MTL - Back To 1995-Chapter 1016 The wall fell down and everyone pushed

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  Chapter 1016 The Wall Falls and Everyone Pushes It

  Old viewers who see Williams will unconsciously think of the tobacco nicotine incident at the beginning. When ICNC TV station broke the inside story of tobacco, Williams acted as the host.

  Williams entered together with Andy Lake, President of ICNC TV Station. He is now the editor-in-chief of ICNC TV Station and rarely participates in the program directly, but the reports made by him will become breaking news without exception.

And because of the original report, Williams not only won the Pulitzer Prize, but also became the embodiment of "justice" and "truth" in the American news industry. As long as the news he reported, the authenticity of the news has never been doubted After all, after all these years, how many people dare to fight against the tobacco giants?

   There are not a few people watching today's report, and many Wall Street institutions, such as LVMH Group, Estee Lauder, RICK, etc., are watching.

Song Yang and Eric were also watching the reports on the TV station. Although the time was short and the production was not so sophisticated, with the support of money-making ability, the whole documentary was completed to a high degree, and it was impossible to make tens of millions of dollars Let the water float...

   "The Global Rare Animal Protection Foundation has been established. After the documentary is released, tomorrow RICK will announce a donation of no less than 50 million US dollars to the Animal Protection Foundation. In addition, in Houston, the world's largest ecological scenic spot for rare animal protection will be established.

  RICK will also invite other luxury companies to join this foundation and "propose" to establish a new industry standard for the luxury industry! "

  Watching the report on ICNC TV, Eric said to Song Yang in a low voice, although this set was prepared for the LVMH Group, Eric himself felt that the knife was a bit too harsh...

  "There are many industries in the world that have been developed for thousands of years, and there are also many things that have been loved by humans since ancient times, just like the dragon's obsession with gold coins!"

  The TV camera unfolded slowly following Williams’ words, “Luxuries represent status, worth, and reputation. Countless people are proud of obtaining them, and they use all means and methods!”

  Pieces of top-notch luxury goods, luxury goods that were once sold for sky-high prices at auctions, as well as items on the counters of luxury boutiques on Fifth Avenue, all appeared on TV.

   There are also countless stars and celebrities wearing those sky-high luxury goods when they appear in front of the public. The rhythm of the background music is very tight, as if arousing the audience's desire for these luxury goods.

  If you just watch the first few minutes, you don’t know, and you think ICNC is a promotional video for luxury goods.

But Bernard Arnott, who was watching TV, felt more and more uneasy. He had found out that ICNC had sent many reporters to the headquarters of LVMH Group, OEM companies around the world, and raw material suppliers. The company went to interview and investigate.

  Although his subordinates vowed to declare that the LVMH Group did not investigate anything, Arnott was still uneasy.

   "Have you contacted the public relations company?!" Bernard Arnott asked Antonio on the side, taking precautions. He wanted to hire a public relations company in advance to prevent the LVMH Group scandal.

  Antonio nodded, "WPP's Ogilvy, Burson-Marsteller, Weida and other public relations companies are unwilling to accept our employment. We hired Edman and Rhodes to provide assistance to LVMH Group!"

Hearing that even the public relations company industry has Song Yang, those public relations companies that are open to money and only serve American knives would refuse to cooperate with the LVMH group, which made Bernard Arnott feel even more intimidated In response, I can only turn my attention to the TV again.

In a few minutes, after a promotional video comparable to a large-scale luxury product, ICNC TV station suddenly said, "LVMH Group is the world's largest supplier of luxury goods. It provides millions of users with the most rare and luxurious leather coats, High-end suits, bags, boots, etc., for which the LVMH Group can reap tens of billions of dollars!"

   "But", Williams' voice came from behind the TV background, "All users who bought these products, do you know how they are produced?!"

The TV screen started to rewind, and quickly rewrote the luxury "promotional video" that was played just now to the very first scene. A handbag owned by the LVMH Group appeared on the TV, but it was different from the glamorous and jeweled bag just now. Under her handbag, there was a pool of blood!

  "A rare handbag, from raw materials to production, is quite elegant, but when we find its original appearance, it may be different from what we imagined..."

The background music of the TV began to become low and depressing, and the picture also became dim. The camera showed a snake skin supplier's farm in Cochin, and a prompt appeared on the screen. This is a global luxury goods giant, the largest raw material in Asia. Although the supplier was not named, but combined with the words of ICNC TV station just now, all fools know that this place supplies raw materials for the LVMH Group.

In the camera, the staff of the farm used rubber bands to seal the snake's mouth and excretory opening, and then used an air compressor to inject gas into the snake's body, so that the snake slowly stopped struggling. All this was done for the purpose of To get a complete snakeskin, even if part of the picture is mosaiced by ICNC, it still makes the audience feel physically uncomfortable.

   Then the footage was shown to multiple raw material suppliers of the LVMH Group around the world, including Australia's largest crocodile skin supplier, ostrich skin supplier, etc. The method is quite inhumane, similar to extracting snake skin!

  Now I think about it again, at the beginning, those top-notch luxury goods formed a strong contrast with the picture at this moment.

The documentary is not over yet. After the raw material suppliers, the camera once again came to a luxury manufacturing factory in Brazil. In the camera, a lot of employees gathered in the dirty and messy factory building, stepping on the dirty water full of chemicals Here, snake skins, crocodile skins, etc. are processed, and prompts are given outside the camera. The salary of the staff working here is less than one-tenth of the average salary in America.

The camera turned again and came to a luxury store. There was a handbag on the counter with a price tag of 15,000 US dollars. Although ICNC TV station did not say it clearly, but seeing the raw materials and production process, it is obvious that this The cost of the handbag won't be that high, I'm afraid the cost has not been sold to pay a lot of taxes, and the bulk is all taken away by a luxury giant!

  The camera slowly exited in front of the dimly lit luxury store, and Williams, with a heavy complexion, reappeared in front of the camera.

   "We can't blame those who bought these luxury goods, nor should we blame them. The buyers didn't know and shouldn't be blamed, but..."

  "We should reject those **** luxury goods. Everyone has the right to pursue a higher life, but humanity should not be wiped out!"


  Bernard Arnott couldn't bear it anymore, and smashed the wine glass in his hand at the Panda LCD TV in the hotel, turning the whole TV into a snowflake.

   Arnott's face was livid, what did Williams mean by that, co-authored to buy something from the LVMH group, it is inhumane, right?

  Antonio didn't dare to touch Bernard Arnault's bad luck. In the hotel, Arnott's heavy breath of anger could only be heard. The LVMH group is in big trouble, and it may even be the biggest trouble since its establishment.

In the past, the LVMH Group had a luxurious image in front of the public, which made people feel unattainable. But this night, all the auras were shattered. ICNC TV station completely exposed the side behind the IVMH Group, and even dealt with it Not good, I am afraid that the luxury goods empire of the LVMH Group will collapse.

It may take ten years for a person to establish an image, but to destroy him, all he needs is a video with the beginning and the end removed, especially for a brand. There is no Bige, a luxury that always reminds people of negative news, and you want to sell it at a high price, so dream!

  Looking at Bernard Arnott who was extremely angry, Antonio tentatively said, "President Arnott, do you want to go back to Paris first?"

It is conceivable that the American media may have exploded. Negative news about the LVMH Group will appear overwhelmingly. The most important thing right now is to stabilize the basic market and prevent problems in the European home of the LVMH Group. Public opinion pressure in other markets.

  Antonio's suggestion is not wrong. If the old nest is lost, the LVMH group will become a tree without roots.

  But Bernard Arnott looked at Antonio angrily, "I quit America this time, will I have a chance to come in later?!"

  Sometimes you can retreat, and sometimes, even if the front is an abyss, you have to grit your teeth and walk through it. If you take a step back, there will be no sea and sky, and you will only be destroyed!

   Lost America, the gathering place of the richest people in the world, and the region with the strongest consumption power of luxury goods in the world, if you want to come in in the future, go ahead and dream.

   "Let the public relations company take action immediately, hold a press clarification meeting tomorrow, and sue ICNC TV station for damage to the LVMH Group's reputation!

   Immediately fired the president of the purchasing and production department of the LVMH Group, and began to recall some of the handbags sold last year. If the user wants to return the goods, the LVMH Group will return the full amount! "

   After the anger passed, Bernard quickly calmed down, and confessed to Antonio, asking the LVMH Group to take action immediately, and blame the blame man.

  Antonio heard this and said hesitantly, "Will the media and users accept these words..."

   If you want to talk about what those raw material and OEM manufacturers do, the LVMH Group does not know anything about it.

  Bernard Arnott looked at Antonio and shook his head. In terms of finance, Antonio is a good hand, but he is a layman when it comes to these showy operations.

   "It's not about whether they believe it or not, LVMH Group must do this!"

Knowing that it's acting, so what, but you should act or you have to act, you should pretend to be innocent, or you have to pretend to be innocent, you can't admit it even if you are beaten to death, push all the responsibilities to those few blamers, Believe it or not, it is enough for the LVMH Group to believe it.

   "Affected by the ICNC luxury documentary incident, LVMH Group opened today. The stock price fell 11%, the market value fell below 60 billion US dollars, and 6.8 billion US dollars evaporated!"

  After the market opened the next day, without any surprises, the stock price of the LVMH Group exploded, and the global luxury concept stocks all plummeted.

  "LVMH Group held a press conference and announced that it would sue ICNC TV Station for damaging its reputation. The leaders of LVMH Group all denied the authenticity of ICNC TV Station's documentary report!"

   "Many Hollywood superstars have announced that they will stop endorsing LVMH products!"

   "Italian Securities Commission announced the restart of the insider trading investigation into LCMH Group's acquisition of an Italian luxury brand company!"

   "Eighteen airport duty-free shops, including New York Airport and Los Angeles Airport, announced that they will suspend the sale of products under the LVMH Group."

   "America Macy's and other chain stores announced today that they will temporarily suspend the sale of LVMH Group's counter products in the mall!"

   "Estee Lauder Company, issued a statement late at night that it has not reached any agreement with the LVMH Group, and will not consider any form of cooperation with the LVMH Group in the future!"

   "A number of luxury goods giants have issued statements in succession, claiming that raw material suppliers have nothing to do with OEMs, or with the LVMH Group industrial chain."

  The public relations of the LVMH group also tried their best to throw the pot away, but their voice was too low, and no one listened at all. Compared with the public opinion ability of America, let alone the LVMH group, even France behind it was useless.

  As soon as the ICNC TV documentary was broadcast, it was spread all over the world through NBC, CNN and other American media platforms, as well as the Internet platform. Almost all mainstream media in the world are reporting this incident today!

  The media has covered the sky and covered the sky and covered the sky. The walls are overthrown by everyone, and the drums are broken by thousands of people. Before, all the celebrity models were proud of endorsing the products of the LVMH Group.

The stock price plummeted, celebrity endorsements ran away, and the Italian Securities Commission also began to find fault with the LVMH Group. They found out that the LVMH Group had acquired Italian luxury brands in the past few years, such as insider trading and hostile takeovers. Anyway, various crimes began. Put it on it, this is a good time to cut leeks and fine, when not to do it now? !

  America’s method of cutting leeks is more mature. First, a congressman from Capitol Hill stood up.

   "I can't imagine that such a heinous thing will happen after entering the new century. I think America should stop selling LVMH products!"

This is like a signal. After the indignation of the congressman on Capitol Hill, the Federal Trade Commission and other agencies announced the launch of investigations into the LVMH Group. Federal courts in Texas, New York and other places also At the same time, accept those lawsuits against the LVMH group.

  Yesterday, it was still a huge luxury empire, but suddenly it was like a fallen prey, and everyone wanted to pounce on it and take a bite...

  (end of this chapter)

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