MTL - Back to My Dad’s High School Days-Chapter 13 puppy love

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Lu Tong's side had just dealt with the heat issue, and Qin Shiwu's side finally woke up from the bed.

Mother and child are connected, this connection is very far away, spanning time, space and skin, which made him instinctively feel that Lu Tong is in trouble today.

He raised his hand and glanced at his watch. At two o'clock in the afternoon, the second class began.

After Qin Shiwu crossed over, he has been following his original work and rest method, going to class and school to see his own wake-up time, when to wake up, and when to read.

Last night, he couldn't sleep all night, entangled all night about who A, who had a good relationship with Lu Tong, was, and he didn't fall asleep until five o'clock this morning.

Qin Shiwu passed the time in the United States. After waking up, he was not in a hurry to go to school. He slowly changed into his school uniform, started from home, and wandered all the way to school.

He took over the skin of the "Qin Shiwu" who was as timid as a mouse before, and his way of acting still remained the same as his own. In addition, he came from time travel and had no concept of this era, so he swaggered over the wall and entered the school.

When he walked to building D, many people in the corridor turned their heads to look at him frequently.

Qin Shiwu had a bit of fame in the first grade of high school, of course not a good reputation, but a bad reputation.

He is a well-known idiot who can be bullied by anyone, and everyone only has the impression of his baggy school trousers and big glasses.

And now this brand-new Qin Shiwu, who has changed the core and upgraded the configuration, is a school bully who does all kinds of evil and bullies cats and dogs. On the day of the weekend holiday, he cut his hair short, neat and clean, revealing a pair of peach blossom eyes.

Qin Shiwu threw that bulky spectacle frame into the trash can and replaced it with two contact lenses.

The clothes were newly bought short-sleeved clothes, with a baggy school uniform over it, no school pants, but a pair of ripped jeans with the trousers rolled up twice, revealing her fair ankles.

The trendy ones are not like those who come to study, but those who come to debut.

Qin Shiwu pushed open the front door of Senior Class 12, and few people in the noisy classroom noticed him coming.

A few people looked at him, and when they recognized this handsome young man as Qin Shiwu, they were taken aback for a moment, and then whispered to their tablemate again.

Lin Xiaomian, the representative of the math class, was standing on the podium and said softly, "Math homework due..."

After shouting three times to no avail, Lin Xiaomian could only collect math homework one by one.

She asked from the innermost row, and the first one was Gu Kaifei, the little gangster in the class.

The seat that Gu Kaifei sat was not his own, but Qin Shiwu's.

Lin Xiaomian walked up to him and whispered, "Gu Kaifei, have you handed in your math homework..."

Gu Kaifei said, "I didn't write it down."

Qin Shiwu did not enter the door, but Guapitou popped out suddenly, taking advantage of the chaos in the classroom, he dragged him outside: "Don't go in, you skip class. Gu Kaifei is going to beat you."

Qin Shiwu had already stepped through the door with half of his foot, but when he was dragged out, he asked in a daze, "Who is Gu Kaifei?"

He pondered in his mind for a moment, and found some sporadic impressions of Gu Kaifei from the memory of the previous Qin Shiwu.

This person is a sports student, and he spent money to enter the Provincial No. 1 Middle School. Because he will enter the provincial team soon, he doesn't care about his academic performance. Every day, he takes pride in forming cliques at school, and bullies the weaker and younger classmates—with Qin Shiwu as the key bullying target—as his duty.

Because what I did was not too much, the teachers turned a blind eye.

Guapi said: "It's not that you ran away every day a few days ago and disappeared. Didn't Brother Gu ask you to go to the basketball court to bring him water? Why don't you go?"


Guapitou: "It's not about beating you, he will definitely trouble you when you go in. You should ask for leave today."

Qin Shiwu: "I'm used to him. Brother is so old, I haven't seen other people's faces."

He pushed the melon skin head away and stepped into the classroom.

Gu Kaifei was pushing Lin Xiaomian away impatiently: "You don't understand human speech, do you? I didn't write it, can't you understand? Take your mother for a comparison..."

Lin Xiaomian is petite, not as big as Gu Kaifei.

"But today, Teacher Qian said that those who haven't handed in their homework have to stand in the corridor."

"Don't you **** forget my name?"

Gu Kaifei took out a math booklet from his schoolbag and threw it on Lin Xiaomian's desk: "Qian Xiaofei help me copy my math homework before class."

Tears rolled in Lin Xiaomian's eyes, she sat down, picked up the pen, and the book was pulled away as soon as the tip of the pen touched the booklet.

Qin Shiwu took away Gu Kaifei's mathematics booklet and said, "What are you copying, don't copy it."

Gu Kaifei clicked his tongue: "Are you courting death, Qin Shiwu?"

Qin Shiwu put down his schoolbag, threw it into Lin Xiaomian's arms, lifted her clothes from the back of her neck, and caught her behind the podium like a kitten.

At the same time, he kicked Gu Kaifei in the heart, and kicked him directly to the ground: "Speak louder, I can't hear you?"

With a bang, as Gu Kaifei fell, all the tables and chairs fell to both sides.

The whole class was attracted by the loud noise. Before Gu Kaifei recovered from the pain, Qin Shiwu grabbed him by the collar and dragged him from the classroom door to the back of the classroom.

Along the way, girls screamed and the tables and chairs on both sides were overturned.

Qin Shiwu threw Gu Kaifei into the trash can, grabbed a chair, and slammed it on his back.

Gu Kaifei's eyes went dark from the pain on the spot. He yelled: "Qin Shiwu, you **** idiot!"

All this happens in just a few seconds.

With his hands in his pockets, Qin Shiwu said condescendingly, "You **** dare to sit in my seat next time."

Gu Kaifei got up from the ground and roared.

Qin Shiwu has rich experience in fighting, and beating Gu Kaifei is simply a unilateral killing. As soon as the other party got up, he was punched and lay on the ground with a punch. Two trash cans at the back of the classroom were knocked down, and pieces of paper were flying.

Only then did everyone react, and the squad leader screamed: "Stop beating! I'm going to find Lao Zhao!"

"The teacher is here, the teacher is here!"

Gu Kaifei was rolling all over the floor in pain, unable to stand up for a while.

Qin Shiwu walked to his seat, and the table and stool were written with swear words and humiliating language with a marker. This is also a kind of school violence, and it is an extremely low school violence.

The water stain on the marker pen is very new, it should be written by Gu Kaifei when he was bored while waiting for him just now.

Qin Shiwu sneered, turned his head and walked to Gu Kaifei's place, lifted his desk, took out all the books inside, and then dragged it from the left side of the classroom to the right side, the chairs and tiles made harsh and unpleasant sounds, but At this moment, no one dared to step forward to stop Qin Shiwu.

He looks so fierce.

Qin Shiwu dragged the table in front of Qin Chu.

Gu Kaifei was originally seated in this seat, but Qin Shiwu kicked over the original desk and chair, and the desk and chair overturned made a loud noise. He looked around at the classmates crowded around the classroom: "Who table?"

Among the crowd, one person raised his hand: "My..."

Qin Shiwu: "Move it away, I want to sit here."

The man stepped forward in a hurry, and silently dragged his desk away.

Qin Shiwu kicked Gu Kaifei who was on the ground: "It hurts to get on the side, it's blocking my seat."

Several buddies of Gu Kaifei came up from behind, helped Gu Kaifei up, and they retreated to the back door of the classroom.

Qin Shiwu arranged his seat, and looked at himself and Qin Chu's table leaning against each other with satisfaction.

He kicked away the test papers floating everywhere on the ground, looked up at the people in the class, and asked, "Does it look good?"

No one dared to speak.

Qin Shiwu didn't show an apology at all, and said arrogantly: "Sorry, students, I knocked over your desks and chairs, don't you need me to help them up?"

Everyone set off one after another and lifted their chairs up.

There were quiet and strange activities in the classroom again, just like the countless incidents of school violence. After the fight, the students would silently deal with the aftermath.

It's just that Qin Shiwu is usually the one who gets beaten up.

And now, it was Gu Kaifei's turn.

Everyone couldn't help but peek at Qin Shiwu, unbelievable: This is Qin Shiwu? That submissive Qin Shiwu? Is he crazy?

Qin Shiwu snorted, walked to the podium in three steps at a time, and pulled his schoolbag from the arms of the stunned Lin Xiaomian.

Afterwards, Lin Xiaomian's pale wrist was grabbed by Qin Shiwu, who was dragged by the former, and ran forward stumblingly.

Qin Shiwu turned around and asked, "Where is your seat?"

Lin Xiaomian timidly pointed to the right, Qin Shiwu bent down and took out all the test papers and textbooks from the hole in her table, and stuffed them all at the edge of the seat he arranged.

"I'll sit outside, you sit inside." Qin Shiwu stuffed her into the table by the window, sat down by himself, took out the math test paper from his schoolbag, snapped it, and placed it on the table aggressively, and then, Milky and fierce: "Did you write your homework? Let me copy it, but I didn't write it."

Lin Xiaomian thought she was going to be beaten by him, but when Qin Shiwu said this, she hurriedly handed him her math test paper.

Qin Shiwu: "Thank you. From now on, you will be my deskmate, I will cover you, and you will copy my homework, okay?"

Lin Xiaomian: ...

Qin Shiwu neatly flipped through Lin Xiaomian's math test paper, and found that the top student was indeed a top student, worthy of being the first in the class, and there was no draft on the math test paper!

A top student doesn't have to have a draft, but a scumbag like him can't have a draft!

The teacher believes in the former, but the teacher does not believe in the latter!

Qin Shiwu is well versed in the unspoken rules of homework copying. While quickly filling in the four answers of abcd and abcd, he circled and crossed the four options at the same time, creating a picture of himself arriving at the answer after careful calculation. Effect.

The grade director and Lao Zhao were late.

"Whoever fights, stand up for me automatically!"

The owner's surname is Qian, and he is Qian Xiaofei, a fat man who is a little short but has a serious face. He looks a bit like Zhang Fei from Romance of the Three Kingdoms, so in terms of momentum, the students are very afraid of him.

After Qian Xiaofei yelled this sentence, at the door of the classroom, Qin Chu resolved Lu Tong's matter, and it was long overdue.

Qin Shiwu was busy copying his homework, and didn't hear Qian Xiaofei's words at all.

No one in the class stood up. Qian Xiaofei glanced at Qin Chu out of the corner of his eye, and immediately shouted, "Qin Chu! It's you again!"

Qin Chu, who had just arrived at the door of the class, was stunned for a moment, confused, and pointed to himself: "What's wrong with me?"

Qian Xiaofei asked: "Did you fight just now?"

Gu Kaifei was supported by several male classmates, he changed his behavior from being a gangster, and leaned in the arms of Lin Daiyu as delicately as he was. His head and nose were bleeding, and his school uniform was full of footprints, which looked quite tragic.

Qian Xiaofei knew that Gu Kaifei was an ignorant little bastard. In Class 12, the only one who dared to beat him was Qin Chu, the crown prince, so he wanted to test Qin Chu without thinking about it.

The monitor raised his hand in the classroom and said, "Report, Teacher Qian, it wasn't Qin Chu who beat him, but Qin Shiwu."

Zhao Yan crossed her arms and said in a daze, "Who beat you?"

Squad leader: "Qin Shiwu?"

Qian Xiaofei didn't know Qin Shiwu, so he turned around and asked the class monitor, "Which classmate is Qin Shiwu?"

The class monitor pointed to Qin Shiwu who was sitting by the window and was writing hard—it was Qian Xiaofei's math homework.

Qian Xiaofei: ...

"He hit it?"

Not like it.

Diligent and hardworking, when the whole class ran out to watch the excitement, only this one person concentrates on writing math homework, what kind of love for learning is this?

It's almost time to engrave the word "morning" on the table.

A few of Gu Kaifei's friends said, "Mr. Qian, it was Qin Shiwu who beat him. Gu Kaifei didn't mess with him, and he beat up when he came up."

Qian Xiaofei scolded: "You didn't provoke others, they came up to beat you. Ask Qin Shiwu to come out for me, and let me go to the political and educational office!"

Qin Chu saw that he had nothing to do, so he walked slowly towards the back door.

Qian Xiaofei suddenly pointed at Qin Chu, and said angrily: "And you, Qin Chu! Don't fish in troubled waters for me, come with them, you smell like Omega pheromones, I'm afraid others won't know your puppy love, right? "

The author has something to say: if the son does not teach, it is the fault of the father.

Dad, let you write a review... that's right!

·Thank you for the little angel who voted for me to overlord or irrigate the nutrient solution~Thank you for the little angel who voted for [Grenade]: deer pass xs1; thanks for the little angel who voted for [Mine]: Passerby A abc3; Tyrannosaurus Rex No. 1 in the world! , Jiumi, Amaimai, Little Mo Daddy, Quesusu, Rabbit Don’t Eat Sugar 1; Thanks to the little angels who irrigate [Nutrition Solution]: 10 bottles of Dede, Want to See Elementary School Chicken Love; 5 bottles of Deer Pass xs; Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!

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