MTL - Aunt Qin Save Me-Chapter 56

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Shen Yiqiu kept going back and forth beside her, and she didn't care what she was busy with.

When she officially put down the chopsticks, Shen Yiqiu just took a cup of warm water and put it in her hand.

"It's not hot, you can drink a little."

Qin Qianrou looked at her weakly, and said softly, "Half a bowl of water is enough for rice."

Qin Qianrou couldn't resist her, so she had to pick up the cup and drink two or three symbolic sips, Shen Yiqiu had already cleaned up the table quickly.

"You sit for a while, and then go back to your room to sleep after taking the medicine."

Qin Qianrou thought to herself that she was only slightly ill, but Shen Yiqiu seemed to be facing a formidable enemy, so nervous.

When she woke up in the morning and found that she was not in a good physical condition, she immediately sent a message to Li Wan and Lin Shuangzhi to explain the situation. The group has been very busy recently, and she felt a little guilty about asking for leave, but she told her rationally that insisting on going to work would hurt others.

The team leader and Li Wan of course also cared about her very much, and repeatedly told her to take a good rest and not come to work in a hurry. But no one is like Shen Yiqiu, her lips are pressed tightly almost all the time, and when she looks at her, her expression is so serious that Qin Qianrou doesn't dare to joke with her.

After half an hour, Qin Qianrou found that her symptoms had worsened and her head became even more dizzy. She supported the table and stood up to go back to the room, a pair of gentle and strong hands supported her.

"Take the medicine first." Shen Yiqiu hugged her, made her lean on him, and took the antipyretic medicine on the table with the other hand.

I don't know when the water in the cup was replaced by a new one. The temperature is still the same as when I first got it. It is warm and not hot, and the entrance is just right.

After taking the medicine, Qin Qianrou broke away from her embrace and did not look at Shen Yiqiu. She walked slowly to the room: "I'm going back to sleep, you can hurry up and study after you pack up."

Shen Yiqiu followed uneasy, Qin Qianrou lay down, and she followed to the bed with a worried look on her face.

Shen Yiqiu bent over to cover the quilt tightly for her, even the gaps were flattened and wrapped. In fact, the temperature in the room was not low, but she still carefully checked everything.

"I'm really worried that you're sick."

Her eyes were focused and her words were sincere, which scorched Qin Qianrou's heart.

For a while, she couldn't tell whether the sudden rise in body temperature was due to a fever or a hot heart.

Qin Qianrou took the opportunity to turn over to avoid Shen Yiqiu's sight, and seemed to be getting more and more dizzy. This time the disease was more serious than she thought. It is estimated that the cold last night was just an incentive. The key is to be too tired from work recently. It is easy to get sick at the change of seasons, and Qin Qianrou has been working overtime for a long time, and her iron body can't bear it.

The effect of the medicine came up. I had a pad of rice before, and my stomach was very comfortable. In a daze, Qin Qianrou heard the sound of footsteps leaving, and then the door closed softly.

I don't know how long it took, Qin Qianrou's door was pushed open again, Shen Yiqiu walked to her bed softly, and firstly checked whether her quilt was still tight. Seeing that the person who was sleeping well was sleeping peacefully at this time, Shen Yiqiu finally felt a little relaxed.

My sister looked so haggard after being sick, and her usual shrewd and capable aura suddenly weakened. She slept here, her face still a little red, like a sleeping noble princess. Shen Yiqiu couldn't make a mistake, even Qin Qianrou, who was asleep, could **** all her attention away.

For fear of disturbing her, Shen Yiqiu squatted beside the bed and did not dare to sit up. Just stared blankly for a while, and a flame seemed to surge in her heart, urging her to get closer, and then get closer.

Distressed and heartbroken, Qin Qianrou is a special existence to her. Shen Yiqiu knew that this was wrong, but still couldn't help being attracted. Until her face was almost on her sister's face, she didn't dare to breathe, she just looked at her quietly like this.

Finally, she got a little closer. When she was almost unable to breathe, she trembled and landed a kiss so soft that it couldn't be softer on Qin Qianrou's cheek. This is the first time she has kissed her sister, with full of distress and pity, wishing she could get sick for her and feel uncomfortable for her.

The moment her lips touched Qin Qianrou's cheek, Shen Yiqiu was dumbfounded, and several rays of light flashed in her mind, as if she was frozen in an instant. The tremors of the whole body intensified, and her breathing was almost completely uncontrollable. She suddenly stepped back and dared to breathe as usual.

After a little aftertaste, she went to see Qin Qianrou with a guilty conscience. My sister was still sleeping, and she didn't seem to feel her approach or kiss. Everything that happened just now was like her wishful thinking, a one-man show.

But even so, Shen Yiqiu was still satisfied. Such a kiss still touched her heart for her.

It turns out that this is the feeling of kissing a sweetheart. No wonder Mom and Dad always hug and kiss when she is not paying attention. She peeked a few times occasionally, but she didn't feel much other than envy and curiosity.

Now she understands.

After the joy and excitement, Shen Yiqiu was even more reluctant to leave. In the kitchen, porridge was slowly simmering, ready to serve Qin Qianrou a bowl to eat when she woke up. When you are sick, you must have a bad appetite, but my sister will be weaker if she doesn't eat.

Shen Yiqiu was more relaxed than usual when facing Qin Qianrou who was asleep. Without her sister's exploration and attention, she could blatantly go crazy. The more I look at it, the more I like it, and the more I think about it, but I am not satisfied with kissing the cheek.

Shen Yiqiu approached again, calmer than last time, but still nervous.

This time, her eyes stayed on Qin Qianrou's lips for a long time, which was less moist than usual, but it did not damage its temptation. When you fall in love with someone, you can't help but want to get close to her, then touch her, and want to be with her forever.

Shen Yiqiu really wanted to kiss her sister's lips and pass on her full of love, but she didn't dare. She was afraid that her sister would be angry, disgusted, and would ignore her again.

The overflowing passion, accompanied by her pious and slightly trembling movements, landed on Qin Qianrou's lips. It was only a little bit before his lips could touch, but Shen Yiqiu didn't move.

Only this time, Shen Yiqiu felt that her land was gone.

Such a kiss, she dare not ask for more.

Shen Yiqiu widened her eyes and froze there, inexperienced she forgot to move, her heart was beating like thunder, for fear that her sister would wake up and find that she was doing something bad. But her heart does not regret it.

She loves her sister, so she wants to be close to her.

Reluctantly, Shen Yiqiu ended this hasty and memorable kiss. Subconsciously licking his lips, he tasted a little sweetness. The delicate and silky touch in my brain can't be worn away no matter what.

People who were still reminiscing suddenly heard a soft moan, and were really startled. Qin Qianrou seemed to be about to wake up. Compared with the quiet sleeping beauty just now, she was much more lively and agile. However, she still closed her eyes.

Shen Yiqiujing waited for her to open her eyes, but Qin Qianrou just turned over and turned her back to Shen Yiqiu, as if she fell into a deep sleep again.

Shen Yiqiu laughed at herself for being timid. She stood up slowly, and made Qin Qianrou's quilt with gentle movements that she could barely feel. I touched the cup on the bedside table again, the water temperature was ok, so I left with confidence.

The door closed and the man on the bed opened his eyes.

When Shen Yiqiu came in, she actually woke up, but she was completely weak, and just woke up with a dizzy mind, she simply continued to lie down with her eyes closed.

However, the child kissed her unexpectedly.

One time doesn't count, it's a second time.

If the first kiss was unexpected and unavoidable, then the second kiss really made her panic.

She could feel Shen Yiqiu's slightly chaotic aura, as well as the strong presence of that person when he approached. She thought her feelings and her kisses were all silent, but Qin Qianrou actually knew it.

It's just that she can't respond to her, or even avoid it, it can't be too obvious.

Qin Qianrou closed her eyes, but she clearly felt where Shen Yiqiu's eyes were lingering. Her cheeks and her lips gradually warmed up because of the affectionate gaze, but Shen Yiqiu didn't know it at the time.

until that kiss, which finally landed on the lips. Qin Qianrou heaved a sigh of relief, but felt inexplicably melancholy.

If it goes on like this, she may not be able to pretend. As a last resort, I had to turn over and no longer give her a chance to sneak attack.

But when Shen Yiqiu covered her back with the quilt, when she repeatedly confirmed all the details before leaving, Qin Qianrou's heart lost the slightest anger of being stolen, only Endless tangle.

No more doubts, Shen Yiqiu used two very jerky but sincere kisses to clarify her mind. Qin Qianrou's conjecture was confirmed, the child really liked her.

It is the kind of like with admiration, the kind of like with desire and desire, the kind of like that she should avoid and correct.

The effect of the drug gradually faded, but the sleepiness remained. Qin Qianrou didn't think about how to face Shen Yiqiu, so she simply continued to sleep in this dim environment.

Shen Yiqiu didn't know that everything she had just done had been noticed, and she was still in the aftermath of excitement. She is not a pure-hearted child who doesn't understand anything. Even if she goes to college, even if she doesn't experience it herself, there is no one who doesn't say this to the classmates around her.

But she also thinks that she is very traditional, likes her sister, and kisses her sister, of course she is responsible. Shen Yiqiu had already made up her mind to pursue Qin Qianrou seriously, but she was still worried about the impulse just now.

Fortunately, my sister doesn't know, so I can't just steal my sister like this in the future.

Yes, you can’t steal a kiss, if you want a kiss, you must kiss it openly!

Shen Yiqiu lifted the lid of the casserole and slowly stirred the fragrant porridge, warming her heart gradually. Thinking that one day in the future, my sister will become her girlfriend, she will cook a lot of delicious food for her, she will hug her to make her less hard, she will kiss her every day, and she will always love her like this.

Just thinking about it is enough to make your heart sway. Shen Yiqiu felt that the love in his heart grew from the bud in an instant, and almost rose from the ground, and no one could stop it.

Just a simple kiss can convince Shen Yiqiu that she really likes Qin Qianrou to have such a heartfelt urge.


Qin Qianrou rested at home for three days, and went to the TV station just in time for her illness. Shen Yiqiu was driven back to class by her the next day, and she was not allowed to stay at home. Knowing that her sister was for her own good, she was still very worried, so she sent several messages in one day, but Qin Qianrou only replied one at noon and one in the afternoon.

The content is so concise that it seems to be a password: I'm fine, don't read.

After recovering from her illness, Qin Qianrou is still busy. She will still pick up Shen Yiqiu from school, but instead of taking her work home, she will take her home and return to the stage by herself. It was as if Shen Yiqiu was like a primary school student and had to be picked up by his parents.

"Sister, if you can't leave from work, you don't have to come to pick me up." Shen Yiqiu didn't quite understand Qin Qianrou's arrangement. Since she didn't end her work, why did she come out halfway? Woolen cloth.

Qin Qianrou looked ahead and focused on driving, hesitating for Shen Yiqiu's proposal.

"Wait a while before you go home."

Why the time? Shen Yiqiu didn't understand even more.

Qin Qianrou clenched the steering wheel tightly, rubbed the leather case with her thin fingers, and said after a while, "I'm going on a business trip in a while."


"Where are you going?"

"Sea City."

Shen Yiqiu heard that she was going to Haicheng, her emotions were a bit complicated, and she didn't think too much.

to the big one.

Qin Qianrou didn't look at her at all, and said lightly, "I'll stay longer this time."

"How long was that?" Shen Yiqiu thought, her sister probably won't be able to come back to eat for more than half a month.

In fact, after she got better, my sister didn't come back for dinner very often, but they could still be together on weekends.

Qin Qianrou didn't answer immediately, the car was so silent for a while that only breathing could be heard.

"Three months."

Huh? three months?

Shen Yiqiu blinked, wanting to make sure she heard it wrong.

Qin Qianrou's words made her no longer doubt, she did not hear it wrong.

Sister said: "This time, the national local TV station selected outstanding business backbones for centralized training. Whether it is for the improvement of business capabilities or the expansion of human resources, it is a rare opportunity. I didn’t go for work reasons, and I don’t want to waste this opportunity this year.”

Business capabilities and human resources all sound like essential factors for promotion, but Qin Qianrou has always taken these things lightly. She has extraordinary strength in business ability, and she has never been short of contacts.

So she pushed the first few chances. But this time, she wanted to go.

Shen Yiqiu was speechless and didn't know what to say. It would probably take some time to digest the news silently.

She gently pulled the cover on the seat, sliding her fingers back and forth unconsciously, but couldn't say a word.

"You should move to Xiaowan's place when I'm on a business trip, so that I can take care of you." Qin Qianrou seemed to have made arrangements, and added, "If you feel restrained, you can You can go to Rong Fei. She is the only one in her family, just like me here. "

Not the same! How could Rong Fei's place be the same as yours?

Shen Yiqiu was so wronged that she didn't know what to say, she cried out in her heart but didn't dare to say it. My sister's house is unlike any other place.

Seeing that Shen Yiqiu was silent, Qin Qianrou's hand tightened on the steering wheel, but her tone remained calm.

"What? Don't want to go or do you...have other options?"

Shen Yiqiu shook her head and whispered, "I don't want to go anywhere, I still want to stay at home."

Home, for the current Shen Yiqiu, the house with Qin Qianrou is more like her home.

It was Qin Qianrou's turn to be silent. The road home from Mengda became congested. There are always countless red lights lit at every intersection, and even the best-tempered driver can't help but feel upset at this time.

Qin Qianrou's heart gradually filled with anxiety.

The two did not speak until the car drove into the community.

Shen Yiqiu opened the door to get out of the car, Qin Qianrou sighed slightly: "If you want to stay here, then stay."

Shen Yiqiu paused, then smiled back at her, and said, "Thank you sister, then I'll go back first."

Then Shen Yiqiu got out of the car quickly, and waved at her again when he went around the front of the car. But Qin Qianrou could see clearly, the forced smile on her face.

It wasn't until Shen Yiqiu disappeared at the entrance of the corridor that Qin Qianrou turned the car back to the stage. Her recent working hours have been adjusted like this, and everyone is used to it. But no one knew that her efficiency after going back was actually not high.

Shen Yiqiu walked into the corridor and changed her face, her stiff smile disappeared, her eyes were slightly red, as if she had endured for a long time. Qin Qianrou was suddenly going on a business trip for three months, and she didn't disclose it at all before, but now she just informed her.

She also made arrangements for her future residence, which shows that this business trip is not a sudden task. My sister must have known it long ago, but she didn't say anything.

Shen Yiqiu lost his soul, mechanically pressed the elevator to go home, dropped his schoolbag and slumped on the sofa, as if he had lost his backbone.

She sat there in a daze, but her heart sank little by little. Until later, she almost bit her lip.

She thought, maybe her sister knew what she was thinking, so she avoided her.


Qin Qianrou answered Li Wan's call as soon as she came out of the parking lot, and at a glance, she could guess the purpose of the call.

"Qianrou, are you here yet? The team leader and I are about to order takeout. What do you want to eat today?"

There are a lot of people who have worked overtime recently, but the three of them are the ones who are consistent and stable. So capable and beautiful and so hard, it's really not admirable. It is really enviable to follow such a leader.

Many people from other departments began to get close to colleagues in the group in private, thinking about whether they could let Lin Shuangzhi relax, and asked a few people to come over.

Unfortunately, Team Leader Lin always prefers to lack rather than waste, and this kind of favor cannot be sold.

Qin Qianrou has been recalling the back of Shen Yiqiu after getting out of the car, and she has no appetite: "Whatever, you call the shots."

Li Wan complained softly: "Every day is casual, I really want to have this kind of casual dish. I don't know how Shen Yiqiu serves you, she can really handle your casual master. "

Qin Qianrou felt bad when she heard Shen Yiqiu mentioned.

The decision to take the initiative to apply for a business trip for training was a decision that surprised both Lin Shuangzhi and Li Wan. She also made a decision after weighing it over and over again. The happiest one is Wen Yirong. Not only did her daughter not resist returning to Haicheng, but she was willing to stay for three months, which was impossible in the past. Even if it was because of her work, it was enough to show that in Qin Qianrou's heart, she was no longer so resistant to Haicheng.

It seems that it will be a matter of time for her daughter to be transferred back.

Qin Qianrou actually knew that Shen Yiqiu would prefer to stay at her house, but when she said it herself, she still felt different.

She was a little conflicted, she wanted her to continue living, but she was worried that she would go out to meet Yuan.

During this time, Qin Qianrou was in charge of picking her up and would arrive ten minutes earlier. She had observed that she never saw the man again outside the school gate. Sometimes she wondered if Shen Yiqiu had made her mind clear, so she broke up with that man?

The answer is self-evident.

Qin Qianrou is happy but has new worries. It seems that Shen Yiqiu likes her, and it is not a good choice.

Li Wan is very reluctant to leave her friend for three months, but Qin Qianrou has had too many opportunities to refuse in these years. . Reasonable, she shouldn't stop her, but she still worries about going to Haicheng.

Qin Qianrou knew that the people around her didn't understand her decision, but she couldn't say it, and couldn't say it.

Emotional matters have always been difficult to explain, let alone her complicated relationship with Shen Yiqiu.

But the news that reporter Qin Da was going to Haicheng for training still spread like wildfire. Colleagues in the stage discussed privately, saying that Qin Qianrou had been dormant for too long, and this time she was finally going to climb up. Others said that it was because Dongsheng's project was suppressed that she was very unwilling, so she decided to seek external support to put pressure on Taili.

What's even more exaggerated is that Qin Qianrou was pursued by a super rich second-generation in Haicheng, and took advantage of the job opportunity to go to Haicheng to date and fall in love. Maybe when the relationship is stable, I will apply for a transfer order or resign when I come back.

The more it spreads, the more lemony it gets. Li Wan often relayed these nonsense to Qin Qianrou in the office, only to be consistently ignored by the client.

"I said Qianrou, you really don't care about these rumors? It was quite true at first, but now it's getting more and more exaggerated."

The time of the business trip is getting closer and closer, and Qin Qianrou's heart is getting more and more disturbed.

When she comes home every day, looking at the midnight snack on the table, and the room where the lights are still on, she cannot move. Several times, she wanted to talk to Shen Yiqiu, but she didn't know how to speak.

In the past two days, it seems that Shen Yiqiu is avoiding her a bit.

Meet each other in the morning, just say hello, talk about topics that we talk about every day, and then finish breakfast in silence. After school in the afternoon, Shen Yiqiu would still trot over, panting slightly after getting in the car, but unlike in the past, he smiled shyly and said, "Sister, I really miss you today."

That's right)

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