MTL - Aunt Qin Save Me-Chapter 45

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Dinner at an upscale restaurant in Montreal, even if it is not a weekend, there are many customers. The melodious sound of the piano as the background music is just right, setting off the romantic and elegant atmosphere and making people intoxicated.

The place was carefully selected by Zhuo Cheng, and it was rare that Li Wan would agree to an appointment, and it was rare that he decided the place accommodatingly. This made Zhuo Cheng a little unbelievable, and once felt that he was back in college.

At that time, he was very cash-strapped, in addition to the necessary expenses of living, he simply could not afford the extra expenses of dating in love. But Li Wan never complained or compared, and also carefully maintained his arrogant and sensitive self-esteem.

He made money as a tutor, and took her to eat snacks in Shenxiang, and she also appreciated it. She also praised the cheap jewelry he bought her for her anniversary, and she did not dislike it. Li Wan's fiery temper seemed to be only towards those who disliked them and taunted him.

However, he did not cherish such an excellent and perfect girlfriend.

How did you let go of it back then... Zhuo Cheng asked himself more than once during the countless long dark nights back in Mengcheng. But he knew very well that if he went back to the past and asked him to choose again, he would still choose to go abroad under the circumstances at that time and his confidence in his own abilities.

However, maybe he won't say goodbye, and would rather maintain this relationship without a country. Because the more people he experienced, the more he felt that Li Wan was good.

Zhuo Cheng ordered all the flavors Li Wan liked according to his past habits. He was originally tall and handsome, and now he has a fancy dress, and the years of hard work overseas have made him mature a lot. His overall charm has skyrocketed since he was in college, and even young waiters are attracted to him.

From the moment she saw him, Li Wan was indifferent, her attitude was indifferent, her response was indifferent, and she avoided almost all eye contact. Zhuo Cheng could feel her avoidance, but it was much better than the first meeting.

He was happy and his face was even more handsome. In such an environment, he can still attract the attention of many young women.

"You don't need to choose wine, I don't drink it." At the end of the order, Li Wan opened her mouth to stop the last link.

“This store has a great collection of limited edition wines, it would be a shame not to try them.”

"No alcohol."

Seeing Li Wan insists, Zhuo Cheng is not reluctant. Ordered two glasses of freshly squeezed juice and returned the menu to the waiter.

"Xiao Wan, are you quit drinking now or are you unwilling to drink with me?"

Zhuo Cheng's voice is very gentle, different from the accommodating in college, now he shows a kind of tolerance.

Because he feels that he is stronger now, and can stand side by side with Li Wan, and is no longer the Phoenix man who climbed up the rich girl as others say.

Li Wan has always had an attitude of staying out of the way since she was seated. She didn't care what place Zhuo Cheng chose and what meals he ordered, she just wanted to finish the conversation quickly so that it could end early.

After a long day of work, she was exhausted, and now she had to deal with this nasty ghost, Li Wan couldn't help but feel heavy. She thought to herself, does this count as overtime? Speaking of overtime, it seemed that the team leader was still in the office when she left. Almost everyone was used to it, and Lin Shuangzhi always stayed the last one.

In the past, there was Qin Qianrou who was on a par with her, but recently Qin reporters have obviously started to reduce overtime, only the team leader Lin is the same as before. The real steel worker is Lin Shuangzhi.

Thinking of Lin Shuangzhi, Li Wan's face unconsciously showed soft lines, and there was a faint smile in her eyes. Zhuo Cheng has been paying attention to her, and naturally he will not miss such a change.

He was a little unhappy, Li Wan agreed to his invitation, but she was always withdrawn. He thought it was her high profile, but found that she seemed to be absent-minded all the time.

"Xiao Wan, how is your work lately? I heard from Uncle Li that you are too busy to come home on time for dinner, which is not good for your health."

Li Wan was forced to withdraw her thoughts, and was even more disgusted when she heard Zhuo Cheng's so-called caring words.

"The news industry is like this. Time is out of our control. We can eat dinner later, and news can't be late, or I will lose my job."

What Li Wan said was an understatement, but it was enough to explain the hard work and involuntary nature of her work.

Zhuo Cheng stared deeply at Li Wan with distressed eyes. Although he didn't get a response, it didn't hinder his statement.

"In fact, you have worked for many years, so why are you tired all these years? Why don't you think about it, resign or change jobs?"

Li Wan frowned and looked at him sideways: "Resign? After resigning, go home and eat the old man?"

Her playful tone was full of ridicule and disdain. She is so young, with hands and feet, ideals and pursuits, and like-minded friends side by side, why did she resign?

"As long as you want, I can take care of you, and I am willing to give you all the money I earn. You don't need to be old, you can still maintain your current standard of living, or even higher."

Although Mr. Li is the vice mayor, he is not in charge of finance or industry. In addition to his integrity, his income is not particularly rich. Most of the Li family's current property is instead the dowry of Li's mother, and the only daughter of the rich family inherited most of the family's inheritance.

"Zhuocheng, I hope you understand a little. I promised to eat with you today, just to ease the awkward relationship between us, and I don't want to make Dad embarrassed. But our relationship is nothing more than that. , As for what you said about taking care of me and giving me money, these are all over the line. You are an adult, what to say and what not to say, you should be measured. "

Li Wan's tone was steady and fast. Zhuo Cheng understands her, but this is actually a precursor to faint anger.

In college, she used to do this, but then she did it to protect him.

He was a little bitter, but he still held on.

"It was me who made a blunder. I didn't mean to force you, I just wanted to express my inner thoughts. As long as you are willing, what I just said can be fulfilled at any time."

Li Wan raised her hand irritably: "Enough, if you keep saying that, then there is no need to eat this meal."

"Okay, okay, I won't talk about it. This restaurant's steak is particularly famous. It's even better than the last one. I only learned about it after I came back."

Zhuo Cheng has no particular pursuit of food, Li Wan does not deny his intentions, but things are different. It didn't feel right, and anything that person did would just make her feel sick.

"It was recommended to me by my boss. He is half a Mongolian city passer."

Li Wan was originally a little sluggish, but when he heard him mention Shao Qidong, he suddenly became energetic. As he could see the flaws, he had to endure the excitement and pretend to be casual.

"I heard that you are a high-level talent introduction, why do you think of running to Dongsheng? I think there must be many companies that throw olive branches to you."

Dongsheng is indeed very good in Mengcheng, but it is not a monopoly. It's rich, but otherwise seems weak. As a professional in the financial field, Zhuo Cheng can go to a more suitable place.

"Because Dongsheng gave me the most abundant conditions, and it also gave me the most room for development." Zhuo Cheng spread out the tablecloth and put it on his lap, "You also know that I am the person I am most afraid of. There is just no hope.”

Li Wan pursed her lips, thought about it, and then asked: "Your salary abroad is not low, and you are willing to give up everything to come back after working for so long. It seems that Dongsheng is indeed willing to spend money. Can you tell me How much is it, so that I can be shocked too?"

Zhuo Cheng was not suspicious, but rather pleased that she asked.

"The annual salary is three times what I pay abroad, and there are options. More importantly, it allows me to quickly establish roots in Montreal."

Being overseas, how about a high salary, not a foreigner. Race and skin color are different, and they are always in a floating state. And Mengcheng is different. Here are his beautiful memories and the people he cares about.

"I originally thought you would serve as the financial director of Dongsheng, but your name has hardly appeared on the group website. Your boss paid so much money to invite you back, why would he give it to you? An idle job?"

The steak has been brought up, Zhuo Cheng picked up the knife and fork and cut it slowly.

"I didn't expect you to pay attention to this. I thought you never cared about my movements."

Li Wan rolled her eyes and tried to keep calm on her face.

She cut her steak with her head down. The smooth forehead, jet-black hair, elegant yet **** posture, and the smell of perfume, all attracted Zhuo Cheng.

She is still so beautiful, even more beautiful than before.

Zhuo Cheng's heart was even worse, and he gradually loosened his guard.

Seeing that Li Wan did not answer, he was afraid that the topic he had finally talked about would be interrupted, but he took the initiative to explain: "Dongsheng is preparing a new branch, and a large number of new businesses will be transferred. I'm mainly in charge of that."

"New company? I've never heard of such a big news."

"It is still in the preparatory stage and has not been officially announced to the public. And it involves cooperation with overseas, so I am more cautious." After speaking, Zhuo Cheng smiled at her, "Xiao Wan , what I told you are all trade secrets, you won't turn around and publicize it in the news."

That being said, there is no worry. Li Wan was unhappy and glared at him: "Why, do you doubt my professional ethics or my character?"

"I absolutely trust you."

What Li Wan thought was, what is Shao Qidong secretly preparing for a new company? Does he want to expand overseas business? Dongsheng itself has a lot of independent research and development technology patents, these patents have received a lot of government funding support in the research and development process.

If he were to sell these patents abroad, wouldn't it be…

"Xiao Wan, why don't you eat it? Is it unpalatable?"

"No, I'm thinking about things. Things are good, your boss's taste is okay."

"He is alone, so he does some research in these areas."

It seems that she is not happy to hear Li Wan praise others, Zhuo Cheng said with a touch of sourness.

How could Li Wan not see what he was thinking, and took the opportunity to say: "He is probably too professional, he just wants to be a rich businessman. You have been with him for a long time, maybe it will change. like that."

"Absolutely not, I'm not an ascetic. And although this project is large in scale, the preparation is very fast, I have no intention of following him all the time."

Li Wan raised her eyes and glanced at him, it seemed that Shao Qidong was a little anxious about overseas cooperation.

The purpose of tonight has almost been achieved, and if we continue to chat, it may cause Zhuo Cheng's suspicion. She knew him well, so she knew how far she should stop.

So she put down the knife and fork, wiped her mouth, and only drank three or two sips of juice.

Zhuo Cheng was stunned, the knife and fork in his hand still stopped in the air: "Are you full?"

Li Wan put the tablecloth back on the table and smiled brightly: "Suddenly I remembered that there is some unfinished business on the table, so I have to rush back."

I'm about to get rid of the annoying spirit, this smile is rare and true.

Zhuo Cheng was heartbroken when he saw it, he quickly put down his knife and fork and wanted to send her.

"Enjoy the food and don't waste your boss's recommendation. I'll just call the car myself, the time is still there, it's safe."

Zhuo Cheng reluctantly watched her leave, watching the back disappear, he couldn't help but feel disappointed.

They had a good chat just now, he thought it wouldn't end so early tonight. He was even mulling an invitation for the next date, but he didn't expect Li Wan to leave.

The work of the TV station is really oppressive. How can Xiaowan bear it if it goes on like this.

Zhuo Cheng thought at random, a little bored. He raised his hand and ordered a bottle of red wine, opened it gloomily, and drank it one by one.


When Qin Qianrou came to ask Lin Shuangzhi for leave the next day, Li Wan happened to be in the team leader's office. This is also a common thing in normal times. As the executive editor, it is normal work to communicate with the team leader about project approval and program progress.

However, Qin Qianrou felt that the atmosphere in the office today was not quite right. Neither of the two seemed to take the initiative to talk, and the content of the chat was completely work, not even a single gossip.

Although the team leader is not as cheerful and joking as Li Wan, but when Xiao Wan is talking and laughing, she never stops her, and she will laugh with her, which is quite supportive.

What's going on today...

Pressing down her doubts, Qin Qianrou explained her purpose. Lin Shuangzhi took the leave application she handed over and looked at it for a while.

"Are you going to Haicheng on vacation?"

"Yes, private."

"You have enough leftovers on vacation. I'm just asking, don't blame me for meddling." Lin Shuangyi heard that it was a private matter, so he didn't ask any more, neatly signed.

"Recently, things have been a little complicated in the stage, and you have to do a good job of handing over before you go on vacation. Also, you can't turn off your mobile phone during the vacation, and you have to maintain smooth communication. These are the rules of the stage, don't think about me Long-winded."

It's probably because Qin Qianrou hasn't asked for leave for personal reasons for a long time. When Lin Shuangzhi returned the application to her, she couldn't help but reiterated the precautions for taking leave.

"I know, thank you leader. Then I'll go out first."

Li Wan didn't interrupt the whole time, she was terribly silent. Qin Qianrou glanced at her suspiciously before turning around, but it was inconvenient to ask her in front of the team leader.

Li Wan stood up and said, "I'm leaving first, so let's just leave the discussion today."

Then, she quickly followed Qin Qianrou and walked out of the office with her.

Behind him, there was a low sigh from Lin Shuang.

Back to Qin Qianrou's office, Li Wan's mood did not improve, but she talked more than before.

"What's wrong with you, Xiao Wan?"

"It's nothing, it's not the same."

"Yeah, I think you look unhappy."

Li Wan was startled: "Is it so obvious?"

Qin Qianrou pursed her lips and nodded, looking at her with a small smile.

Li Wan bit her lip, her anger deepened: "I'm so obvious, she can't see it!"

I'm so pissed! Mad!

Qin Qianrou couldn't understand her friend's emotions more and more, but Li Wan's appearance was obviously different from usual.

"Could something go wrong with your date last night?"

Date last night?

Li Wan's face was full of question marks: "Who told you?"

Qin Qianrou had no intention of betraying her colleagues, so she had to look outside: "Yesterday someone saw you in a luxury car, and said that a handsome guy was coming to pick you up. I'm also curious to ask, do you want to Say it doesn't matter."

"It's enough gossip, it's really a waste for our group not to change its name to the news production group." Li Wan sighed heavily, "I had a meal with Zhuo Cheng last night, A little bit about Dongsheng's current situation. I didn't expect to be in the group, it turned out to be a date."

Li Wan almost vomited, Qin Qianrou cast a sympathetic look.

They are not people who are willing to pretend to be snakes, let alone flatter others. In order to find out about Dongsheng, going to dinner with Zhuo Cheng was enough to make Li Wan feel awkward, Qin Qianrou would never make fun of it.

"By the way, why do you suddenly want to ask for leave, is there something at home?"

Li Wan also became curious when she heard that Qin Qianrou was going back to Haicheng.

After so many years, Qin Qianrou took the initiative to go back very little.

"The family is fine, He Zhuo's case is about to start."

Li Wan didn't expect that Qin Qianrou was really chasing after He Zhuo, but then she thought, since it was a private matter, then she and He Zhuo didn't have a personal relationship.

"Did you accompany the children?"

"She said she wanted to audition, and I happened to be a little interested, so let's join by the way."

Oh, just what, by the way, it doesn't matter. What matters is the one behind. Li Wan quickly caught the point: they were about to return to Haicheng together.

"You are so kind to the child, and you don't hesitate to return to Haicheng for her. If your family knew about it, you would definitely be jealous."

Qin Qianrou looked at her helplessly: "You came to tease me when you were wronged by the team leader?"

Li Wan's expression froze: "I dare not, I dare not make fun of you. I just think that since you are not so resistant to returning to Haicheng, you might as well take advantage of this time to go back and relax with your family. relationship."

Qin Qianrou did not deliberately ignore this topic as before, but thoughtfully.

"Let's talk later."


It was one afternoon when Wen Yirong received a call from her daughter. She was just about to go out for afternoon tea with her friends. As soon as she heard that Qianrou had arrived in Haicheng, she quickly pushed the date away.

"Xiaorou, you're so good this time, call mom when you arrive."

Qin Qianrou could hear that her mother was very happy on the other end of the phone.

"Well, but I can't go back to live this time, so I say hello to you."

"Can't come back yet? Why?" Wen Yirong was stunned for a moment, then said, "Bring someone back?"

Qin Qianrou glanced at the person sitting next to him drinking a drink, and hummed into the phone.

"The kid from last time?"

"Yes. I'm here with her to listen to He Zhuo's case, and we won't stay too long."

Wen Yirong's mood gradually calmed down, Qin Qianrou could imagine the disappointment on her mother's face.

She trembled in her heart and said hesitantly, "However, we can make an appointment to go out for dinner. If the time is right, you can also call my uncle and follow the rules."

"Yes!" Wen Yirong didn't seem to expect her daughter to take such initiative, and suddenly became happy again.

But she quickly reacted: "Did you see them last time you came back?"

"Well, I bumped into it on the road."

Wen Yirong didn't say anything, and sighed in a low voice: "Alright, anyway, your father is busy, and the front foot just walks away and the back foot arrives, and it's always impossible to meet. Let's get together first. , there will be opportunities in the future.”

Qin Qianrou had reported it to her mother, and was about to hang up when she heard Wen Yirong suddenly say, "Remember to bring that child and come together."

Qin Qianrou was a little hesitant, this is a dinner party with her family, will Shen Yiqiu feel uncomfortable?

"I'll ask her for her opinion then."

Wen Yirong now pays more attention to Shen Yiqiu than to her daughter, and she can even make Qianrou come to Haicheng several times for her. He even said that he wanted to seek her opinion just now. Isn't it just a meal, as for?

Qian Rou cares about a person so much, but this kind of care is so delicate and silent, hidden in the details that are not obvious, which makes Wen Yirong feel very unusual.

The two of them reached an agreement on the way to stay in the hotel they stayed at last time. They are probably people who don’t like change. Once they are familiar with a place, they are reluctant to change it.

In addition to watching He Zhuo's trial this time, Shen Yiqiu actually had other things to deal with. The traffic police had contacted her, saying that her parents' case had made a major breakthrough.

The clues are limited but the sky is full, Chen Kang excitedly told her that the mastermind behind the scenes was arrested! And can't stand the interrogation, they have all confessed.

The whole case came to light, the Shen couple died in a man-made car accident, and the murderer has been arrested and brought to justice.

Everything seems to end, but Shen Yiqiu knows that the so-called mastermind behind the scenes is just a shield thrown by Shao Qidong. He was worried that if he was investigated further, he would be found on him, so he simply found a scapegoat and carried everything down.

Now everyone thinks that her parents were killed by that person, and the evidence points to him. Only Shen Yiqiu never forgot that the real black hand was Shao Qidong.

In any case, the temporarily frozen assets under Shen Zhifeng's name were unsealed, and Shen Yiqiu inherited it rightfully. This time I came back to go through the inheritance procedures.

Gu Chao and the others heard that they were coming, and they gallantly said that they were in charge of all receptions, but Shen Yiqiu refused with a smile, and asked Sister Zhang Meng to help and persuade them.

"They are so enthusiastic that I won't dare to tell them in the future."

Shen Yiqiu grinned helplessly, she was always a little at a loss for overly enthusiastic gestures.

After completing the check-in procedures, Qin Qianrou and the others stayed in the last room again. High-end hotels always pay attention to the habits and preferences of their guests. It just so happened that the last room was still vacant, so it was arranged for them.

"They are all pure and grateful people, although I'm not very comfortable with such enthusiasm." Qin Qianrou was packing her luggage and had a deep understanding of Shen Yiqiu's words.

"Sister, what kind of repayment method do you like?"

"Me? I don't need to repay, and I don't do those things for other people's returns."

Shen Yiqiu thought about it, but always felt that she did not ask the right way.

"I mean, if someone wants to be nice to you, do you think it's a thank you or something else?"

Qin Qianrou didn't seem to have thought about this issue, she stopped and thought about it seriously.

"It depends on the situation and who it is."

Look at people... Shen Yiqiu pondered these words, not knowing what to ask next.

"Don't be in a daze, hurry up and clean up."

In the afternoon, they had to meet the person in charge of the inheritance procedures. Shen Yiqiu really couldn't handle it alone. Qin Qianrou also took this into consideration when she accompanied her.

Please bless me, I don't become a pitiful little guy like Team Leader Lin!

Read The Duke's Passion