MTL - Azeroth Shadow Trail-v2 Chapter 1899 27. The Eighth Principle of Wee Nellie

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   Chapter 1899 27. The Eighth Principle of Wee Nellie

   In the noble room of the Sanctuary of Domination, Blake sat relaxed on the sofa in the posture of a boss, holding a glass of red wine Cos Denasius the Great.

   On the bed opposite him, Fenna was still sleeping soundly, humming and humming as if she was having a sweet dream. And the little murloc who has made great achievements will be sitting on the sofa and counting his gains.

  The treasures found from the hiding place of the female spirit were wiped clean with a handkerchief and placed on the ground in front of him.

   The gray short swords and shields, the peculiar tome from another world, and some bits and pieces of accessories all have very powerful effects. They may not be so powerful, but they are definitely rare.

   These are all favorite collectibles of the murlocs.

   As for those things that have been broken and cannot be repaired, they were thrown to Old Garni, but Old Garni would not be in the mood to organize his "rare collection".

   Because it is being questioned by the evil god-sama.

   "I was looking for you before."

  Blakela made a long voice and glanced at the avatar of old Gani who was standing at his feet with bowed eyebrows and wagging tails. He took a sip of wine and said with a stand:

   "Why do you keep avoiding me? Has there been any serious fluctuation in the friendly and good relationship between us? Or do you think that an evil **** like me is no longer worthy of being a friend with you trash?

  伱 This really makes me sad. "

   "No, you're just talking nonsense."

  Old Garni was a little confused, he lowered his head not to look at Black.

   But in the latter's faint gaze, the slender-jawed dragon **** finally did not hold back. He raised his head and stared at Blake with his wise and cunning eyes. After a few seconds, he said in a strange tone:

   "I just have some extra memories for no reason. Just ten thousand years ago, when I was a cub that had just hatched, I encountered danger in the Nazmir jungle. A panda and a monkey rescued me.

   But you actually appeared in my memory.

   I think I might be sick, so I plan to calm down. "

   "Isn't it normal to have such a mighty evil **** in your memory?"

  Black gave a weird and malicious smile, and said to old Ghani:

   "Doesn't this just prove that you and I are destined? In fact, at that time, I should have brought you by my side, throwing a few tame spells or something to make you my pet beast.

  Look, I didn't do that, so you should thank me. "

   "Don't think about it! We are a partnership."

  Old Gani shouted, stretched out his flexible paws and gestured with a **** towards the evil god, and it shouted:

   "Of course, I smuggled over on your boat and didn't pay you, but it's not a big deal. I'll make up the ticket. Don't use this to blackmail me. We're all old friends."

   "Okay okay, we are old friends, I won't mention the embarrassing things in the past."

  The pirate snorted, then flicked the glass in his hand and looked at Old Gani, he said:

   "Why don't you stay in Azeroth and come to the world of death with me?

  Although it is just a power clone, you should know that for a life demigod like you, the restraint and erosion of the power of death can be fatal. "

   "I want to go to Chilan Xianye to hide and relax."

  Old Gani said with a tangled and painful expression:

"Who knew that your first stop was the Maw, Azeroth was all in a pot of porridge, and the Golden Dynasty paid half the price of the standing army's death to stabilize the front. King Rastakhan is calling all Loa. Go to fight.

  I, a trash guy who is not good at fighting, rushed up and died.

   I haven't lived enough yet.

  The lowly people under my command are also involved in wars everywhere. I have nothing to do now, the whole world is fighting, and no one is helping me pick up garbage. I am thinking about changing places?

   I was wandering around the Broken Isles that day, planning to go to the abandoned **** in Hela to pick up some trash and play, and I saw the Nagfar heading for the River Styx, and I slipped up in my head. "

   "Okay, this is in line with your style, and you will die for a bit of garbage. But you are here, do something for me."

  Blake moved his neck and glanced at the female concubine who was bound in the corner by the imprint of the black coat. He turned around and said to old Gani:

   "I heard that there is a group of 'Rebels' active in the Maw, and they plan to destroy the warden's territory to do something big. At first glance, they are a group of stunned youths.

   In this way, you reach out to them on my behalf and help them hide.

   Anyway, you are best at stealing and hiding. I don’t think even the warden’s magic eye can find you. Wait for my order, and I will find time to contact you in the next step. "


  Old Garni shook his head and said:

   "Too dangerous, I like garbage, but I prefer my life unless"

  This trash **** looked up and down at Blake with weird eyes, the smile on his sly face was getting stronger and stronger, and he rubbed his claws very philistinely and said to Blake:

   "Give me a little bit of the baby trash on you, I'm messing around with you to feed my appetite, and now I don't like ordinary trash anymore.

  You give me something good, and I will help you find those rebels. "


  Black kicked, but was flexibly avoided by Old Garni.

   Lord Evil God felt humiliated, he cursed:

"How can a mighty and powerful **** like me carry garbage on me? Are you provoking me? Old Gani, I really want to give it to you. Wait oh, there seems to be something in me that really suits you. ."

  The Evil God-sama touched his chin, waved his hand and took out a piece of black and weird devil's horn from his luggage, and put it in his hand to play with it.

   He glanced at old Gani, the guy's eyes straightened.

  Blake shook the shard in his hand from side to side, and Old Garni's eyes swayed back and forth with the shard. His inner desire was so intense that the corners of his mouth were about to burst out.

   "Do you know what this is?"

   Lord Evil God seduced by the voice of the devil:

   "This is the shard I fell from the demonic horn of the dark titan, the **** that fell from Lord Sargeras, the supreme treasure that can be found among the meaningless things in the stars.

   I don't know how you use it, but I know it will work for you.


   "So I will dedicate my loyalty to you! My honorable evil god, I will do whatever you ask me to do, and I will do whatever you ask me to bite.

  Ahem, in short, I will serve you wholeheartedly. "

   Old Gani, this spineless bastard, knelt down on the spot. To be honest, Blake has never been able to understand how the body of Old Gani, a slender-jawed dragon, made such an action of kneeling?

   Probably a strange skill derived from the timidity and cowardice of the trashman?

   "Then do things, sly bastard!"

  Black threw the fragment of the Dark Titan Demon Horn in his hand to the old Ghani, who cheered and took it in his mouth.

   I don't know how to move the claws twice, and then the little devil's horn fragment was stuck on its file-like teeth, just like wearing a black brace.

   Garbage Guy moved his upper and lower jaws very arrogantly, and the black "teeth" was so conspicuous.

   It shook his head and said:

   "I'm not afraid of Laizan now, if he dares to bully me, I will use the power of the dark titan to bite his **** and bite down the meat, tsk tsk, I'm awesome too!

   I'm going to change my name to 'Gani Blacktooth' in the future. "

   After saying that, it glanced at Black, and with a whistle it turned into smoke and disappeared into the warden's palace, not forgetting to pack up and take away the pile of **** separated by the rusher.

   With this guy running around in the Maw, I think the pirates will soon be able to contact Prince Reinathor, who was exiled to the Maw by Denathius the Great, and the rebel army he organized.

   In other words, the Prince of Sin is really a "God Man".

   Raised the flag of rebellion against his father the Eternal when he was in Revenders. He was also restless when he was thrown into the Maw, and he even pulled up a group of people to resist the rule of Zovar.

   This guy is a talented person who is good at "passing and poking arts", and his identity is also enough to join the "Azeroth Father and Son Club".

  Black sent Old Gani away, sitting on the sofa and closing his eyes as if thinking, Fenna was asleep, and the little fishman was sorting out the treasures, and the whole room was quiet for a while.

   And the esoteric flame on the head of the female sorceress who was bound to the corner suddenly trembled, and she opened her eyes.

  Uh, the spirit body, the spirit body, has no real sense of five senses, but she does have vision.

  As a defector and survival expert, Wei Nali did not act recklessly immediately after waking up. Instead, she looked around with a rather vigilant attitude.

  From the corner of the line of sight, you can see the whole picture of this luxurious house.

   She was amazed that there was such a luxurious residence in this ghostly place, Maw. She didn't know where it was, but she was sure that there was danger here.

   That **** murloc thief was wiping away the treasures she had found in the **** heap in the Maw with her back to her, and was still humming a **** murloc song.

   And on that sofa lay a male in human form.

   He doesn't look great. As for his appearance, it means nothing to the spirits. Do the spirits have any facial features? They are all face-blind.

   They distinguish other beings by their breath.

On the bed in the distance, there is a female resting and talking in her sleep. At first glance, there is no threat. Maybe she can take the opportunity to take out the fighting lightsaber she hides in the metal boots, and hold a guy to let him take him. leave here.

   But not reckless.

   As a promising businesswoman who has summed up seven principles to survive in the dangerous maw, Wei Nali has become accustomed to making plans and then acting.

   She never lacks patience.

   And after a few minutes, she realized that her patience had saved herself once more.

  The knock on the door suddenly sounded, interrupting the thinking of the strange man on the sofa. He raised his hand and snapped his fingers, and the door was pushed open.

   Just this moment, Maw survival expert Wei Nali almost screamed.

   She saw a terrifying Abyssoath Lich with four Lingsteel knights escorting a Maw treasure chest into the room, and the moment the door opened, Wei Nali saw the scene outside the door.

  The ruthless and ruthless Abyssoath guards are patrolling back and forth inside the gloomy and majestic minaret, and there is a scorched beast on the platform in the distance.

   What is even more exaggerated is that there are two Lingsteel Knight captains guarding with halberds outside this room.

As a survival expert who has been in the Maw for many years, Wei Nali is very clear about the superior and inferior system of the Abyssoath Legion. These Lingsteel Knights are already the grass-roots commanders of the warden's army, while the Abyssoath Lich Even as a middle-level commander, the scorched beast will not appear in the small fights of the Maw at all.

   Those terrifying behemoths of war are killing machines for massive wars.

   There are also the iron chains and skeletons hanging around the tower, and the looming Warden's magic eye, all of which announce to her the true identity of the place where she is.

  This is the Sanctuary of Domination!

   The warden's palace, the ruling core of the entire Maw, is the most dangerous place in this desperate land of death.

  The female spirit shuddered.

   If it weren't for the absence of organs like the bladder, she would probably be terrified to pee. But the fluttering of the esoteric flame on his head, like a candle in the wind, also proved Wei Nali's desperate mood at this time.


   Her great future and her dream of becoming a wealthy woman who was praised by the spirits were all wiped out at this moment.

   However, after all, the girl was a businessman who had seen the world, and she soon discovered the vitality.

The Yuansworn Lich very respectfully stopped ten steps in front of the unremarkable and unremarkable man, bowed to him, and instructed the Lingsteel Knight behind him to devour the Yuan treasure chest without saying a word. lay down.

   He unlocked the lock with his own hands and opened it in front of the hot male silver.

   In the next instant, purple anima streamers converged to make flying bands of light bloom in the room, and spherical anima orbs were displayed in rows on the three-tier shelf of the treasure chest.

  Although it is not a real piece of jewelry, it still shows the incomparable luxury of jewelry.

With Wei Nali's very poisonous eyes, she can see at a glance that this is an epic precious psychic ability, each of which can be exchanged for a huge amount of wealth in the market of the spirits, or in any consortium. In exchange for a clean identity for himself.

   If you can get two pieces and send them back to the Wei Consortium, then the mistakes you made in the past will definitely be generously forgiven, and if you can get this whole box of epic anima.

   "This is a gift from Lord Zovall to the Silent One. May it make the Silent One feel happy when he leaves the Maw."

  The words of respect from the Abyssoath Lich interrupted Wei Nali's heart beating at this moment. From these few words, she immediately concluded a set of her own understanding of the complex relationship in front of her.

   The seven principles she established kept rolling back in her heart. Reason was telling her that she should reduce her sense of existence now, but the fifth principle was screaming in her mind for her to take action.

  The fifth principle of survival expert Wei Nali: If the situation calls for it, take it boldly, and seek wealth at risk.

   And in the frantically spinning mind of Wee Nellie, he felt that he should now add an eighth principle to himself: how to survive surrounded by a group of Deepsworn who could easily tear her down and tear her apart?

  The answer is, show your worth.

   "No! My lord, they are deceiving you."

   Just when Black nodded with satisfaction and was about to accept the box of Anima Orbs, Wei Nali, who took a deep breath, screamed:

   "There's something wrong with these anima orbs! Don't be fooled, they're just empty shells of epic power, and their real value isn't even as good as the utility of elves or excellent animas."


  Blake, who was sitting on the sofa, grinned a fleeting evil smile at the corner of his mouth. He stood up, coughed while holding the red wine, and looked at the female spirit who was struggling to get up in the corner.

   He scolded:

   "You shameful fugitive, how dare you question the deep friendship between me and Zovar? Do you think that as the king of the maw, he will be so stingy that he even has to play tricks when giving gifts?


  Boldly, speak your evidence.

  Otherwise I'm going to send you into the sea of ​​no light on the charge of 'splitting discord'. You probably don't know what that place is, let me explain it to you, sweetie. "

  Blake took a sip of wine and looked at the female spirit shivering under the majesty of the Silent One.

   He said negatively:

"You may think that hiding in the Maw is hard enough, but trust me, after trying the life of exile in the Lightless Sea, you will cry and cry in every dream longing to return to your place in the Maw. Warm nest.

  My dear Wee Nellie, my dear Tsundere businessman, my dear duplicitous female spirit, my dear sweetheart with a bunch of principles but ultimately sentimental.

  Before you next speak, use your brain.

   This is advice from an old friend, for the horse's sake."

   (end of this chapter)

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