MTL - Azeroth Shadow Trail-v2 Chapter 1928 56. Black sends a daughter-in-law to Ursoc, Ursoc

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  Chapter 1928 56. Blake sends Ursoc a daughter-in-law, Ursoc is very happy, but...

  Shadowlands is a pretty magical place, and there are a lot of things that can't be theorized.

  For example, the Venthiers of Revenders possess magical magic, and they can make wise mud servants after mixing mud with a bath of urine. This is neither scientific nor magical at all.

   Chilan Xianye also has something as unscientific as mud servant magic.

   For example, this Spirit Seed Greenhouse in front of you.

   This thing is the conceptual product of the big subject of "life and death cycle" falling on the practical level. Its internal structure is nothing to say, just an ordinary garden style.

   But its inherent utility is almost challenging the conventional concept of magic.

   On the fertile soil out of the garden, there are six empty cores of spiritual seeds placed in a very delicate way, and there are small mounds of soil around each spiritual seed for the placement of soul mediators.

Under normal circumstances, it is only necessary to pour a dead powerful spiritual body into the spiritual seed, plus the mediation enhancement of different effects, and pour it with the tide of anima. After waiting for a period of time, the spiritual body can be released from the spiritual seed. Reborn and return to the material world.

   This is a real resurrection from the dead, and there are no sequelae at all.

  The Queen of Winter is clearly trying to develop a way to cycle life and death on a large scale.

   Her attempts were successful and failed.

  Because this seemingly perfect "resurrection" service is not something every soul can try, it can only work for those powerful souls.

   To put it simply, demigods.

  Because the demigods set foot in the field of force, their souls have sublimated and it is not so easy to dissipate, and they can also withstand the pressure of crossing the veil of life and death.

  Loams know the legend of the Queen's Greenhouse when they enter the Blazing Land after their death.

   They are very eager to return to the material world, but unfortunately, because of tantrums with their sister and the lack of anima, the Queen's Greenhouse was abandoned a long time ago.

   Hey, don't you really think that resurrecting a dead demigod to the material world is just a matter of twitching your fingers? Every soul that recovers in the greenhouse has to absorb a huge amount of anima!

   It's not good to say, this is the krypton gold service.

   The heart source of the Shadow Realm has always been controlled by the vampires of Revenders, and this thing is very expensive.

   "Okay, you don't have to deal with the weeds around you anymore, you can do these things slowly later."

  In the Spirit Seed Greenhouse, Sect Master Ellie Osser, who had no idea what was about to happen, saw the Loa diligently pulling out all the weeds in the main greenhouse area, and she nodded with satisfaction.

   waved her claws again and summoned the Loams who were watching the miracle. She pointed to the shriveled spirit seed in front of her and introduced Bwonsamdi, who was about to take over the spirit seed greenhouse:

   "These spirit species are specially made by the queen and can be used repeatedly. You only need to inject the spirit body into them. Have you discussed it? Who was the first to try resurrection?"

   Queen Jelly Bear asked:

   "Currently, the soul mediator and psychic power left in the greenhouse can only be tried once, and then you have to collect the psychic power and soul mediator for resurrection by yourself.

   Don't expect the Meiye Royal Court to provide you with these precious materials, and we don't have much left over there. "

   "It's negotiated, it's negotiated."

  The Loa surrounding the Jelly Bear Queen, look at me, I look at you, and while answering in unison, they quietly surrounded Sect Master Eliosser.

   But the wild demigods are not easy ones either.

   She immediately realized something was wrong.

   Why does the light in the eyes of these loa look wrong?


  What are you going to do?

   Before waiting for the Sovereign Lord to react, Luoa, the dragon turtle with a shrunken body but a big waist and a round waist, was the first to attack.

   It slammed into the back of the Jelly Bear Queen with all its strength, causing the body of Sect Master Ellie Other, who was caught off guard, to slam into the shriveled skin of the spirit seed.

   After sensing the powerful soul contact, the shriveled Spirit Seed immediately instinctively extracted its soul into its body.

   Queen Jelly Bear let out a scream.

   She screamed and wanted to escape the extraction of the spirit species, but Luo Amen next to her smirked and slammed into her huge body continuously, making it impossible for her to escape from the absorption of the spirit species.

   "Well, it seems to prepare a 'safety lock' to prevent similar disasters from happening again."

   Bwonsamdi, who was watching all this from the periphery, pretended to be suspended in the air, and took out a small notebook decorated with skulls to write down his thoughts.

   He said to Blake, who was admiring the scene with his hands behind his back:

   "Wow, the loyal Sect Master Ellie Oser was accidentally absorbed into the Spirit Seed when he demonstrated the operation of the Spirit Seed Greenhouse for Bwonsamdi who didn't study hard.

   She was forced to be the first lucky one to be resurrected from Blazing Blue Immortal and return to the material world.

  You say, I send this rhetoric to the heart of the forest, will the Queen of Winter jump up from the throne and crush me to death? "

   "Be confident and don't doubt how annoying you are, my dear Bwonsamdi."

  Black shook his head and said:

   "Even without this, the Queen of Winter wants to pinch you to death.

   I mean, don't hang out near the heart of the forest when you have nothing to do recently, lest you be killed by people using the reason you don't wear a hat when you go out today.

   That's too bad.

  This good day has just come, so you have to enjoy it. Hey, a bunch of trash, let her escape soon, get out of the way! I come! "

  The pirate scolded, and the other Loa made way for the boss.

  The Evil God strode forward, looking at Sect Master Ellie Osser who was struggling to drag his spirit body out of the spirit seed, he grinned, stretched out his hand and pressed it on the bear's head, pressing forward hard.

   In the scream of the Jelly Bear Queen, most of her spirit body was pressed into the spirit seed at once.

   "No! Don't do this!"

   she shouted:

   "My world is gone, I can't go back, you can only send me to the Twisted Void, I will die in the wreckage of that world, why did you kill me?"

   "How could I harm you? My dear Sect Master Ellie Other."

  Black pressed the jelly bear's spirit body to the spirit seed and patiently explained:

   "First of all, I'm sorry that your world is gone, but after all, you are a genuine demigod of the wilderness, a warrior whose life force is used to protect the worlds.

  The Force of Life has spent a lot of money to cultivate you to such a powerful level, but it makes no sense for you to always stay in the Blazing Immortal Wilderness to fish?

  Secondly, although the loss of your world is a disaster, there are still many, many worlds in the stars that need your protection. As a demigod of the wilderness, will you refuse to perform your duties?

  No, no, no? "

   "I have signed a contract with Chilan Xianye! You villain!"

  How can the eloquence of the big bear be compared with the black who has a thousand tongues?

   She couldn't say anything about the evil god, so she could only shout:

   "The Queen and her woodlands have embraced me, and I cannot abandon my duty here."

   "Well, no no no, you may not know it, but you've just been given new responsibilities, my dear Big Bear."

   The pirate shook his head, raised his chest proudly, pointed to the badge of the "Emissary of Bitter Winter" on his chest, and said to Sect Master Eleother:

   "The Queen and her sister have just reconciled, to complete the cycle of life and death of a race favored by the Moon God in a world called Azeroth, as the cornerstone of their cooperation.

   This is a very important event, and it is somewhat unreasonable that Chilan Xianye does not send a person of sufficient weight to be the messenger.

   Then, in the name of the envoy of Bitter Winter, who was pardoned by the Queen herself, I declare, Lady Ellieoth, that you have been relieved of your duties as Sect Master of Val Xianlin.

   From now on, you will be the spokesperson of the Queen of Winter in the material world!

  Please be careful with your words and deeds, and always remember that you represent the face of the Eternal when you are enjoying your new life, and don’t discredit your Queen and the entire Chilan Xianye~”

   Allie Orser really couldn't think of a reason to reject all this.

   But she instinctively felt that there must be something wrong with this matter. At the moment when she was about to be absorbed by the spirit species, she stared into Blake's eyes and said:

   "You did it on purpose! Why did you choose me?"


  The pirate curled his lips, looked over and whispered to Ellie Oser:

   "Oh, you guessed it right, my cute bear, who asked you to provoke me just now? You even brought someone to try to beat me? You are brave, my little bear.

   But you may not know, I am notoriously careful in the material world.

  Who made you mess with me?

   A big pirate like me can’t take revenge! Go, the wonderful new world and boyfriend are waiting for you. "


  He held Ellie Oser's head.

   stuffed the last bit of her spiritual body into the swollen and rounded spiritual seed in front of her. She crossed her waist and waved her hand to the laughter of the other Loams beside her, and shouted:

   "Get on the media! Hurry up!"

   A large group of loams who have done bad things brought all kinds of mediators left from the greenhouse with a smirk. Black picked up a small green branch and said to Bwonsamdi:

   "Look, the Leaf of Time and Space can shorten the time it takes for a spirit seed to gestate and resurrect, and this Enchanting Night Flower can ensure that the spirit body will not lose its power as much as possible during the resurrection.

   The last one!

  Inconspicuous but very important spirit seed root grain, sprinkle it on the spirit seed to allow the resurrected life to retain the power enhancement that the blazing blue fairy field gave them. "

  The pirate skillfully sprinkled a handful of purple roots like fertilizer on the shining spiritual seeds in front of him. Bwonsamdi next to him stared at those rare soul agents and said with a grin:

   "These things look very valuable, should I take them as a handling fee?"

   "Don't make trouble, do you know how long it will take for such a spirit species to revive naturally?"

  Black glared at him, pointed to the added spiritual seed greenhouse and said:

   "This place has been abandoned for thousands of years, and the lack of anima makes it difficult for other spirit species to quickly recover. You will only have this spirit species for a long time to come.

   If you don’t want to speed up the resurrection, you just wait for the other Loa in the queue to secretly find a way to kill you.

  This is the service industry, my dear Bwonsamdi, and my loams waiting to be resurrected, the Queen gave this place to you to make you 'financial'.

   Not to mention these rare mediators that can only be collected by the Faye in the forest, the Anima consumed by each resurrection alone is an astronomical amount. "

  The pirate said to the Loa who were looking at him around him:

   "So, if you want to be resurrected, you have to find a way to raise your own powers and mediators, and you also need to count the handling fee that the black-hearted Bwonsamdi made from it.

  Tsk tsk, although there is hope of resurrection, you will have to carry a 'resurrection loan' in the future.

   It's really sad to think about it. "

   "That's all?"

   The **** cat, Loa, flicked its tail and screamed:

   "This is a good thing! How many people want to carry the resurrection loan and can't carry it, and who of us haven't hidden our own small vault?

   It was completely impossible to resurrect before, but now that it can be resurrected is nothing more than paying more money, the big deal is to pull down and go to the Meiye Royal Court to move bricks and work, all for the sake of returning to the material world alive to make a fortune.

  No shame!

   The hard work now is for the comfort of the future. Everyone knows this truth. "

   "Well said."

  Old Bwonsamdi also looked at his Loa brothers with a kind of relieved look at "automatic leeks", and he chimed in:

   "Actually, it's good for you to press down on the resurrection time. The material world is currently at war. If it will be resurrected, wait for the devil to beat it up. We are not in a hurry.

   Isn't it beautiful that we wait until the world is at peace and then go back to enjoy life? "

   A group of loa, you and I will break this matter clear, everyone agrees with Bwonsamdi's view, and decides to push back their resurrection order.

   As old brothers who have fought together, Bwonsamdi may promise to give discounts to the Loa present, and the fee for pumping will be worth two achievements in tears.


   Too expensive?

  Look at where there are other spiritual greenhouses in the shadow world now? You think it's expensive and I think it's too expensive. The poor ghost stays there, thinking about the beauty of krypton gold resurrection?

   Thanks to their efforts, the leaves of time and space were planted next to Eleother's spiritual seed, which greatly shortened the resurrection time of the Jelly Bear Queen to the point where it only took a few hours to complete the resurrection.

  Blake even waved his hand emotionally and shed tears as he watched her spirit leave the Shadowland.

   And when Eleother was thrown across the veil of life and death to Mount Hyjal in Azeroth, she frantically raised her **** towards the sky, cursing the **** evil god.

   Careful bastard!

   Don't let my mother see you in Azeroth!

   "Oops, Chilan Xianye is done."

  Black moved his shoulders and said to Bwonsamdi:

   "Okay, I'm going to the next realm of death.

   Remember to leave me a place for a spirit seed, although I don’t need it, but if a demigod accidentally hangs on the Undead Fleet and the Uncrowned, you can enjoy membership services here. "

   "That's of course, we two are with whom, discounts or something, it's easy to talk about it."

   "The time indicated in the oracle of the Moon God is approaching"

On the peak of Mount Hyjal, the Priest of the Moon riding a white tiger and Malfurion Stormrage beside him are waiting for the oracle to be fulfilled. The couple have a lot of opinions on that **** oracle. Blake had some private goods in it.

   But as believers, they didn’t dare to force it loudly, so they could only discuss in a low voice.

   A few minutes later, Malfurion raised his head as if feeling it, and saw that the sky of Mount Hyjal was quietly cracked.

   Then a group of faint blue meteors wrapped a huge figure and fell from the sky, slanting towards the direction of Ursoc Temple.

  The couple did not dare to delay, Malfurion incarnated as Moonwing and flew his wife there, but when they arrived at the Temple of Ursoc, they were stunned to find that the magnificent Temple of the Demigods had been smashed in half.

   And in the den, the wailing of Ursoc, the giant bear of the north, was being heard.

   Malfurion's eyes widened and he rushed in with Tyrande, only to see the mighty Ursoc being beaten by another wild demigod giant bear he didn't recognize.

   Ursoc resisted.

   But under the claws of the female violent bear, he couldn't even stand up.

   "Weak male! Get out of my lair!"

   Ellie Oser, who was on fire in her heart, roared mercilessly:

   "Your lair is mine, you are welcome to challenge me at any time to take back your territory, you can also bring your friends along, I don't care about beating up a few more weak guys.

   I smell the stench of demons, and they will wake me up next time they attack! "

   Ursoc, whose face was covered in blood by the bear's claws, was very aggrieved.

  It is a gracious giant bear demigod, and it does not intend to have the same knowledge as this irascible lady bear, but it is also confused now, and it is obvious that he has come to meet his compatriots among the stars according to Black's reminder.

   But as soon as he said Blake's name, this beautiful and powerful female instantly went into a frenzy. Before she could finish my introduction in a graceful manner, she was smothered by bear claws.

   What a bad job.


   Ursoc, who walked out in dejection, secretly glanced back at Ellie Oser, who was lying on his stone bed sleeping soundly with anger. He had never seen such a kind and powerful kind.

  The Great Northern Bear touched the blood on his face, and thought to himself, if this is the wife that Black arranged for him on behalf of fate, well, praise the Silent One.

   Maybe it's time for you to prepare for the arrival of the next estrus of Sect Master Eleother.

   (end of this chapter)

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