MTL - Aunt Qin Save Me-Chapter 67

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The meeting with He Zhuo did not last long. Most of the time, He Zhuo narrated sadly, and Qin Qianrou listened quietly. She didn't appear to be doing an exclusive interview, nor did she take out a pen and paper to record, but every word He Zhuo said shocked her greatly.

"You use the resources and financial support given by the state to make such despicable transactions, which is the greatest insult to scientific research." Qin Qianrou tried to maintain restraint, but she couldn't help but get angry.

This is not just a simple crime, but also a sale!

"I understand, but I can't stand the temptation of huge profits." He Zhuo's eyes that had been drooping for a long time were weakly raised twice, "You know that you have been in the laboratory all the year round and have done countless experiments. But is it sad that a bunch of data and results are ignored? How many people have changed careers because of this, and how many people have worked for more than ten years and can't afford a house?"

"But that's not the reason you sell your scientific research results cheap."

The difference in treatment between industries is gradually expanding, which is indeed a prominent contradiction. However, being a human always requires a basic bottom line. Without money, there is no reason to do bad things.

"At this point, I don't want to justify myself. In fact, every time I trade, I suffer in my heart. Believe it or not, I don't feel well. But if I don't do it, others will do it. As a result, I have worked hard for decades, and the results, honors, titles and money have to be handed over to others. Do you think this is fair?"

Qin Qianrou is reluctant to talk more, she is not here today for psychological counseling.

He Zhuo must have his own reasons for going astray, but it has nothing to do with her, she is not interested in it.

"I tell you this in the hope that you will report it."

"Report? Are you not afraid of those people revenge on you?"

"I couldn't escape for a long time, I thought it would be safer inside, but I was naive."

Qin Qianrou frowned, as if thinking about whether to agree to this request.

He Zhuo's mouth filled with bitterness, his tone trembling with pleading: "I know you are an honest person, you dare to report what others dare not, so I will ask you for help. And, You would also not want to see those people continue to do evil, after all, the loss is the wealth of the country."

"Even if it's going to be reported, I can't just spread the word on your own. I have to take responsibility for every word I say to the public, so I need time and more evidence."

He Zhuo was not disappointed, Qin Qianrou is a good reporter.

She was probably the last ray of light he saw as his life came to an end.

"That's natural, and I won't let you go in vain. I keep a copy of these transactions and store them in the safe of an overseas bank. How to take them out, Jiang Yuan knows. "

Qin Qianrou did not expect that he would tell her this easily.

But she was not happy, even a little sad.

If it were not for the end, how could He Zhuo entrust such a secret to a stranger who had only met a few times. He has kept this secret from beginning to end, but now he has said it frankly, which means that he is also aware of his own situation.

"I can only say my best, but I can't guarantee that I can help her."

"Your words are enough, I can't count on anyone right now. Asking lawyer Li to make an appointment with you is actually just a chance. I have asked a few people, but no one is willing to come. , and some even blocked lawyers’ calls.”

He Zhuo laughed sadly, how beautiful and sad his life was.

Qin Qianrou was about to leave when He Zhuo suddenly stopped her.

He Zhuo said in a very low voice: "If I die, no matter what the cause of death, please help Jiang Yuan."


Back at the hotel, Qin Qianrou was still immersed in her meeting with He Zhuo. Shen Yiqiu sent her two messages, but she didn't have time to reply.

When the colleague who lived next door knocked on the door and asked her to go to the restaurant, she came back to her senses, it was already night.

She asked her colleague to go first and sent a call request to Shen Yiqiu.

The phone was quickly picked up, and a happy and missed voice came, which relieved Qin Qianrou's tense nerves.

"Sister, have you had dinner yet?"

"Not yet, going to the restaurant."

"Oh, then you have to eat more, you can't just go to work."

She hooked her lips and said softly, "I won't treat myself badly. What about you, what are you doing?"

"Me? After dinner, I'm doing my homework. We have a big homework to hand in next week, accounting for 25% of the total score."

"It will be handed in next week, you can save it for the weekend to write slowly." Qin Qianrou's original intention was still not willing to let Shen Yiqiu stay up all night.

The voice on the other end of the phone suddenly became much quieter. Qin Qianrou thought it was a network operator. Just as she was about to redial, she heard Shen Yiqiu whispering, "I want to see you on the weekend."

Slightly startled, then understood.

She also misses her, Qin Qianrou can understand Shen Yiqiu's feelings very well.

"I didn't see you just now, why do you want to meet again so soon?"

"It's not! It's like every three autumns. We've been separated for a few days. It's been many autumns."

Qin Qianrou can't help laughing, today is Thursday, and they have been separated for three days.

"But not this weekend, let's change the time."

Shen Yiqiu was disappointed, and planned to surprise her sister. Now it seems that the weekend is really only homework.

"I only have one day off this week and I have an urgent job to deal with."

Qin Qianrou thought about it, and for the time being, don't tell her about He Zhuo. Shen Yiqiu's current state is very good, and she doesn't want this child to be involved in these messy things again.

Besides, how much of what He Zhuo said is true and how much is false, she still needs to verify. Even if He Zhuo claimed that he was his last hope, she did not think that a hypocritical person would wake up so thoroughly.

Inviting her to meet and exchange this information is nothing more than wanting to use her public influence and personal ability to protect Jiang Yuan for him. Only by attracting social attention can Jiang Yuan be truly safe.

In the end, it's just a field use.

Qin Qianrou was too lazy to care about He Zhuo's calculations, what she cared about was what he said. If it is true, then it is necessary for her to report it in time and announce the truth as soon as possible. We can no longer let those sanctimonious hypocrites waste national resources while making unscrupulous money behind their backs.

"Aren't you happy?" Before Shen Yiqiu could answer, Qin Qianrou's heart softened again, and her voice softened with her heart.

"No, it's just a little sad. I think it will take a few more autumns before I can see you..."

"Haha..." Qin Qianrou chuckled lightly, her voice piercing her ears, and every word scratched her heart.

Shen Yiqiu felt itchy, wishing she could hold her sister in her arms.

I really miss her breath, the feeling of holding her, and her soft and cool lips.

Shen Yiqiu blushed, but did not dare to let Qin Qianrou know her thoughts.

"But that's okay, I'll wait."

A pun meant, Qin Qianrou knew that Shen Yiqiu had not forgotten what she said, it took a little time.

I have been busy with work since I came back. Send a few messages to Shen Yiqiu every day, and only have time to chat for a while at night. There is no specific topic, even if they talk about a few ordinary things they encountered during the day, the two feel that time is flying by.

I always felt like I didn't say anything, but half an hour passed.

Every time she hangs up the phone, Shen Yiqiu is unfinished and reluctant to part.

Qin Qianrou is not the case, for them, distance may not produce beauty, but longing and concern are real.

Only separation can make her see her mind more clearly.

Qin Qianrou sighed softly in her heart: The time needed should not be long.

I failed to go to Haicheng to see Qin Qianrou this weekend, but an unexpected guest came from Haicheng.

When Wen Shaoze called Shen Yiqiu, she thought she had heard it wrong.

"Brother Shao Ze, why are you here?" Since he knew about his relationship with his sister, he called him that.

Wen Shaoze just finished the check-in procedure, and when he arrived at the room to put down his luggage, the first thing he did was ask Shen Yiqiu.

"I'm here on a business trip, by the way, to see how someone is doing."

Shen Yiqiu heard the teasing in the words, and he faltered.

Wen Shaoze originally wanted to tease Shen Yiqiu, he felt that this child was very pure and cute, and his temperament was soft, making it extra interesting to tease. But thinking of Qin Qianrou's cold expression and the way she was protecting her without a trace, she had to restrain herself and dared not make too much jokes.

"Cough cough, it's like this, I'm here to do something temporarily, Qianrou asked me to bring something for you."

Is there something for me? Although I don't know what it is, my heart has already begun to be happy.

"Where do you live? I'll go get it."

"Let's have dinner together."

Shen Yiqiu hadn't eaten alone with Wen Shaoze, and she was a little nervous when she was suddenly invited.

Perceiving her hesitation, Shao Wen added, "I'll call Xiaowan later, and I haven't seen her for a long time."

With Sister Li Wan around, it would be better. Shen Yiqiu readily agreed, looked at the time, and could stay at home for a while.

Since my sister returned to Haicheng, my uncle has not shown up much. Shen Yiqiu thought he had just moved home and was busy tidying up. But she went to see it once, and the house was empty, except for the necessary furniture, there were not too many sundries.

Because my cousin asked her to have a barbecue last time, something was wrong. Shen Yiqiu thought, was it because he was thinking about his sister all the time, and uncle Biao felt that he was left out and sad?

A little headache, Shen Yiqiu thought, send a message to Uncle Biao later to take care of him.

Li Wan drove to pick up Shen Yiqiu. After getting in the car, she found that the perfume smell on Li Wan had changed.

"Sister Li Wan, have you changed your perfume?"

Li Wan smiled and drove out of the community in reverse.

"Do you still have research on perfume?"

Shen Yiqiu touched her nose subconsciously: "I haven't done much research, but the perfume you used before was a little too stimulating."

Easy to get up and smell it from afar.

Li Wan raised her eyebrows and said nothing.

Lin Shuangzhi also inadvertently said a few days ago that although she has a hot temperament, this rich perfume does not perfectly match her true character.

Then, Li Wan changed her perfume.

Today, I feel a little satisfied. It's a pity that the team leader has something to do this weekend, or else I can take the opportunity to ask her opinion. Maybe we can go shopping together and buy perfume.

"Wen Shaoze told you the purpose of his visit this time?"

"He said he was on a business trip."

"Anything else?"

Shen Yiqiu shook her head, Li Wan looked serious.

The restaurant is not far from Wen Shaoze's hotel. The newly opened landmark high-end hotel in Mengcheng is indeed a typical successful businessman.

"Long time no see, I thought you wouldn't come to Mengcheng." Li Wan sat down and chatted casually with Wen Shaoze.

Wen Shao's expression changed slightly, but his eyes quickly turned to Shen Yiqiu.

He looked at her with a smile, and after a while took out a large and small box from the side.

Similar to a food incubator.

Li Wan and Shen Yiqiu were both stunned, not expecting that Young Master Wen would suddenly bring this out.

The always handsome and suave President Wen, his face was full of helplessness.

"I'm about to leave for the airport. Qianrou bought it and sent it over. She insisted that I bring it to Mengcheng for you."

Shen Yiqiu took the box with both hands, opened it, and found two boxes of Haicheng's most famous and time-honored brand, fresh meat mooncakes.

Haicheng people love to eat fresh meat moon cakes, not only during the Mid-Autumn Festival. Shen Yiqiu stared blankly, remembering the last time she ate small wontons with her sister, she accidentally mentioned that if it can be served with fresh meat mooncakes, it will be absolutely delicious.

There are small wontons at home, and fresh meat moon cakes, but sister, you are not by my side.

Compared to Shen Yiqiu who was immersed in emotion and a touch of regret, Li Wan opened her eyes wide, as if she couldn't believe the facts in front of her.

After confirming it several times, she asked Wen Shaoze: "Is this really what Qianrou asked you to bring?"

Wen Shao saw the shock and doubt in her eyes, and nodded helplessly: "Yes, I have to bring it. Have you ever seen such an expensive and stylish person, a meat courier? "

The fresh meat mooncakes offered by the first class cabins, it is estimated that few people can afford them.

Although Qin Qianrou didn't say anything, her actions have silently shown that Shen Yiqiu is not an ordinary person to her.

He also teased before, but now, he is carefully confirming.

Seeing his suspicion, Li Wan nodded twice.

Not to mention the age gap, this gender alone is enough to turn the Qin family upside down. The old man of the Qin family, and his own grandfather, probably would not agree easily.

Thinking of his own years, Wen Shaoze couldn't help sweating for Qin Qianrou.

He called Shen Yiqiu: "Anyway, there are two boxes, why don't we open the first one and divide it."

Wen Shao motioned to Li Wan: "Look at it, just a box of moon cakes, protect it like this."

Shen Yiqiu also felt a little embarrassed, but she was absolutely reluctant to share the moon cakes. This is my sister's intention, and she will take it home and taste it slowly.

"I'll treat you to dinner tonight, you can order whatever you want." Just don't hit me with moon cakes.

Li Wan was afraid that Young Master Wen would be joking and inappropriate, so she came forward to block Shen Yiqiu.

"I haven't been to Mengcheng for so many years. I will try the special features here tonight and have a good aftertaste."

Wen Shao looked as usual, except for the occasional emotion, there was not much sadness.

Li Wan observed him secretly, thinking, did he know the news of Yuan Qi's return to Mengcheng? This time, I suddenly came to Mengcheng. Are you really on a business trip or looking for someone?

It seems that Wen Shao doesn't know the relationship between Shen Yiqiu and Yuan Qi, otherwise, with his character, he would never be sitting here joking with her.

If you let Young Master Wen meet Yuan Qi, I don't know how many troubles it will cause.

Things in those days were very rough, Yuan Qi suddenly disappeared, and Wen Shao never came to Mengcheng again, as if the past of those years had been wiped out.

Qin Qianrou briefly talked about the situation at home, but Li Wan was an outsider after all, so she didn't ask much about emotional matters. However, the attitude of the Qin family and Wen's elders can be seen from the incident of Wen Shaoze. If Qin Qianrou wants to be with Shen Yiqiu, it must be another **** storm.

Li Wan couldn't help worrying about her friend, but she really wanted to let this relationship develop. In the vast sea of ​​people, it is not easy to meet someone you really like. Besides, Qin Qianrou has never been moved for so many years.

Only Shen Yiqiu is an exception.

Such an exception is too rare for Qin Qianrou.

She should live a normal life, not a cold robot who only knows how to work. Shen Yiqiu can give her warmth and feel the softness of life, which is very precious to Qin Qianrou.

Li Wan is devoted to her friends, and naturally hopes that this relationship will blossom and bear fruit.

In the past, she always respected such special feelings more than understanding, but when she was tempted by Lin Shuangzhi, she really understood: love really does not distinguish between genders.

The key is to meet the right person.


When I got home, I couldn't wait to take several pictures in succession, from various angles, I picked two and sent them to Qin Qianrou.

【Sister, thank you for the moon cake. 】

Qin Qianrou was probably busy and didn't get back to her after a while.

When you come next time, you can buy a few more boxes. 】

Shen Yiqiu didn't care about Qin Qianrou's pretentious blandness at all. During dinner at night, Wen Shao did a lot to imitate her sister's tone on the phone and insisted that he must bring moon cakes.

After Shen Yiqiu heard it, the corners of her mouth were almost hanging on her ears.

My sister is really good to her, she is so happy.

Whenever she thinks of Qin Qianrou's good things, Shen Yiqiu can't help swaying in her heart, and warm currents flow through her, wanting to hug her and kiss her.

【Sister, I miss you. 】

Qin Qianrou rubbed the screen lightly, wondering if she should give the same response frankly, after all, she was thinking of Shen Yiqiu the same way.

Before she could reply, she received another.

【I want to hug you, always hold you. 】

In the silent night, the heart is always extra soft, and people are the most susceptible.

Across the screen, a few simple words, catalyzed by thoughts, easily stirred Qin Qianrou's heart.

She really felt her body in the beating of her heartbeat, and she was so eager to be hugged. I miss the soft and warm embrace very much, and I am closely connected with myself, feeling each other's affection.

【Next time you come, you can do it. 】

Shen Yiqiu was stunned for a minute before she realized what sister meant by this!

[! ! 】

Next, there were several emojis that jumped to blossom.

Sister agreed to let her hug her, does that mean she accepts herself?

Shen Yiqiu suppressed her excitement and did not want to confirm this on her mobile phone.

She wants to get the answer from her sister in person, because she doesn't want to kiss her mobile phone, she just wants to kiss her beautiful and moving sister.

My body suddenly became hot and dry. I don't know if there was too much heating in the house. Shen Yiqiu felt that his face was about to smoke. Every time she thinks of her sister, the throbbing in her heart becomes stronger and stronger, and she always wants to do some intimate actions.

【Sister, I'm going to take a bath, you rest early. 】

Fleeing like a thief, but feeling too abrupt, Shen Yiqiu, who took off his coat, picked up his phone again.

【Next time I want to eat moon cakes with you. 】

[Good. Rest early after taking a shower. 】

【Good night sister. 】Sister, I love you.

Shen Yiqiu didn't dare to post that abbreviation, but after reciting it a few times in her heart, she began to feel hot again.

The author has something to say: Shen Yiqiu: moon cakes are delicious, and my sister is even better (bushi

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