MTL - Azeroth Shadow Trail-v2 Chapter 1921 49. Eat Me Big Mushroom Raid Tactics

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   Chapter 1921 49. Eat Me Big Mushroom Raid Tactics

It is still Bwonsamdi's underworld, the old troll has gone to the forest to supervise the loa of the group, and General Draven, who can fly, is soaring high in the forest in the other world, relying on his own body. Because the stoneborn has no normal life fluctuations and will not be detected by detection magic, it shoulders the heavy responsibility of the sentinel.

  The two or five boys sent by Black have returned to the Queen's command to prepare for some work, exerting the destructive power that the traitors should have. In the huge Hades, only Black and his little murlocs are left.

   and his murloc pet.

   Of course, there is also a group of troll heroic spirits assembled by Bwonsamdi.

   These souls, collected by Bwonsamdi with great care since the birth of the first troll dynasty, are the "essence" condensed from the nearly 20,000 history of troll civilization.

A small soldier randomly drawn from the army of nearly 3,000 people is a famous chief or prophet in the history of the troll tribe. s King.

   And Bwonsamdi's commander-in-chief for this army was a guy who had a relationship with Blake.

  The first king of the Zandalari Golden Dynasty, who led the Zandalar trolls to escape the blood plague of Nazmir, established the golden city of Zuldazar in Dazar'alor, and was honored as the "First Emperor" of Dazar.

   "I saw you ten thousand years ago!"

Black looked at the troll emperor who was riding the armored ancestor raptor, and a fierce hunting raptor as a pet, wearing a majestic crown and carrying a huge beheading blade. He blinked his eyes and stretched out his hand to him, saying :

   "In your city, I chatted with your first-generation Zul. Although I didn't officially go to the court to meet, my friend Shaohao brought you a prophecy."

   "Yes, Prophet in Black, I remember that very well."

  The First Emperor Daza is not a proud troll heroic spirit, or, he is indeed proud, but he knows how to show humility in front of the honorable.

   This alone is much better than Queen Azshara.

   Among the three emperors 10,000 years ago, she was the one who pulled the hips the most, but the sweet and soft queen can always get more understanding, who makes people a girl?

"The prophecy you left was conveyed to me by Zul, and I acted according to this prophecy for the thousand years before my death, and from the echoes of the material world I learned that the empire I left prospered, and finally He has accumulated enough strength to persist until now under the attack of demons.

  If there is a fragmented troll civilization in the world, then we will definitely drink hatred under the power of demons.

   And all the glory goes to you.

  The Silent One. "

  The First Emperor Daza rode on his Velociraptor, leaned over and saluted Blake, and his words were sincere to the Lord Cthulhu very satisfied. He looked at the great soul in front of him.

   After thinking for a few seconds, he opened his mouth and said:

   "Bwonsamdi kept you trolls and great men in the other world, and gave you glory after death just to satisfy your own shameful collection habit, and a soul as outstanding as you should be subjected to harsher and greater tests.

   I mean, you know that I came to Blazing Blue Immortal to restart the cycle of life and death, maybe you are willing to be the first batch of troll souls to return to the material world

  Your life is great enough, but you can also try to do it again in a new era, try to break through yourself and do something more memorable. "

  Blake rubbed his chin and stopped talking. After giving Daza enough time to think, he said:

   "Of course, you can also stay by Bwonsamdi's side. After that **** takes over the spiritual seed greenhouse, his soul power will be further enhanced.

  Although it is still impossible to cross the boundaries of the gods, after devouring the power of Muerzala, he will become the overlord of Loa.

  You can be his loa with some light and a sip of soup or something, which I remember is a rare honor for a troll too. "

   "Relive your life, or become a member of all spirits?"

  The First Emperor Dasa said with a serious face:

   "It's really a difficult choice, no matter which one is irresistible to me, please allow me to think about it, silent one, in front of such a favor, I must take a moment to think about it."

   "Of course I have always been generous to great souls."

  The pirate waved his hand, indicating that Dazar could retire, he said:

   "But this answer will not be revealed until we occupy the heart of the forest. I hope you fight this battle with your heart and win glory for the trolls in the afterlife world."

   "I will give my all for it!"

  Dasa laughed, raised his left hand and shouted:

   "To fight an Eternal who is in charge of death and new life is the greatest cause I can do before and after my life. Who would refuse such a glory?"

   He turned and left, leaving the space to talk to Black and the murloc and Lady Moonberry who was flying around beside the murloc.

   "Dry egg? Just say something!"

  Black glanced impatiently at his little murloc, the **** running around and pretending to be timid and fearful is really annoying.

  The pirate kicked him, causing the little murloc to wave his claws and croak a few times.


  Black blinked, looked at the little fish and the big goblin Moonberry hiding behind him, and said:

   "You said, you have a way to let me and my army enter the heart of the forest without disturbing the defenders? Is there such a good thing?"


  Lady Moonberry boldly said to Black:

"Few people know, but there is indeed a magical and mysterious 'mushroom net' in the Meiye Royal Court, which was made and maintained by an ancient Faye elder in the blazing blue fairyland, only those souls recognized by the queen or Only the spirits accepted by the Royal Court of the Night Law are eligible to use Xianye's mushroom net for fast travel."

   "Huh? Mushroom net?"

  Blake blinked and mocked, pretending he didn't know anything, and said:

   "It's such a nostalgic name, you Faye people really know how to joke that the homophonic stem is going to be deducted, bastard! Don't think you can do whatever you want when you look cute.

   About this mushroom network, elaborate. "

   "Uh, that Elder Faye is called Maras Muse, and he is the 'Mushroom King' of the entire Blazing Blue Immortal Wild. When the woodland is prosperous, he acts as the queen's eyes and ears to monitor the forest.

   As long as there are mushrooms, everything that happens can’t be hidden from the attention of Elder Malas Muses. "

   Lady Moonberry flapped her wings helplessly, and explained to Black who pretended to be a "newbie":

   "But since the disaster of lack of anima swept across Xianye, Malas Muse's mushroom circle has shrunk a lot, and he has asked the queen for more anima several times.

   But because the mushroom network is not necessary for Chilan Xianye, the queen rejected his request.

This caused Marathmuse to lose a lot of mushrooms, and also made him disheartened and hid in his underground lair. I can help you find Marathmus and ask him to help deliver you Enter the heart of the forest.

   This allows you to bypass the defenses of the Wild Hunt and the Veiled Wanderer Dragons, allowing you to end the battle faster.

   But I have two requests! "

  The big goblin is obviously afraid of Black, the gloomy evil god, but she still has the courage to flutter her wings and raise two claws at Black, which requires the pirate to narrow his eyes and rub his chin for a moment.

  Then the evil spirit laughed and waved his hands to reveal the hypocritical enthusiasm of "as long as you serve me, everyone is a brother", and promised:

   "The fate of ordinary people who dare to demand in front of me is doomed to be miserable, but considering that you are my little murloc's most beloved pet, I will give you face.

  Tell me, what are your requirements? "

   "First, Maras Muse is a quirky French Night Mushroom. If I want to convince him, I must make a promise to him."

  Moonberry waved his hands seriously and said to Black:

"So, you must promise to provide enough heart to Elder Mushroom after taking control of Blazing Immortal Wilderness so that he can restore his mushroom net. He is a hateful guy who likes to peep and eavesdrop. If he doesn't meet his requirements, he will not agree. of."

"no problem."

   Black snapped his fingers and said:

   "Only an idiot like the Queen of Winter would ignore a powerful magic night that can monitor the entire kingdom. If it were me, I would rather the Forest Heart Royal Court wither and provide enough Anima to Elder Mushroom.

  If he was still in operation, the little conspiracy of Bwonsamdi and I would have been hidden from the queen.

anything else? "

   "And there is."

   Lady Moonberry took a deep breath and said to herself:

   "I can help you lure away the goblin elders who are guarding the queen, but you have to promise me that you can't kill the queen! You can overthrow her rule or even exile her, but you can't hurt the queen's existence.

  Although the queen is stupid and aloof and withdrawn, she is kind-hearted and kind to the Faye. We are willing to serve her not only because the queen is naturally noble.

   She deserves our allegiance! "

   "Huh? You say she has a good heart? I think the Loa who were sacrificed by her have different opinions on this."

  Blake squeezed his eyes and said in a pleasant tone:

   "Besides, this battle hasn't even started yet. As one of the elders of the Meiye Royal Court, are you sure that your queen will lose?

   Not necessarily, she still has a powerful hunting group, she also controls the most powerful flying creation in the shadow world, the veiled wanderer, and a group of immortal wood spirit sect masters who are as powerful as fortresses after taking root.

  I heard that the Queen also has a powerful wilderness demigod who is willing to stay in the Blazing Blue Immortal Wild as a pet, and the ingenious and very smart Sylvan also obeys her.

   She can also control the power of the entire Blazing Lan Xianye to defeat the enemy.

   No matter how you look at it, the Queen of Winter can always say 'I have the advantage', why do you think she is going to fail? To tell you the truth, I actually have no certainty of winning."


  When Black said that he was not sure of winning, the little murloc couldn't hold back, and he called out twice, feeling that his owner was a little too shameless.

   If he is going to make a massacre in Chilan Immortal Wild, relying on that Anima Secret Skill, Shadow of the Empire of Darkness, will be enough for him to overturn most of Chilan Immortal Field alone.

   By then, Bwonsamdi and Loa will accompany the dancers and sing and sing. Maybe they can harvest a dead country full of corpses.

   "I don't know why I feel this way."

   Lady Moonberry covered her face and let out a weak murmur. She flapped her wings and said dejectedly:

   "But after having been in contact with you for a long time, especially after seeing with your own eyes that you used rhetoric to say that Old Hoon and Sirnax became your subordinates, I feel more and more that Her Majesty's chances of winning are slim.

   I never felt that my queen could be so stupid

   She is too simple, Chilan Xianye has always been a peaceful place.

   We are not as belligerent and furious as Maldraxxus, nor as proficient in conspiracy as Ravendes, nor have the ability to advance to the fort to mass-produce weapons of war, we have never been warriors of the Shadowlands.

  We shouldn't be warriors either.

  The queen is prepared to respond with war when faced with a crisis. This sounds okay, but it is precisely the biggest problem. We should not seek to solve disasters by means of warriors.

   At this point, the Queen may have gone the wrong way in the first place. "

   "Well, although you touted me to make me very happy, but if you don't speak honestly, I still won't agree to your request, you cunning goblin, you are trying to deceive a void god?"

   Black snorted and said:

   "Tell the truth! Or the negotiations will break down."


   Lady Moonberry snorted angrily. She raised her head and showed what a rebellious naughty fairy should look like. She pouted and said rudely:

   "Well, I'll be honest.

  The Queen is not an Eternal who is good at fighting. Her fighting power should be similar to that of Muezala, even if her strengths are limited. I heard the stupid little fishman say that you are the most powerful assassin in the material stars.

  I guess the queen cannot escape your assassination.

   Instead of seeing the Queen’s death, it’s better for me to fight, so I can save her life, the rest is the truth, in fact.”

  The big fairy looked left and right, and said in a low voice:

   "I'm also quite dissatisfied with the current state of Chilan Xianye. The queen has made the lively forest go wild, and even our favorite French night stage play has been stopped, which is really unpleasant."

   "That's right."

  Black grinned, snapped his fingers and said:

   "You can only gain sincerity by talking honestly. Dear Lord Moonberry, I agreed to your request. Then I will give you half a day to contact Elder Marathmuse, is that enough?"

   "That must be enough."

Moonberry rolled her cute eyes, flew to the edge of the platform and grabbed it, and she grabbed a strange purple mushroom in her hand. It shook a few times like a bell, and an old and dull voice came from it. sounded:

   "Enough! Moonberry, put down my mushrooms! This is my favorite mushroom for the 1,317th time, and you are about to ruin it! Oh, who is this arrogant evil god?

  Is there a distinguished guest from Chilan Xianye?

  I'm too slow to notice."

   "Okay, Malas Muse, stop pretending, this guy is the smartest conspirator in the material stars, you can't hide his acting skills from him."

   Moonberry shook the mushroom in his hand and said sharply:

   "Have you heard what we said just now? Are you willing to help them? Although I doubt that they will bring stability to Chilan Xianye after they overthrow the queen's rule.

   But let’s be honest, we don’t have any other options, especially for you. "

  The old mushroom fell silent. After a few seconds, it sighed like a real old man and said in a low voice:

   "My mushroom net is wilting every day, my children are crying every day, I don't resent the Queen's decision, but I know we have a better way to deal with this.

  I can help you, Lord Cthulhu, but I have a question. "

it says:

   "The queen doesn't know who her enemy is, so she's lost. Do you know what you're going to do after taking control of Xianye?"

   "Aren't you talking nonsense?"

  The pirate said rudely:

   "I'm secretly pushing your queen to get to this point. I can make her and the entire Blazing Immortal Wild so chaotic, and naturally I have enough ability to set things right.

  I know what you are worried about, the spirits of the forest who do not know how to fight and hate fighting, I assure you that this disaster will not affect you and this forest.

   He and you are very important to the next age. "

   "Well, then I'm fine."

  Old Mushroom is also a straightforward and decisive guy.

  The old man is always like this. After enough time and enough things, they can always condense their ancient wisdom.

   It's not as forward-looking as the moonberry, and once a decision is made, it goes all in, making its mushrooms tinkle and say:

   "I have prepared mushroom nets for you to raid, but please don't hurt the queen, too much killing is not something to be praised, this forest should be more peaceful.

  Even if it is defeated, it should be handed over peacefully. "

"Believe me."

  The pirate shrugged his shoulders, supported the murderous mourning swords around his waist, and said:

   "Although I am the evil **** who brings chaos, I desire peace more than anyone else, and I can even swear if you don't believe me."

   (end of this chapter)

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