MTL - Aunt Qin Save Me-Chapter 104

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During this period of time, they were going to find more clues in Haicheng. Since most of Shen Zhifeng's research was done in Haicheng during his lifetime, it will definitely leave traces.

"I used to only focus on my own business, and I never listened to my parents carefully about their work. If I could have been sensible earlier, maybe I would not be so passive now." Shen Yiqiu I feel very guilty that I don't know anything about my parents' work.

Today, they found a lot of people in Haida, including Shen Zhifeng's past leaders and his colleagues, but they got very little.

Qin Qianrou was afraid that Shen Yiqiu would be in a worse mood when she returned home, so she dragged her to eat outside before going back. Although they now live in Shen Yiqiu's former home, they hardly open fire at home, either eating in restaurants or ordering takeout.

"Professor Shen is cautious. As you saw today, you are not the only one who doesn't understand the situation."

Shen Yiqiu was still distressed: "But I'm his daughter and his closest person, how can I not know anything."

Qin Qianrou couldn't bear to see her like this, but she couldn't hold her in her arms to comfort her in public, so she could only symbolically stroke the back of her hand.

"Your dad is protecting you, I hope you can stay away from those troubles."

He hides all the truth, so even those who work with him and get along with him day and night may not know everything.

I couldn't find any useful information from Shen Zhifeng's past work and life, Shen Yiqiu planned to meet Jiang Yuan. Since she and He Zhuo were sentenced, Shen Yiqiu has never seen her again.

I originally thought that the scars this person had left in her life would slowly heal, and then they would be forgotten, but I didn't expect to meet again now.

Qin Qianrou returned to her room after finishing the basic care. Shen Yiqiu was still leaning on the head of the bed, looking down at the phone.

"Still sleeping?" Qin Qianrou lifted the quilt and sat up.

Now they sleep in the room that Shen Yiqiu used to sleep in. The bed is a little narrower than their Mengcheng home. At night, when they fall asleep, they hug each other tightly.

"I'm thinking about what to say when I see Jiang Yuan tomorrow." Shen Yiqiu put the phone aside and hugged Qin Qianrou.

"If you don't want to see me, then I'll go by myself."

"I have to ask my parents about my parents, what if I don't."

Qin Qianrou played with the buttons of Shen Yiqiu's pajamas, there were always two or three, she liked to unbutton and button them.

"I'm worried that you're in a bad mood after seeing you. You've been frowning recently."

Shen Yiqiu held the hand gently stroking between her eyebrows, put it to her mouth and kissed it twice: "I don't have it."

Qin Qianrou changed her movements and flicked her forehead: "Your girlfriend doesn't like to see you frowning, ugly."

Shen Yiqiu laughed when she heard the words, wrinkled her nose specially, made a more exaggerated expression, and leaned over.

"Ugly? Say it again and see if it's ugly..."

The touch of the lips is a familiar and calming feeling. After being together for a long time, they have long been used to absorbing each other's warmth in this way. They have been stained with each other's scent, and they are becoming more and more integrated.

The temperature was rising, but Qin Qianrou had to remind her, "I didn't prepare that."

Shen Yiqiu knew what she was talking about, but she didn't have it for a while.

"Occasionally it's fine."


Shen Yiqiu's kiss fell carefully, and finally fell on Qin Qianrou's ear: "Sister, today I want to give you a new experience."

The finger that was punctured a few days ago has healed. In fact, she has discovered it a while ago, but she has never had the chance to use it. Today might be a good time to test her conjecture.

Qin Qianrou barely held her breath: "What new experience?"

Every time Shen Yiqiu says he wants to try something new, it must be ecstasy and exhausting. At the beginning, Qin Qianrou was blushing and couldn't bear it, but gradually she got used to it, but she was still not as calm as Shen Yiqiu.

In this respect, she is not as direct as young people.

Shen Yiqiu deliberately didn't say anything, and continued to kiss her tenderly, her voice becoming sticky: "Using my special ability..."

The night became long, and this was their first complete indulgence after arriving in Haicheng. In the house where Shen Yiqiu grew up and lived, they had always been suppressed and restrained. Probably going to see Jiang Yuan tomorrow, Shen Yiqiu's mood has fluctuated obviously, or someone who is used to being hungry for a few days is inevitably impatient, this night Shen Yiqiu is almost unrelenting.

Without barriers, I feel a little different from the past. What remains unchanged is the tenderness and affection of the people around me. Qin Qianrou habitually grabbed Shen Yiqiu's soft curly hair, strands of fine hair slipped from her fingertips, and grasped again, just like she felt deep down.

Innumerable times being grasped, loosened, and grasped again.


Shen Yiqiu went downstairs to buy breakfast. There is a restaurant outside the Haida campus that is very delicious. In the past, Shen Zhifeng often went to buy it.

When she came back, Qin Qianrou still showed no sign of waking up. Shen Yiqiu sat on the edge of the bed, gently brushed away her drooping hair, watched it quietly for a while, and then kissed her with infinite love.

"Well, don't make trouble." Qin Qianrou closed her eyes and waved, pushing away the annoying interruption.

Shen Yiqiu changed direction and kissed the other side of her face, the warm breath made her face itchy.

"I'm so sleepy." Qin Qianrou reluctantly opened her eyes, but she was still not fully awake.

Last night, she was so tired.

I thought my physical strength had gradually adapted. Unexpectedly, Shen Yiqiu said last night that she wanted to try a new experience, and she directly increased the number to the extent that she was completely unfamiliar, as if she had returned to the beginning.

Qin Qianrou's biological clock has been very tenacious over the years, and only Shen Yiqiu can break it.

She has regained consciousness, leaned on Shen Yiqiu, and let her change her pajamas for herself.

"Today I agreed to see Jiang Yuan together, how can I sleep at home by myself."

Last night, she could clearly feel the complex contradictions in Shen Yiqiu's heart. Qin Qianrou used her love and tenderness to indulge and cooperate again and again, and even took the initiative to ease her worries.

"I bought soy milk, this one tastes very good, I used to drink it almost every day."

Qin Qianrou's mouth curled up and said softly, "Okay."

Shen Yiqiu is already willing to bring up the past again, even in this environment that made her the most powerless to face, she began to repeat the past life, and was willing to do the habit of life now matter.

This means that Shen Yiqiu really came out. Although the pain of the past is still there, it will no longer hinder her from living a normal life. Qin Qianrou is willing to accompany her to experience this meaningful moment together.

"I like fried dough sticks that are a little older, but her little wontons are not as delicious as mine." Shen Yiqiu even compared her craftsmanship to the breakfast shop owner.

"Then you are considering opening a restaurant?"

"Well, I didn't think about it, I just want to make it for you."

Shen Yiqiu answered Qin Qianrou's ridicule seriously, but instead made the joking person blush.

The atmosphere in the morning was very good, and both of them were in a good mood. After breakfast, he simply packed up and went straight to see Jiang Yuan.

Wen Shaoze was already waiting for them at the entrance of the hospital, and the hospital also greeted them.

"Visiting time is limited, you only have half an hour."

Although he was annoyed that she ran to Haicheng without saying a word, after listening to Qin Qianrou's explanation, he couldn't help feeling sorry for the child. It's really uncomfortable to hide such an important thing from the person you love the most.

Thinking about it from another angle, he suddenly found that Shen Yiqiu really had a good temper. If it was Yuan Qi, he would probably have beaten him long ago.

"I won't go in, and it's not convenient for me to know about some things. Just call me if you have anything, I'm downstairs." Wen Shaozuo accompanied them into the hospital and came to pick them up The human nurse explained a few words.

Jiang Yuan was granted medical parole, but she was not in an ordinary hospital, and she did not regain her freedom. However, the environment here is indeed better than the prison. Shen Yiqiu and Qin Qianrou followed the nurse side by side.

In order to ensure Jiang Yuan's safety, she lives in a single ward.

I knew in advance that someone was coming to visit today, but Jiang Yuan didn't expect much. During this period of time, someone came to her to get information, most of them were sent by Wen Shaoze.

I heard that Qin Qianrou came over today, Jiang Yuan thought, maybe Lao He's show needs more materials. Thinking of He Zhuo, Jiang Yuan's numb face finally loosened.

The door was opened, and the nurse's voice came: "Jiang Yuan, someone came to see you, hurry up."

Afterwards, the nurse withdrew temporarily, but the door was open. According to the regulations, they could not be alone, but Master Wen greeted them and agreed to open the door for them to talk.

"Jiang Yuan, long time no see."

Hearing Qin Qianrou's voice, she kept looking at the person outside the window and slowly turned around, but her eyes fell on the person beside Qin Qianrou.

She didn't seem to expect Shen Yiqiu to come to see her, she forgot to react.

Shen Yiqiu had to take the initiative to speak: "Jiang... Jiang Yuan, long time no see."

Meeting again, she didn't know how to call her more appropriate.

"Shen Yiqiu, hello."

Jiang Yuan also knows that calling her Xiaoqiu is no longer appropriate.

Qin Qianrou went straight to the point and said the purpose of coming today. Jiang Yuan didn't have much reaction after listening to it, her eyes were on Shen Yiqiu most of the time.

"You want to know about your parents?"

Shen Yiqiu nodded, she wanted to know.

"Why are you asking me?"

Shen Yiqiu frowned, but had to confess: "Because you and them used to be the best."

Perhaps it was only then that there were not so many secrets between them.

Jiang Yuan smiled sadly: "This is true."

Since He Zhuo died unexpectedly, Jiang Yuan's whole person has changed. These days, she often thinks about how she got to this point step by step. How could the once high-spirited youth become a sinner of the country, full of expectations to fight and dedicate to the motherland?

"What do you want to know?"

I thought Jiang Yuan would take the opportunity to make a condition, but she didn't expect her to agree so quickly.

She re-emphasized that her request was only one: to identify the murderer who killed He Zhuo.

The rest of her life may be the only thing left. Others should be atonement, and help if you can.

"I want to know, what kind of research my parents have been engaged in these years? Also, has my father sold patents like He Zhuo?"

Such a question is hard to say, Shen Yiqiu even practiced silently in the bathroom for a long time. But when facing Jiang Yuan, she still spoke hard.

Qin Qianrou was beside her, holding her hand gently and giving her strength.

Jiang Yuan was stunned for a moment, then smiled: "I can only answer half of this question. I know what Lao Shen is studying, so Lao He and I have always wanted to get those data. As for I don't know if Lao Shen has made deals with others."

Shen Yiqiu frowned, obviously the problem she was most worried about still hadn't been solved.

Jiang Yuan roughly explained Shen Zhifeng's research field and direction in the past ten years, which is similar to what the outside world knows. But in the mouth of an expert, there will naturally be some other information.

"Lao Shen's research has a great breakthrough. Once successful, it will be of great significance. Many people are watching, not only the country attaches importance to it, but our industry is actually looking forward to it." Jiang Yuan Self-deprecating laughs twice, "Of course, we are also worried that if Lao Shenzhen succeeds in his research, our peers will all be compared. So at that time, we both hoped for his success and were afraid of his success."

Shen Yiqiu asked, "What you wanted to take away from me was something about this research?"

Jiang Yuan gave Shen Yiqiu a surprised look, wondering when she knew this.

"No, at that time I heard that your family had an accident. What Lao He and I wanted were the batch of patents donated by you. Because they are readily available, it is the most convenient to trade."

Now, there is no need to hide anything. Jiang Yuan was no longer Aunt Jiang who rescued her, and Shen Yiqiu was no longer the orphan who needed comfort to stop crying.

"Then you know who else is interested in Dad's research?"

The other is Shao Qidong."

Shao Qidong, sure enough, came up with this name again.

Shen Yiqiu remembered that in the hospital in her previous life, Shao Qidong once took out the forged contract, deceiving her that Shen Zhifeng signed it with Dongsheng Group during his lifetime. At that time, she was extremely sad, and there was no one around her to rely on, so she believed it in a daze.

"But I never heard my father say that I know Shao Qidong, let alone have contacts with Dongsheng Group."

Jiang Yuan smiled helplessly and sighed: "You are still too naive. If you really want to cooperate and make transactions, which one will be exposed. Look at the transactions before Lao He, not all of them have turned several times. It was only the hand that really made the deal. It stands to reason that he has been doing it for so many years, and I should be familiar with the situation, but until now I am not sure who is behind him. "

In the end, Jiang Yuan's whole body became cold, and she believed that it was these masterminds who killed He Zhuo.

Out of the hospital, Shen Yiqiu was still thinking about what Jiang Yuan said just now. Qin Qianrou did not disturb her, and walked with her quietly.

In half an hour, Jiang Yuan only spoke for ten minutes, and the shock to Shen Yiqiu had already surpassed the previous ten years of cognition.

"I only found out now that I don't know Dad at all."

The Shen Zhifeng in her impression is not exactly the same as the old Shen in Jiang Yuan's mouth.

But it is consistent that he is obsessed with scientific research.

"It's not that you don't understand, it's just that in your heart, he is the role of father, it's just a matter of perspective."

Shen Yiqiu smiled at her, indicating that she was fine.

Wen Shao saw them coming out on time, and went up to look left and right: "Is it going well?"

Shen Yiqiu nodded: "Very good, thank you for your help."

Wen Shaoze relaxed slightly, and joked: "It's all a family, so say thank you or not. If you want to thank you, just repay Qianrou directly."

Shen Yiqiu blushed a little, but when he heard Wen Shao said that he was a family, he felt a warm heart inexplicably.

Meeting Jiang Yuan just now made her inevitably recall the fragmented past. The home she used to have long ceased to exist, but now her family seems to be gradually increasing.

"Do you have any plans for tonight?"

It seemed that Young Master Wen wanted to invite them to dinner, but Qin Qianrou was the first to refuse: "No arrangement, but I don't have time to eat with you."

Wen Shao was helpless, and said bluntly: "The person who wants to eat with you is not me."

He raised his phone: "Your dad called me just now and asked if I could take you back today."

Qin Qianrou thought of the so-called test, and thought it must be a feast of Hongmen, so she refused without thinking.

The author has something to say: Xiaoqiu: Ability is really a good thing orz

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