was fragile, the air conditioner was on in the dormitory, Lu Tong pulled him in, and took a still warm roasted sweet potato from the table, stuffed it into Qin Shiwu's arms inside.

"Eaten dinner yet?"

Qin Shiwu held sweet potatoes: "No."

"Eat quickly if you don't have one, it's still hot now." Lu Tong put away the remaining few books on quantum physics and prepared to return them to the library later.

"Where's Qin Chu?" Qin Shiwu looked left and right, but didn't see his father in the dormitory.

"I haven't come back yet. Maybe I went to the vocal music classroom. He has a program at the New Year's Eve party." Lu Tong answered casually.

Qin Shiwu let out an "oh" to express his understanding.

The New Year's Day party in Lutongkou is three days after the final exam, and the school holds a party on New Year's Day.

Once a year, it is very lively. A week ago, the platform was set up in the playground.

According to the requirements, each class had to submit a program. Lu Tong's class submitted the most boring poetry recitation, which had nothing new in it, and was rejected in the first round, so they were not eligible to participate.

Their class is also very relaxing - after all, who wants to waste this kind of time on rehearsal, it is better to do a few more multiple-choice questions.

Qin Shiwu and Qin Chu are in the same class, and they have long known about Qin Chu's program: he participated with Lao Zhao holding his head down.

Class 12 couldn't apply for any programs, so Lao Zhao had to force the students in the class to sign up. Qin Chu's violin solo is one of them.

The violin was second, and Lao Zhao knew that Qin Chu stood on the stage, that was the point of boiling. Handsome guys make music, is there anything more exciting to girls than this?

Qin Shiwu gnawed half of the sweet potato, and asked again: "Will Qin Chu go back this year? Will he stay in Hangzhou or return to Beijing?"

Lu Tong: "I don't know. He didn't tell me. What do you care about this?"

Qin Shiwu: "If he doesn't go back, we can celebrate the New Year together."

Lu Tong asked, "Do you have to celebrate the New Year with him?"

Ever since he came back from the playground last time, Qin Shiwu spoke to Lu Tong unconsciously in a coquettish tone: "I think so! It's fun to celebrate the New Year together."

Lu Tong laughed, raised his hand and skillfully wiped off the sweet potato scum on Qin Shiwu's cheeks, pulled off his collar, and straightened the crooked school uniform Qin Shiwu was wearing.

"It's better to study hard if you have that kind of thought. How do you feel about the final exam?"

Qin Shiwu naturally failed the exam, and the alarm bells were ringing in his heart.

Lu Tong: "I'll go to the library to return a few books. If you're tired, sleep here and don't go out and run around. Also, put down your trousers and roll them up so high to plant rice seedlings?"

Qin Shiwu listened to him and rolled around on Lu Tong's bed.

The better Lu Tong treats him, the more he can't help but want to get closer, and sometimes he loses control of his reason, and wants to tell him directly that he is his own son who came sixteen years later.

But when the words came to his lips, Qin Shiwu didn't have the guts anymore.

Lu Tong is different from Qin Chu, Qin Chu doesn't care about these things, but Lu Tong does.

Wrapped in Lu Tong's quilt, he wrinkled his face and sighed.

From the dormitory of the International Department to the library, you have to walk through the square in front of the school, then walk through the tree-lined path of the basketball court, and walk close to the edge of the playground.

As soon as he arrived at the square in front of the school, Lu Tong saw several classes rehearsing in the square. There are dancing, chorus, and sitcom performances.

He walked while watching, crossed the square in front of the school, and arrived at the playground. The host of the sophomore media class was auditioning on stage, and the sound of "hey, hey, hey" filled the entire open space.

Lu Tong has always been not interested in these extracurricular activities. He might not have been interested in them in the first year of high school, and even less likely in the second year of high school.

When Lu Tong returned from returning the book, he ran into Wu Ke.

The school's large-scale entertainment activities, he, the propaganda minister of the student union, is busy. When he saw Lu Tong, Wu Ke hurriedly called to him: "It's just in time! How about doing me a favor?"

Lu Tong: "I didn't say I wanted to help."

Wu Ke said with a smile: "Don't be so indifferent, school grass, just play the piano, aren't you the best? The sitcom in Class 6 required bgm, but the piano player in his class didn't come because he was feeling sick. He planned to rehearse It’s a silent film, since you’re free, why not be a favor.”

Lu Tong: "Why should I do this favor?"

Wu Ke: "Don't you still have your junior high school classmate in Class 6, what's his name, you two were in the same class before, and the old classmates don't talk about the past? Walk around, you just want to help me out of my face! "

Lu Tong had nothing to do, and it was true that he hadn't touched the piano for a long time, and his hands were itchy for a while, so he relaxed his vigilance and agreed.

At the backstage of the party, I happened to meet Qin Chu on a narrow road.

The other party curled up in a chair and slept listlessly, holding a small invitation, with a school uniform covering his body. Wu Ke muttered: "Why are you falling asleep here? Go around quietly, don't wake him up."

This ancestor is not easy to serve, thank God for being able to invite him to rehearse.

In the end, no matter how lightly their movements were, they still woke Qin Chu up.

The other party's eyes were sleepy, and when he saw Lu Tong, he was surprised and said, "Why are you here?"

"There is a shortage of piano players in class six, so let me make up the number. Have you finished the exam?"

Qin Chu: "Come here just after the exam, I'm so sleepy."

Lu Tong saw that there was still a faint black circle under his eyes, it didn't look like he was lying. During this period of time, Qin Chu worked hard for the final exam. He worked hard from morning to night, and he didn't work as hard for the college entrance examination.

Wu Ke said: "Then you guys talk first, the program of class 6 is the last one, I will come to you later."

Qin Chu gave up half a chair to Lu Tong: "Would you like to lie down for a while?"

Lu Tong: "Do you think it's possible? Can two people lie on this chair?"

He found a stool and sat down, staring blankly. Besides being good at studying, Lu Tong is also good at being in a daze. Seeing that he was about to let go of himself again, Qin Chu quickly kicked Lu Tong.


Lu Tong came back to his senses after being rubbed by him.

Qin Chu's peach blossom eyes squinted at him: "What did you think about what I told you?"

Lu Tong pretended to be stupid: "What's the matter?"

Qin Chu: "Fall in love with me."

His voice was neither loud nor soft, and his words were shocking. Lu Tong was taken aback by him, and looked around quickly, but luckily no one heard him.

Qin Chu said: "Don't you like good grades? If I score more than 500% in the final exam, consider me. Anyway, you need pheromones, and mine is just right, right?"

Lu Tong played Tai Chi with him: "Let's talk about it after your results come out."

"Will you promise me after that?"

"It's nothing like that." Lu Tong said, "You're only in the first year of high school, so it's too early to talk about love."

Of course, more importantly, for Qin Chu, he chased Lu Tong because he liked his pheromones, or it was a whim, and he found it exciting. The 100% fit brought him every time he marked. Spiritual satisfaction cannot be imitated by anything.

But for Lu Tong, he can only decide to rely on one person's pheromone in his life. If he falls into it, the other party's enthusiasm is over, and he chooses to break up and find his true love. For him—not to mention the mental pressure, Even his body couldn't bear it.

Secondary differentiation, the risk is extremely high. Once he was dumped by Alpha after completing the marking, removing the gland would not have any effect, and what awaited him was death.

Legally, Alpha will not be allowed to abandon the secondary differentiated Omega.

But what about just falling in love and not getting married? Falling in love is not protected by law.

What can't a teenager do when he's in love? If he really wants to completely mark it, with the status of a boyfriend, how much ground can he hold?

In short, for Qin Chu, it was playing with feelings, but for Lu Tong, it was playing with life.

Compared to talking about this unwarranted love with Qin Chu and not getting any benefits, it is better to make do with two years of pheromones and remove the glands when he is an adult.

Qin Chu absolutely couldn't think of Lu Tong's thoughts. He wanted to say something, but Lao Zhao had already started calling.

He had no choice but to give up, picked up the violin and walked to the stage.

With a thought, Lu Tong walked down the steps and went to the front to watch the rehearsal. A few girls from the first year of high school came together, besides the students from the first class, there were also students from the second class.

Today's final exam is over, and the mobile phones are returned to everyone, and everyone uses them recklessly.

As soon as Lu Tong went down, he heard the female classmates discussing Qin Chu again.

"Did you catch it? Show me?"

"Just came on stage! Is there anything good to shoot, I haven't focused yet, what are you in a hurry for?"

"Hurry up, hurry up, I'll videotape, you take pictures."'s very popular.

Lu Tong couldn't help but sigh with emotion.

He looked up and seemed to have found the reason for Qin Chu's popularity.

Obviously, like everyone else, he was wearing the school uniform of Provincial No. 1 Middle School, which looked like a funeral, but he had the feeling of being the male protagonist of a youthful school idol drama.

Wu Ke was in charge of playing the second hand on stage, and took the microphone to the side.

Qin Chu set up the violin, his eyelashes drooped slightly, and his slender jade-like fingers danced on several strings.

The unique sound of the violin came down from the stage.

Lu Tong remembered that He Nian had told him that he had participated in competitions outside the province during the summer vacation, and had missed Qin Chu's military training show. It was at that performance that Qin Chu became famous. It was also a violin solo, which amazed everyone and set off a carnival in the entire campus forum.

Now he seems to have grown a little longer, and his appearance is more beautiful, which is set off by the melodious music very ethereal.

Like the wind, it hit him in all directions, leaving him nowhere to escape.

"Are you dumbfounded?" Wu Ke teased him.

Lu Tong turned his head: "When did you come?"

Wu Ke: "Are you really dumbfounded? I came here just now. How is it? It's not bad. School girl, do you have any sense of crisis? Qin Chu's popularity is comparable to yours."

Lu Tong: "I'm full."

Next to his ears came the suppressed and excited discussion of female classmates.

Wu Ke said: "Get ready, there is one last rehearsal."

Qin Chu didn't stay on the stage for long, Lu Tong came back to his senses and walked up the stage.

Only then did the girl next to him discover him. As soon as the phone was turned around, the camera immediately pointed at Lu Tong. The screen was shaking with excitement.

"Fuck! Lu Tong was beside me just now?"

"Lu Tong—I'll go—it's really Lu Tong."

"I rely on me to die! Why doesn't he make a sound! If I knew it earlier, I would have gone up and asked for a WeChat account!"

"Come on, I won't give it to you if I ask for it. Does he also have a show? The New Year's Day party is so awesome that he got them both together?"

"No way... If he had a show, it would have been blown up on the forum."

Lu Tong went up and played a piano according to the score. He is not very accomplished in music, but he has a better sense of music than ordinary people, so he wouldn't be called a genius.

At the end of the song, Wu Ke clapped "Papa Papa": "I'm not unfamiliar. The last time I saw you playing the piano was still in junior high school."

Lu Tong said: "Is there anything else? I'll go first."

Wu Ke: "It's all right. By the way, to thank you, how about going to sing after the New Year's Eve party? My treat is at Yinledi on Jiefang Road."

Lu Tong waved his hand: "Let's talk about it."

Wu Ke: "There are a lot of people here, want to play?"

Lu Tong had a deep psychological shadow on his pimping, so he hesitated for a moment and didn't agree for a while.

After the performance of Class Six, the students in the audience had almost left.

The playground was empty, and after Wu Ke directed the students from the student department to put the speakers backstage, he also left the playground in a hurry.

The weather these past few days has been very gloomy, and the cold wind is blowing hard outside. It is useless to wrap the winter uniform of No. 1 Middle School around the body.

Lu Tong came down from the backstage, and Qin Chu was leaning on the stage to play with his mobile phone.

He didn't expect Qin Chu to leave yet, so he paused.

In such a cold weather, Qin Chu stood at the vent again, his fingers playing with the phone were all red from the wind.

Hearing the movement, he looked up at Lu Tong, and said naturally, "Are you done?"

Lu Tong couldn't answer the question correctly: "Why didn't you leave?"

Qin Chu: "Obviously, wait for you. Aren't I chasing you, can't you see that this is courting?"

Lu Tong: ...

The emotion he felt just now was gone in an instant.

Lu Tong jumped down the steps, Qin Chu glanced at his hands, and suddenly asked, "Are your hands cold?"

Lu Tong: "...?"

What kind of tricks are you doing?

Lu Tong's physique is cold, his hands and feet are cold in winter, no matter how much he covers him, it won't keep him warm.

Of course Qin Chu didn't know this, and when he asked this question, it was actually because he didn't want to drink.

Before Lu Tong could answer, Qin Chu said again: "You got stuck on a few notes, are your hands frozen?"

When he played, he stuck a few notes, and he couldn't hear them if he didn't listen carefully.

Lu Tong lost face: "It's not cold."

Qin Chu changed his words: "Actually, I didn't ask if your hands are cold."

Lu Tong walked on the road with him.

Qin Chu said very modestly: "What I want to say is, don't you intend to hold hands with me?"

Lu Tong's footsteps stopped.

Taking advantage of the danger, Qin Chu clasped his hand, opened the opponent's fingers with five fingers, and grasped it firmly.

Lu Tong was startled and was about to shake off.

Qin Chu hurriedly said: "Don't move. I'll just hold her and don't do anything else."

Lu Tong was speechless: "Are you poisonous! Two big men holding hands on the playground? Can you figure it out?!"

In fact, this was not what Qin Chu came up with.

This is what he learned from forum posts.

The campus forum where demons and goblins gather in Provincial No. 1 Middle School has everything in it. In addition to learning, communication and life gossip, the sub-forum also has an entrance, click on it to engage in fan literature.

The names of Lu Tong and Qin Chu are floating in the forum every day. Some people hate it, while others like it. Some people think that they are incompatible, while others think that they are a match made in heaven.

School grass and school grass are a perfect match, okay?

Especially during the last parents' meeting, the urban legend about Qin Chu and Lu Tong's puppy love spread in the school. Although it is less reliable than Nuwa empress making people out of mud, it can't stand the small group in the school. Girls feel cute.

Therefore, the sub-forum in the campus forum was born out of this adaptation.

This place is an extralegal place where teachers don't care about their parents, including discussions about how to hide mobile phones, which teachers are annoying, etc. In addition to chatting about these things, there are also Lu Tong and Qin A lingering love story that didn't exist in the first place.

—It was made up by all the girls in the school who were full and full.

Before Ji Rang showed him the way, Qin Chu never thought that he and Lu Tong had already used 1,231 ways to love each other in the literature corner where there was no one, and 2,561 ways. way to break up.

Moreover, they respectively acted as big star and president, school bully and school grassroots, gangster boss and little policeman, three hundred and sixty lines, a couple in every line, there is no profession that the two of them have not had.

Looking at this fan forum, almost all of them are fake love stories between him and Lu Tong, which are well-made up, Qin Chu flipped through a few pages expressionlessly, and almost believed it himself.

When Ji Rang showed him the way to the forum, he said in horror: "Don't make trouble, everyone is here to play."

Qin Chu asked, "When did this happen?"

Ji Rang: "It's been a long time ago. I wasn't so arrogant before. It just appeared when you transferred to another school. Do you know what is called Lalang? It is to pull two handsome Alpha guys together, and then force the other to become Omega, just like this." He pointed to a title floating on the front page called "Ninety-nine Loves of a School Grass: Dangerous Lover—My Omega Boyfriend", and Ji Rang said, "That's all, I've seen it too. , My girlfriend showed it to me, you are extremely perverted in there, you gave Lu Tong some medicine, and he turned into an Omega inexplicably."

Qin Chu opened the door to a new world, and his phone was almost crushed.

Can he turn into an Omega by taking drugs, can he be Detective Conan?

However, ready-made materials, do not learn in vain. Qin Chu himself has no experience in dating, not even on paper—the forum is rich in humanities, and there are thousands of ways to chase people. If you have a reference book, just copy one out.

It's just that Lu Tong's reaction is not right?

The article that Qin Chu copied now is the most popular article on the forum.

According to the development of the fanfiction story, when he held Lu Tong's hand, although he wouldn't be shy and threw himself into his arms, the other party would have to blush, right?

Lu Tong said, "Let go, I'll be seen later!"

Qin Chu frowned and thought: The script I took is wrong?

Not only did Lu Tong not throw himself into his arms shyly like in the post.

The reality gave Qin Chu another blow.

When Director He came out of the teaching building, he saw the two chattering, and immediately asked, "What are you two doing?!"

Lu Tong froze.

Director He is extremely precise in catching puppy love.

Every night after self-study and get out of class, some young couples wanted to take advantage of the darkness to hold hands and go back to the dormitory after school. Director He would lie in ambush in the dark, walking towards them, grabbing one by one.

Beating mandarin ducks with sticks is very cruel!

When the couple saw Director He, they separated and left 800 meters away.

Not to mention that it was still broad daylight, Director He saw the two holding hands at a glance.

Therefore, the novel in the post is indeed a novel, and the compilation is too unreliable. In Provincial No. 1 Middle School, how could it be possible for a couple to walk around the playground hand in hand without getting hurt?

Even walking fifty meters is impossible!

Within 50 meters, Director He must follow him like a shadow, floating there.

Qin Chu said brazenly: "Director He, his hands are cold, I'll warm them up."

Can Director He not know the tricks between the two? Others don't know that Lu Tong is an Omega, but he knows it.

"Warm hands?" Director He snorted coldly: "My hands are also cold, why don't you warm them up?"

Lu Tong bit the bullet and said, "Teacher He..."

"You like warming your hands so much, don't you?" Director He said coldly, "Then stand here and warm up for me."

Lu Tong wanted to break free from Qin Chu's hand, but Director He stared at him: "Hold it for me! Don't think that you will be courageous at the end of the term. Are you going to stop going to school next year? Or will you be able to go to college soon?"

This happened exactly as Qin Chu wished, he took Lu Tong's hand, and stood there: "Director He, don't worry, I will just stand here."

Director He saw that he had no remorse, so he punished him more severely, and directed the two of them to stand under the national flag.

"Want to warm your hands, don't you? Warm me here. Don't say I'm unreasonable." Director He moved two stools over: "Sit down, let's see how long you guys will be warmed up!"

Lu Tong's ears turned red, which was embarrassing.

He has been a good student for so many years, and he has never been punished by Director He. There is a large audience, and Lu Tong can't wait to dig a hole to bury himself.

Qin Chu sat on the chair indifferently, held Lu Tong's hand firmly, and swaggered like a jerk, very arrogantly: "Director He, you are so right!"

In the corridor on the second floor, someone was lying on the top and saw this scene. He groaned and quickly turned on his phone to post on the forum.

-Tucao in the living area-Subject: I'm so careless! Lao He caught Qin Chu and Lu Tong. He didn't know what he was doing. The three of them sat together under the national flag. Qin Chu and Lu Tong were still holding hands! Why didn't Lao He become the director of the Political and Education Department and went to pimp instead!

Read The Duke's Passion