MTL - Aunt Qin Save Me-Chapter 54

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The group held another day of meetings. Recently, there has been a major adjustment in the table, and many businesses have been re-split and combined. Many departments are panicking, for fear that the business in their hands will be adjusted or they will be optimized.

Only Lin Shuangzhi's team members were calm as usual, the only complaint was that they worked too much overtime and vomited from the takeaway.

"Team leader, can I go home early today? I almost forgot the color of my bed sheets."

"Team leader, I'm really tired of taking out food, give me a chance to go home and soothe my stomach and tongue."

Lin Shuangzhi smiled helplessly: "You guys, one by one, look forward to getting off work. As a colleague from another department, I can't wait to live in Taiwan during this time."

The business volume of other departments is decreasing year by year, so there will be more idlers. Until the Taili has to optimize the structure, they all ask for performance. The scenery here is different, and it is a very unique existence in Taili. It is said that it is a group, but its status and independence are not inferior to the department level. Even the station leaders in charge are quite polite to Lin Shuangzhi.

The people in the group are not simple, the backbone of the business, the well-known reporters, the mayor's daughter, all backgrounds and talents come together, but none of them are fish in troubled waters.

The leaders of Taili appreciated this very much, and paid more attention to Lin Shuangzhi, and almost always took her with them when reporting to the superiors. As a result, she has more and more meetings and the tragic fate of working overtime later and later.

Having said that, Lin Shuangzhi also knew that everyone was really tired after a week of extra shifts. Relaxation can improve work efficiency, and it is not a good thing to blindly extend working hours.

She glanced at the progress of the work, waved her hand, and let it go.

Li Wan was still in Qin Qianrou's office to discuss the next work arrangement with her. Dongsheng's program was stubbornly suppressed, so they had to do other things first. Helpless, there are more and more social monsters, and without Dongsheng, their shows are not lacking in protagonists.

"Qianrou, let's clean up too." Looking back, seeing that all the colleagues outside had dispersed, Li Wan also suspended work.

Qin Qianrou glanced at the time, half an hour earlier than she expected.

"Okay, I'll be here today."

Li Wan asked her casually, "Do you have any plans for tonight? If not, let's go to dinner together. I haven't chatted with you for a long time."

Qin Qianrou lowered her eyes to sort out the information on the desktop, and when she heard Li Wan's trying to hide it, she knew that she must have something new to complain about. The target is Lin Shuangzhi.

"Unfortunately, I have an appointment tonight."

Li Wan was surprised, the degree of surprise was more exaggerated than hearing Lin Shuangzhi make an appointment.

"You actually went on a date quietly behind my back." She paused for a while, and leaned on the table halfway gossip, "Tell me! Who is so attractive, who can date To the beautiful Qin who is willing to make an appointment after working overtime in a row."

Qin Qianrou glared at her angrily, ignoring her earnestness.

She picked up her backpack, bypassed Li Wan, and walked straight to the hanger.

Li Wan would not let it go easily, the more Qin Qianrou didn't say anything, the more suspicious she became. If there is nothing special, Qin Qianrou will not cover up.

Note that tonight's date must be a private matter.

Thinking about this, Li Wan became more interested, and immediately turned into Qin Qianrou's little tail.

"I told you all such important secrets. You are just going on a date, and you won't tell me, Qianrou, I am so sad." After all, Li Wan really did it Looking sad.

Qin Qianrou wrapped her scarf and watched Li Wan's realistic performance. She sighed in her heart that it was a pity that she didn't act.

"I made an appointment with Rong Fei and specially asked her to wait for me. If I delay it any longer, it will make her unable to eat dinner."

The sad expression on Li Wan's face has not had time to accept, and then she is surprised: "Are you going to see Rong Fei? Say it earlier, why don't we go to dinner together, talk about things while eating, Don't delay."

Some time ago, Rong Fei went abroad to study, and she has been busy with work since she came back. The three of them did not get together for a while.

Qin Qianrou did not take her suggestion, and looked at the mirror by the door to arrange her final makeup before going out: "I asked her today to discuss business affairs, and we will have dinner together another day."

Of course Li Wan understood her overtones, but what business could be between Qin Qianrou and Rong Fei? She went to see Rong Fei for Shen Yiqiu. From the beginning to the end, the most important thing she talked about with Rong Fei was Shen Yiqiu.

Seeing Qin Qianrou hurriedly leaving, Li Wan was thoughtful.

When Lin Shuangzhi came out of the office again, she saw that she and Li Wan were the only two left in the group. Her mind moved slightly, and she took the initiative to issue an invitation.

"Xiao Wan, are you free tonight?"

Li Wan was still thinking about Qin Qianrou, her thoughts drifted. Hearing someone call her, she turned her head subconsciously and looked ignorant.

In the eyes of Lin Shuang, she is extremely cute.

The corners of her mouth widened, and she said again: "If you are free tonight, let's relax."

Li Wan reacted now, it was the team leader who took the initiative to ask her out, which seemed to be the first time in my memory. And not to ask her to work overtime together, but to relax together.

It's really a very good progress, no matter what it relaxes, as long as Lin Shuangzhi speaks, Li Wan is reluctant to refuse.

"Okay, wait for me then."


When Qin Qianrou drove downstairs to Rong Fei's studio, it was forty minutes earlier than the appointed time. She was not in a hurry to get up, but sat in the car and closed her eyes.

Working overtime continuously, she is indeed a little tired. Unconsciously, after so many years, my body is really not as good as when I just graduated.

She sent a message to Rong Fei, telling her that she had arrived, and asked her to notify her after finishing today's appointment. Rong Fei is well-known in the industry. In addition, she has just returned to China and has a backlog of customer appointments. Qin Qianrou was added on the basis of friendship, so she naturally wanted to be the last in the line of the day.

Rong Fei is also selfish. It is rare for her friends to take the initiative to make an appointment for consultation. How could she limit the time? It must be the most special arrangement and the most abundant time for her.

When Qin Qianrou sat opposite Rong Fei, the secretary had just sent off the last guest. Most of the people who came to Rong Fei for consultation were in need of some psychological guidance or enlightenment. Guests who can afford this price are naturally very concerned about privacy, so each guest has a 15-minute buffer time before and after, and they cannot meet each other.

"I was a little surprised that a busy person invited me for a consultation."

Rong Fei was really surprised when she received Qin Qianrou's news at the time. At first, she thought it was similar to before and asked a few related questions.

"You are an expert in this field. I can trust your professional ability and character. Now that I have needs, who else can I find if I don't?"

Rong Fei smiled, speeding up the work at hand, and filing the previous guest's information. At this time, the secretary brought drinks and snacks, which was quite fitting.

"You go off work, I'll take care of the rest."

The secretary smiled and nodded politely, greeted them, and left. Before long, it was silent outside.

"Eat first, starving will affect your mood."

Qin Qianrou was not polite to her, she was going to invite Rong Fei to dinner after the consultation.

I ate snacks and tea, now it's time to get to the point.

Rong Fei originally thought that it must be very serious or difficult to make Qin Qianrou come to her specially. Unexpectedly, Qin Qianrou was very calm. From entering the door until now, she has been calm and normal, so that Rong Fei put a small question mark in her heart.

"Qianrou, what did you want to talk to me about today?" Rong Fei also started today's consultation with a very calm tone.

Qin Qianrou held the teacup, pondered for a moment, and slowly said, "About the relationship."

This is a bit unexpected, Rong Fei raised her eyebrows slightly.

Having known each other for many years, she has never heard that Qin Qianrou has been emotionally troubled.

"I want to know how to deal with the relationship with a large age gap."

Is there a big age gap? Rong Fei raised her eyebrows again.

"Tell me about the situation in detail so that I can give a professional analysis."

Since Qin Qianrou chose to come to Rong Fei, she naturally did not plan to hide too much. But this involves Shen Yiqiu's privacy, and she can't openly tell others that Shen Yiqiu has recently fallen into the emotional trap of an older man.

She calls it a trap. In her heart, Shen Yiqiu was a pure and innocent little rabbit, how could she take the initiative to embrace her.

"That is, if a college student falls in love with a person much older than her, the other party has a certain social experience, and the person may be more sophisticated and sophisticated, which is not suitable for long-term stability with college students. But this The relationship has started again, the college students are still young, and they are unwilling to end this relationship, what should I do?"

This is what Qin Qianrou thought about before coming, but it is not difficult to say it, but every time she said a word, she would think of Shen Yiqiu holding her and trembling slightly, but her mouth was stubborn Speaking of reluctance.

I couldn't bear it, but it would hurt Shen Yiqiu even more. She must be ruthless, for Shen Yiqiu's future.

Rong Fei raised her eyebrows and listened carefully, without interrupting or interrupting, and without showing any curiosity.

It was as if she was not familiar with Qin Qianrou, and did not want to know who the college student she was talking about was.

"How long has this relationship started?"

Qin Qianrou shook her head: "I don't know, it shouldn't be too long."

Rong Fei asked again: "Is there much age difference?"

Although there is a gap in identities between college students and social people, in fact, some are only three or five years apart, and it is not a big deal after graduation.

Qin Qianrou still shook her head: "I don't know how old it is, but at least it's over eight years old."

Looking at the man's behavior and dress, it is absolutely impossible that he is only three or four years older than Shen Yiqiu. The more she thought about it, the more she felt that the man had bad intentions, how could he attack Shen Yiqiu at such an old age.

Rong Fei looked at her contemplative look, silent for a moment, and said, "Is this relationship pleasing to each other, or is the mature one using temptation?"

Qin Qianrou was just about to shake her head, when she suddenly remembered that Shen Yiqiu confessed softly in her ear that day, she said she liked that person very much, and she was reluctant. The words are heart-pounding, so why is it not the performance of temptation?

Although there is some resistance, Qin Qianrou, as a reporter, will not confuse black and white.

"At present, it should be regarded as mutual affection. But in the initial stage, maybe the other party took the initiative."

She couldn't imagine that Shen Yiqiu would take the initiative to like such a person. How could that kid be so obsessed with a grown man when he still remembers the way he devoted himself to studying the recipe?

She was really puzzled, so she asked Rong Fei for help.

"It's hard to say. Sometimes there is a special magnetic field between people. Some people fall in love at first sight, and it's not without reason."

When Rong Fei said this, Qin Qianrou's heart sank.

She is really reluctant to accept this possibility, but that doesn't mean it doesn't exist.

When she thought of Shen Yiqiu taking the initiative, she felt very uncomfortable.

Rong Fei observed her calmly, staggered her eyes and recorded some content on the file, and then continued: "However, the feelings of adolescence are indeed impulsive factors. Special emotions can also be caused by special causes."

"For example?"

"For example, if you encounter a major setback and change and lose your original life support, you will very much hope that a new one will appear at this time." Rong Fei paused for a while, and then added, "It is possible that When I am old, everyone around me is in love, and I am eager to move. When I meet someone who closes my eyes, I want to try it to satisfy my curiosity and vanity."

Rong Fei pretended not to see Qin Qianrou's gloomy face, and said calmly: "Of course, the worst kind of thing is to be unkind, to be targeted maliciously, to play with ."

Qin Qianrou was short of breath and said decisively, "Absolutely not!"

The pen in Rong Fei's hand is tapping on the file, and the situation today is really interesting.

But she remained calm, as unselfish as every guest who came to consult.

"If you want to end such a relationship, what should you do?" Qin Qianrou said urgently, but then felt that it was not clear enough, "I mean, how can college students not be hurt but can no longer be hurt? Obsessed with feelings like this?"

Until now, Qin Qianrou realized that what she said to Shen Yiqiu that day, take it slow, was not her true words.

What she thought was to let Shen Yiqiu break up quickly. It's best to stop right away and never have any interaction with that man again.

Rong Fei looked at her with more meaning, Qin Qianrou restrained her emotions and did not want to be seen through.

To reduce the psychological damage, then I can honestly say, as long as the sincere feelings are moved, there is nothing that will not be sad."

Rong Fei is telling the truth, but Qin Qianrou doesn't know it.

But she couldn't bear to see Shen Yiqiu sad, this child has gone through so much, why should she be tortured?

"However, sadness can be divided into deep and shallow, long and short. It is normal to be sad for a while, and anyone can bear it. The damage isn't that great."

Shen Yiqiu gave up first?

Qin Qianrou felt that this was almost impossible, so she wanted to be a villain and help Shen Yiqiu.

"Or, let the college students fall in love with other people and empathize with them, and naturally they won't be sad because of this."

Qin Qianrou frowned, this assumption made her even more uncomfortable.

With very little thought, she said, "No."

Rong Fei raised her eyebrows again, Qin Qianrou's performance today is really novel.

"The best way is actually to communicate." Rong Fei looked at Qin Qianrou and motioned her to calm down, "Qianrou, you told me so much today, it's all appearances. You I’ve been making statements from the perspective of a bystander, but you don’t know exactly when, why, or why this relationship developed. In this way, it will not be effective, and if you insist on breaking it up, it will only deepen the damage.”

Rong Fei is right, she does not know many things.

"But she..." Qin Qianrou was a little embarrassed, did she want to talk to Shen Yiqiu about feelings again?

There was a hint of reluctance in her heart, and there was a sense of escape.

"Okay, let's stop here for now. My suggestion is to fully communicate first, and then think about countermeasures when you understand enough."

"But I'm afraid it's too late."

Qin Qianrou was stunned, and her deepest worry finally came out.

She is worried or afraid, the children are too wild now, and there are countless examples of cohabitation outside the university. Subconsciously, she didn't want Shen Yiqiu to be like this, and she didn't want to be like that with that man.

Thinking like this, she felt that it was too tolerant and reassuring to agree to Shen Yiqiu going out alone with others.

Seeing her tangled appearance, Rong Fei's expression also became solemn. Her eyes involuntarily fell on the shelf by her hand, where the consultation file of the previous guest was placed.

"Qianrou, don't put too much pressure on yourself, you can't completely control everything."

After all, the two adjusted their emotions and found a place to have dinner nearby.

After leaving the studio, Rong Fei finished her work, and the two chatted as usual.

Qin Qianrou's mood was still a little heavy, as if she had not fully recovered from the consultation just now. Rong Fei took the initiative to find a topic, and barely managed to pull her thoughts back.

"How is Shen Yiqiu these days? I heard Xiaowan said that she has suddenly become very diligent, is she going to be a graduate student?"

"I haven't heard her mention about the postgraduate entrance examination, but she does want better grades."

"Qianrou, what are your plans for Shen Yiqiu's future?"

"Me? What does her future have to do with me?"

Rong Fei elegantly cut the steak in front of her, but her tone didn't change, she just smiled slightly when she lowered her head.

"I didn't hear you mentioning her move after I came back from Haicheng. I thought you were going to be responsible for her to the end."

Qin Qianrou shook her head, this is so possible. They are not relatives, so how can they be responsible to the end.

"Then how long are you going to let her live? Graduate from college? Work? Or start a family?"

Qin Qianrou really hadn't thought about this issue, she was very busy with work, so she didn't have time to think about it. Besides, she felt that there was nothing bad about living with Shen Yiqiu. On the contrary, she felt quite warm.

For Shen Yiqiu to move, Qin Qianrou was reluctant, at least at this moment.

"We haven't discussed this issue yet, so I won't consider it for now. I just want her to..." Qin Qianrou suddenly realized that Rong Fei didn't know that the college student just now was Shen Yi Autumn.

Even if she is as smart as Rong Fei, she may guess, but Qin Qianrou will not say it outright.

Fortunately, Rong Fei also understands the sense of proportion and did not ask.

"People who work so hard in college must be smart and self-disciplined. They know what they want and what they want. Don't worry too much."

Qin Qianrou felt that there was more to Rong Fei's words, but she looked indifferent again, as if she thought too much.

When I got home, Shen Yiqiu was already in the room, and there was still a late night snack on the table. But the light was on in the room, and when he came back, Shen Yiqiu didn't come out.

Qin Qianrou sat on the sofa for a while. In fact, she had already rested during dinner, and she was not as tired as she was a few days ago when she got home. She was sitting here just wanting to wait for Shen Yiqiu to come out, but she didn't.

I looked at the time, and if I don't move, I'm afraid it will be too late. Qin Qianrou, as usual, ate the midnight snack and packed up, then went back to her room.

Hearing her door closing, Shen Yiqiu breathed a sigh of relief. She was a little uneasy all night, waiting for her sister to come home, but she had to endure not to disturb her.

A few days ago, Qin Qianrou was so tired when she got home that she could not wait to hold her in her arms, massage her, and relieve her worries. But her sister, who was already so tired, still talked with her for a while after seeing her, and cared a few words about her current situation, which warmed Shen Yiqiu's heart.

But a few days later, after recalling the warmth, she realized that she had delayed her sister's rest. It was she who asked her sister to support her when she got home. At this time, what her sister wanted to see most was not her, but the bed.

Rong Fei is right, if you want to catch up with people older than you, you must first learn to be mature. Maturity is not about matching your appearance, but about matching your words and deeds. First of all, mentally, you can't just focus on yourself, you must learn to think in a different position and think more about the other person.

Don't always think about what you want, but think more about what the other person wants.

Shen Yiqiu wanted to give the best in the world to her sister, but now she has learned to first understand what her sister wants most.

She wants to become mature from now on and be worthy of her sister as soon as possible, so that her love will be taken seriously, not just a simple joke.

The next morning, Shen Yiqiu was refreshed and made breakfast.

She wanted her sister to sleep more, so she got up early. Seeing that a hearty breakfast can replenish Qin Qianrou's energy to start a perfect day, she is in a particularly good mood.

"Shen Yiqiu, has your class schedule been adjusted recently?"

The man who was concentrating on breakfast shook his head and said vaguely, "It hasn't changed."

Qin Qianrou nodded clearly, wiped her mouth and hands, and calmly announced, "From today onwards, I'll pick you up from school."

Shen Yiqiu almost didn't swallow the last omelette in her mouth. My sister is so busy, she has to pick her up from school?

"I will arrange the time, you just don't run around after school."

The author has something to say: Shen Yiqiu: My sister suddenly became like this, I'm a little scared...

Rong Fei: What a silly child

Read The Duke's Passion