MTL - Aunt Qin Save Me-Chapter 117 extra two

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Mongolia's July was hotter than usual, with a week of unbearably high temperatures.

The air conditioner in the Mengcheng TV station is fully on, and you will feel a little cool when you wear a shirt alone. Li Wan specially put on her coat before the meeting. After the three-hour meeting, she was hungry and cold, but her face was all right.

"Sister Wan, you are too good, aren't you tired?"

"Who is the editor-in-chief Li, can she be stumped by this? You are still too young. You will know how strong she is in a few years."

After the meeting, colleagues passed by her and looked at her with admiration, most of them were newcomers in recent years. Li Wan just smiled lightly at this, much more calm and restrained than before.

In the blink of an eye, it is another few years, and time passes by in the work day after day. Li Wan couldn't help sighing that now she is also a senior in the stage.

During the morning meeting, she kept counting the time, for fear of delaying and delaying major events. Today, the special group will record a talk show, and the special guest is Shen Yiqiu.

When this topic was decided three months ago, Li Wan made an appointment with Shen Yiqiu for an interview. At that time, she was accompanying Qin Qianrou to run news in Qinghai. The time was finally determined at the end of last month, and the entire group was working overtime to ensure the smooth recording today.

Out of the conference room, Li Wan called Shen Yiqiu.

"Shen Yiqiu, where have you been?"

"We will be at the TV station in ten minutes." It was Qin Qianrou who answered the phone, and Shen Yiqiu was driving.

"I usually ask you to come back when you have time to see you, but you always say you don't have time, so I made a special trip to send her to record the show today?" Li Wan deliberately showed a bit of sourness, but the corners of her mouth were full of smiles.

Don't think about it, Qin Qianrou will definitely come with Shen Yiqiu.

Qin Qianrou is too familiar with the routines of her friends, so she directly avoids the topic: "I brought you Qinghai specialties, and I will come to the parking lot to pick them up later."

"Okay." Li Wan lost her spine in front of the food.

After Qin Qianrou left the TV station, she set up her own column, especially a few years ago, she became famous in the industry by boldly and sharply reporting the situation and experiences of Chinese-funded enterprises in South Africa. As an independent reporter, she is getting better and better, and Li Wan is really happy and proud of her friend.

"I thought this time in Qinghai, you two would get half-tanned again, but now it doesn't seem too bad." Li Wan walked over consciously and reached out to take Shen Yiqiu something in hand.

Qin Qianrou sighed softly: "Before going out this time, my mother stuffed a lot of moisturizing and after-sun repair masks in our box, and kept reminding us to pay attention to sun protection."

Li Wan laughed: "She is not worried about you yet, for fear that you will run the news in the past few years and not pay attention to anything. By then, the distance from Shen Yiqiu will become more and more obvious, and there will be a crisis. "

Before Qin Qianrou could speak, Shen Yiqiu showed her loyalty first: "I'm not that superficial, how could my relationship with my sister be in crisis because of such a trivial matter. Besides, Big sister is naturally beautiful, and there is no change at all!"

Li Wan just pursed her lips and smiled, but now she can't help laughing.

"Qianrou, why are your children still so cute? It's been so many years. It really hasn't changed at all."

It has been the seventh year since they met. Others often say the seven-year itch, and even Wen Yirong, who has always been optimistic about their relationship, will occasionally remind Qin Qianrou to be careful this year. After all, this statement is not without reason.

But the two parties did not care about this issue at all.

"Isn't it good that it hasn't changed." Qin Qianrou's tone was completely calm and steady.

Li Wan had already eaten their dog food until she was numb. Seeing that they were so obsessed with sweetness for so many years, she felt quite normal.

"Today's program recording time will take about two and a half hours. Let's have dinner together tonight?"

"Not tonight, another day."

Li Wan was not happy: "Qianrou, why did you refuse again. It's been a long time since we ate together and chatted gossip. Do you have the heart to see me being devastated by work and have nowhere to vent my anguish?"

Shen Yiqiu smiled and said, "We're going to pick up the swing."

When she heard the name, Li Wan trembled, indicating that she had goosebumps. But when I think of that cute orange cat, I can't help but soften my heart.

"Is the swing sick?"

"A little diarrhea, take it to the doctor to check."

The swing was a stray cat brought home by Shen Yiqiu three years ago. At that time, its mother nested under Qin Qianrou's car. Fortunately, Shen Yiqiu checked it, otherwise the comedy would have turned into a tragedy.

The cat mother led Shen Yiqiu to the flower bed not far away, and a kitten was dying. The mother cat rubbed her trouser legs, pleading with a whimper, as if begging her to save the kitten.

Shen Yiqiu took the kitten home, took good care of it, went to the doctor for various examinations, and when the kitten recovered, the mother cat was nowhere to be found. As a result, the kitten became a new member of their family.

As for the origin of the name Swing, Shen Yiqiu and Qin Qianrou refused to reveal a single word, so that Li Wan always felt that it had no deep meaning.

Shen Yiqiu put a large cardboard box with a unique shape for the swing on the balcony, which is called a different courtyard, and a small swing next to it. When the sun is good in winter, cats like to nest on it and kick their hands and hands.

Li Wan led them to complete the registration at the front desk. The current front desk girl has already changed her person. She is a college student who just graduated last year. She looked at the visitor's name, her eyes widened suddenly, she couldn't help but look at Qin Qianrou a few more times, her eyes were full of adoration.

Shen Yiqiu knew she had no other thoughts, but she subconsciously took two steps to the side, which made Li Wan burst into laughter. When they got into the elevator and there were only the three of them, Li Wan joked, "Why are you still so jealous? Qianrou has fans all over the world, are you busy? Eat too much and be careful. Cheng Laotan pickled cabbage."

Shen Yiqiu blushed a little, but after all, she was no longer the teenager.

"I'm not jealous, I'm just protecting my sister from outside interference, so as not to affect her work."

Before the recording started, Li Wan went in and explained, and then stood at the door with Qin Qianrou and watched.

Today's interview mainly focuses on the operation and achievements of Qianqiu Fund over the years. It is not the first time that Shen Yiqiu has been interviewed. But as the protagonist of a special program, it is the first time.

She wore a dark dress shirt with a small vest today. Qin Qianrou picked it for her last night, and then seriously burned it again. My sister pays more attention to this show than she does.

"I didn't expect that there would be such a day when the seniors of our two TV stations stood here watching others interview Shen Yiqiu."

Qin Qianrou bent her lips, did not speak, and kept her eyes fixed on Shen Yiqiu.

"She deserves it."

In these years, Shen Yiqiu will go to different places to publicize the Qianqiu Fund. She has been to Mengda and Haida several times. But usually her life is very low-key, and occasionally live broadcasts are just to answer the application questions of Qianqiu Fund.

I didn't expect too much when planting seeds, I just hope to help everyone balance ideals and reality. Now that it's the harvest season, Shen Yiqiu's eyes are red when he sees the results show specially prepared by the program team.

Gu Chao is also a beneficiary of the project, and he stayed in Haicheng. I am still engaged in what I learned at the beginning, without changing careers, without giving up halfway.

In the video, he has a firm eye and exudes the unique calm temperament of scientific researchers: "Thanks to the generosity of Qianqiu Fund, so many graduates like me who do not have six wallets to support can take root in Haicheng , do scientific research with peace of mind. I also thank the Qianqiu Fund for its patience and tolerance, which gave me the opportunity to achieve success through trial and error.”

Gu Chao has won the national special prize for this subject for his scientific research achievements at the beginning of the year, and he and Zhang Meng also bought a house in Haicheng three years ago.

The screen is switched, Chen Yingjie is wearing a white coat and recording a video in the conference room of the hospital. He looked a lot more mature than when he first met at the night market, but the demeanor in his eyebrows remained unchanged. He is already a young doctor trained by his department, and his wife, the head nurse, gave birth to a daughter last year.

"Thank you Qianqiu Fund and the founder of the fund, Ms. Shen Yiqiu, for allowing me to realize my dream of being a resident doctor. I will cherish the opportunity, strive to improve my medical skills, and serve more patients ."

The last picture is different from the previous one. The background is rolling mountains, and the clouds are embedded in the mountains, like a painting.

In the painting stands a young woman in simple clothes, with the simplest ponytail, surrounded by three or four children. This is a primary school located in a poverty-stricken county in the country. The young woman is a university graduate. She originally used the vacation to help teach and experience life, but she never thought she could bear to leave.

She hesitated, struggled, and knew what it meant to stay here. Her family in the city couldn't accept it, her classmates and friends couldn't understand it, and even her teacher advised her to think carefully.

She knew what she would miss by staying here, but she couldn't bear to see those innocent and lovely children. She knows very well that in today's society, too little education means that there are also fewer options, especially girls, who are even more helpless.

She wants to help them, but she is not a saint after all, she must also consider her future life. A passion cannot completely replace real life, so she tried to truthfully reflect the situation and her own decisions and concerns to the Qianqiu Fund, and also tried to apply for funding.

Soon, the project team responded to the message, and regretfully told her that the industry she was engaged in did not belong to the field funded by the Qianqiu Fund for the time being. She was not too sad for the expected rejection.

What she didn't expect was that a week later, Shen Yiqiu came in person. After learning about the situation on the spot, Shen Yiqiu and relevant personnel worked together to expand the scope of funding of the Qianqiu Fund.

This time, a young female teacher was selected.

She applied to teach here for ten years, and the Qianqiu Fund will provide her with the same standard of income and benefits as the city for ten years, and will give her a one-time bonus after the ten years expire.

Some people also questioned Shen Yiqiu's decision and thought she was too emotional. If this opening is opened, more and more people will apply for funding in the future.

Shen Yiqiu said: "Education is a right that every child should enjoy equally. Qianqiu Fund would like to thank every gardener who is willing to give their youth for grassroots education. If more people come Apply, it will be a different landscape ten years from now.”

Talking in front of the camera, Shen Yiqiu's demeanor became more and more attractive, and there were a few young girls beside her who looked like a nympho.

"It's so cool, to manage such a huge fund in your twenties, and to do it so well, is a genius."

"When you speak, you are very steady, not as frizzy as your peers at all, it's just too A."

"Alas, such a young lady must have a partner."

"What are you afraid of? I'll ask her for a WeChat account after the recording is over. Don't you allow free choice these days?"

Li Wan looked over there, and several young people immediately lowered their heads and worked hard. Qin Qianrou didn't speak, and still looked at Shen Yiqiu.

The recording was completed, Shen Yiqiu walked towards the door, she knew that Qin Qianrou had been waiting for her.

Sure enough, she was stopped halfway. When she heard the intention of the other party, Shen Yiqiu was startled.

Then she saw the faint shyness and throbbing in the eyes of the other party, and she immediately understood.

She subconsciously turned the ring on her hand, but did not take out her mobile phone, and explained with a smile: "Sorry, I have a family. I usually take care of the children at home other than work, and I really don't have any extra time."

After he finished speaking, he left, leaving his back, ignoring the stunned expression on the other side.

Married at an early age...


From the TV station, they went to pick up the swing, but fortunately there was no serious illness. After taking the medicine at night, the swing entered his own nest early, and Shen Yiqiu squatted beside him for a while.

Qin Qianrou was still taking a bath, Shen Yiqiu quietly took out the prepared gift and stuffed it under the pillow.

"What is this?" Qin Qianrou soon found out, picked up the album and looked at her.

"Open and see."

In Shen Yiqiu's doting and gentle eyes, Qin Qianrou opened the album, which was their group photo. Page by page, it is the places they have been to and the road they have traveled together over the years.

There are mobile phone selfies, passers-by snaps, and group photos at work.

"Sister, happy seventh anniversary."

Qin Qianrou stroked these photos with emotion.

Unconsciously, they have known each other for seven years. It turns out that they have gone through so much together, traveled so much, and have always been by each other's side.

"There are still many seven years in the future, we will all be together, forever."

Shen Yiqiu's gentle breath melted Qin Qianrou, and for so many years, they have never been tired, let alone itchy. Time has made them more inseparable and made them achieve each other.

Before the extreme came, Qin Qianrou heard the murmur of Shen Yiqiu often in her ear: "Sister, I will love you with my whole life."

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