MTL - Back to My Dad’s High School Days-Chapter 50 birthday

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Qin Shiwu decided to pretend to be a fool to the end.

Qin Chu shook his collar twice, and Qin Shiwu hurriedly said, "Where is Lu Tong, why don't you go with him? Let him go to find Ren Yuanye, you are so generous."

Qin Chu loosened his collar: "I'll deal with you later."

The two went to the exit, who knew that Lu Tong was not waiting for him at the same place.

Although Qin Chu didn't ask to wait for him, seeing him leave so ruthlessly, he suffered a heart attack for a moment.

Qin Shiwu ran to the water store on the right and bought two cans of Wangzai milk. After opening one can and drinking it, he heard someone calling him.

He Yuanyuan and her friend huddled together, and in front of them stood a few students from the No. 4 Middle School who were not wearing their school uniforms properly.

"Damn, what's the situation?" Qin Shiwu threw the finished milk into the trash can.

He Yuanyuan's eyes were red, and her friend asked for help, "Qin Shiwu, can you help me?"

Qin Shiwu turned his head to look at the students of No. 4 Middle School.

It seems to be a sophomore in high school, and looks a little anxious. The leader who came was not kind, and he still had a stud on his right ear.

He glanced at Qin Shiwu and said to He Yuanyuan, "Your boyfriend."

Qin Shiwu: "Misunderstood. What's the matter with you?"

The first half of the sentence is for Brother Erding, and the second half is for He Yuanyuan.

Brother Earring answered for He Yuanyuan: "Are you kidding us? Walk in front of me and laugh and laugh?"

Qin Shiwu didn't understand the ins and outs.

The friend said: "I didn't laugh at you again!"

Brother Earring kicked over the stool next to him.

Contemporary high school students like to play cards when fighting. If they don't kick the table and lift the chairs, it's not a fight.

Qin Shiwu suddenly understood and figured out the reason.

Probably when He Yuanyuan walked over with her friend, she made fun of Brother Earring and the others, and the latter heard it, and the boss came to ask for trouble in annoyance.

Qin Shiwu didn't want to be involved in this mess, but he and He Yuanyuan were considered acquaintances. The bullying from No. 4 Middle School came to the head of No. 1 Middle School, but judging by the "head swinging" at the school level, he couldn't lose his momentum.

Brother Earring doesn't know if there is a man's promise of "not hitting women", which is a common man's promise for two-year-old teenagers.

But seeing the way he swung his fist, Qin Shiwu clicked his tongue twice.

Since being around Lu Tong sixteen years ago, he has restrained himself a lot and hasn't beaten people much—let alone fight in groups. Now that the opponent was provoking first, Qin Shiwu's desire to fight for strength and victory resurfaced.

It's not the behavior of a hero to beat five brothers with earrings.

He Yuanyuan screamed and stepped back quickly.

Qin Chu waited for a long time but did not wait for Qin Shiwu, and was speechless about his physique today.

—How can there be any reason why after running away from his wife first, even his son also ran away? Is fleeting time unfavorable?

He Yuanyuan's screams caught his attention.

There was a lot of noise about Qin Shiwu fighting with people, and in front of the starry sky exhibition hall, people came and went.

The tourists shunned one after another. Qin Chu pushed aside a few people, and saw Qin Shiwu stepping on Brother Earring's head and rubbing it on the ground.

He didn't get any good, the skin on his face was broken, and the corner of his mouth was still a little swollen.

However, compared to the unlucky kid rolling around in a ball with his arms and legs broken, Qin Shiwu's record can be regarded as brilliant.

Brother Earring's friend fell to the ground, and he couldn't beat Qin Shiwu head-on, playing dirty.

When Qin Shiwu wasn't paying attention, he jumped up and stabbed him in the eye with the ballpoint pen in his hand.

Only then did Qin Chu change his expression, without even thinking about it, he kicked the man's heart.

The opponent fell two meters away, and the ballpoint pen slid down Qin Chu's arm, opening a huge gap.

After seeing the blood, Qin Chu felt the pain belatedly, densely, coming from the wound.

He stared at it for a while, then complained: What kind of pen is this, it's so sharp.

Sharper than this ballpoint pen was He Yuanyuan's second scream.

Qin Shiwu was annoyed by her yelling: "Is it over? Why are you still yelling? Where did he beat you?"

He Yuanyuan covered her mouth with tears in her eyes: "The security guard, the security guard is here..."

Qin Chu and Qin Shiwu turned their heads to take a look.

The two security guards stepped forward and shouted angrily: "Who is fighting! Who is fighting here? Catch them all!"

Before Qin Shiwu had time to defend himself, he was taken to the security office on the fourth floor together with his father and a few gangsters from the No. 4 Middle School who were making trouble on the ground.

Several security guards said they wanted to watch the surveillance video before handing them over to their respective schools.

Lu Tong just went to the bathroom, and when he came back, the Starry Sky Exhibition Hall had already been turned upside down.

People around were discussing something in whispers, Lu Tong searched around, but did not see Qin Chu.

"Where are the others?" He wondered, "Where did they go?"

At this time, He Nian walked over from the third floor, saw Lu Tong, and quickly waved: "Lu Tong, are you also here for the star exhibition?"

Lu Tong cut to the chase: "I'm looking for someone."

After he separated from Ren Yuanye, he didn't think about finding Ren Yuanye back.

But when he got separated from Qin Chu, Lu Tong was very upset. After all, compared with the former, Qin Chu's character seemed too unreliable, just like a child.

He Nian said, "You're not looking for Qin Chu, are you?"

Lu Tong nodded: "Did you see him?"

He Nian: "No, but my discussion group has been maxed out."

Lu Tong felt something was wrong.

He Nian took out his phone and flipped through a few pages: "They said that Qin Chu had a fight with people from No. 4 Middle School here, and was arrested by security and sent to the security office. Now it seems that he wants to contact the teacher in charge. I think he will be punished."

Qin Chu was punished, and this matter was commonplace.

He didn't know how many punishments he has received since he entered high school, and the accumulation has not disappeared, and other things have arisen again.

Lu Tong held his forehead, gritted his teeth and thought: I just left for a while, is he so dishonest?

"Where is the security on the fourth floor?"

He Nian: "Are you going to watch the excitement? You better leave it, I feel that many people have gone to the security office, it must be crowded to death."

Lu Tong said, "I'll be back soon."

He made up his mind to go there by himself.

Inside the security office, the students of No. 4 Middle School were already standing neatly in a row, being scolded **** by the director of the Teaching Office of No. 4 Middle School.

As soon as the security guard came, he turned on the surveillance video and adjusted the video. He Yuanyuan and her friend came to testify.

Their director pressed the heads of several students, apologized to Qin Chu, and taught his own students a lesson, and the teacher took them away.

Before Lao Zhao had time to rush over, Lu Tong pushed open the door of the security office.

Qin Shiwu was sitting crookedly like an old man, but his father didn't give in, as if he regarded the security office as his own home, and kept playing with his mobile phone with both hands, not paying attention to anyone.

The earnest education from the person in charge of the security department entered from his left ear and came out from his right ear.

When the door was pushed open, Qin Shiwu glanced outside.

Seeing Lu Tong, his back straightened instantly.

Seeing Qin Shiwu's correct attitude, the security guard was quite relieved, and said with a lot of emotion: "It's good to know that you are wrong. Even if someone provokes you first, you two should not be impulsive. What if something happens? Age Gently, how do you explain to your family? How do you explain to the country?"

Qin Chu thought nonchalantly: What should I explain to the country?

Qin Shiwu tugged at his sleeve, Qin Chu turned his head and saw Lu Tong.

He gave a dry cough and put his foot off the stool.

"Why are you here?" Qin Chu felt guilty.

"Let me see if you're dead or not." Lu Tong was indifferent, but his tone sounded clearly angry.

The security office saw that both of them were good, and set their eyes on Lu Tong.

Such a young teacher?

Not quite, still wearing school uniform.

Lu Tong didn't blush when he lied, and said directly: "I'm a student in No. 1 Middle School, and their class teacher can't come because of something, so I'll take them down."

He had a harmless face, and he looked like a good student. The security guards didn't make things difficult for them, so they let him go.

Lu Tong pulled Qin Shiwu up with a bad complexion. Qin Shiwu was not afraid of his father's anger, but he was more afraid that Lu Tong would show his face to him. He didn't dare to make a sound, and was carefully dragged away by Lu Tong.

In the hall, Qin Shiwu couldn't help but say, "Lu Tong, I..."

"Don't call me." Lu Tong said, he turned around, glanced at Qin Shiwu, and took a step back. The kid's school uniform was ripped up and his face was bruised and purple, which made people angry. .

Lu Tong felt very strange at this time, he knew that Qin Shiwu had nothing to do with him, and he couldn't do anything to get angry, but when he saw his pitiful appearance, he couldn't get angry at all.

"What kind of hero are you playing? Is it an honor to hit five? Why didn't you be beaten to death?" He pulled off Qin Shiwu's school uniform, and found some red marks on his neck. It seemed that he was pinched by the opponent during the fight. of.

The more I watched, the more frightened I became.

Qin Shiwu said: "No! It's actually okay. If you fight, you will definitely get hurt. And He Yuanyuan was too miserable at that time. I can't watch her being bullied. She is a little girl, much weaker than me! "

Lu Tong snorted coldly: "You also know that she is a little girl, do you know that you are an Omega?"

Really forgot.

Qin Shiwu lacked this muscle in his mind.

He has been an Alpha for a long time, and he was asked to be an Omgea when crossing over. He hasn't adapted to his new identity yet.

Lu Tong thought brokenly: "You can't buy any medicine in this ghost place, what do you do? It hurts so much?"

Qin Shiwu: "I'll buy it when I go out in the afternoon, anyway, I still have time in the evening."

He secretly glanced at Qin Chu, Lu Tong saw him, and warned, "You still dare to look at him."

Qin Chu finally spoke: "What does it have to do with me?"

Lu Tong: "If you don't stop him, he will fight? If you go up and fight with him, I think you are quite capable."

Qin Chu was blamed for being scolded innocently.

Lu Tong glanced past Qin Chu as soon as he came in, and was temporarily relieved to see no wounds on his body.

Qu Muyao swayed over: "Are you fighting?"

The visitor was not kind, so Qin Chu said angrily, "What are you doing here?"

Qu Muyao: "Obviously, I came to see the joke. I heard that you fought with students from No. 4 Middle School and were taken away. How do you feel? This is the first time you have received this kind of treatment when you grow up?"

Qin Chu: "Aren't you bothered, get lost."

Along with Qu Muyao, there was also Gu Chi.

Gu Chi said, "I'm here to pass the message on behalf of Old Zhao. When she arrived at the security office, you had already left."

Qin Chu: "What did Lao Zhao say?"

Gu Chi: "Following the Empress Dowager's order, Lao Zhao said that he will deal with you later."

Qu Muyao nodded slightly: "Qin Shiwu, your little girlfriend is looking for you everywhere."

Qin Shiwu complained, "Where did I get my girlfriend?"

Even how he was born is a problem now, let alone finding a girlfriend, isn't it a fantasy?

Gu Chi: "Don't listen to her nonsense, Lin Xiaomian is looking for you, did you leave your notebook and pen on the bus?"

Qin Shiwu touched his pocket, but there was no pen or notebook.

Extracurricular practice needs to record relevant information.

In this era when not everyone has to use a mobile phone, most students' social practice is based on notes, not by taking pictures.

Besides, No. 1 Middle School expressly stipulates that mobile phones are not allowed. If you use them secretly, you are fine. If you are caught by the teacher in the science and technology museum, then say goodbye to the mobile phone, and you will not be able to meet again until three years later.

Qin Shiwu said, "I'm going to get the notebook, I'll go first."

Lu Tong tugged at him: "Where's your wound?"

Qin Shiwu: "It's okay! I don't hurt, I'll be fine soon."

Qu Muyao laughed, "You care about him? Why don't you ask about Qin Chu's wound?"

Lu Tong asked himself: What does Qin Chu's wound have to do with me? Also, he wasn't hurt.

Gu Chi obviously felt that the atmosphere here was dark and turbulent, so he said wisely: "I'll go first."

Qu Muyao still stayed at the same place waiting to watch the play. When Gu Chi saw him, he raised his forehead and dragged Qu Muyao away together: "Grandma, when are you still going to watch the show? Doesn't everyone? See this weird atmosphere?"

Once the two left, Lu Tong and Qin Chu were left in place.

After Lu Tong got angry, he found it funny again: what the **** am I doing?

Qin Chu said, "Why don't you care about me?"

Lu Tong said, "What do you care about? Do you care about your wound?"

He looked Qin Chu up and down, and really couldn't see anything about Qin Chu that deserved his attention.

The wound on Qin Chu's arm was hidden in the long-sleeved school uniform, so it was hard to see it.

And there was only a cut. Although the stroke was long, there was not much blood left.

But the pain still hurts.

Lu Tong stood there a little embarrassed, "I'll go first."

Qin Chu: "Where are you going?"

Lu Tong took out his notebook and pen: "Of course it's for recording, what else?"

Qin Chu had an idea: "I'll be with you."

He never mentioned the matter of recommending himself to be her boyfriend in the Star Exhibition just now, but became extraordinarily courteous. Lu Tong saw him acting strangely, and didn't know what kind of medicine was sold in the gourd, but he didn't drive him away, and the afternoon passed quickly.

At five o'clock, the free activities of extracurricular practice begin.

The students went out for dinner on their own, and then gathered in the hotel at eight o'clock. The head teacher was responsible for the roll call, and every student must be caught.

No. 1 Middle School has extracurricular practice every year, so everyone is used to these procedures. When five o'clock arrives, the teacher disbands immediately without asking the teacher.

Qin Shiwu didn't take many notes, and he copied Lin Xiaomian's notes again in the afternoon, and he couldn't finish copying in a hurry.

Lin Xiaomian held two bottles of water and sat obediently beside Qin Shiwu: "Or you can take them back and copy them."

Qin Shiwu: "No way!"

He still has important things to do at night, so how could he be caught up in his homework? ! The thought of Lu Tong going to sleep with a strange Alpha other than his father gave him a heart attack!

Lin Xiaomian: "Aren't you going to eat dinner? How about I copy it for you after dinner?"

Qin Shiwu put down his pen and moved his fingers: "I'll finish copying it right away, and you can eat after copying."

Lin Xiaomian let out an "oh" and hesitated, "Last time you helped me..."

The last time Qin Shiwu helped her out and taught Gu Kaifei a lesson, Lin Xiaomian kept it in mind, and was going to find an opportunity to repay Qin Shiwu for his kindness.

Although I usually copy homework for him, help him cover and so on, but this is not considered a kindness. Lin Xiaomian always wanted to thank him with something material.

Who knows, her voice was interrupted before she could speak.

He Yuanyuan and her friend came to look for Qin Shiwu, holding two cups of milk tea in their hands, He Yuanyuan put a cup on the table, smiled and said, "Thank you today."

Lin Xiaomian swallowed her own words in obscurity.

Qin Shiwu glanced at the milk tea: "For me?"

He Yuanyuan nodded.

Qin Shiwu: "Understood."

He Yuanyuan:?

Qin Shiwu buried his head in copying for a while, looked up and saw He Yuanyuan, and asked in surprise, "Why haven't you left yet?"

He Yuanyuan asked him: "Have you had dinner? I haven't eaten either, let's eat together."

Qin Shiwu was copying his homework, and when he had time to finish his meal, he quickly waved his hands: "No, I'm busy."

He Yuanyuan's overtures were ignored by him.

Qin Shiwu is well versed in girls' minds, and at the same time finds it extremely troublesome. Sixteen years later, although he had done all kinds of bad things, fighting, jumping over the wall and skipping classes, he was the only one who didn't participate in the great cause of premature love.

His original face looked very much like Qin Chu's, with curly hair and Lu Tong's skin, with white reflections. In short, it was a handsome face that was unforgettable. Therefore, the girls who admire him will be able to line up around the playground in No. 1 Middle School sixteen years later.

He Yuanyuan sat down instead.

Lin Xiaomian thought about it, determined that she would not be a light bulb here, and the iodine that was almost warm in her hand was placed on the table, and she whispered: "I'll go first, after you finish copying, just take it away." Let's go, give it to me at school. This is iodine, you, you better treat the wound."

He Yuanyuan picked up the iodine on the table and said, "I'll wipe it for you."

When Lu Tong found Qin Shiwu, He Yuanyuan had already wiped the wound on Qin Shiwu's hand with medicinal wine.

He was holding a bag of ointment for bruises in his hand, all bought from outside. Ever since getting together with Qin Chu and Qin Shiwu, Lu Tong has already gained a lot of experience in how to effectively and quickly remove bruises.

Seeing Lu Tong, Qin Shiwu hurriedly said, "Why are you here?"

He Yuanyuan and Lu Tong still had a constant relationship. Seeing him and Qin Chu coming from behind, she said in a muffled voice, "I'm going first."

Qin Shiwu didn't keep her.

Qin Chu sat down: "Why are you with her? Where is Lin Xiaomian?"

Qin Shiwu: "The person left, but the homework is still there. I will send it to her after I finish copying. How do you know that I am with Lin Xiaomian?"

Qin Chu: "Do you have any other friends?"

...that's gone.

After Qin Shiwu came here, he didn't manage his own social circle. Except for his parents, he just hugged Lin Xiaomian's thigh, a top student, so as to make it easier for him to copy from homework to test papers.

Lu Tong spread the ointment on his body, and put bandages on several broken wounds.

The three chatted for a while—mainly Qin Chu and Qin Shiwu were chatting. Half an hour later, Lu Tong healed Qin Shiwu's wounds, and the latter was already screaming from hunger.

Lu Tong chose a quiet restaurant and prepared to go out of the Science and Technology Museum to eat.

The security of the science and technology museum is strict, and the identity card and student card information must be checked when entering the door.

Check it out when you go out.

Qin Shiwu pulled out his ID card and handed it over. Lu Tong's sharp eyes saw his birth date at once. Qin Chu glanced at it and said casually, "Today is your birthday?"

"Today? Me?"

Qin Shiwu's birthday is not in November.

He was born in December, and it snowed heavily that day, so Qin Chu almost failed to rush over from school.

The birthday on his ID card belongs to this "Qin Shiwu".

"Oh, my birthday, my birthday, I forgot." Qin Shiwu quickly realized.

He asked, "What's the matter?"

Qin Chu: "It's nothing. I haven't heard you mention it."

Qin Shiwu waved his hand: "There's nothing to say about it, birthdays are not fun anyway. My parents never give them to me."

Qin Chu seldom heard him mention his parents. When Qin Shiwu mentioned it, he thought about the sixteen-year time travel theory that this kid said earlier, which made him confused.

Lu Tong hailed a taxi at the door and asked, "Why didn't I pass it to you?"

Qin Shiwu paused: "I'm busy. I had some when I was young, but the older I get, the less time I have."

In his memory, Lu Tong would stay at home to celebrate his birthday with him before he was five years old. Later, he officially stepped into the entertainment industry. From the very beginning, he was so busy that he was shooting movies and TV dramas. He joined the group seamlessly. How could he have time to take care of him?

Moreover, Lu Tong's path at the beginning was idol-oriented, although it was not clearly defined, but with that face, he quickly sat in the top position.

At this position, every word and action is watched by fans. Qin Shiwu remembered that Lu Tong's illegitimate children were very rampant, chasing cars and installing monitors, the most powerful ones almost found their home.

In the entertainment industry at that time, there were countless people who wanted to drag Lu Tong into the water, and everyone was staring at him. Moreover, there was a personnel change in his father's group, which caused a commotion. In Qin Shiwu's vague memory, he was kidnapped once. Due to various reasons, Qin Shiwu was almost completely hidden.

It's just that because the memory is too far away, he can't remember it clearly.

Since that time, it has become even more difficult for Qin Shiwu to go out.

As soon as he went out, there were bodyguards in front and behind.

Qin Shiwu sighed and cheered up after not being sad for a long time.

At this time, dinner has been eaten.

The three returned to the hotel with their own thoughts. Qin Shiwu opened the door and lay down on the bed.

At 8:00, after roll call, the head teacher suddenly said, "Don't sneak out at night, the temperature is cooling today, it may snow."

Qin Shiwu was like a salted fish on the bed, thinking indifferently: It snows, it snows in November, so what happens in December, hail?

While thinking wildly, the screen of the mobile phone lit up. This is the mobile phone that Qin Shiwu bought later, in order to contact Qin Chu and the others.

It turned out that it was not Qin Chu who texted him, but Lu Tong.

Qin Shiwu sat up from the bed and quickly picked up his mobile phone: the sun came out from the west, and it was the first time that Lu Tong took the initiative to contact him.

He didn't say anything in the text message, so he asked him to put on more clothes and go downstairs to the hotel lobby.

Qin Shiwu hurriedly stuffed himself into his winter school uniform, and ran downstairs with a few jumps.

Lu Tong waited for a long time and put on a hat. Standing beside him was a tall young man named Qin Chu.

The two appeared downstairs together, and the students who were still sitting in the lobby of the hotel more or less looked over.

Dressed like a little leather ball, Qin Shiwu immediately asked, "What's the matter? Skipping class to play online games?"

Lu Tong: "Take you to a place."

Qin Shiwu was at a loss.

Lu Tong: "Will you go or not?"

"Let's go!" He glanced outside the hotel, and shivered involuntarily as the cold wind was blowing.

The place Lu Tong wanted to take him to was not far from the hotel. If he walked, it would be about 500 meters away.

Qin Shiwu got darker and darker, and couldn't help but get closer to Lu Tong. When the street lights were gone and he needed a flashlight, he asked tremblingly, "Where are you going?"

If he hadn't believed in Lu Tong's character, he would have almost thought that Lu Tong was going to kill someone while the night was dark and the wind was high.

Lu Tong stopped in front: "Here we are."

Qin Shiwu narrowed his eyes and looked at a clump of weeds: "Why are you here?"


Hell, is this place good for a date? Come here to practice things is almost the same!

Besides, it would be nice to bring Qin Chu on a date, why would you bring him a light bulb for a threesome?

Lu Tong took two steps to the side, and fumbled to find a switch.

Qin Chu grabbed his hand: "I'll do it."

He saw how blind Lu Tong was touching everywhere, and he was really worried that he would touch something he shouldn't, and then get electrocuted and die.

Qin Chu asked him: "Where is the press?"

Lu Tong: "The main switch, the one on the far right, you lift it up."

Qin Shiwu was in a fog when he heard it, and before he recovered, he heard a click, and some switch was turned on.

Immediately afterwards, a burst of strong light shone from the front, and the three of them covered their eyes with their sleeves. After the strong light dissipated, what appeared in the eyes of the three was a somewhat desolate amusement park.

It is small, but the equipment is in normal operation. When the main switch is turned on, the carousel will start singing and singing.

Qin Shiwu was dumbfounded: "What is this?"

Lu Tong: "Secret base."

Qin Shiwu: "Your?"

Lu Tong's old face was a little red, after all, he was in high school, and there were places like "Secret Base" for secondary school: "Mine."

Qin Shiwu's heart skipped a beat.

He seemed to have stepped into a world that Lu Tong had never let him know, and under his facial makeup, he felt Lu Tong's past.

Qin Chu was also taken aback, and said in surprise, "How do you know that there is an old amusement park next to the hotel?"

Lu Tong sighed, and complained: "This is a project made by my cousin. There were many accidents before it started. Later, the higher-ups refused to let it go on, so he threw it here. When I was young, he brought me here. Played it a few times and I remember the route."

Qin Chu: "It's unimaginable that the power supply is still there."

Lu Tong: "It's the same machine as the hotel. As long as the hotel is powered on and the lines here don't get old, there should always be electricity. However, most people wouldn't think of coming to such a deserted amusement park."

Therefore, this place has almost become a small world in Lutong.

He kept it hidden and never brought anyone here, until today, a crack was finally opened.

Qin Shiwu took a deep breath and seemed to lose his teeth with joy: "Can I play!"

Lu Tong: "Yes. What do you want to play? Except the roller coaster."

Qin Shiwu was enthusiastic: "I want to play with bumper cars!"

Qin Chu said, "Before touching, let's blow out the candles."

Qin Shiwu was stunned again.

However, this is nothing.

When Qin Chu took out the cake, Qin Shiwu could almost be described as "stunned".

"What is this??!" Qin Shiwu was shocked.

"As you can see, this is a cake." Qin Chu remained unchanged, "Happy birthday."

Qin Shiwu: "This is a cake? Isn't this Panpan French bread?"

Qin Chu: "Yes, conditions are limited, where can I buy cakes for you? It's good to eat some."

Qin Shiwu: "This snack is also in the hotel room today! This is obviously a gift from the hotel!"

Qin Chu: "The one you give me is mine. Why don't I give it to you?"

Qin Shiwu held his last hope: "Where are the candles?"

Qin Chu took out another candle.

The whole body is bright red, a full twenty centimeters long, and it is a dragon and phoenix wedding candle.

Qin Shiwu was silent: "Is this a candle?"

Qin Chu: "Yes. Celebrities have a saying that the thicker the birthday candle, the longer it will last."

Qin Shiwu: "Which celebrity said that?"

Qin Chu: "I, a celebrity, said so."

Qin Shiwu frantically said: "Did you make a mistake!!"

Lu Tong said, "Have you finished teasing?"

As soon as he finished speaking, the amusement park came again.

Qu Muyao turned over from the motorcycle, holding a cake in her hand, while Gu Chi was sitting in the back seat, already foaming at the mouth.

Qu Muyao took off his helmet, leaned against the car, and said with a smile, "Brother, your car is really good."

Qin Shiwu was surprised and said, "Little Miss—Yao?"

Qu Muyao dragged Gu Chi, who had returned to the sky, forward: "Little aunt is just little aunt, what is little aunt Yao? You call Qin Chu Dad, why don't you care about me calling you little aunt?"

Qin Shiwu touched his nose: "I'm just joking, don't take it seriously."

Qin Chu sneered.

Qin Shiwu: "Why are you here?"

Qu Muyao: "Qin Chu didn't call me, saying that you celebrate your birthday today, and my classmates will have a party to celebrate your birthday."

"Qin Shiwu..." A timid and soft female voice cut in.

Qu Muyao looked back and said happily, "Why are you here so late?"

Lin Xiaomian blushed: "I didn't find the place."

Behind her were a few friends who had a decent relationship with Qin Shiwu: Ji Rang, Hu Si, and Gu Kaifei who didn't know each other.

Ji Rang shouted: "Damn it, I'm freezing to death! Qin Chu, I really have you, come out at night to celebrate your birthday, why don't you spend it in a hotel!"

When he looked up and saw the amusement park, he sighed, "But living outside doesn't seem so bad?"

Lin Xiaomian rubbed her face that was flushed from the cold: "Blow out the candles first."

Qu Muyao disassembled the cake - it seemed that the cake was freshly made, very delicate.

Lu Tong gently pushed Qin Shiwu: "What are you doing in a daze, don't you want to make a wish?"

Qin Shiwu was still in a daze, looked at Lu Tong and Qin Chu, and said in a daze, "My wish seems to have come true."

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