MTL - Aunt Qin Save Me-Chapter 64

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Shen Yiqiu came out of the shopping mall where the dinner party was held, and did not go far. She found a good bookstore nearby, ordered a latte, and sat down by the window. It is always lively here on weekends. Fortunately, the store is not too big. Most of the customers are very self-conscious, quiet and low-key. Even if it is full, it is not comparable to the shopping mall.

Shen Yiqiu likes this kind of feeling of quietness in the middle of the commotion.

Today, she was actually trying to support her. Ever since she saw Qin Qianrou in the morning, her heart has been uneasy. He didn't dare to take the initiative to say the first sentence, he didn't dare to take the initiative to look at Qin Qianrou, and he didn't dare to get too close to her like before.

Yesterday's impulsive kiss broke the distance she carefully kept, and also revealed the love she had hidden in her heart. The elder sister didn't drive her away or blame her, but Shen Yiqiu still secretly blamed herself for being too greedy.

But she was really afraid, afraid that Qin Qianrou would detect her again, then she might really have to live in another place.

Is it really like what my uncle said, go live with him?

Just thinking about it, Shen Yiqiu shook her head. It was unbearable sadness to leave her sister.

So, she tried her best to stay at home so that she might have a chance in the future.

The book in her hand was accidentally found in her sister's bookcase when she was cleaning the house a while ago. She was initially attracted by the bunch of flowers, and she was very happy and surprised that her sister kept them so well.

When she got close, she glanced through the glass carefully, only to find that Qin Qianrou's bookcase contained a whole set of books by this author. Coincidentally, Shen Yiqiu's mother also likes it. But she was too young at the time to understand this kind of book.

Mother Shen never forced Shen Yiqiu. She would urge her daughter to develop good reading habits, but she would never make a list and force her to read. Shen Yiqiu grew up in an atmosphere of love and tolerance since she was a child, so her character is also soft and firm, not extreme, but she will never give up easily.

Unexpectedly, my sister likes to watch this too.

Shen Yiqiu looked down at the book in her hand, thinking that her mother once said that this writer's viewpoints and thinking are very special, but the subject matter is not pleasing, even cold, and is not popular with the general audience sought after. Only those who have enough experience and are persistent enough about themselves will find such a book very attractive and unforgettable.

Shen Yiqiu tried to read it in the past, and it was indeed a bit obscure. She was only fourteen years old at the time, too young to understand many things.

The tiredness slowly subsided after a cup of coffee, and after reading most of the book, Shen Yiqiu turned his neck and looked out the window.

A familiar figure that made her tremble suddenly flashed in front of her eyes, Shen Yiqiu opened her eyes wide to confirm again, it really was Shao Qidong.

I haven't seen him for a while, but Shen Yiqiu will not forget this person and the hurt he has caused her. She waited patiently, and never gave up to reveal the true face of this hypocrite.

Shen Yiqiu returned the book, quickly walked out of the bookstore, and walked in the direction of Shao Qidong.

She didn't miss it just now, Shao Qidong didn't come out to spend the weekend alone. There were two middle-aged people beside him, who looked older than him, and the three of them walked and talked.

Shen Yiqiu did not dare to get too close, for fear of being discovered by him. Although Shao Qidong has nothing to restrain her now, Shao Qidong has not really given up his coveting of the Shen family. The reason why she donated those patents that had already achieved preliminary results was to realize her father's last wish to benefit the society, and secondly to break Shao Qidong's greed.

But Father Shen has other studies that are deeper and more valuable. Shen Yiqiu didn't know what those were for the time being, but she would never forget the countless times she was questioned when she was oppressed and coerced by Shao Qidong in her previous life.

At that time, she often wondered, what did Dad leave behind?

After so far away just now, Shen Yiqiu still had a bad feeling after seeing Shao Qidong. That kind of heartache has not appeared for a long time. She once thought that her life was about to return to peace, and she would not experience unbelievable accidents again.

Unexpectedly, it appeared again today.

The stinging pain was very short-lived. Unlike the past, there was no picture this time, just a moment of discomfort. Shen Yiqiu didn't dare to be careless, she knew Shao Qidong's ability and despicableness, and she couldn't take any abnormality lightly.

Unexpectedly, Shao Qidong and his party went to the mall she just came out of. Shen Yiqiu still followed in, seeing them entering the sightseeing elevator, and I don't know which floor they went to.

Shen Yiqiu calmly thought about it for a while, and first excluded the two floors where women's clothing and sports brands were concentrated. Obviously, Shao Qidong would not invite them to buy clothes together, so the men's clothing floor could also be excluded.

Three middle-aged men watching a movie? Thinking about it, I feel that the picture is scary, and the top floor is also excluded.

Electric and toys? no way.

KTV? A bit outdated. Even if they want to talk business, they should go to the nightclub or business club of the independent store, not the place where the hourly price is discounted.

The rest is the floor where they had dinner together before. There are about 30 restaurants on two floors.

The scope is narrow and hard to find. Once guests enter the restaurant, especially the one with private rooms, people outside can hardly see it.

Shen Yiqiu was a little dejected, and followed him all the way here, but he still lost it.

"Shen Yiqiu?" Someone called her from behind, and the familiar aroma was from far to near.

She turned around and saw Li Wan and Lin Shuangzhi walking towards her.

"Why are you back?" Li Wan was very surprised, and asked tentatively, "Or are you actually in the mall?"

"No, I just went to the bookstore." She hesitated to say what she had just seen.

In fact, except for Shao Qidong, she doesn't know the other two people, but she looks familiar, as if they've met them somewhere. What impresses her is not the face, but their distinctive beer belly and the clothes they love to wear.

A middle-aged uncle with a plump belly, who prefers purple clothes, there are purple shirts, ties, jackets, and even purple scarves. The other is that no matter any season, you have to have a shiny and docile hairstyle, and then a half-sized beer belly is a bit funny.

The person who explained and described it was Li Wan. Shen Yiqiu had seen it in the photos of Li Wan's circle of friends, and it was from the TV station.

Shao Qidong likes touting him in the media, but Dongsheng has a special public relations department, and he wants to get so close to the people from the TV station in private, definitely not because of the reports on weekdays.

Shen Yiqiu became suspicious, but she couldn't be careless about anything that had anything to do with Qin Qianrou.

"We just finished watching the movie and I'm a little hungry. Why don't we have afternoon tea together?"

Lin Shuangzhi silently glanced at the time beside him, the time was right.

"Yeah, after afternoon tea, Qianrou's business is almost done, you can go home for dinner." Lin Shuangzhi also spoke, it seems that the movie just let her The mood with Li Wan is very good.

Shen Yiqiu was still thinking about Shao Qidong, and didn't have the heart to drink tea.

"Sister Li Wan, I just saw Shao Qidong and followed him all the way."

"Shao Qidong? Is he still bothering you?" Li Wan remembered what happened in the hospital before, and Qin Qianrou mentioned it to her.

"He didn't see me. There were two people around him. I felt a little familiar, like people from your TV station."

Li Wan and Lin Shuangzhi looked at each other with surprise.

"Can you show me your Moments again?"

Li Wan set it to be visible for three days. Those photos were posted a long time ago, and they are no longer visible.

Li Wan handed over the phone, thinking it was too slow.

"You describe their characteristics to me, it's too slow to go through the circle of friends one by one."

Li Wan thought that people who can impress Shen Yiqiu must have distinctive features, either too good-looking or too ugly.

Therefore, Shen Yiqiu repeated what Li Wan had said about the two, and Lin Shuangzhi held back a smile.

"Xiao Wan, if Deputy Ding and Director Yu knew that you said that to them, they would not be in a good mood."

Li Wan gave her a false look, and said, "I'm right, you dare to say that those are not facts?"

Li Wan quickly pulled out a photo of the two from her mobile phone, pointed and asked Shen Yiqiu: "Look, is it them?"

Shen Yiqiu was sure that it was them.

Lin Shuangzhi put away his smile, Li Wan stopped joking, and both of them became serious.

Shen Yiqiu noticed the change in the atmosphere and guessed that it was not easy for Shao Qidong to contact them.

"Is there something wrong?"

Before Li Wan could speak, Lin Shuang said first: "Recently, Dongsheng spent a large amount of advertising and publicity expenses on the TV station, saying that it wants to expand the influence of publicity, so many people in the TV station put Dongsheng Be the Savior, the World, and the Lord."

When Shen Yiqiu heard it, it was a business matter, so she relaxed a little.

Lin Shuangzhi went on to say: "Shao Qidong probably wanted to take this opportunity to get closer to the people in Taiwan. If there is any negative news about Dongsheng in the future, it can be suppressed as soon as possible."

This is a common practice of many large enterprises. It is disgusting but helpless to spend money to delete messages.

Li Wan looked at Lin Shuangzhi with a little doubt, but stopped talking.

Lin Shuangzhi stroked her shoulder and shook her head.

"Xiao Wan and I suddenly remembered that we have something to do. We may have to invite you to the afternoon tea next time."

Shen Yiqiu didn't want to go in the first place, but when she heard it now, she couldn't even ask for it.

"Then I'll go back first."

Lin Shuangzhi stopped her: "Wait a minute."

She turned her head and said to Li Wan, "Xiao Wan, you can call Qianrou and ask her to pick up the child and go home."

Shen Yiqiu was confused, why did she ask her sister to come?

This is the city center, it is actually very convenient to go home, and there is no security risk.

Li Wan took a few steps away, said a few words to the person on the other end of the phone, and then walked back.

"Qianrou said that her side is over, come over immediately."

Shen Yiqiu was a little conflicted, of course she was happy when her sister came to pick her up. But I felt that it was too hard for my sister, she obviously wanted to take good care of her sister.

"Shen Yiqiu, don't think too much about Shao Qidong when you go back, just enjoy the weekend." Li Wan pulled her to him, "Remember to cherish the time with Qianrou, don't waste it !"

Qin Qianrou came quickly, but did not enter the mall.

"Shen Yiqiu, I'm on the roadside opposite the subway entrance, come here."

When Shen Yiqiu left, the ease on Li Wan's face disappeared.

"Leader, shall we wait here?"

Lin Shuangzhi shook his head: "I don't know where they went, it's just a waste of time to wait here. There are rumors in the platform recently, and it seems that Dongsheng also wants to intervene."

Li Wan thought to herself, today's date seems to end early. According to the team leader's usual workaholic style, will he ask her to work overtime together?

"I want to go for a drink, are you interested?"

? ? ?

Why is the team leader going to drink again? Li Wan finally reacted this time. Lin Shuangzhi seemed to be in a bad mood every time she encountered Shao Qidong.

"You're going to drink before it gets dark? Besides, how can you drive after drinking?"

"Aren't you still there?"

Li Wan was discouraged, she really had no resistance to the gentleness of the team leader, she said what she said.


"Sister, have you waited for a long time?"

"No, I just arrived." Qin Qianrou only looked at Shen Yiqiu when she opened the door, and when she sat in and fastened her seat belt, she always looked ahead during the process .

Shen Yiqiu sat down and waited for her to drive, but Qin Qianrou was slow to start.

"Walk slowly in the future, pay attention to safety."

Shen Yiqiu was in the fog, what did her sister suddenly say?

Qin Qianrou's ears were a little hot, and she tried to make her words clearer: "Don't be afraid that I will always run over after waiting for a long time. There are so many vehicles coming and going, it's better to be careful."

Oh, so my sister cares about her safety.

"Okay, I'll pay attention later."

Qin Qianrou then drove out the car, the twilight fell little by little, Shen Yiqiu held her hands and looked out the window. The attitude of my sister just now seemed to be different from that of the lunch time, but she couldn't find any change.

I wanted to talk to Qin Qianrou, but I was afraid to upset my sister, so I could only keep silent.

Qin Qianrou suddenly turned on the car music. Usually she prefers to listen to the radio, but today the car was very quiet.

Qin Qianrou prefers old songs from Hong Kong and Taiwan. Shen Yiqiu has secretly paid attention to her playlists, all of which are singers she is familiar with but does not really know.

She also searched and listened to these songs on the Internet. It is not the same as the popular songs that are now on the rise. Most of Qin Qianrou's favorite songs are soothing love songs, and some of them are quite sad.

"Sister, you seem to like this singer very much."

"Yes, I basically grew up listening to her songs in my student days."

"I have watched her variety show. She is a tutor and teaches students to sing, and I like her very much." Shen Yiqiu was looking for a common topic, and it was the singer.

Qin Qianrou doesn't have time to follow that variety show. In comparison, she prefers her pure singing in the past.

"She hasn't released a new song for many years. I was surprised to hear that she recorded a variety show, but fortunately, the word of mouth is not bad."

The singing in the car was still reverberating, but Shen Yiqiu felt that the lyrics were still sad.

"I believe that you are just afraid of hurting me, not lying to me. Who would be willing to love..."

Shen Yiqiu listened and couldn't help thinking, if my dream wakes up, what will be left?

Qin Qianrou drove her car into the community, did not drive home directly, but went around the supermarket.

"Suddenly want to eat sweet and sour pork ribs, let's go buy some."

Shen Yiqiu pulled away from the sadness and got out of the car. She prepared a lot of ingredients at home, but it was rare for her sister to take the initiative to ask for it, so she naturally tried her best to satisfy it.

When she walked to the meat section, Qin Qianrou earnestly swept around the counter, but was a little dejected: "I'm not very good at picking."

Shen Yiqiu volunteered and quickly selected a suitable one from a pile of spare ribs.

Please help the master to fix it, bag it and go home.

"The time is a little short, but it should be in time." Shen Yiqiu held the bag in one hand and counted the time.

When she got home, Shen Yiqiu quickly changed her clothes and plunged into the kitchen.

After a while, the familiar and heartwarming sound came from the kitchen. It was the soundtrack of someone preparing food for her, and it was enough to tug at her heart every time.

Back in the living room, Qin Qianrou drank water and remembered what Rong Fei said.

The so-called most effective verification method is naturally inappropriate, but after the joke, Rong Fei also gave suggestions. Let her try to face her true thoughts, try to get close to Shen Yiqiu, and see if her heart is willing or unwilling to accept this feeling.

After silently taking a few deep breaths, Qin Qianrou put down the cup, got up and walked to the kitchen.

Shen Yiqiu heard her footsteps and knew who it was without looking back.

"Sister, if you're hungry, would you like some biscuits first?"

Qin Qianrou's footsteps got closer and closer until she stopped behind her.

Shen Yiqiu's busy movements gradually slowed down, and she was even a little stiff. But she didn't dare to turn around, and she didn't even dare to speak.

The atmosphere in the kitchen was about to enter a stage of strange silence, but Qin Qianrou took the initiative to say: "I'll do it with you."

Shen Yiqiu was surprised, my sister is not someone who just sits and waits for food, she also tried hard. However, some people really lack talent in cooking, and Qin Qianrou is a typical example.

Reporter Qin Da, who was like a duck to water in the TV station, was a complete rookie in the kitchen. After so many years of living alone, she is still a strong woman who is only good at cooking pasta and semi-finished products.

Qin Qianrou still did not change her attitude, but her hand on the cooking table trembled faintly.

She forced herself to remain calm and insisted: "Sweet and sour pork ribs is what I asked for, how can I make you work hard alone. In short, I also want to participate, otherwise I won't feel it when I eat it. Very delicious."

It was probably the first time that Qin Qianrou felt that she was making unreasonable demands.

The weaker her breath, the more attractive she is.

Shen Yiqiu's chest heaved up and down a few times, and after finally pressing it down, she dared to turn around and look at her.

Qin Qianrou stood very close to her, almost touching their faces.

"Then, then you help me by the side. Stand behind me when you lift the oil pan, okay?"

Qin Qianrou was moved, even if it was such a small thing as cooking, Shen Yiqiu still thought about how to protect her.

The expression in her eyes became gentle. Although she was not quite used to such a distance, Qin Qianrou really did not want to stay away from her as before.

It turns out that listening to your heart is so happy.

She curved her lips, but her tone was still the same as usual: "Yes, Chef Shen."

My sister was joking with her? Shen Yiqiu was startled, but very happy.

This at least shows that my sister doesn't hate to continue to get along with her, and she can continue to cook for her.

This is good, really good.

When the oil pan was lifted, Shen Yiqiu, as she said, grabbed Qin Qianrou and pushed her gently behind her. As the oil temperature rose, the ribs crackled after they were placed in the pan, and Shen Yiqiu had already completely blocked her.

Qin Qianrou felt that she had changed a bit, and it was easy to dissolve in this not romantic but warm enough environment. The hardness in the bottom of my heart was cut open by Shen Yiqiu's thoughtfulness and tenderness everywhere, and then it spread freely, until this moment, it was almost completely disintegrated.

In the first instant, I felt that my waist was very thin. Then, it was confirmed that the child was thin.

When she reacted, Qin Qianrou's hand had already loosened, from her waist to resting on her shoulders.

"It turns out that the ribs have to be fried like this to taste good."

Shen Yiqiu thought it was her illusion, she always felt a little itchy in her waist just now, but now that her sister was talking in her ear, her heart was also itchy.

"I learned it online."

"I also often see people sharing recipes online, but they always fail."

Hearing Qin Qianrou's rare childish side, Shen Yiqiu smiled and comforted her: "It doesn't matter, your energy and time shouldn't be spent on this, just have me."

Qin Qianrou gave her a deep look, and Shen Yiqiu seemed to realize that her last sentence was a bit ambiguous.

For fear of embarrassing her sister again, and even more afraid of seeing the helplessness and resistance in her sister's eyes, Shen Yiqiu stared at the pot and did not dare to turn her head, and the smile at the corner of her mouth froze there.

After a while, Qin Qianrou sighed softly and pushed her: "It should be ready soon, hurry up and pour it out."

For a while, I was in a hurry, but luckily I didn't over fry, otherwise my sister would not have eaten spare ribs.

The author has something to say: Explanation: The lyrics in the text "I believe that you are just afraid of hurting me, not lying to me. Who would be willing to love it..." from Stefanie Sun's "Begin to Understand"

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