MTL - Aunt Qin Save Me-Chapter 109

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Shao Qidong developed from Haicheng to Mengcheng, thanks to the support and support of Vice Governor Xu. In return, he has given back a lot to him over the years. Vice Governor Xu is not greedy for money, but is very obsessed with power.

Shao Qidong does what he likes, spends a lot of money, and uses resources. Even if the left hand turns the right hand into idling business, he will also contribute to the political achievements of Vice Governor Xu. He was in charge of the economy, and Shao Qidong tried his best to make him perform well in all his tenures, which obviously won the heart of Vice Governor Xu.

"Brother Xu, in your opinion, the result of this matter will be..."

There are only the two of them in the box today, and Vice Governor Xu did not deliberately hide anything. Since he can call Shao Qidong, he just wants to say a few more words.

"The two women are not simple. The shows they have done in the past few years have offended many people in Mengcheng. But it is also because they are not clean, there is evidence, and there are old Li Hu, those people can only bear it."

Shao Qidong diligently prepared food and wine for him, and Vice Governor Xu had a lot to say.

"Once there is a chance to fight back, do you think those people will only be spectators?"

Vice Governor Xu sneered, put a piece of braised beef in his mouth, and chewed it deliciously.

Shao Qidong is very aware of the situation in Mengcheng, and he wants to know what the source of this storm is. After all, he is also in Mengcheng, and although he has to be reminded, he should know more about the inside story.

"What do you mean, the Kyoto side won't take action directly, and then let these people in Mengcheng come forward?"

Vice Governor Xu glanced at him with a slight dissatisfaction, and clicked his tongue: "Qi Dong, why are you getting more and more confused when you are doing business? At this stage, how could it be just remote control? From the capital, do you still see the defeated soldiers in Mengcheng? It's nothing more than letting them come to the muddy waters and make the situation even more chaotic."

When he heard the garbled words, Shao Qidong couldn't help frowning. In business, the most feared thing is chaos. Chaos means that the situation is unclear and policies are changing.

Vice Governor Xu felt enough when he said this, and changed the subject to ask him: "How is your overseas branch developing? I am asking the real situation."

In the past year, Dongsheng has shared experience several times inside and outside the province as a representative enterprise of successful transformation. Vice Governor Xu is tired of listening to those clichés.

"Everything is going according to plan, with some adjustments in personnel."

"It's still moving at this time?"

Shao Qidong sneered a few times and explained, "The financial expert I hired from the United States with a high salary, Zhuo Cheng, do you still have any impression?"

Vice Governor Xu recalled and nodded: "Remember, Mengcheng introduced talents last year. He looks good. I heard that Lao Li intends to make him his son-in-law."

Shao Qidong's legs were a little numb, he changed his position, and the soles rubbed on the floor a few times. There was a harsh sound from Zhuo Cheng's monitoring earphones, but when he heard his name just now, he could only bear it and continue to listen.

"I originally wanted him to start the business in the United States, and then wash those patents out. Who knows that he is also an embroidered straw bag, and he loses in matters such as men and women."

Vice Governor Xu did not pay attention to this matter, but he knew what was going on. It's not surprising how many young people are falling for it.

"Then you still use him?"

Shao Qidong also drank a drink and said proudly: "Here, many documents are signed by him. After all the patents are transferred out, Dongsheng will of course keep people to deal with the aftermath."

"You want to keep him?"

Shao Qidong not only wants Zhuo Cheng to take the blame for reselling patents, he plans to change the legal person after Dongsheng's assets are transferred. When the time comes to let Zhuo Cheng take his place, all the debts of Dongsheng over the years will be counted on Zhuo Cheng.

After listening to his plan, Vice Governor Xu sneered twice: "You are cruel enough, you are willing to ruin such a young talent."

Zhuo Cheng has already clenched his fists and can't wait to go to Shao Qidong for a duel.

Shao Qidong breathed out a smoke ring leisurely: "Just his courage and ability, if he has several years of experience in Wall Street, it is not worth the price at all. Besides, I still have his handle in my hand, Don't be afraid that he won't obey."

As soon as he heard that he still had the handle in hand, Vice Governor Xu was completely relieved, and then he started drinking. They don't care about Zhuo Cheng's fate and end at all, they just treat him as a **** that can be discarded after use.

Zhuo Cheng almost bit the back of his hand before he resisted the urge to look for Shao Qidong in person.


The storm hit hard, Li Wan and Qin Qianrou were prepared for it, but they still felt a strong impact.

First, someone reported that Li Wan was favored on the TV station because her father was the deputy mayor, and was promoted abnormally. After that, Qin Qianrou did not follow the rules and procedures, and contacted the information provider privately several times, suspected of deliberately misleading and hyping news.

These are all questions at work, and the stage did not make a decision immediately. But when you receive a report, you can't be indifferent. But this time, not only the city, but also the relevant departments in the province came, saying that they had received a report and wanted to investigate.

This is not a problem that can be solved within Taili. Li Wan and Qin Qianrou can only be temporarily suspended pending the results of the investigation. Fortunately, they are still in the preliminary investigation stage, and they are only suspended from work and have not lost their personal freedom.

Li Wan was called home by Qin Qianrou, for fear that she would be sullen by herself. Shen Yiqiu knew about their affairs, but even though she was worried, she still believed that the evil did not prevail.

"I'm so sorry, I came to your house to eat and drink again, and to occupy your sister." Li Wan smiled and looked at Shen Yiqiu who was busy in the kitchen, and there was no embarrassment on her face. look.

Shen Yiqiu felt that since Li Wan and Lin Shuangzhi were together, she became more and more like a child. At first, when she heard Qin Qianrou talk about it, she thought it was unimaginable. Such a fiery Li Wan would pair up with the gentle Lin Shuangzhi.

"Don't be under pressure, just be happy." Shen Yiqiu knew her well, and she didn't just blush like before.

Li Wan turned her head to look at Qin Qianrou, tsk tsk: "Qianrou, what's wrong with your family now?"

Qin Qianrou was watching the news when she heard Li Wan's false complaint, so she had to respond: "What happened to her?"

Li Wan was stuck in her throat, she couldn't see her friend's attitude of protecting Shen Yiqiu? Forget it, when you go to someone else's territory, of course you must have the consciousness of eating dog food.

"It's nothing, it's just getting cuter."

Seeing Li Wan's shriveled appearance, Qin Qianrou actually felt a little badly that it was fine.

She rolled her eyes in her heart, wondering why she had become like this.

Li Wan suddenly sighed: "It's better to live together, you can see it when you turn around, and you can hold it after two steps."

"Missing someone?"

Li Wan was busy with work a while ago, and she had a short get-together with Lin Shuangzhi every weekend, without caring about sentimentality. Now that the time is full, she is inexplicably missing.

She rested her cheek with one hand and was a little confused: "I've been thinking about it these days, and sometimes I get angry when I think about it. I don't know what's going on." , "It's probably about to have a period."

Unprecedented pressure is coming, and it is targeted in all directions. Even if the family has already said hello in advance, when the storm really comes, no one will be unresponsive.

Qin Qianrou also has moments of depression, but she has Shen Yiqiu and her relying on each other and comforting each other. But Li Wan didn't. Her heart depended on the distant Yongcheng. Although Lin Shuangzhi was very attentive to her, the objective distance still existed.

"Don't tell her, she has a lot of work in the company recently, I don't want her to be under pressure."

Qin Qianrou glanced at her with interest: "You are the one who has really changed."

Li Wan pretended to stare at her, and then they both laughed. There was still some depressed and gloomy atmosphere before, which was washed away by laughter. Shen Yiqiu heard the sound from the living room in the kitchen, and also became happy.

If the sisters are in a good mood, so will hers.


Li Wan's problem is actually relatively simple. Although Li's father is the deputy mayor, he does not have much overlap with the TV station in charge of the field, and he is an honest and honest official, and there is no place to be criticized.

Lin Shuangzhi has a heart, graduated from Li Wan and entered the TV station. All her efforts and corresponding achievements in her work are carefully preserved by her. After investigation, Li Wan's flaw was nothing more than the fact that her status as the mayor's daughter gave her some convenience at work, but this was a soft factor, and her family of origin was beyond her control.

On the contrary, this investigation has made it clearer that Deputy Mayor Li's integrity and justice and Li Wan's hard work. In the past, everyone knew that Li Wan could fight hard and willing to fight, but there was still no clear concept of how hard she should fight.

The records of Lin Shuangzhi provide a strong proof for this.

At this point, no one can embarrass Li Wan anymore. She was able to resume work ahead of schedule, but Qin Qianrou's problem has not been resolved.

With the deepening of the investigation, Qin Qianrou's family background was revealed. Before the stage, almost no one except Li Wan knew her identity. The retired old station masters were all called to talk. Qin Qianrou deliberately concealed it, so there was indeed a slight discrepancy between the information and the facts.

This allowed the investigation team to seize the handle, saying that Qin Qianrou deliberately forged information, intended to conceal her identity, and had impure motives. However, after carefully reviewing her past work records, everyone was amazed: this is a workaholic who is even more desperate than Li Wan.

Before last year, Qin Qianrou was a person who devoted almost all of her time to her work, and every news she handled could be regarded as a sensation. . The big and small revenge she suffered over the years has also been recorded one by one, but she never complained to anyone, and never retreated.

So, everyone subconsciously felt that Qin Qianrou was fine.

It was not until these records were pieced together that everyone suddenly realized that reporter Qin's success was achieved by her tenacity and bravery.

If you change to someone else, you may not be able to persist until now.

The so-called hype news is nonsense, and there is no relevant evidence at all. On the contrary, Qin Qianrou's efforts to investigate every detail were clearly seen one after another.

In addition to concealing her identity, Qin Qianrou can be said to be perfect and admirable in terms of work. However, her biggest problem now is her life style.

There is evidence that she is in a relationship with a young female college student who was previously in her care as a guardian.

Whether it is the same relationship or the change of generation, it is sensitive and not recognized by the mainstream. When Qin Qianrou was asked by the investigation team, she explained it.

"I did date a female college student, but she was officially an adult when we started our relationship, and we started dating when we were both sane."

She has a calm attitude, calm and calm, facing the two commissioners in front of her, she does not feel that her feelings are anything to be ashamed of.

"Then can you tell me what your original relationship was? As far as we know, you didn't know each other before. You went to the hospital after Shen Yiqiu's parents had an accident."

The news of the car accident was on the hot search for a long time, and the Shen family once became a hot topic of discussion among Mengcheng people. This matter slowly faded over time, but it is Shen Yiqiu's eternal scar .

Qin Qianrou remembered the loneliness on the child's face and the fear and unease deep in her eyes when she first met Shen Yiqiu, and couldn't help but feel distressed.

Seeing her distracted, the commissioner tapped the table and reminded: "Please answer the question just now."

"We didn't know each other until after the car accident. At that time, she said she had something to call me. I received a call from the nurse and went to the hospital."

The commissioners exchanged glances and asked: What is she looking for you for? "


The matter of the Dongsheng Group is still unclear. It is still unclear whether the black hand behind the storm and Shao Qidong are friends or enemies. She can't say it at this time.

"Since you never knew each other, how could she have come to you to talk about private matters? Or is it that you hope to find more topical news through her?"

During that time, many people went to the hospital, but very few Shen Yiqiu really wanted to see.

"I do not accept this assumption. If you have evidence, there is no need to come to me to understand the situation. And what I just said is the whole truth."

Qin Qianrou did not panic at all, and maintained the same attitude as before.

"Afterwards, you discharged her from the hospital as an elder, and then brought her to your house from the school dormitory, is that so?"

Qin Qianrou frowned, it was true, but she could not agree with this statement.

"She was an adult when she was discharged from the hospital, and she signed the discharge procedures herself. As for moving out of the dormitory, she originally wanted to live in the previous home, but because she was afraid of touching the situation and affecting her emotions, she would Choose to live with me."

The commissioner held on to a question and asked again: "So you vouched for her as an elder?"

"Not a guarantee, just a warmhearted person doing her best to help her."

Qin Qianrou did not let go at all, and she did not find her signature on the guardian or relative column. She came forward just to give the hospital or school a psychological guarantee, but no evidence in black and white was left.

The commissioner could not find any flaws, so he had to give up temporarily.

Qin Qianrou just accepted the question, she still came and went freely. But when she walked out of the investigation team's office, she unexpectedly saw Shen Yiqiu coming out of another office.

There was a flash of anger in her eyes, and she called Shen Yiqiu silently?

She turned around, faced the commissioner who sent her out, and asked, "Do you now have the power to investigate and harass everyone around me?"

The commissioner was stunned. They had talked to Qin Qianrou several times before. Even if it was like today, when it came to her private life, she always maintained a cool and elegant attitude.

It is surprising to be so angry now.

, why did she come here?

The commissioner was a little embarrassed: "We just act according to the rules. Since it is an exchange, of course, both parties should ask clearly."

"Let's go first and then go home." Shen Yiqiu only said a simple sentence and pulled Qin Qianrou away.

After returning home, Qin Qianrou pulled Shen Yiqiu to the sofa and asked her eagerly, "Why were you called there?"

"They came to the school to find me and said they wanted to know something about the relationship between you and me."

"Then you follow?"

Shen Yiqiu blinked: "If I don't go, it should affect you."

Qin Qianrou was really angry, but there was nothing she could do. She knew that the investigation team was targeting her, but she couldn't do anything right now.

The family told her again and again, to be patient for a while, and to fight back when all the clues in Kyoto are clear. But if it goes on like this, she is afraid that Shen Yiqiu will be affected.

"Sister, I never feel that our relationship is wrong, so their problems today will not cause me any trouble."

Shen Yiqiu held Qin Qianrou's hand, trying to soothe her anxious mood.

Qin Qianrou is not always as calm at home as she is on TV, she is more relaxed at home and shows more emotions.

"What did they ask you?"

Shen Yiqiu recalled for a moment and said with a smile: "Just understand my basic situation first, then ask me if I am dating you, and always try to lead me to say that I was seduced by you ."

Qin Qianrou's face just turned dark again, and she knew that these people were not kind.

"Don't worry, sister, I'm not that stupid. I insisted that I liked you first, that I took the initiative to pursue you, and that I pestered you to make me my girlfriend."

She said so much in a series of words, which made Qin Qianrou recall the days when she was hesitant to do anything.

Qin Qianrou stroked her white and tender face: "I've wronged you."

Shen Yiqiu's smile deepened, and she rubbed against her palm: "I am not wronged, it is the greatest honor of my life to be able to fall in love with my sister."

Qin Qianrou knew that their feelings could no longer be hidden. She was ready to be made public one day, but she didn't expect to be made public in this way.

"You may have a harder time at school in the future."

Shen Yiqiu knew her worries and didn't care: "I go to school to learn knowledge, and I don't live with them. I will say goodbye in three years, and who will remember who in the future."

Shen Yiqiu raised her chin as she spoke, not caring at all about those so-called "troublemakers", and successfully made Qin Qianrou laugh.

She pinched Shen Yiqiu's chin and said angrily, "You just despise your classmates."

"Hmph, if they know how to respect me and understand me, then they are my classmates. If they only talk behind my back and laugh at me, then why should I care what they think? There are so many people, how can I have so much energy to pay attention to so many people.”

Qin Qianrou didn't expect Shen Yiqiu to think so clearly, but she was a little timid and worried about campus life for Shen Yiqiu.

"Then I will listen to Teacher Shen's teaching and ignore it."

Shen Yiqiu was really happy when she saw Qin Qianrou's brows and eyes stretch. She opened her arms and hugged Qin Qianrou tightly, this is the treasure she should cherish and care about.

The author has something to say: Sorry for being late. Randomly drop red envelopes to compensate, okay?