MTL - Attack Stream of Life-Chapter 6

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After making a big profit in January, Qingchuan's life continued step by step, spring to autumn, and another year in a flash. His works also went from 30 to 40 points at the beginning to more than 80 points now, and then suddenly entered a bottleneck period, stagnant for a long time, and people were disturbed.

In the past, when he was learning painting, he often experienced such a bottleneck period. He made rapid progress at first, then slowly progressed, and suddenly one day, he began to stagnate for a long time. At this time, you can't be impatient or give up on yourself. You can only be patient and slowly polish it until the conditions are suitable for a breakthrough. In an instant, the idea is mastered, as if a piece of cloth covering the eyes has been lifted.

Although Qingchuan was still calm, no matter how hard he tried, the score still didn't change, and he would still be a little discouraged. The system will also comfort one or two. The teachers in the virtual classroom are still trying very hard to pass on their experience to Qingchuan, but Qingchuan just can't receive it. No matter what they say, Qingchuan can't feel it at all.

He became extremely irritable uncontrollably, and a certain area of ​​​​the cerebral cortex became very active, and other thoughts flashed from time to time.

He unconsciously searched for some utensils in the house, and brushed them over and over again like a cat's hair. Every time he changed an object, his expressions and actions would be slightly different.

"You're so surprised, why do you touch the vase in a way you don't understand?" The system was a little surprised. It is also an experienced system, and it has seen more people than the water in the sea, so I caught the slight difference at once. Inexplicably, the system had a bad premonition.

As a pure life system, it always wants the host to be low-key, calm and patient. The survival rate of the host of such a life system is very high, but he still often changes the host, just because of the eyes Not good, always choose the type to die. The death of the host does great harm to the system. The main brain is the stepmother of the host's mother-in-law system. After all, one is an endless leek and the other is wild ginseng.

Qing Chuan originally met all the requirements, but the system observed it silently for two years, and initially judged that he was a dead man who stayed home. It originally wanted to observe for a few more years to make sure, but the energy was really insufficient, so it had to choose him.

The main brain of the pit system has always been very strong in protecting the host. After all, the mass-produced system is so good that it can support the 'high psychic' that crosses through. Humans are hard to find, so the main brain prohibits the system Peeping into the host's past and brain, malicious concealment and deception are also prohibited.

Although Qingchuan is a last resort, the system has always felt that this should be an ordinary person who can live quietly and peacefully, and is most suitable for this pure life flow that is indifferent to the world system. But now the system is uncertain whether Qingchuan is 'ordinary'.

It's not good--Qingchuan and the system thought at the same time.

Qing Chuan brushed his sweaty hair with his fingers and tried to recall the self-control methods the doctor taught him. He kept recalling various events in his memory that had brought him strong emotions, especially various positive emotions, until the maliciousness that seemed to burst out of his chest at any moment slowly and quietly lurked.

"Are you all right?" the system asked tentatively. Although normal people will be irritable during the bottleneck period, they will never be like Qingchuan... There is a turbulent emotion in the calm, like boiling water with a layer of oil floating, looking at the calm, it will burst at any time.

Qingchuan sat cross-legged on the ground, five hearts up, eyes closed, breathing with a special rhythm, alternating long and short, until his face became very calm again.

"It's the legend that the disorder of hormone secretion leads to emotional big aunt. Just eat a vegetarian diet for a few more days." Qingchuan refused to say more, and the system couldn't check his memory, so he could only be suspicious.

I bought it in the system and closed it at home for a few months.

The system looked at him and seemed to see the host of the dead house.

This kind of high-efficiency practice is still useful. One day in May, two snails were entangled in a ball on a leaf. Qingchuan held a ball of mud in his hand. Block-shaped snails are not so concrete in terms of details or form, but the first time everyone sees this piece, they must think of a small snail with tentacles carefully stretched out.

They can't even say where the head is and where the feet are, but they can say with certainty, 'Like a shy little snail popping out its tiny tentacles'. Timid, hesitant, anticipation, curiosity... all kinds of emotions stick to it, this creature that is cautiously exploring the new world like a child is so tender and cute, it makes people wonder whether it will continue to stretch out its limbs or shrink back in fear.

The shape is different, but the spirit is similar.

At that moment, Qing Chuan only felt that his eyes suddenly opened up, and he had a strong premonition that this abstract snail would break the original score line.

After more than ten days, the rough and abstract snail was dried and calcined in the shade, and just after it came out of the oven, it didn't even have a color, and the system directly gave it a high score: 93 points.

An unprecedented high score, the previous highest score was only 86, and the two numbers were one level apart.

The system is astounding, "Hey, host, you are talented, you are the first person I have seen who has scored 90 high scores in three years. When I went to the last host, the average of every After 50 or 60 years, he is close to the level of 90 points. 90 points is the watershed. Every time he crosses the dividing line of the master level when he is in his 70s and 80s. No wonder people say that genius and talent are only one difference. One percent of the talent, but it is this talent, which is difficult to overcome in a lifetime."

"That's because I already have a good foundation, saving some of the process of laying the foundation." Qingchuan rejected the system's rainbow fart, "Although this little snail is a high-scoring product, it also Only those who know the goods understand the value of it, and if you put it on a small stall, it is estimated that even a child will not bother to buy it, and hesitant to give it away. Art is so strange, it is mutually chosen."

It is the so-called eye edge.

Later Qingchuan made a series of flattering themes, and rented a small shop less than 6 square meters, sandwiched between the pastry shop and the cloth shop, and asked someone to order a signboard, on which It has cute round characters: Jiang Xiaoyu Clay Man Hall.

The lively commercial street opened.

On the first day of opening, there was neither discount nor discount, and there was no one after sitting for a morning. Qingchuan is surrounded by a blue cloth apron. When no one is there, he uses a half-dry clay figurine to shape it with bamboo chips.

None of them were sold in the morning, but a few were sold in the afternoon. After careful calculation, I could not pay the rent for one day. Qing Chuan was not in a hurry, and waited quietly.

Opening a store is like going to jail, you can't be in a hurry, and you can rarely make a lot of money by opening a store.

The clay figurines sold in the store are full of remakes on the outside, and boutiques on the shelves inside. Many guests who took a fancy to the clay figurines on the shelves inside were shy in their pockets, and in the end they could only choose one or two works of the same kind on the shelves outside as comfort. But occasionally, there are generous customers who buy things that are a few taels of silver on the back shelf without blinking their eyes.

It is best to count the money of the readers.

This year is another year of imperial examinations. Some people from the provincial capital are preparing to take the college entrance examination in Beijing. There are several clay figurines with excellent meaning here in Qingchuan, which were invited back by them or their families. For example, large-scale clay figurines such as 'Horseshoe disease in one day in the spring breeze' and 'I can see all the flowers in Chang'an in one day' are basically themes of Zhuang Yuanlang's horse and parade, but the shapes are different, and they are bought a quarter of an hour before and after. gone. The asking price is eight taels, without any counter-offer.

The biggest work of the same theme is a paved street with restaurants on both sides. From time to time, people stick their heads out of the windows and throw flowers and handkerchiefs on the champion's head. The champion was dressed in clothes and hats, riding a tall horse, gentle and handsome, with both hands bowing and smiling like a spring breeze, as well as the guards holding the champion parade sign in front of him, and the general public looking at people with their heads sticking out from both sides.

This work is one meter long and twenty centimeters wide. The characters are all small, but very detailed. Even the double eyelids of Zhuang Yuanlang are clear. Although there are many characters, there is almost no overlapping appearance and appearance. Dressing up, clothing textures are very close to reality, the whole scene is lifelike, and at first glance, it seems that he is looking down at a high altitude.

Qingchuan made three sets, and finally succeeded in this set, so it was sold very expensively, and there was no bargaining for 80 taels.

This extremely expensive is Qingchuan's own perception. In fact, this set of clay figurines was sold in less than two hours. When he went back, he also picked out a few clay figurines with the theme of the Four Beauties of the Legend of Closing the Moon, Shame, Flowers, Chenyu, Luoyan, and other boudoir girls, collected one hundred taels of silver, and left without looking back.

This is the first time he has seen so much silver, ten taels for one ingot, one hundred taels for ten ingots, especially pressing, he has to put it in a small box and carry it back, just kidding, ten taels What about the weight in kilograms.

This is really not open for three years, open for three years, earning 100 taels a day, deducting the rent of 3 taels a year, as long as he doesn’t buy luxury goods, he can spend as much as he wants as a bachelor. year. Qingchuan struck while the iron was hot and launched a series of clay figurines related to the imperial examinations, all of which were very popular. It was not until the boom in the imperial examinations passed that the business fell flat.

Qingchuan bought a roast chicken and made a pot of Huadiao wine for five years. I also went back to my hometown and bought things for my family, and the piles were all goods from the provincial capital. It is always a good thing for a countryman to be able to use the things from the provincial capital, so every time he comes back, he has to bring a lot of provincial capital goods. He returned to his hometown with satisfaction, and finally escaped under the old lady's great curse of urging marriage.

After the imperial examination boom, Qingchuan's business has cooled down, but it has maintained a frequency of forty to fifty orders a day, which is actually very unscientific. Because clay figurines are not consumables, especially calcined clay figurines, they can be kept for ten years or even longer if they are well preserved.

The owner of the clay figurine shop next door was so envious that he almost cried.

In fact, the principle is very simple. Qingchuan has launched a killer weapon to boost sales: one limited edition commemorative edition and two series limited editions.

There are philatelists and obsessive-compulsive patients in any age. The Qixi Festival is limited to 'Magpie Bridge Feidu', just one set. The same style will not be released next year. Should you buy it? I bought one of the limited three sets of the Eight Immortals Crossing the Sea, and I bought the remaining seven or not? There are a total of 16 clay puppets in the four series of four series of spring, summer, autumn and winter. I bought the four beauties from the Spring Scenery series. Can I buy the other three sets? Spring clothes are beautiful, winter clothes are also very good. There are also the Eight Great Masters of the Tang and Song Dynasties, the Seven Sages of the Bamboo Forest... If you don't buy it, you may never get a set, and if you buy it, you will love your wallet.

Just half a month's money. But as long as you buy one, there will be endless consumption traps.

When the little sisters play together, they all have a set of limited edition 'Journey to the Garden', with complete characters and complete scenes, you can stay calm Bystanders?

Qingchuan is a careful machine, and also comes with a color picture in the box. They are all complete sets of pictures that he drew by himself. He asked someone to carve a wood rubbing and then color it. How exquisite and attractive? The consumer opened the box, looked at the solitary clay figurine in his hand, and then looked at the magnificent row of gods and goddesses on the propaganda map.

These are all routines, worthy of being a big guy who has beaten the siege from thousands of players, and can play.

It's a pity that you can't copy the essence.

There is a beauty series in Qingchuan that men sneak to buy every day. The shape was made with reference to countless beauties in the modern entertainment industry. No matter her appearance or figure, they were all first-class and beautiful, and one of the best beauties in a thousand miles. In this era, apart from the emperor, who has such a blessing? Who has such a vision?

The best seller is the beautiful woman who refers to all kinds of fox demons, snake demons, pet concubine, and demon concubine. Wushuang is the goblin who pokes the G-spot of men. Qingchuan suspects that the men who sneaked to buy it will do some indescribable things after taking it back, just like the students of the monk academy watching movies.

There is an indescribable strong aura, as if you are going to stand up at any time and push you down the wall. Inexplicably, looking forward to and in awe, men and women who are psychologically weak can never refuse this one.

In addition to this, there are exotic beauties with honey-colored skin full of wildness, full of book spirit, gentle and considerate belly, and poetic style, and charming, lively and lovely green plum, The little fairy of Empty Valley Youlan Shiwaixianshu... As big as the computer hard drive, Qingchuan's beauty gallery is as big.

These beautiful clay figures are basically robbed when they are taken out. Even if there are ten pieces a day, there will be people guarding them early and waiting for him to open the door.

And the dandy took Qingchuan to call him a brother and asked him where he had seen these beauties, so lifelike, it must not be a work purely based on imagination. Qing Chuan said that it was a dream.

In this way, relying on selling beauty, Qingchuan's reputation in the local gangsters and Yankong all reached friendly, everyone said that he is the number one beauty in the world. Of course, Qingchuan didn't want to lose other customers, so the number of beautiful clay figurines was limited to ten a day. The most sold in the store were clay figurines with better meanings, such as various allusions and stories from the Enlightenment Book and the Four Books and Five Classics. , Meng's mother's three relocations and other themes, the price is also very common. There are also some elderly middle-aged people who buy these educational little clay figures for their grandchildren.

So everyone's overall evaluation of Qingchuan is not bad, and they think that he is a young man with outstanding craftsmanship and progress.

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