MTL - Aztec Eternals-Chapter 8 grandfather

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Everyone stopped talking and went out to greet them.

Standing at the entrance of the temple, Shilot saw an old man in his fifties approaching him. He has a pair of eagle-like eyes, and where his sharp eyes land, it makes people feel cold. Time has left deep marks on his face, blending with the bright red lines on his face, and portrayed on the majestic and indifferent face, making people not feel old, but has a kind of magic that is not like the world.

The old man wore a formal obsidian long crown, which looked very heavy, with a wide crown, and in front of it was a "sacred face" arranged with gems. The "eyes" of two large rubies are scanning the world as the old man walks. The top of the crown is countless half-meter-long green long feathers, and behind the crown is a dense blue short feather, like a brilliant sun, which spreads out neatly.

Seeing the heavy High Priest's crown, Shiloh felt a pain in his head. Acap and Olosh seemed to have been stabbed by something, so they lowered their heads and dared not look directly.

Under the sun, the old man gradually approached, and the light flickered, almost illuminating Shulot's eyes. He is wearing a red cloak with a circle of red feathers inlaid on the outside, the cloak is engraved with a golden sun, and a gorgeous robe inside, with gold and silver particles on the front and back, inlaid with the rays of the sun and the moon . The dazzling necklace hangs down from the neck and is composed of the top obsidian, with countless golden sand-like translucent spots in it. The bracelet and anklet are also made of pure gold, and the golden light glitters when walking. The Mexicans don't care about the monetary value of gold, they simply revere the color of the sun.

The old man's walking was slow and steady, as if he was assuming some kind of "divine nature". Acap bowed his head and stepped forward, wanting to help one or two, but when he saw the old man turned his head slightly, and did not see the eyes of joy and anger, he immediately stood with his hands and waited aside.

Everyone bowed their heads and waited quietly on both sides, until the old man walked slowly into the side hall, and then followed in a file, crowding behind the old man.

The air became quiet for a while, until the old man stopped and turned around, his sharp eyes fell on Hursok's face, Hursok lowered his head and leaned over to make himself lower than the old man's eyes.

"Shusok, the council of priests has decided to mobilize a mixed group to participate in the coronation war. You will be the leader of the eight thousand people and lead them to fight for the king and the city-state."

Olosh raised his head and let out an uncontrollable cheer. Then he was stabbed by the old man's gaze and lowered his head again.

"Yes! High priest. I will fight for the city-state and the king!"

Hearing this reply, a faint smile appeared on the high priest's stone-like face. Then his eyes swept over Acap and Olosh. "Husok, I have something to talk to you alone."

Acap and Olosh made a godly ritual, pushed the door consciously and went out, and then closed the door.

Only then did High Priest Shuter take off the obsidian crown on his head and slowly put it on the stone table, revealing his gray hair. As if he had removed some kind of heavy divinity, he could take a breath at this time, and the expression on his face became more vivid.

Shiloh stepped forward and touched the stone crown, it was really hard, and he tried to hug again, it was so heavy. It should be made of real stone. It seems that being a high priest is really physical work, and my grandfather is in good health.

Hussock hurriedly stepped forward to help, helping the old man remove the thick and long cloak, the solid necklace, and the pure gold bracelet. It was only then that Xiulote could see that beneath the dazzling and tall priest costume, was a thin, weather-beaten old man.

Shuter sat relaxed on the ground, and his thin body finally got a little hunched. He patted the position beside him and let Shirout sit next to him, stroking his grandson's head with his left hand naturally. He pulled Husock with his right hand and asked him to sit across from him, one big and two small, making each other interesting.

There are no outsiders anymore, so I can finally say something private.

"The city-state has decided to mobilize a regiment of 8,000 people and ten battalions, half of which are elite battalions of the city-state and half of which are village civilians."

"This time, I suppressed all the elders and asked you to be the head of the expedition." The old man's eyes were still sharp and unusual. "You must seize this opportunity and take down enough military exploits."

"When you come back, I will have a reason to upgrade you from a second-level hereditary noble to a third-level honorable noble, and in a few years, you will be able to become a city-state manager as you should." The high priest said solemnly. destiny.

Hussock nodded, but there was a rare hint of hesitation: "This battle is not easy to fight. The Otomi people are unlikely to fight us head-on, and the king's decision seems a bit hasty."

Huttle nodded, "Every decision the king makes is naturally the king's responsibility. But I will send a messenger to him to let you avoid meaningless siege battles."

"What you need to do is to find a suitable time to fight the Ortomi people head-on. Don't care about casualties! I only want you to come back, and I only want enough results. The warriors are like blooming flowers, always withering in the Somewhere. The commoners are even more weeds in the fields. Even if they die, they will continue to emerge. Only you are the cocoa tree blessed by the gods, destined to assume the responsibility of leading the city-state!"

Husock remained silent and did not answer. Shuttle put his right hand on his shoulder, looked at his son's resolute face, and said softly: "I know, because of your background, you have some naive feelings towards commoners and lower-class warriors. I can't accompany you and teach you the way of aristocracy, but let your mother give you too many soft feelings of commoners."

"But the tree and the weeds cannot be at the same height. As a priest, the law stipulates that I cannot officially marry a wife. But as the blood of the sun god, I must cultivate a big tree to protect the family from wind and rain. You were born with the future on your shoulders. Fight! Victory must be watered with life. The warriors of the city-state don't care if their leader is a **** or not. What they care about is whether you are brave enough and have enough in your hands The blood of the enemy!"

Husock finally nodded, looked into his father's eyes, and said loudly, "I will, father!"

Shulot pretended to be a rag doll and listened to the teachings of the three views of discord. All his attention was on his grandfather's robe. How these gold and silver grains were inlaid on the cotton cloth, to the touch, it seemed that some kind of precision silk was used. Technology and natural viscose. UU reading www.uukanshu. com maybe can be used to make cloth armor?

So Shuter's eyes finally turned to the grandson beside him. "How are you going to arrange Shilot?"

Huosoke looked at his son lovingly, and said, "Shirot just came back from hunting. When I go out, I plan to let him rest at home and learn the knowledge of priests from you."

Shuttle pondered for a moment, shook his head and said, "No. Let Shurot go with you, the priest's knowledge can be supplemented later. When the results of this capture are completed, I will promote Shurot to assistant priest. Then During this war, you will give him a few captives, so that when he returns, I can promote him to the rank of second priest 'Pamet'."

"But Shulot is only twelve years old. Such a young second-class priest..."

"Bring him! Sherlot is good at mathematics and can help you calculate the food and forage clearly. With mathematics and military exploits, it is enough to convince the public. Besides, I am here."

Saying that, Shuttle lowered his head lovingly and pinched Shulot's face. The movement is light and painless at all. "Shirot, you have been smart since you were a child. You are our hope and the family's hope. Listen to your father's words. I know that you actually know everything."

"Twelve or thirteen-year-old second-level priest, in a few years, I will make you the youngest fifth-level 'coyote priest'. Then when I go, you can take my place. You have to remember ," Shuttle stared at Shulot's eyes, as if to convey something with his eyes. "You are also the descendant of Isco Atel, the current Mexiga Tratoani, with the same bloodline as you! Your future has infinite possibilities!"

"And my future," the old man finally whispered to himself, "it's only a few years away from the kingdom of God..."

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