MTL - Back To 1995-Chapter 1046 golden spoon

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  Chapter 1046 Golden Spoon

  Different people have different time and have different pursuits. For professional managers in America, it may be their pursuit to become the head or board of directors of a giant company.

  But for Cai Mingshi, to become the president of American Electronics Asia Headquarters in the next few years, for him, he has reached a new pinnacle in his life!

   At that time, with Cai Mingshi's salary, power, and status, he will definitely be a big shot in Asia.

Although Song Yang retained Cai Mingshi and stayed in San Jose for dinner, Cai Mingshi declined. For him, it is time to hurry up and build the Asian headquarters of American Telecom as soon as possible. Cai Mingshi knows that this is why he changed himself. There is the best chance of destiny for the whole family.

He just took the lead now and left a little impression on Song Yang's side, so he got this opportunity first. If he failed to complete Song Yang's explanation, someone would replace him immediately. As for the so-called My impression is nothing at all!

   "Milia, take care of Andre!"

Dana, who was busy in the kitchen, yelled to Miria at the top of her voice, now that Dana rarely cooks by herself, the San Jose manor also hired a lot of chefs, servants, Gardener, etc. After all, it is impossible for one or two people to clean up such a large manor.

  But today, Dana personally cooked for Li Rouling and Zhou Bailin, preparing a table of Italian-style Chinese food.

Gallo's child, Andre, is a toddler. Milia, who came back from playing wildly at the racecourse, took Li Rouling to Andre's place again, and began to play with this unlucky child. If there is no accident, his entire childhood , will be shrouded in the shadow of a cheap aunt...

   Amber, who was following Miria, could only shake his head like a grown-up when he saw this scene. He still remembered that when he first came to the Bruno family, someone seemed to treat him like this.

  Jenny, Gallo, Hailey, Greck and other Bruno family in San Jose are accompanying today. After all, Zhou Bailin and Li Rouling are here on behalf of the Song family and Zhou family in Yangcheng.

   "Ling, try this dish I prepared. This is the runner-up dish in the second season of "Master Chef", and it is also the most popular dish in Chinese restaurants in America now!"

Daanna enthusiastically pushed a dish in front of Li Rouling. The "Kitchen Master" in Daanna's mouth is another variety show launched by ICNC TV station. The main audience is American housewives. Pretty good.

  And this "orange chicken" is a dish that appeared in "Kitchen God of Hegemony". As the name suggests, there is no cheating. This dish is chicken fried with oranges.

Just like the top Yangmou "Jiuzhuan Dachang" in the new era, Dachang suddenly became a hot-selling dish in domestic restaurants. Influenced by "Kitchen Gods", this dish is also popular in America, becoming an American, and entering China. A must-order dish after a restaurant.

Looking at the brightly colored orange chicken in front of her, Li Rouling, who is a snack, couldn't help but hesitate for a few seconds. This seemed to be a little different from the fried chicken in her impression, but looking at what Dana was looking forward to The expression was the same as that of Song Yang when he ate the Chinese food made by Dana himself for the first time, and Li Rouling could only bite the bullet and eat it.

Compared to Li Rouling, Miria and Amber are more adaptable to eating this beet dish, which is in line with the dishes they used to eat in Chinese restaurants. In order to survive, Chinese restaurants have undergone magical changes in America. General Tso's chicken, egg hibiscus, sweet and sour soup, etc., except for the name, the taste is hard to describe.

   "When I get back to Houston, I'll take you to hunt wild boars!"

After eating a few mouthfuls of food, Miria said to Li Rouling that every year, the old Bruno's ranch has to hunt and drive wild boars. Wild boars are really rampant in Texas. If you don't come once, basically As far as the farms and ranches are about to be ruined.

   "Song, let's return to Houston together. I haven't returned to Houston for a long time..."

  Jenny, who came back from Los Angeles, has been staying in San Jose for a while, making preparations for her big wedding that hasn't been set yet.

As soon as she finished speaking, Jenny covered her mouth, and hurriedly left the restaurant and ran to the bathroom. Song Yang looked at Jenny's figure, but before he could react, Dana and Haili looked at him with burning eyes. He was also taken aback for a moment, and then couldn't help but look towards Song Yang.

   "Song, I think it's time to invite a doctor from San Jose St. Bonaventure Hospital to check Jenny..." Dana stood up excitedly and walked towards the bathroom.

At this time, Song Yang also came back to his senses, but he felt a little flustered. Of course he knew what Dana said, but for Song Yang, he was both a little anxious about anticipation and a little unclear. .

  Grek went out to make a phone call, and Gallo winked at Song Yang and said, "Song, I want to congratulate you, maybe a new member of the Bruno family will be born..."

Inside the hospital in San Jose Manor, there are top-notch inspection equipment. The attending doctor invited from San Jose St. Bonaventure Hospital is examining Jenny. Song Yang, Gallo, Greg and others are waiting outside. Millie Ya and Li Rouling looked inside, Miria looked at Andre who was sleeping soundly in the pram, and whispered to Li Rouling from time to time.

  The door of the examination room opened, and Jenny rushed out, hugged Song Yang, and shouted excitedly, "Song, I have it, it's our child..."

  The doctor from San Jose St. Bonaventure Hospital who was invited over in the middle of the night also came out with a smile at this time, "Congratulations, Mr. Bruno, you are about six weeks pregnant, and you will be a little Mr. Bruno in the future!"

  Listening to the doctor's words, Song Yang stretched out his hand to the doctor, "Thank you for coming today!"

Greg was also relieved to hear this hinting sentence. This is not only a matter for Song Yang, but also for the entire Bruno family, the North American Global Investment Foundation, and companies such as ICQ and Alcatel Mobile. It means that a real heir has appeared!

After explaining a few words to Jenny, the doctor at St. Bonaventure Hospital in San Jose left. He knew that he didn’t need to waste his words in the future. The Bruno family would prepare a top medical team to follow Jenny, so he didn’t need to worry about it. What.

   "Jenny, you should temporarily put aside the Hollywood project, this child must be born!"

Haili drove away Miria who was sticking to Jenny's belly to listen to the movement, and whispered to Jenny, looking at Jenny's belly, Hailey didn't know who would be the lucky one, who would appear inside, and when she was born, she would To become the most valuable heir in America, he will basically grow up with a golden spoon in his mouth in the future.

  Hailey also knows that as long as Jenny gives birth to this child, it will affect the Bruno family and the cubs of many giant companies. No one can affect Jenny's status!

   "I know!" Jenny replied casually, rubbing her still flat belly, as if she could already feel the movement inside.

At San Jose Airport, Bruno's private jet flew straight into the sky and flew towards Houston. Jenny's status in Bruno's family suddenly increased a lot. The bedroom on the plane became Jenny's territory. The two recruited The medical staff also followed Jenny around, never leaving.

Song Yang was sitting by the porthole of the private jet. After a long time, he finally let out a sigh of relief. It was the first time he had his own children in two lifetimes. For Song Yang, that kind of language was really hard to describe in words. .

   Returning to Houston, Song Yang did not go to see Chuck Rhodes and others immediately, but accompanied Jenny, Milia and others to the farm where old Bruno was.

  Entering the suburbs of Houston, it is different from a few years ago. Many farms now have signs saying "No entry on private land". Most of the land has already belonged to the Bruno family's farm.

  The old Bruno couple are still used to staying in the small farm before. Even though there is a farm with better geographical conditions and a larger area, they still have not moved there.

  (end of this chapter)

Read The Duke's Passion