MTL - Aunt Qin Save Me-Chapter 92

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The Spring Festival holiday passed quickly, Shen Yiqiu and Qin Qianrou stayed in Mengcheng without going far. Occasionally go to the nearby supermarket to buy food, or watch a movie together at home. Sometimes Qin Qianrou sees that Shen Yiqiu is really hard to cook every day, so she orders takeout several times for the reason of wanting to change the taste.

Li Wan called Qin Qianrou from time to time to chat, mostly talking about some boring content that was not nutritious. Compared with their usual rhythm when they go to work, this holiday is indeed a rare "slow life".

"Qianrou, what are you doing at home these two days? I asked you to go shopping, but you said you were not free, I said I asked you to come out for dinner with Shen Yiqiu, but you said you didn't want to move, you Are you planning to forget that you have a good sister?"

Li Wan was not so boring, she even quietly planned to go to Lin Shuang's house to study cooking or make ceramic vases with her before the holiday. Who knew that Lin Shuangzhi answered the call from Yongcheng on the second day of the new year and hurried home.

It seemed that there was a temporary emergency, Li Wan hesitated to ask a few questions, and felt that it involved Lin Shuangzhi's family, and her identity was not suitable.

"It's rare to have a holiday, so you can't cherish the leisure time at home where you don't have to do anything? Those suggestions you mentioned, we can also do it after going to work."

The truth is true, but Li Wan is very annoying at home. Although her parents did not urge her to go on a blind date as strongly as before, the parents of the Li family probably saw the farce that Zhuo Cheng posted on the Internet last time, so this name, which was once regarded as a high-quality candidate, has rarely appeared in the Li family.

Li Wan is very happy about this, the dog skin plaster is about to get out of her life completely. But the pressure from her parents was still there, and the expectations between the lines still made Li Wan annoyed beyond words.

"Of course you are leisurely, you are far away from home, and you will definitely not feel the pressure of being surrounded by love. Shen Yiqiu listens to you everything, you two have lived a small life. That's called a comfort." Li Wan is a little lonely, she is obviously similar to Qin Qianrou, why is there such a big difference now?

Qin Qianrou seemed to be in a good mood, but she still had great patience for Li Wan's repeated emotion.

"Xiao Wan, are you complaining that the team leader didn't stay with you when he returned to Yongcheng for the New Year? You should tell her that, complaining with me can't help you much. "

Li Wan snorted softly, it was a default.

"Of course I want to say it, but I also have the opportunity. After she went back, she was as busy as she was in outer space, and she couldn't even reply to WeChat in time. Yongcheng, I really thought she was kidnapped."

The deep resentment, Qin Qianrou heard it clearly.

Those who have concerns in their hearts are the most unbearable to be separated. She just wanted to spend her time getting along with Shen Yiqiu, even if she didn't do anything, the two of them felt very warm next to each other in a daze.

"That's why I'm willing to be your trash can."

Li Wan sighed faintly on the other end of the phone, and all the complaints that should be complained about were finished. I don't know what happened, but since coming back from the reunion dinner at her house in the 30th year of the year, Qin Qianrou has fallen in love with her family day by day.

Could it be…

Li Wan changed her tone and asked with a thief smile: "Qianrou, tell me the truth, have you already used the things I gave you?"

This is how the tacit understanding between friends is reflected. As soon as Li Wan finished speaking, Qin Qianrou's mind immediately came to the appearance of the small box.

The box is still two-thirds left, still in the drawer of her bedside table. In fact, they haven't used it in the past few days, but they still can't deny that this thing has played a role.

Li Wan laughed even more when she saw Qin Qianrou didn't answer.

"Don't be embarrassed, it's a matter of time. Tell me, how is the user experience? I haven't published a customer review yet. "

Qin Qianrou is a little suffocated, what is the experience of using this thing? I'm afraid her evaluation can't be counted, but she will never ask Shen Yiqiu to score an evaluation.

"I don't know."

Li Wan still smiled, getting used to Qin Qianrou's coldness and restraint.

How tight-lipped this person usually is, she once thought that Qin Qianrou was a Buddhist reserve talent with a heart like water, and sooner or later he would escape into the empty door.

"Okay, generally speaking, I don't know, it just feels okay."

Li Wan came to this conclusion based on her past shopping experience, which is not outrageous. If it really didn't work, I would have complained long ago. She pondered, another day to write a template-style praise to the store?

She glanced faintly at the bag placed on the corner stool. At that time, she bought two boxes, one for Qin Qianrou and one for herself. God knows why she wants to keep herself, she is the one who needs the least!

Qin Qianrou was afraid that Li Wan would continue to ask questions. She didn't want to recall the details in front of her friends. She is still a little embarrassed about this.

Fortunately, Shen Yiqiu understood her very well, neither forcing her nor teasing her, giving her the most gentle comfort. An Xin leaned against Shen Yiqiu's arms at night, Qin Qianrou would occasionally think of that scene in a trance. At the moment when the drowsiness hit, the weakness and exhaustion around her were somewhat similar to those at the time.

Just not so happy.

She settled her thoughts and changed the subject: "I heard that the relevant departments will conduct a formal investigation into the director's problem after the year?"

"Yeah, it should be the materials we handed in before that worked."

They handed in the materials a few years ago, preventing Director Yu from being promoted to deputy director in time. But they did not expect that progress would be so fast.

Qin Qianrou thoughtfully said: "It seems that Director Yu has a serious problem."

According to past practice, the bigger the problem, the faster the response of the relevant departments. Even the Spring Festival holiday can't take a rest. It seems that Director Yu's problem is not only financial.

"I listened to my father's words, someone said hello, so I speed up. But the director's situation, everyone knows. Before Dongsheng put the advertisement, he changed the big house, everyone understand what's going on."

It was said that Director Yu's wife won the lottery, so it's okay to hear such words once. Everyone on the TV station is a human being, who would really believe it.

"It's a good thing to deal with it early, after all, there are bigger troubles to solve later." Qin Qianrou remembered what Wen Shaoze told her, in addition to He Zhuo's implication of Shen Zhifeng, there were also Shao Qidong's recent movements.

Some time ago, Shao Qidong rarely went abroad, and most of the time he stayed in Mengcheng or attended various conferences in several major cities in China. This Spring Festival, he flew to the United States uncharacteristically, and did not take Zhuo Cheng, which is even more unusual.

Li Wan also has a headache when she thinks of Dongsheng: "Yeah, let's talk slowly when we go to work the day after tomorrow."

Talking about work during the holidays is the most irritating, so Li Wan chose to continue to go to beauty sleep.

The phone call between Qin Qianrou and Li Wan was longer than usual today. When she came out, Shen Yiqiu was no longer on the sofa. Don't think about it, this person must have taken the opportunity to sneak into the kitchen again.

Before Qin Qianrou walked over, Shen Yiqiu came back.

"The time is just right." She put the bowl in her hand on the coffee table, and immediately covered her earlobe with her fingers.

Qin Qianrou took her hand, spread it out and looked carefully: "Is it hot?"

Shen Yiqiu blinked, but her hand was pinched in her sister's: "No, it's just a habit."

Qin Qianrou looked at it carefully, except for a touch of red, her white tender and slender fingers showed no signs of injury: "Hmph, your mouth is hard."

"I made red bean paste, try it now." Shen Yiqiu held Qin Qianrou backhand and pulled her to sit on the sofa.

"I don't like sweets."

"Of course I know, so this one is less sweet."

"Then what do you do?" Qin Qianrou knew that although Shen Yiqiu was not fond of sweets, she was not as resistant as she was.

"I have the same taste as you." Shen Yiqiu stirred it a few times, and first handed the first bite to Qin Qianrou's mouth.

I don't know when it started, it became a natural thing for Shen Yiqiu to feed her.

"You lied to me again." Qin Qianrou opened her mouth slightly and swallowed the red bean paste.

The temperature is just right and not hot. Sticky, soft and waxy, with a fragrant between the teeth, slightly sweet and not greasy, people can't stop.

"I didn't lie to you, I just eat and eat, the taste is up to you." Shen Yiqiu also stuffed a mouthful into his mouth.

Seeing her eating happily and speaking so naturally and frankly, Qin Qianrou felt soft in her heart. She found that she had indeed changed, and the soft side that had never been shown before was completely released in front of Shen Yiqiu without any pressure.

In this home, she can enjoy the love Shen Yiqiu gave her with peace of mind, and feel the meticulous tenderness all the time. She doesn't have to be like the past, always make herself appear strong.

With Shen Yiqiu, she doesn't have to force herself to be Iron Woman all the time, she can also soften her heart and turn it into a pool of water.

Today they are watching an old movie, which is very old, Shen Yiqiu has never seen it. It was suggested by Qin Qianrou, saying that this was a movie she liked very much when she was a student, and she had watched it several times.

Speaking of this, Shen Yiqiu became interested.

The plot is actually a bit old-fashioned. The popular female star accidentally met the owner of a bookstore during the filming of the movie. The two went back and forth to have ambiguous and interactive interactions, but they were besieged by the media in the early morning the next day after the relationship progressed.

The pressure of public opinion was huge at that time, and female stars were forced to misunderstand the bookstore owner due to external pressure and the long-established self-protection mechanism. The budding love of a pair of lovers died prematurely.

Fortunately, the actress woke up in time, came back to find each other, and was willing to stay in that small city for him.

Sweet and cruel, but a complete love story.

Shen Yiqiu put her arms around Qin Qianrou, and the two stick together whenever they have time. This real touch makes each other feel at ease, which is another form of being together.

"It's a risk, I thought the bookstore owner would not be there at the press conference." The movie is nearing the end, whether it is happy or sad, it all depends on the choice of the male lead.

Qin Qianrou has long known the development of the plot. Over the years, this movie has remained in her memory. Looking at it at this time, it is like seeing an old friend who has known each other for many years, but some clips are not as amazing as when they were watched at the beginning of the year.

Feelings are really suitable to stay in memories.

"Sometimes feelings are like this. If two people walk in the same direction, they will get closer and closer. If they go in the wrong direction, they will never be together."

Shen Yiqiu looked down at Qin Qianrou meaningfully. There was a faint emotion in her eyes.

"We meet, not distance, so don't worry."

When Shen Yiqiu spoke, the closer he got closer, the warm breath made Qin Qianrou's face itchy. She turned her face to the side, trying to drive away the annoying temperature, but Shen Yiqiu hugged her even tighter.

"Sister, I will always walk towards you and I will not disappoint you." Shen Yiqiu could actually feel that Qin Qianrou had something in her heart.

Qin Qianrou stopped and quietly nestled in her arms. After a while, she heard a low hum.


In the last two days of the Spring Festival holiday, the column team arranged for Qin Qianrou and Li Wan to be on duty. Nothing happened a few days ago. The so-called duty is to bring a series of snacks such as milk tea and melon seeds into the office as a foil for chatting.

Qin Qianrou was stunned when she saw Li Wan walk in with a bag of snacks.

"You really treat your duty as a tea party."

Li Wan put the bag on the table, took out two bottles of drinks from it, and handed it to Qin Qianrou: "I don't have it, I just don't want to be hungry on duty today."

There are very few restaurants near the TV station, and the two she often eat are on vacation. Li Wan doesn't hate coming to work overtime, but she hates having nothing to eat while working overtime.

"Don't worry, sugar free."

Qin Qianrou shook her head helplessly, unscrewed the lid and took a sip.

"You're on duty, isn't Shen Yiqiu boring?"

"She went to Yuan Qi today."

I finally remembered that there is another cousin, but Li Wan is quite satisfied with Shen Yiqiu's ranking of who is more important between Yuan Qi and Qin Qianrou, who makes her unconditionally biased What about friends.

"How's Young Master Wen doing recently? I heard that he ran downstairs and waited for two hours, but he didn't even see anyone."

Qin Qianrou frowned, what else?

Seeing her expression, Li Wan said in surprise, "He didn't tell you?"

"No." Wen Shaoze told her that everything was progressing in an orderly manner.

Li Wan understood, she rolled up her long curly hair and turned it into a ball head.

Anyway, Lin Shuang was not around, so she didn't bother to keep her charm all the time.

"He wants so much face, he certainly won't let you know that he is so shameful."

Qin Qianrou was noncommittal, but she did not doubt Wen Shaoze's determination this time, but Yuan Qi's attitude seemed very firm, and it was hard to say what the result would be.

"Did Shen Yiqiu not know about the past?"

"I haven't found a chance to tell her yet, and it's more appropriate for Yuan Qi to talk about it himself."

Li Wan nodded: "Yes, it's best to say this kind of thing yourself."

Besides, looking at the performance on New Year's Eve, Yuan Qi may not be willing to mention it again.

There is nothing to do in the stage, Li Wan simply sits in Qin Qianrou's office, chatting, drinking tea and eating cakes, and enjoying it.

"The store owner sent me a message last night, asking if I could send me a detailed review, and said that she could give me a senior VIP store."

Qin Qianrou looked at the computer and didn't realize who the so-called store owner was.

When her eyes met Li Wan, she finally understood.

“What are the benefits of Premium VIP?”

"It is a long-term 20% discount, and new brands will be given priority to try."

"It's not bad, you can just write an article." After working in the TV station for so many years, who is afraid of writing.

Li Wan didn't hold back, she sighed: "I'm not unwilling, but I don't have actual experience, can this nonsense evaluation be convincing?"

Qin Qianrou's eyes were always fixed on the computer screen, her ears warmed slightly, but fortunately, she put her hair down today, otherwise she would definitely be stared at by Li Wan.

"Qianrou, why don't you write it for me?"

Qin Qianrou was unmoved and still focused on her work.

Li Wan went a step further: "I will buy double copies of everything in the future?"

"I don't need it."

So decisively refused, Li Wan Duzui was a little frustrated.

I must be stubborn.

"If you don't want to write, you can dictate. I'll go back and sort it out."

This is the basic skill of being a reporter, who doesn't have the ability to organize and summarize.

Qin Qianrou was stunned for a moment, and finally turned her gaze.

"I really don't know."

The author has something to say: Thank you for your encouragement and support.

Read The Duke's Passion