MTL - Aunt Qin Save Me-Chapter 99

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The counselor is young and not stubborn. The current situation of Mengda University is indeed as Shen Yiqiu said to Zhang Meng before, many of the students are of the same sex.

But Shen Yiqiu is different from them, she is Professor Shen's orphan. Mengda has always taken special care of her, and some teachers who know her situation are also very concerned about her academically. Besides, other students are in low-key relationships. As long as there is no trouble, the school will turn a blind eye and pretend it doesn't know.

But the hot posts about Shen Yiqiu almost occupied most of the campus forum for a long time, causing quite a stir among the students. And she came here specially to ask the school to help solve the problem, and the counselor could not ignore it completely.

But she did not expect that Shen Yiqiu would respond so directly.

"The school rules don't say not to fall in love, but even if it is a relationship, it should be a normal relationship, and you should pay attention to the impact."

Shen Yiqiu had a gloomy face, and the corners of her mouth tightened.

"What is abnormal love? It's this age, and the world's multiculturalism has been developing. Is it necessary for Mengda to rest on its laurels, stay in the feudal era, and stick to the opposite sex? ?"

The counselor listened to her confident tone, and saw her serious expression, and roughly guessed it. She doesn't have much prejudice against this, but as a counselor, her words and deeds represent the school to a certain extent, and naturally she can't speak out any words of support.

"Now is a diverse and inclusive society, but the same-sex relationship is still in the minority, not recognized and not protected by law."

In addition to the impact of the post, the counselor was also worried that Shen Yiqiu was deceived.

In the process of requesting to delete the post, the counselor also read several hot posts. Between the lines, the description of the woman ten years older than her was obscure, but there was a hint that the other party only wanted to play with a simple college student, and was unwilling to be public and even more unwilling to be responsible.

With the development of the past few years, the school has basically acquiesced in the love between students, and more and more students choose to live together in off-campus rental housing after a short-term relationship. What follows is that young girls who don't know how to protect themselves suffer physical trauma, or cause parents to make trouble on campus.

In each meeting, the counselors are also reminded to pay more attention to the students' emotional life, not to interfere too much but not to ignore them completely. This scale has always been difficult to grasp, so many counselors choose not to take the initiative, not to keep an eye on them, to ask them regularly, and to follow up when they find problems.

Shen Yiqiu hummed in a low voice: "Because there is still a long way to go, and there are still many guarantees missing, so we should understand and support such feelings more. Completely deny the existence of such feelings."

Shen Yiqiu never agrees with self-deception. After being with Qin Qianrou, she has learned more motivation and meaning from her sister.

"Alas, I know how I try to persuade you now will be ineffective, no one has ever been young, I can understand your feelings. But what I said just now, you can think about it calmly after you go back ."

The counselor did not in-depth ask who the other party who was vaguely mentioned in the post was, she knew from Shen Yiqiu's attitude that she would definitely not say it. When she came to ask to delete the post just now, she found out that the reason why Shen Yiqiu was so anxious and insisted was that she wanted to protect that person.

The counselor shook his head and watched Shen Yiqiu leave stubbornly and straight away. After thinking about it, he decided to call Reporter Qin to discuss the situation. When Shen Yiqiu moved out of the dormitory, it was also Qin Qianrou who came forward to do it. Now that this happened, he still had to say hello.

Shen Yiqiu went to the counselor, and Zhang Meng had been waiting for her outside the office building. Seeing her come out with a stern face, she guessed that it might be a little unpleasant just now.

"Is it not going well? I see that the posts on the forum are basically cleaned up."

When Shen Yiqiu faced Zhang Meng, he relaxed a little and revealed his true emotions: "It was deleted, but I am still very angry!"

"What's wrong?"

Her feelings, her choices, are not the turn of others.

Zhang Meng also guessed the reason, but she personally understood them, and she even expected them to be together. Only those who have true love will understand how rare it is to meet the right person.

"Forget it, not everyone can understand and tolerate, just ignore it." Zhang Meng has no better suggestions besides persuading her to look away.

This is the mainstream view, otherwise same-sex love would not be called a niche.

Shen Yiqiu shook her head, very dissatisfied.

"That's not right."

Zhang Meng looked at her suspiciously.

"You can't just live in the shadows just because you're a small group. Everyone has equal rights to love. Of course I'm idealistic when I say that, but if people don't have dreams, they're no match for salted fish. difference."

Zhang Meng smiled and encouraged: "It seems that with reporter Qin, you are becoming more and more like a journalist."

Huh? Shen Yiqiu admits that he has no gossip temperament.

"You have an inexplicable perseverance in your body."

Zhang Meng, maybe one day, as Shen Yiqiu said, no matter what kind of feelings, they are all equal. No longer being classified as a minority, no longer being pointed at behind because of non-mainstream people, everyone can bravely choose what they truly love and enjoy the freedom of love.

Shen Yiqiu realized that it was already three o'clock in the afternoon, and she was very sorry that Zhang Meng didn't eat lunch.

"Sister, let me invite you to dinner."

"I don't have time today, so you should go back to rest early, don't think too much."

Zhang Meng wanted to communicate about the thesis today, and made an appointment with the supervisor. Shen Yiqiu waved goodbye wisely and went home with his schoolbag on his back. With so much happening today, she really didn't have the heart to read books.

Seeing Shen Yiqiu's slightly tired figure, Zhang Meng felt that she should tell reporter Qin what happened today. Although she didn't know the way they got along, she knew that Shen Yiqiu had been trying hard to appear mature and stable, and she would probably carry it all alone, instead of going back to Qin Qian as she said Soft negotiation.

They are all her benefactors, and she hopes that both of them will be well.

She herself has suffered a loss with Gu Chao who thought it was for the other party's good, and the result made the other party even more uneasy.


After the application for He Zhuo's special program was approved, the column team was completely busy. This is Li Wan's first large-scale show after taking over as the group leader. It is very topical, but it is also very challenging.

When Lin Shuangzhi first resigned, many people secretly did not approve of her succession, and some even said that it was because of Deputy Mayor Li. This made Li Wan take a sigh of relief, she was stubborn, she must make achievements on this show, and convince the group of people.

Today is not Monday, but Li Wan's calf still trembles occasionally, so angry that she called Lin Shuangzhi again at noon to teach her a lesson.

Although Qin Qianrou didn't say anything on her lips, Li Wan's teeth tickled with anger with the clear but refraining smile in her eyes.

"Qianrou, don't look at me and laugh, you are not much better than me."

Qin Qianrou was looking at the new material she had just collected, but she didn't care about Li Wan's insubstantial counterattack.

"I'm not like you, I can't walk."

Li Wan was choked, and she suddenly remembered what Lin Shuangzhi said to her. So she modified it a little: "That's because Shen Yiqiu can't!"

Qin Qianrou raised her eyes, feeling aggrieved for Shen Yiqiu at this conclusion.

Lin Shuangzhi was even more aggrieved. What she said at the time was: "Xiao Wan, I can't stop because I want you to know that I am very good."

So, what does this have to do with Shen Yiqiu?

Li Wan was also anxious to reply such a sentence, but she didn't expect to see Qin Qianrou silent. How could she give up easily, and asked with a smile, "Did I tell you that?"

On second thought, when Shen Yiqiu was discussing those products with her before, she said it righteously, as if she had a deep understanding, she thought Shen Yiqiu was a master. Now it seems that he is still deceived by the vanity of the child to be strong.

"It doesn't matter if she doesn't, she is still young, give her more opportunities to learn, and she will gradually improve."

Qin Qianrou held her forehead, not wanting to discuss this topic.

It's not that Shen Yiqiu can't do it, maybe she can't. Every time it was in the second half, Qin Qianrou was always drowsy and didn't even have the strength to raise her hand.

Almost all fell asleep directly in Shen Yiqiu's arms, no matter where it started, the end was always in Shen Yiqiu's arms.

Last time, the little rascal had to try it in the restaurant, and now she has to eat late at night, looking at the long and empty table, she can no longer eat with peace of mind.

It is difficult for her to completely forget the feeling of being treated as a delicacy and being tasted gorgeously at the table, but it is really addicting.

Qin Qianrou collected her thoughts: "It's work time now, didn't Team Leader Li swear that he would do something to stop those people's mouths, now he has to waste his time here. on a topic?"

Occasional gags are purely conditioning, work is of course the most important. Li Wan didn't bother, she took the document and hugged it in her arms, then walked away with her head held high.

She also has to keep her waist straight when her legs are fluttering, and go out steadily.

Qin Qianrou, who was just about to continue reading the materials, received a call from the counselor.

In fact, since Shen Yiqiu moved to her house, Qin Qianrou's contact with the counselor has decreased. First, she was busy with work, and secondly, she felt that there was no need to interfere too much with Shen Yiqiu's school affairs.

She is not Shen Yiqiu's parent after all.

"Hello reporter Qin, I'm Shen Yiqiu's counselor."


In the end, she just politely reminded Qin Qianrou to pay attention to Shen Yiqiu's emotional problems, but Qin Qianrou didn't mean to hang up.

"That's about it, I won't interfere with your work."

"Wait a minute. Can you tell me more about the forum?"

Qin Qianrou was very serious about this. Under her questioning, the counselor had to reveal some of the content of the post. From the limited information, Qin Qianrou understood that the appearance of these posts was apparently aimed at Shen Yiqiu, but was actually a warning to her.

"Thank you."

Qin Qianrou pulled out today's work schedule and wondered if she could bring some work home to do. She is not going to work overtime tonight. When such a thing happens, she must go back and have a good talk with Shen Yiqiu.

Zhang Meng's phone number also called shortly after, and people who usually do not communicate very often suddenly came to find it today, which is very unusual in itself.

In addition, they are both from Mengda, Qin Qianrou naturally thinks of Shen Yiqiu. Sure enough, Zhang Meng's call was also for Shen Yiqiu's business.

It was a little different from what the counselor said. In the counselor's mouth, Shen Yiqiu was stubborn and stubborn, so tough that there was no gap like a steel plate. But here in Zhang Meng, Shen Yiqiu was a little tired and brave.

"Rest assured, I won't let her do this alone."

In front of Zhang Meng, Qin Qianrou was a little more real than before.

"That's good, she has you all in her heart, and I'm afraid you will be affected. But this kind of thing, one person is always better than two people, if we can face it together, I believe it will be much better. "

"Thank you for your concern for Shen Yiqiu, I will take good care of her."

Although Qin Qianrou is usually indifferent, she is never stingy with her gratitude to sincere people. Zhang Meng tried to repay them several times, but Qin Qianrou refused. She even deliberately maintained contact and distance with Zhang Meng, but did not want to accept the so-called repayment.

But at this time, the care and support given by Zhang Meng was something Qin Qianrou couldn't resist and was unwilling to accept.

I wanted to get off work on time, but there was a short meeting and it was delayed for a while. Except for sending a message to Shen Yiqiu before get off work, and the message to her before the meeting, Shen Yiqiu did not reply.

Qin Qianrou packed up her things and drove home directly. Shen Yiqiu rarely replied to messages so slowly. It's impossible for Shen Yiqiu to have no impact on what happened at school today, but she didn't mention it at all.

But Shen Yiqiu was not there, and did not come out to greet her.

Qin Qianrou put her suit jacket on the back of the sofa, put down her backpack, and walked straight to Shen Yiqiu's room.

The door was ajar, she pushed it open gently, and saw Shen Yiqiu with her back to her.

Just as she was about to call her, she heard Shen Yiqiu muttering to herself: "It won't work this way, it won't work that way, do you really want to use my blood?"

Qin Qianrou frowned, what kind of thing, why was it suddenly involved in blood?

Probably too focused, Shen Yiqiu didn't notice Qin Qianrou coming back.

She held the flyer torn from the bulletin board in her hand and tried many methods, but she couldn't feel anything.

But she is unwilling to give up, ready to use the last resort.

The last step is to use blood, so the tools are at hand. Qin Qianrou stood at the door, unable to see Shen Yiqiu's movements, until she groaned and saw the red liquid dripping faintly, Qin Qianrou pushed the door hard and rushed in.

She walked around to Shen Yiqiu and saw that she was dripping blood from her punctured fingertips onto a piece of paper that didn't look too clean.

The paper was densely printed, Qin Qianrou hurriedly glanced at it, and soon realized that this was what Zhang Meng said.

The counselor didn't make the content of the post too straightforward, but Zhang Meng knew their relationship, so naturally he didn't hide it too much.

Shen Yiqiu was surprised by the sudden appearance.


"Shen Yiqiu, what are you doing!"

Qin Qianrou didn't care about anything else, she pulled out a tissue from the table and covered Shen Yiqiu's wound, very angry.

"Sister don't get angry, let me do the business first."

Shen Yiqiu didn't bother to explain more, and immediately picked up the piece of paper that had been stained with her blood, closed her eyes and meditated, focusing all her mind on it.

The familiar and tormenting heartache gradually became apparent, her lips moved slightly, and the anticipation was unbearable.

Although Qin Qianrou was angry, looking at her like this, she seemed to have thought of something. He stopped talking immediately and waited silently beside her.

After a while, Shen Yiqiu slowly opened his eyes, his eyes slowly recovered from the void, as if he had just experienced a space travel.

"Sister, I sensed the New Hall Hotel just now."

When she heard the name, Qin Qianrou couldn't help frowning.

The memories of this place left her are really not good.

"I suspect that the post was also done by the people at the New Hall Hotel."

The author has something to say: Qixi Festival, let’s send red envelopes in this chapter, ah ah!

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