MTL - Back To 1995-Chapter 1011 Change door

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  Chapter 1011 Changing the Court

Anna Wintour looked at Elsa Benitez in front of her. If it was before today, someone would dare to comment on the style of Vogue fashion magazines in front of her, whether it was a so-called top designer or a model, Stars and the like, Anna Wintour will fight back mercilessly. Do you know what fashion is? !

But looking at Elsa Benitez, throwing away the aura that the media shrouded her body, Anna Wintour didn't care about what created today's Victoria's Secret Empire, the world's number one supermodel, etc. , she is an expert in flattery, and knows how much these titles are worth.

Anna Wintour has heard Song Yang's famous "pig on the wind" theory, which is also applicable to the fashion industry. A person who does the right thing at the "right" time may become famous overnight Liga, especially the hype methods of modern media are more mature and more systematic. It is not difficult to make someone famous!

  The key is Elsa's current identity, RICK's vice president, in charge of the media and e-commerce department that RICK is preparing to build. Even Anna Wintour, who has been proud all her life, cannot completely ignore these things.

   Itself specializes in reporting on the fashion industry. Anna Wintour is used to the intrigues within the founder's family of a luxury empire. Even members of the family who are worth billions of dollars can be kicked out because of a change.

Anna Wintour is well-known, but if RICK bought Condé Nast Group, who knows, it would really annoy Elsa and RICK Group, would Anna Wintour be driven away suddenly, No matter how famous he is, no matter how famous he is, he can't beat the big benefactor.

  Facing Elsa, it is difficult for Anna Wintour to have an arrogant attitude. Barefoot is not afraid of wearing shoes. People have concerns, so it is difficult to be tough.

   "Can I take President Elsa's words as RICK's attitude towards Vogue magazine?!"

  Anna Wintour raised the coffee gracefully, and asked Elsa in a "light and clear" manner, but her expression was not as calm as she showed.

  "Of course, some of the executives of Condé Nast's media magazines around the world may change, after all, this kind of thing is inevitable.

  As for Ms. Anna, you will become the chief content officer and global editorial director of Condé Nast Media, and you will still be in charge of Vogue magazine-related businesses! "

  The hand holding the coffee trembled subconsciously, which almost raised Anna Wintour's status a lot, and gave her the right to speak about the publications of more than 30 market magazines of Condé Nast around the world.

  Elsa has seen the changes in Anna Wintour. It was the first time she was in a high position. Elsa knew that if she wanted to control magazines such as Vogue, she must keep the soul of Anna Wintour.

The executives of Condé Nast Media need to think about whether they want to stay or not, but people like Anna Wintour must stay, at least for a short time, and use them to control Vogue, etc. Magazine.

  "If the acquisition is successfully completed, RICK will help Condé Nast establish the Condé Nast College to train top designers, interior decoration and other designs for the fashion industry. If Ms. Anna is interested, she can serve as a tutor for this college.

  In addition, after the media department of RICK Group is completed, it will use its brands as prototypes to produce some Hollywood TV dramas or big movies.

  Of course, some biographical films will also be made, or you can make a big movie based on Ms. Anna, the movie "The Devil Wears Prada", how do you feel? ! "

Hearing this, Anna Wintour couldn't bear it any longer. Anyone who doesn't want to make a name in history, becomes a mentor of the Design Academy, and Bigger will be promoted to a higher level, promoted to be an executive of Condé Nast, producing For a big movie based on her, these conditions, no matter how proud Anna Wintour is, it is impossible to say no, it is really too much!

"Of course I support RICK Group, but Condé Nast Media has many editor-in-chiefs around the world. Vogue Japan Editor-in-Chief Mitsuko Watanabe, French Editor-in-Chief Emmanuel Ott and others have great influence on Condé Nast Media. , I can't possibly affect them all!"

Anna Wintour pondered for a moment and said that she knew what Elsa was thinking, and she just wanted to get rid of the editors of the magazines under Condé Nast. If the board of directors of Condé Nast disagreed with the acquisition of RICK, then she had to think about it. The entire Condé Nast group would It will not fall apart because a large number of magazine editors suddenly run away.

  Elsa said with a smile, "As long as Ms. Anna is willing to support this acquisition, that's enough!"

   To buy horse bones with a thousand dollars, it is enough to set the example of Anna Wintour, and tell the editors of Condé Nast that the RICK Group will not treat them badly. It is definitely better to live with the RICK Group than at Condé Nast.

  After Anna Wintour, Elsa met several Condé Nast executives and powerful figures in succession. This was the first time Elsa worked on behalf of the RICK Group, and she did not want to make any mistakes.

  Condé Nast Media President Solberg saw that Elsa was in charge of leading the team. When negotiating with Condé Nast, he opened his mouth, but said nothing.

  Solberg originally thought that the person who came to negotiate with Condé Nast today, even if it wasn't Eric, would be someone at the director level of RICK, but he didn't expect that it would be Elsa.

   Noticing Thorberg's expression, Elsa knew that for a long time to come, there would probably be people who would have to adapt to her new identity.

   "President Eric, I have important matters to deal with, so I will be in charge of this negotiation. In the future, I will also manage the media business of RICK Group!"

   Elsa looked around at the executives of Condé Nast, said, and "by the way" told them, if the acquisition is completed, who will be the immediate boss of Condé Nast!

   Sure enough, as soon as these words came out, Solberg clearly felt that the attitude of the Condé Nast executives under him had obviously changed towards Elsa.

   This made Solberg annoyed for a while, and secretly scolded the gang of second- and fifth-year-olds. What the hell, they haven't been acquired by RICK yet, and these guys are thinking of changing their family.

As soon as the negotiation started, Solberg suddenly realized that something was wrong. The Condé Nast executives who participated in today's negotiation, as well as the editor-in-chief of magazines such as Anna Wintour, seemed to be on the side of the RICK Group, which made Solberg Berg's scalp felt a little numb.

   Before the fight started, I suddenly found that my subordinates were all gangsters. How could I fight this battle? I’m afraid they would have been sold out a long time ago!

  The defection of Condé Nast executives made Solberg unable to fight back in this negotiation, and he was very embarrassed.

Glancing angrily at the various executives left and right, Solberg didn't know how many insider transactions these 25-year-olds had sold, so that Elsa could even "condé Nast's revenue" in the latest quarter. Guessing", the difference is only about a few hundred thousand dollars. You must know that Solberg just got the report yesterday!

   "President Elsa, no matter how Condé Nast is, it is still the most authoritative magazine in the fashion industry. Its value, I think RICK Group knows better than me!"

   Solberg said with a bit of annoyance, obviously he didn't want to argue anymore, and started to directly enter the quotation link. He talked so much for the final quotation.

   "This is also the purpose of our visit this time!"

Of course, Elsa is far from Solberg in terms of experience, but she couldn't hold back the "perspective". Anna Wintour and a group of Condé Nast executives had already revealed their old background to Elsa. .

   Focusing on the weaknesses of Condé Nast, even if Solberg is old-fashioned, he can't bear to hit the gun continuously.

   "The price of US$1.4 billion is the acquisition price set by consultants from many Wall Street institutions for the RICK Group, which is completely in line with Condé Nast's worth!"

   Elsa and the assistant Song Yang sent for her whispered a few words, and then said to Solberg.

   Shaking his head, Solberg raised his price, "As I said, magazines such as Vogue are the only ones. There can be no second Vogue in the world. When RICK gets Condé Nast, he gets the right to speak in the fashion industry!

  Two billion US dollars, this is in line with the value of Condé Nast! "

  The lion opened his mouth so much that a group of Condé Nast executives were a little taken aback. Solberg really dared to bid.

  Elsa is not experienced enough, but she "follows the good", Song Yang and Eric set a target price for this acquisition, and she will never let the purchase price exceed the target price set by Song Yang!

   "1.45 billion dollars, everything in the world has a price, and Vogue is no exception, although I like it very much!"

For a while, the two sides began a long tug-of-war. Elsa's price increase bit by bit made Solberg feel helpless. He wanted to raise the price, but Elsa ignored it at all and let Sauber Ge is also very helpless.

   "1.57 billion dollars!"

When Elsa raised the price to this price, she was unwilling to increase the price. Although Song Yang authorized her to purchase the amount up to two billion dollars, but if she really bought it at that price, then Elsa felt that she was in the RICK Group. , I am afraid that they will not be able to gain a foothold.

   "After the acquisition of Condé Nast Group, executives, including President Solberg, will not change their positions within two years. This year, RICK's reward dividends will also include Condé Nast executives. This is my guarantee for you!"

After finishing speaking, Elsa looked at Solberg. This is Elsa's reserve price. The executives of Condé Nast will not be touched for the time being. This year, they will also be rewarded with dividends. The premise is that Solberg and the others cooperate with this. An acquisition, otherwise, it will be another ending.

  The executives of Condé Nast couldn't help but look at Solberg. Elsa's conditions are already quite good, and the price of nearly 1.6 billion US dollars is enough to hand over to the board of directors.

  The key point is that the board of directors of Condé Nast can take away more than one billion dollars in acquisition funds, and their group of executives can't get a penny!

   And if it is under RICK, it will be another scene for the executives of Condé Nast.

RICK America, the largest luxury goods empire, is already firmly seated. Now it is rumored that it will acquire Estee Lauder and become an executive of RICK. Compared with Condé Nast, the opportunities are much greater, and the salary is naturally much better. Why don't you find someone who can feed you enough fodder? !

  Looking at the meeting room, all eyes were cast on him, Solberg also made Alexander a while, and after a while, he finally lowered his head, "I need to report today's negotiation results to the board of directors..."

A business jet painted with the logo of the Bank of Comelica slowly landed at the airport in San Jose. As soon as the cabin opened, he was dressed in suits and leather shoes, followed by several assistants and executives. Jan, led a large group of people down the gangway.

   "President Chris!"

  Below, the person in charge of Comerica in San Jose had already been waiting there to welcome the "legendary" figure of the Comerica Bank.

From a credit department manager of the branch of Comerica Bank, he climbed all the way to the board of directors of Comerica Bank and became the president in charge of Comerica Credit. He also made Comerica soar from a remote regional bank to revenue Entering the existence of one of the top ten banks in America, he has successfully bet on trendy industries such as the Internet, broadband, and luxury goods. In the entire banking industry in America, the name Chris Jain is already a legend!

   There was no time to exchange pleasantries. After getting into the car, Chris Jain asked the person in charge of the Comelica Bank in San Jose, "What's going on with the RICK Group?!"

   "Just got the news that the RICK Group acquired the Condé Nast Group at a price of nearly 1.6 billion US dollars!"

The person in charge did not dare to be negligent, and quickly reported the news he had just received to Chris Jain. He knew that RICK was Jain's proud work, and that RICK Group could become the largest luxury goods empire in America. Contributing to RICK's multiple large-scale acquisitions, all of which were managed by Jain and let the Comelica Bank lend to the RICK Group. Similarly, the Comelica Bank has received huge returns!

Hearing this news, Jain's face didn't change much, but when he heard that Elsa presided over the acquisition, Jain's expression changed slightly. He naturally knew Elsa Benitez, It's not just that Jaen is in a high position, the old friends in Houston have all turned into phoenixes now...


   "I saw the San Jose Manor, which is the largest manor complex I have ever seen. When it is completed, I don't know how many media reporters will come over!"

  Come to Song Yang's villa, after Chris Jaen shook hands with Song Yang, he said to Song Yang, Eric on the side, Jain just nodded, they are old acquaintances, not so particular.

   "Congratulations, Jain, last year's top ten best professional managers in America!" Song Yang said to Jain with a smile.

  (end of this chapter)

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