MTL - Aunt Qin Save Me-Chapter 50

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Yuan Qi was not surprised by Shen Yiqiu's refusal, and was extremely calm, as if she had expected her to say so.

"Xiaoqiu, I know you are very comfortable with your current life. It's not a good thing to change your lifestyle frequently, but we should also think more about the future."

Later? What Shen Yiqiu thought was, I also want to live with my sister in the future. Unless she has her own family or life, then I can only quit silently.

Thinking of this, Shen Yiqiu couldn't help feeling lost. Even just thinking about it made her very uncomfortable, and she really didn't want Qin Qianrou to live with others.

Yuan Qi's patience has become much better than before, he has a beard, but his words are still as soft and kind as before.

"I have inquired, you live with Qianrou now. It's not convenient to disturb others for so long." He said it naturally, as if he had already come to see Shen Yiqiu. Learned a lot.

Then he paused and said, "Besides, she is so busy with work that she can't really take care of you. How about you come over when my uncle settles down in Mengcheng?"

Listen to the tone, is not in a hurry to let Shen Yiqiu move out. He should have just returned, and there are still a lot of things to do.

But Shen Yiqiu didn't focus on these things. She could hear her uncle's name as sister Qianrou, which coincided with her previous life's memory. She immediately remembered the relationship between Uncle Biao and Qin Qianrou. Although she didn't know the details, she also understood that they must have known each other.

"My sister is not too busy." Also, I don't need her to take care of me. It's me who wants to take care of her, my sister is working so hard.

Shen Yiqiu didn't say what was in her heart, she had mixed emotions towards her uncle. This is the only relative she can be called a close relative in the world, and his concern and concern are also sincere. It was impossible for Shen Yiqiu to be indifferent to this, but Yuan Qi's sudden appearance made her uncomfortable.

"She's not busy yet? She works so late every day, and she goes home just to get some sleep." Yuan Qi shook his head with emotion, as if thinking of something, and then said naturally, "But she It is such a character, when it comes to what he is focused on, he will really put his heart and soul into it at all costs."

It sounds like a distant memory, but Shen Yiqiu's heart is tight, and it's even more uncomfortable.

She tentatively said, "Uncle Biao, are you familiar with your sister?"

Yuan Qi retracted his thoughts and looked at Shen Yiqiu, who had grown a lot taller, with pity and love in his eyes.

"Why do you call Sister Qianrou? She is of the same age as me, so it's wrong for you to call it that."

In other words, she should be called Auntie.

She did just that not long ago. However, things are different now, and Shen Yiqiu is unwilling to change his words.

She pursed her lips and explained in a low voice: "My sister is so young and good-looking, it's not good to be called Auntie." She recalled it for a while, smiled lightly, and her tone was very warm, "And my sister said , We are friends, so it's okay to be called sister."

Yuan Qi reluctantly patted his forehead twice: "It's still Xiaoqiu who is so powerful that he can pull the thousand-year-old iceberg of Qianrou to the mortal world." He suddenly became interested, and his face appeared again. Shen Yiqiu's familiar thief expression, "Tell me, you call her sister, what's her reaction?"

Shen Yiqiu frowned and said calmly, "No reaction. That's it, it's normal."

Yuan Qi thoughtfully stroked the well-trimmed beard under his chin, and for the time being did not persuade Shen Yiqiu.

Shen Yiqiu couldn't hold back, so he asked again: "Are you familiar with your sister?"

Yuan Qi said truthfully: "I used to be very familiar with her. I haven't contacted her for a few years. I guess it's better that you are familiar with her."

Shen Yiqiu seemed to feel more comfortable, and the pimples became smaller.

Already know Shen Yiqiu's attitude, Yuan Qi also knows that he can't be persuaded today, but he is not in a hurry. In the future, he plans to settle down in Mengcheng for a long time. He has to settle his home before he can take Xiaoqiu there.

"Okay, we'll talk about the move later. Let's go to dinner first. By the way, Xiaoqiu, give me your number, and it will be convenient for me to come to you later." Qi took Shen Yiqiu to the off-campus restaurant.

Shen Yiqiu called the counselor to explain the situation, and then followed him out of the school gate. Zhang Meng and his classmates just came back from outside school and met Shen Yiqiu head-on. But at that time, Yuan Qi hugged her and whispered something, and they couldn't see each other.

Zhang Meng turned back suspiciously, saw the two figures stop, and was patted by her classmates.

"What are you looking at?"

"Have you seen that man?"

"How is it possible, that person is not a student at first glance. And at that age, maybe he is here to pick up girls again."

Zhang Meng has a serious expression, and she has not had much contact with Shen Yiqiu recently. But for Shen Yiqiu, she is still very attentive.

"Let's go, why do you get distracted when you see that man, be careful we tell Gu Chao."

Zhang Meng glared at them and said angrily, "Am I this kind of person?"

Although he moved his steps, he still turned back three times, and he was not at ease.

However, they had long since disappeared, but the image of Shen Yiqiu being embraced always haunted my mind. Zhang dreams that Shen Yiqiu is pure and kind, has a soft and amiable temper, and treats people extremely well. Such a cute and well-behaved girl must not be deceived by those bad men in the society.

Yuan Qi was not familiar with the neighborhood of the school, so he listened to Shen Yiqiu's arrangement. After ordering, he tapped the table leisurely, and seemed to be in a good mood.

Although my mood dropped to rock bottom when I learned that the Shen family had changed, but fortunately Shen Yiqiu was still alive. He hurried back all the way, and felt uneasy countless times on the way, for fear that he would see a sad and lifeless Xiao Qiu.

But now, everything is much better than he expected. He is naturally free and easy, and sadness is temporary. As long as there is hope, the future can be expected.

"Xiaoqiu, I'm here to find you, will you keep it a secret for now?"

Yuan Qi suddenly made this request, but Shen Yiqiu didn't understand it at first.

"Don't tell your sister Qin yet."


Yuan Qi's expression became a little strange, a little embarrassed.

"She is usually so busy, so don't disturb her with this little thing. When everything is arranged, I will officially go to her."

Shen Yiqiu always felt that Uncle Biao's reason was not very convincing, but she also did not want her sister to meet and contact Uncle Biao too early. Even the news of the uncle's return was unwilling to let her sister know.

On this point, she coincides with Yuan Qi.

She nodded and agreed without thinking for too long. Yuan Qi smiled and wanted to reach out and touch her head, just like when she was a child, she was avoided by Shen Yiqiu.

"Uncle, how old am I, why are you touching my head!"

"Okay, Xiaoqiu has grown up."

Yuan Qi put his hand down, but there was nowhere to hide the care and relief in his eyes.

It's just that this interaction is still weird in the eyes of the surrounding students. They were sitting at an angle that couldn't fully see the expressions of the two, but they could still get a general idea. For such a combination, the first thing that comes to mind is that the old cow wants to eat tender grass.

Yuan Qi seemed to be very reluctant to Shen Yiqiu, not only had lunch together, but also wanted to have dinner together.

"Uncle Biao, I have class in the afternoon. There are at least two hours before school ends. Forget about dinner, and eat it later."

"That won't work, we will eat at noon today, and let's go to the city for a sumptuous meal in the evening. Now that you have an uncle, life should get better."

Shen Yiqiu said, my life is pretty good now. Moreover, she also wanted to go to the supermarket to buy some ingredients and make a late-night snack for her sister at night.

Yuan Qi is persistent, but not tough. Shen Yiqiu is a typical person who eats soft and not hard, and knows that he is trying his best to make up for it. This feeling of regret and trying to make amends is often the strongest at the first meeting. Shen Yiqiu couldn't beat him, so he had to agree.

In the afternoon, it was a basic class. When I came out of the amphitheater, I happened to meet Zhang Meng and came down from the upstairs classroom.

"Shen Yiqiu." Zhang Meng took small steps from behind to catch up, "Will we go to self-study later?"

They sometimes go to the self-study classroom together, Zhang Meng thought that today would be no exception.

"Sister, I'm not going to self-study today, I'm going back."

In addition to the accident, Zhang Meng couldn't help but think: "Are you going back later?"

"Ah, I have an appointment with someone else."

Shen Yiqiu didn't explain too much, she usually didn't mention the family members. It's hard to return to a low profile, she doesn't want to be concerned about family affairs anymore.

Outside the school gate, Yuan Qi was already waiting for her after receiving the news. Seeing Shen Yiqiu coming out, he beckoned her to get in the car. Going to the city center at this time is not too congested, but it is difficult to say if it is late.


Qin Qianrou was as busy as usual until it was almost dark. The temperature is exceptionally low today and the wind is blowing. After the late autumn, Mengcheng began to be cold and humid, and it was even more uncomfortable when the cold wave came.

She walked out of the TV station with Li Wan. Recently, the group was preparing for a big show, and the whole group often worked overtime. Now, Qin Qianrou doesn't seem so special, and naturally no one cares why she always goes back so late.

Li Wan leaned on Qin Qianrou from time to time, shivering: "It's really cold today, fortunately the team leader is human, so the meal is over."

"Then why don't you go back to dinner?"

"Alas, I don't want to go home tonight."

Qin Qianrou looked at her with interest, Li Wan didn't want to go home, the most likely reason was that Zhuo Cheng was a guest again.

"Don't ask, it's just an annoying sperm at home."

Qin Qianrou smiled clearly, but did not ask.

She got into her car, and Li Wan also got into the car.

"Take a ride."

Qin Qianrou gave her a helpless look, but did not chase her: "Where are you going?"

Li Wan thought about it and suggested, "Why don't we go and have a good meal before going home?"

Having dinner outside, after a while, Zhuo Chenggong is about to get out. Even if she doesn't get out, she doesn't have to socialize for too long, which is very good.

Qin Qianrou was not very interested, and was about to refuse, but was robbed by Li Wan.

"We've all worked hard all day, shouldn't we treat ourselves well? Besides, there's nothing to eat when you go back."

Li Wan knew that Shen Yiqiu didn't cook dinner every day recently, she just thought she was busy with studies. Qin Qianrou didn't tell her that she had a late-night snack every day, after all, Li Wan couldn't get a late-night snack.

Qin Qianrou moved her lips without explanation.

"It was so happily decided that we will go to the city center for a delicious meal today. By the way, should I call Shen Yiqiu, she has been studying very hard recently."

Qin Qianrou paused, hesitating whether to say good or bad.

"Qianrou, are you listening to me?" Li Wan stretched out her hand and shook it in front of Qin Qianrou, expressing a little dissatisfaction with her distraction.

"Forget it, I'll pack a copy later."

What Qin Qianrou thought was that Shen Yiqiu had wasted a lot of study time by preparing supper for her every day. She studies so late every day, and calling her out for dinner is afraid that it will delay her again, so it is more convenient to bring it back by herself.

The time for them to go is actually a little late, and it is already the second round of turning over the table. Fortunately, there are fewer people waiting. There were a lot of people who just got off work sitting around them, all dressed in professional attire.

Li Wan said with emotion: "They are all poor migrant workers."

Qin Qianrou mentioned casually: "It's rare to see the team leader leave today, I'm really not used to it."

Li Wan snorted softly: "I have a date, can I leave in a hurry?"

Qin Qianrou looked away from the screen of her mobile phone and landed on her friend's face, looking at her with a half-smile.

"Why are you looking at me like this all of a sudden?"

"It's nothing, I just thought your tone was a little special."

Li Wan became cramped, and moved her hand from the table to the bottom of the table unconsciously, put it on her lap, and drew circles unconsciously.

"What's so special?"

If Qin Qianrou can't find any clues at this time, then Bai and Li Wan have been friends for so many years.

Now, she is no longer special, and even the whole person has become strange.

Such anomalies must be the case.

"Xiao Wan, do you really have nothing to share with me?"

It was the first time that Li Wan lost in front of her friends, and she usually made fun of Qin Qianrou like this. But now, her heart is really a little confused, in fact, she has gradually figured out her own mind recently.

Especially when the annoying Zhuocheng reappears, it makes her more aware of who she likes now. However, this seems to be a hopeless feeling, and she dare not touch it easily.

Seeing her so embarrassed, her face was even more distressed and tangled, and Qin Qianrou also became nervous. She was not a joker at all, and it was rare to tease her once, but she didn't expect Li Wan to react like this.

"If you think it's inappropriate, you don't have to say it. Xiaowan, I don't mean to force you."

"Where do you want to go, it doesn't matter to you. It's my own problem, I just don't know what to say."

Li Wan sighed quietly, completely different from her usual hot and free personality, she was a little sentimental.

"I fell in love with someone I shouldn't have. I know there is no hope for this kind of relationship, but I can't help but move."

Qin Qianrou was thoughtful, listening to Li Wan's whisper, her heart seemed to be tangled.

Li Wan opened the chatterbox and slowly revealed the words she had held in her heart for a long time. After all, apart from Qin Qianrou, she has no one to talk about.

"I never thought that I would like such a person before, I thought it was impossible, it was a parallel line. But after getting along, I realized that feelings are actually something that cannot be controlled by others. If you like it, you like it. I can't control myself."

"Xiao Wan, is that person you're talking about..."

In fact, Qin Qianrou has already guessed it, but it is better for the parties to confirm this kind of thing in person. If I make a mistake, there may be more misunderstandings in the future.

Li Wan looked at her helplessly, and said lonely: "What do you think? Who else could it be?"

Qin Qianrou sighed, she really did not expect Li Wan to like the team leader. However, thinking back carefully about the past, I felt that it was a matter of time.

"Then she, do you know?"

"Don't know."

After Li Wan finished speaking, she froze for a moment and explained, "I don't know if she knows. She is just a wooden man who only knows how to work overtime. I think she probably doesn't know."

Recalling the scenes of working overtime with Lin Shuangzhi a few times recently, Li Wan is really tight in her chest, not knowing how to relieve it.

"That Zhuocheng..."

Li Wan quickly interrupted: "It has nothing to do with Zhuo Cheng, even if he doesn't show up, I think I will still like her. It's just because of Zhuo Cheng that I am soberly aware that I like her. The difference between being a person and not liking a person turned out to be so obvious."

Since her words have already been said, Qin Qianrou still has nothing to believe.

They are all about 30 years old. Even if their love experience is limited, they always see too many other people's scenery. It's no longer the age of seventeen or eighteen years of love, and you don't understand when you like someone.

The reason for the hesitation is nothing more than seeing the reality too clearly, and then hesitating. In the world of adults, feelings are not the only thing, but it makes people yearn for heartbreak, like trekking in the desert, longing for a clear spring.

Qin Qianrou was silent, and Li Wan didn't want someone to cheer her on. She has always been very assertive about her feelings. What she needs is someone who can listen to her. The feelings are too full and accumulated in her heart, and they will eventually overflow.

"Are you saying I'm crazy to fall in love with a woman, or my boss, or a wooden man who doesn't understand the style, almost living in the office!"

After telling the secret, Li Wan felt a lot more relaxed and couldn't help but complain. She really can't understand Lin Shuangzhi's brain structure, why there are people who love work so much.

However, she turned her attention to Qin Qianrou in the next second, how could she almost forget, the one in front of her is similar.

"Qianrou, tell me the truth, workaholics like you, is it true that love work trumps everything in your genes?"

Qin Qianrou did not expect that her thoughts would suddenly jump like this, but she did not evade: "Work does give us a sense of achievement and satisfaction, but it does not trump everything."

Li Wan tried to figure out Lin Shuangzhi with such an answer, but she couldn't get the point, so she had to go back to Qin Qianrou.

"So you often come home late because the happiness brought by work is better than the warmth of someone at home waiting for you?"

"What does this have to do with me? Are you using me as an analytical reference?"

"I just don't understand the thinking of people like you. Is there someone waiting for you at home, isn't it attractive enough?"

Li Wan was still immersed in her own thoughts, puzzled. Qin Qianrou's eyes deepened. She had the answer to this question, but she couldn't say it.


Yuan Qi really didn't return to the city for a long time, especially the bustling nightlife made him excited. Shen Yiqiu couldn't help but get worried when she saw that her uncle kept eating.

"Uncle, if you like it, come back tomorrow."

"First satisfy today's meal, and tomorrow will have tomorrow's quota."

What? Are there any allowances for meals? Shen Yiqiu was surprised and helpless. Seeing that he kept moving, it seemed that he was really not full.

Yuan Qi pointed to the bowl in front of Shen Yiqiu: "You just eat this little?"

Actually, Shen Yiqiu ate a lot, she ate a whole bowl of ramen, a few fried dumplings and two fried chicken wings, and then some food that her uncle forced her to eat fish eggs.

She is very full now, but Yuan Qi hasn't stopped, so she can't say she wants to leave.

She quietly looked at the time several times, calculating in her heart what time she would rush back before she could make a late-night snack.

The author has something to say: ah ah!