MTL - Back To 1995-Chapter 995 prey

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  Chapter 995 Prey

A large group of people came and left with a roar. The whole small building was sealed when people went to the building. I don’t know how many years later, this small building will be remembered again. Maybe it will wait until the next one like Ella · Like Cherry, it is only possible if someone who has trouble with Song Yang appears.

But it is basically impossible for Ella Cherry to deal with Song Yang again. The new Federal Ministry of Justice is going to make Ella Cherry an iron case. Couldn't turn Ella Cherry over again!

   In this wave, the Elephant Party rewarded the big benefactor, and the Donkey Party also tacitly understood that Ella Cherry can only be regarded as a scapegoat, the kind that neither the Donkey Party nor the Elephant Party cares about.

   "Ella Cherry Rearrested In Federal Prison!"

In Georgia, the Winslow family is a bit turbulent at the moment. When all the members of the Winslow family passed by the study of Edward Winslow who had just returned, they all walked with their tails between their legs. Anyone could see that this brought The man who gave the Winslow family countless power and wealth is in a bad mood today.

  The study room was filled with smoke, and Edward Winslow sat with members of the Winslow family and several powerful figures in Georgia, all in silence.

  Receiving a call, Edward Winslow said with a heavy face, which made the whole study even more depressing.

   "The Elephant Party is deceiving people too much, do they think America is theirs?!"

  The speaker was Liam Winslow, and he had reason to be angry. Just today, the harassment allegations that had been put down a few years ago were turned up again.

  At that time, Edward Winslow supported Ella Cherry in the investigation of Double-click Company, and wanted to swallow all the industries in the hands of the fledgling Song Yang.

Adrian joined forces with the Elephant Party to retaliate against the Winslow family, and charged Liam Winslow, the deputy prosecutor of Atlanta, with charges of harassment, bribery, and abuse of power. Winslow sent Ella Cherry to federal prison before Liam Winslow narrowly escaped.

But who would have thought that a few years later, the original case would be uncovered again. Liam Winslow is now in a state of being dismissed, and the position of Atlanta City Attorney General who was about to be acquired was lost. He may well be in trouble himself.

   "Now in America, it is true that the Elephant Party has the final say. They are blindly confronting the Elephant Party, and there is no bargain!"

A local Congressman from the Donkey Party in Atlanta frowned and said to Liam Winslow, telling him to recognize the reality, the Elephant Party can take care of him now, let him leave office now, and send him away in the future. He's in federal prison for all the **** that Liam Winslow did, and it's all over the bottom of his ass.

   "Liam, calm down!"

Edward Winslow also said to Liam Winslow that he has experienced countless ups and downs, but he is not angry enough to lose his mind about the situation in front of him. He knows that no matter how angry he is, he can't change the present The current situation can only be incompetent and furious.

   Liam Winslow opened his mouth, but he still didn't dare to refute Edward Winslow. He can climb to where he is today, and it is inseparable from Edward Winslow leading the way for him.

"What do the rest of the donkey party say?!" The local congressman asked Edward Winslow. They and the Winslow family are grasshoppers on the same rope. They are local in Georgia, and Edward Winslow Sloan cheered for them on Capitol Hill, and the two sides echoed each other. Whoever is unlucky will not be better off.

Shaking his head, Edward Winslow also said helplessly, "Joshua Butler called me and told me to stop having any conflicts with the Bruno family. The other members of the donkey party are also interested Improve your relationship with Bruno Song!"

The local congressman couldn't help feeling a little bit when he heard this. Joshua Butler is one of the representatives of the Anglo-Saxons. He can say this, which means that in a short time, the Anglo-Saxons don't want to I can't get through with Song Yang. Seeing that Song Yang may not be able to bite the meat off his body, and his teeth may be broken. Obviously, he wants to quit the class, and he doesn't want to make it difficult for Song Yang in a short time.

Edward Winslow was a little unwilling, not because he regretted provoking Song Yang, but because he used all his strength to beat the rabbit without a lion, and didn't directly slap him to death in the cradle of the Bruno family, which he didn't even look up to at the time. so that he is now in trouble instead.

   "In the past few years, don't mess around anymore. There will always be a chance. The prey cannot stay vigilant forever. No matter how fierce the prey is, the hunter has a chance to win, and only one round of ammunition is needed!"

Edward Winslow is not only talking to Liam Winslow and others, but also telling himself that at this time, he can only get through the difficulties first, hiding in the corner and licking his wounds. identity, there is still a chance.

  "The beautiful legend of Sicily, the global box office broke the 75 million dollar mark, and the total box office revenue is expected to exceed 100 million dollars!"

  "The manager of the marketing department of Western Films announced that the film "The Beautiful Legend of Sicily" will be sent to the Oscar jury to compete for this year's Oscar award!"

"Hollywood "Vanity Fair" and other magazine editors praised Monica Bellucci as another female star synonymous with **** in Hollywood after Marilyn Monroe. Many film companies are interested in inviting Monica Bellucci Qi participated in a new film, and the salary is as high as that of Hollywood's first-line actress..."

There is no shortage of parties and parties in Los Angeles. No matter it is day or night, the party hosting companies here have formed a complete industrial chain. As long as you pay US dollars, you can hold a party anytime, anywhere, and warm up the scene. Small stars, even first-line superstars, party companies may invite them over for a drink, provided that the money given is enough.

As the most popular actress in Hollywood during this period, even if the box office of the beautiful legend of Sicily is not so good, Western Films has raised a large number of films for it. In the end, the North American box office and overseas box office are only worth 100 million US dollars. Knife, maybe not close, but Western Films will definitely make it break the $100 million box office.

   As for whether to lose money or not, that is the business of Western Films itself. The current box office can only be said to have just barely recovered, but Western Films does not expect to make a lot of money at the box office.

When the release period is over, it would be even better if it can get a few Oscars. Western Films will sell the TV broadcast rights of this movie to NBC and ICNC TV stations, and then release the videotape and put it in the movie library of IMDB. Provide online paid on-demand screenings. This set of procedures will go down. For countless years to come, this film will steadily bring a steady stream of income to Western Films. At that time, it may not only be a box office of 100 million dollars...

Regardless of the box office, during this period of time, Hollywood entertainment channels, newspapers, magazines, etc., as well as portal sites such as Yahoo, AOL, MSN, and Lycos, are frantically reporting on Monica Bellucci. She has become a popular fried chicken in Hollywood. Even if she has never watched the movie The Beautiful Legend of Sicily, she has seen the woman played by Monica in TV news, newspapers, magazines, and forums. Sitting there, a group of people are vying for the first place The photo of him lighting a cigarette can be said to be a godsend.

  Monica has also become the focus of discussion on the Hollywood side. There are mixed opinions on Monica. Just like Marilyn Monroe back then, don't count on word-of-mouth when you enter Hollywood.

  At the party today, there were quite a few actresses, all discussing Monica reported by the TV media.

  While a group of starlets were discussing, a little actress next to her, who had spent a lot of time in Hollywood and played supporting roles in many TV dramas, noticed the movement behind her, and when she turned around and saw the person coming, she hurriedly coughed.

   A group of people turned their heads and saw Jenny coming with a group of small followers. They immediately turned off the TV with great eyesight, and walked towards Jenny with a smile on their faces.

   "Jenny, I didn't expect you to come!"

  All the actresses on the party immediately surrounded Jenny, all smiling, showing no signs of jealousy or dissatisfaction.

Monica's background and rumors are still hard to say, but Jenny in front of her is a real resource in Hollywood. For Hollywood actresses who are rumored and dislike each other, facing the Western Film Industry Jenny, who is supported by the three Hollywood giants, Universal Pictures, and Warner Pictures, they really can't give birth to any thought of fighting...

  (end of this chapter)