MTL - Aunt Qin Save Me-Chapter 97

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Normally, she wouldn't call Qin Qianrou like this suddenly, because she had been partying for too long in the bathroom just now and got carried away, but she was bumped by Wen Yirong.

Shen Yiqiu didn't know whether to say he was lucky or unlucky, how happy he was in the bathroom a moment ago, and how irritable he was in the room now. She picked up a bottle of mineral water and prepared to drink it to go to the fire, but she couldn't unscrew it.

She's not so weak that she can't even unscrew the bottle cap, but now her hands are shaking a lot. Shen Yiqiu watched her helpless appearance, she didn't regret it at all, after all, her strength was used in the right place.

She sat down on the chair and took a deep breath, rubbing her wrists in a daze, thinking that Aunt Wen suddenly came to Mengcheng from Haicheng so late, why?

The atmosphere of the mother and daughter in the living room was not as awkward as before. Although Qin Qianrou was surprised by her mother's sudden visit, she quickly adjusted.

"Let's not talk about me and her for now, don't you mean you are in a hurry to find me?"

Wen Yirong looked at her daughter, her complexion was rosy and her lips were attractive. Compared with the past, she was more human and more beautiful. Of course, as someone who has come here, she naturally understands how intensively the flowers have been watered so beautifully.

"It's not very convenient here, go to your room."

After Wen Yirong proposed, Qin Qianrou did not immediately agree. Although there was nothing wrong with the room, there were already traces of her and Shen Yiqiu living together.

But she hesitated for a while and nodded, "Go in."

Entering Qin Qianrou's room, Wen Yirong followed her two steps away, and quietly surveyed the room. The bed was neat and clean, and the two pillows next to it matched each other, and it looked the same.

It's just a corner of the room, but there are a few more dolls that don't match the style of this room.

Wen Yirong was stunned for a moment, then smiled: "You are so old, but do you like dolls?"

Qin Qianrou naturally knew what her mother was talking about, except for the robot cat she brought home during the Spring Festival holiday, she and Shen Yiqiu went there several times later. Shen Yiqiu gained experience, and efficiently clipped a few more dolls for her, making the onlookers envious for a while.

"Probably didn't get a chance when I was a kid."

Wen Yirong moved the corner of her mouth slightly, walked to the chair and sat down.

She took a few pictures from her bag and put them on the table.

"I originally wanted to ask you about the situation in the photo. Now it seems that there is no need to ask anything."

Qin Qianrou took two steps closer, and as she had guessed, it was a photo of her and Shen Yiqiu together.

Actually, she didn't act too intimately, but holding hands, Shen Yiqiu arranged her scarf for her, gave her a loving look when feeding her ice cream, and watched Shen Yiqiu intently beside the doll machine Yi Qiushi's obsessive gaze is enough to show that the two have a good relationship.

A person who is attentive, or who is familiar with Qin Qianrou, will find the clues in the photo in almost no time.

"I received one, and your father's office in Kyoto also received one." Wen Yirong pointed to the table, "I took this one from your grandfather's study. ."

Qin Qianrou's face sank, it seemed that it was a group post.

"Your grandfather has changed to new medicines these two days and slept longer than usual. He didn't see these photos."

"Thank you mom."

"Do you need to say this word between mother and daughter?" Wen Yirong was helpless, Qin Qianrou and Shen Yiqiu were so familiar, so casual, how could she be restrained in front of her.

"I used to guess at random, but I didn't expect it to be true. Last time I asked you in Haicheng, you didn't answer, and now I know the answer."

Qin Qianrou did not intend to hide her family, but she has been waiting for the right opportunity. She didn't want to push Shen Yiqiu to her family hastily, this feeling was going to last her whole life from the bottom of her heart.

"Sorry, I didn't mean to hide from you."

Wen Yirong pouted, pointed to the bed next to her, and said, "Hurry up and sit down, don't hold back."

Wen Yirong sighed in her heart, she didn't come at the right time.

Qin Qianrou, who was calm before, blushed, walked to the edge of the bed and sat down. It was indeed almost unsteady to stand, and the faint smell of peach in the room made her always think of the picture just now, and her legs became softer.

"How long have you been together?"

"We were together when I went to Haicheng for training."

Wen Yirong raised her eyebrows: "So late?"

Qin Qianrou ignored her, and she continued: "I thought there was a sign when you two went shopping together last time."

Qin Qianrou shook her head slightly: "Not at that time."

Wen Yirong doesn't care about this, obviously there is more trouble now.

"To be honest, I didn't expect you to make such a choice. In the past few years, you are aware of the situation at least, and there was a lot of disturbance at home."

"Everyone has the freedom to choose their feelings, I am different from the least, but we all insist on obeying our hearts."

"Yes, you kids are stubborn."

Wen Yirong has always been dignified and rarely speaks sharply, but today her tone is not gentle.

"But you did this, have you considered your family? Have you considered your father? He was working in Kyoto, and suddenly received these photos and called me overnight. For so many years, I have I've never seen him so excited."

Qin Qianrou frowned, how could she have not thought about it? If she hadn't thought about it, she didn't have to worry about it in the first place.

"I'll take care of this."

Wen Yirong inadvertently glanced at her daughter's nightdress and the scenery where the nightdress was half-covered: "Solution? How do you solve it? Are you two separated?"

Qin Qianrou's face turned cold in an instant, this was not in her consideration at all.

"I came to you, one is to confirm the things in the photo, and the other is to discuss with you how to deal with it. After so many years, what you want to do will eventually stick to it. We couldn't stop it in the past. Stay with you, this time must be the same."

Wen Yirong said later, she was a little sentimental.

Qin Qianrou moved her lips, but did not know how to comfort her mother. Her relationship with her mother was both intimate and estranged. Her tenderness and delicacy were only given to Shen Yiqiu.

Wen Yirong put the photo back in her bag and stood up: "It's getting late, I'm going to live at the Seven Mansion. Come and have breakfast with me tomorrow morning."

Qin Qianrou sent her out, and when she was at the door, Wen Yirong suddenly turned around: "Don't make trouble for too long tonight, young people still need to know how to control."

Qin Qianrou was silent, and after a while, she said leisurely, "Send me a message when you arrive at the mansion."

The bodyguard driver of the Qin family is waiting downstairs. The Qi Mansion is also an investment of the Qin family in Mengcheng. Wen Yirong and other elders like to live there. Qin Qianrou saw her mother's car driving away on the balcony, so she went to find Shen Yiqiu.

The door was closed, but not locked, Qin Qianrou twisted it lightly and opened it.

Shen Yiqiu was still sitting at the desk, with a bottle of mineral water on the table, but did not open it. She put her index finger to her lips, muttering something she didn't know.

Qin Qianrou walked in, Shen Yiqiu raised her head when she heard the sound, and forced a smile.

"Where's Auntie?"

"She's gone, let's find her tomorrow."

Shen Yiqiu's eyes were unnatural, and she shook it for a while: "Well, then rest early, or you won't get up tomorrow."

Qin Qianrou knew why Shen Yiqiu reacted like this, and held back her laughter for a while before holding her hand: "Why are you nervous?"

Shen Yiqiu helpless: "I'm not nervous, I'm just a little angry, angry with myself talking nonsense."

"You know that too?"

She said this, Shen Yiqiu was even more angry.

"Who told you to say that in the living room regardless of the occasion."

It is clear that they have a tacit understanding, and they will not mention those two words if they leave a specific scene.

Shen Yiqiu was wronged, but she knew her mistake: "It's my sister who is too tempting, I couldn't help it."

"Tell me!" Qin Qianrou blushed at her straightforward words.

The two of them washed up and lay on the bed, not having the strength to toss in the bathroom just now. The peach smell in the room was lighter than expected, so it wasn't too irritating.

"So who took those pictures?"

Qin Qianrou told Shen Yiqiu what happened just now, they must face it together, and she no longer has to hide it.

"It must be someone who has an opinion on me."

Shen Yiqiu was a little uneasy: "Have you done anything special recently or interviewed anyone?"

The matter of Dongsheng has been hindered, and Shen Yiqiu thought that it would be restarted after the year.

Qin Qianrou thought about it and decided to tell her frankly: "I applied to produce He Zhuo's special program last week."

"He Zhuo?" Shen Yiqiu was stunned for a long time, "Isn't he already dead?"

"Yes, but he left a lot of clues and information. The materials provided by Jiang Yuan also show that his death was not that simple, and the crimes he committed during his lifetime were not only It's an academic issue."

"But, these can be handed over to the police for investigation."

Shen Yiqiu hugged Qin Qianrou tightly, for fear of being robbed.

"But I can't bear to put you in danger. If you want to investigate He Zhuo, someone will definitely do something to you."

Shen Yiqiu always suspected that someone was instigating the incident at Xinting Hotel last time, but in the end it was nothing.

Qin Qianrou patted her on the back and said soothingly: "I tell you this to make you mentally prepared. Maybe our relationship will be exposed next, and then you in school…"

"I'm not afraid, I don't care about that."

Qin Qianrou pursed her lips, and there was a gentle and helpless light in her eyes.

"We didn't do anything wrong. Falling in love has nothing to do with others. Sister, don't worry about me, no matter what happens, I will accompany you."

Shen Yiqiu's firmness was as Qin Qianrou expected, she hugged her contentedly and hugged her tightly.

This is her choice, Shen Yiqiu did not disappoint her.

No matter what they will face, as long as they are together, they will not be afraid.


Wen Yirong has not been to Mengcheng for many years, and this time she came here in a hurry, because of the excitement of those photos. I didn't expect that the scene I saw at my daughter's house last night was even more exciting, making her, a middle-aged person, blush.

However, her curiosity was lingering, and she couldn't help but wonder what her daughter would be like when she was with Shen Yiqiu.

Last night tossing and turning, unable to sleep well, suddenly remembered the dolls in Qin Qianrou's room, and instantly understood again.

It is not something anyone can do to make a daughter who has always been aloof and indifferent back into a little girl. She had already made a plan. Even if the affair between her daughter and Shen Yiqiu was true, she would advise them to separate. After all, how far can the two women go?

But when I went to Xiaorou's house last night, Wen Yirong couldn't say anything like that anymore. The daughter was born by herself, and she had hoped countless times in her heart that someone would take care of Xiaorou for her in the future.

Shen Yiqiu obviously did not meet her expectations, let alone the men in the family. But Qin Qianrou's change is something she can't deny. Only women who are truly in love can bloom so beautifully.


It was not only them who were photographed, but the reactions of the parties were completely different. Zhuo Cheng almost rushed to Shao Qidong's office with red eyes, making the secretary who was reporting work at a loss.

"Mr. Shao, I have something to tell you." Zhuo Cheng's voice was hoarse, and there was a faint smell of alcohol on his body.

Shao Qidong shook his head and let the secretary go out first.

"Isn't sober during working hours?" He pointed to the chair opposite and motioned Zhuo Cheng to sit down and talk.

"Mr. Shao, I was threatened."

"What's wrong?"

Zhuo Cheng clutched his hair in distress, completely lacking his usual dashing attitude.

"I got caught when I heard the yacht club at the pier."

Shao Qidong was drinking tea leisurely: "Really? I told you to leave early, you didn't listen to me?"

The entertainment of that day was in the middle and late stages, and Shao Qidong left beforehand. Zhuo Cheng was haunted by several young and beautiful girls and insisted on listening to him about his record on Wall Street. He was drunk and immersed in ecstasy soup, how could he listen to other people's words.

"I'm greedy."

After returning to China for so long, in order to pursue Li Wan again, Zhuo Cheng deliberately insulates the opposite **** around him. Now that it was hopeless, he naturally didn't have to endure so hard.

"How much trouble?"

Zhuo Cheng froze, hesitantly did not speak.

Shao Qidong glanced at him, and a look of contempt flashed in his eyes.

"My time is very precious, if you still want to think about it, go back first. When you think clearly and explain it clearly, come back to me."

Zhuo Cheng knew that tomorrow Shao Qidong was going to accompany the vice governor to a neighboring province to attend an exchange lecture. Today is the best opportunity.

"I was filmed on video, and a lot of pictures."

That night was so indulgent that it was unsightly, Zhuo Cheng played crazy, so he naturally played the game in the United States. Some things are nothing in the United States, but in China, they are definitely stepping on the line.

"I told you a long time ago that you should pay attention to everything. How many were knocked?"

Zhuo Cheng shook his head: "The other party doesn't want money."

He sighed heavily: "I want to follow their orders completely and build an overseas fund for them."

Shao Qidong raised his eyebrows, but Zhuo Cheng was only annoyed and didn't see it at all.

"That's what you're good at."

Zhuo Cheng suddenly raised his head and said excitedly: "But Mr. Shao, I am your person, and I am doing things for Dongsheng. Besides, the origin of the overseas fund is unknown, and it is not that simple."

"Do you expect me to completely solve the trouble you caused yourself?"

Shao Qidong's indifference greatly disappointed Zhuo Cheng, and he looked at this businessman who had brought him back from abroad not long ago in disbelief.

At that time, in order to make him accept the invitation, he did not talk about it, and to give enough face, the city's introduction of talents was sent immediately, which made Zhuo Cheng feel that he would regret half his life if he did not seize this opportunity.

Unexpectedly, after a while, he gradually realized that Shao Qidong was still a sinister and despicable hooligan in his bones.

"These people caught you, either to seek money or to control you. They came to me for help without even knowing the background of the other party, which is not like you."

Zhuo Cheng lowered his eyes and lost most of his vitality.

"My biggest supporter in Mengcheng is Mr. Shao. If you refuse to help me, then I really have nowhere to go."

If the other party asks for a price, Zhuo Cheng will be willing to pay. The big deal is that he packed it back to the United States, and after a few years of hard work, he made all the money back.

However, now, he is unable to advance or retreat.

"You take a break first, I'll let someone investigate this matter."


"I have something to do, you go out first."

Zhuo Cheng was sent, and Shao Qidong called the secretary in again. In the afternoon, it was decided to hold a meeting temporarily, but this time, there was no Zhuocheng's share.

Zhuo Cheng's performance really disappointed him, he didn't even have the guts, it was really uneasy.

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