MTL - Attack Stream of Life-Chapter 204 end

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"I heard that in the legend, there is a bug called 'Dark Warrior' beside the king bug, who is best at taking people's lives in the dark. This bug is born for assassination, can Completely hidden in the dark, sound, smell, or even heat sensing is minimal."

"However, in modern times, there is no such race, and there is no evidence of the existence of such insects. Therefore, 'Dark Warrior' is often identified as a kind of legend. Qing Chuan thought thoughtfully, "It looks like this kind of bug."

Qingchuan shook his head, "Not necessarily, it may be the eggs that have been preserved long ago. Isn't this the abdomen position? Probably because it felt that the death period was approaching, so the king bug reproduced a lot of Darth Vader eggs. Just wait for the intruders and wake them all at once."

"The question is, are these bugs living creatures, or are they manipulated corpses?"

"It's a living creature!" Chen Guanshui immediately wrapped herself with a special huge flower, which she scatters is a handful of seeds, which grows without wind, row after row, Strangle the flying insects in the void.

"Living creatures? Living creatures are much easier to handle."

Qingchuan leaped forward, the ring unlocked in mid-air into a blue dragon, he landed on the dragon's head, grabbed the dragon's horns with both hands, and shouted loudly to the little friend behind him, "Black Samurai only have physical attack ability, the biggest advantage is speed, and perfect hiding in the dark."

Open your hands, don't let them get close."

"Xiao Ge, please take care of the sunflower and continue to create light clusters."

Weige responded, took out an ordinary-looking pen and drew a circle around the sunflower, the circle formed a hemispherical cover, wrapping himself and the sunflower in it .

Then Wei Ge sat down and didn't move.

Other taskers are unknown, so I only saw a black bug rushing towards Wei Ge, but I don't know why, as long as it touches the circle drawn, the head will be on the opposite side. out. No matter how the black bugs come, they just can't touch them, they pass through a certain space door again and again.

It turned out to be a closed spherical space, turning his place into an isolated dimensional space. No matter what the outside world can't touch, the light group inside is still bursting out.

One of Wei Ge's live broadcast skills: Draw a dungeon into a prison.

The host of the big player system snorted and thought of an unpleasant past. Before entering this world, he was compressed into a two-dimensional existence by this guy.

Other quests don't care about this side, all of them have already left the exit, stepping into the void in their own way.

Futian, the host of my emperor system, was sitting on a golden carriage, six gilded horses were running in the air, and behind the carriage came a group of terracotta warriors and horses with weapons. Continue to come out, more and more, forming an army of tens of thousands of people.

These clay-fired soldiers are all heroic and belligerent. The most rare thing is that these terracotta figurines will be automatically repaired after they are broken, and they will be combined into complete terracotta warriors and continue to kill the enemy.

"Awesome, funeral objects?" Qing Chuan, who was standing on the faucet, and Futian, who was sitting on the carriage, met each other.

"It was all burned by descendants, and they said everything was simple, so they had to give so much." Futian said very modestly.

His own fighting power is also very strong. It may be a skill characteristic, with magical effects such as imperial coercion. Those black bugs will not move when they reach him, and they will obediently stretch their necks and wait for the sky to cut.

Futian held a bronze sword in his hand, and he waved it, and there was no special effect of the sword, and all the black bugs in front of him were beheaded. When the emperor is angry, he will bury a million corpses, which is probably the effect.

In addition to the terracotta army of Futian, there is also a mighty team, the life system Chen Guanshui's plant army. All of these plants have enormous lethality, and Chen Guanshui himself is particularly good at fighting them.

Because her plants are so famous, Qingchuan almost forgot that this is the host of the 'Life' system. She is like a silent death god, reaching out to directly absorb the vitality of the 'Dark Warrior', taking away a group every time.

Chen Guanshui's ability is very lethal, but she is a crispy skin, and the speed and attack of the 'Black Warrior' is a huge threat to her. At this time, another person will go out.

He is the host of the wine song system, and is humming something softly in the encirclement of the plant army. When all the black bugs arrived near the singing, their speed became slow, and various wounds appeared on their bodies inexplicably.

The group adds negative status, slows down, and continuously loses blood.

Qingchuan also noticed that the singing of the host of the wine song system also increased the speed of his own side, making the plant army more terrifying. Is this the support category in combat? really interesting.

With the assistance of the host of the Jiuge system, Chen Guanshui is not afraid of the 'Dark Warrior' at all, as long as she is touched by any part of her body, her vitality will be automatically lost, and it will soon turn into a mummy and fall. .

The strange doctor can exert super strength against mechanical life, but it is a bit hard to deal with this pure life form. So he chose to cooperate with the host of the mountain and river system.

Jin Lie, the host of the Shanhe system, she has a skill called 'the general will be outside, the ruler will not obey'. The feature of this skill is that it interrupts the command and control of the opponent's leader, causing the black bug to forget its purpose for a while, and fly in the air at a loss.

Let's put it another way, this skill is called 'group silence', and the effect lasts for about ten seconds.

The 'pheromone blocking agent' is used to strengthen the effect of this group silence. Then the two used other skills to harvest these quiet black bugs.

In the darkness, there are also dense black warriors staring at Qingchuan, and the guardian dragon is too conspicuous.

It broke in an instant.

The guardian dragon swung its long body, even if it didn't intend, it killed a lot of black bugs in the process.

It is useless to trouble Qingchuan, Qingchuan with a chain in his hand is no better to deal with than a guardian dragon. There was also a petite 'Princess Wind' standing beside him, and Princess Feng blew out what looked like dandelion seeds.


Like all plants that grow parasitic in animals.

This process is a bit slow, it takes about half a minute to fully absorb a black bug, and then the seeds split into three and continue to look for the next prey.

These do not require the control of Princess Wind. This is an attack method that the longer the time, the stronger the strength of one's own side, and is especially suitable for the current situation where there are many enemies.

Qingchuan also noticed the area where the host of the big player system in the front left is located, which is emptied from time to time. After observing for a while, he found that the black bugs that surrounded each other were brought into the realm by the big player host to play games.

Bring 'Dark Warrior' into the game field?

As far as Qingchuan knows, the Zerg from thousands of years ago have not evolved the IQ of today's Zerg. number.

Then the big player host only needs to choose a large game that requires a little IQ...


"Do me a favor! Can I get close to the king bug?" The Luck Breaker Host Badger, who was walking on the mini nebula, landed on the back of the guardian dragon for a long time, with a few rays of light in his hand, every time Both ends of the light are star-like bright spots, like a mini constellation.

With more and more stars and more and more complex light, Qingchuan saw that it was a bear-like pattern.

The host of the Destroyer, the son of the stars, where there are stars, is his home.

Qingchuan approached the king worm carefully, and stopped when there were still a few hundred meters away.

The black bug's attack on it is completely ineffective, like passing through the air. This is an avatar, and its target is not the black warrior, but the king bug.

Another attack on the king worm is the black coffin host, he has already attacked the king worm several times, the king worm's mouth can launch an energy wave that accelerates aging, which can summon its guards , in addition to this temporarily can not see other capabilities.

The host of the black coffin has been paying attention to avoid the open mouth of the king bug, and there are many black warriors beside him. Don't get me wrong, these black warriors are not the enemy army. The black warriors killed by the black coffin host automatically become their own faction, and it feels really unexpected and wonderful.

The light bear is different from the host of the black coffin. It is punched directly from the front. The fist with the power of the stars can make the king worm dizzy with every blow.

The time light wave of the king bug seems to have no effect on the light bear.

"This is a combination of the power changes of the stars in the universe. The lifespan of each star is counted in epochs. Even if the light waves of the king insect are useful, they are helpless." Badjiu explained.

Because the king bug was caught by the two of them, Qingchuan got closer. The king bug was different from what he imagined. It rolled up like a watermelon bug. Although it had wings, it was short. , which appears to be degraded.

At this moment, he suddenly remembered that the king insect was the only female of the Zerg back then, just like the queen bee in the hive, and its main function and ability was fertility. The entire hive is dedicated to the queen bee, but also for racial reproduction.

But the queen bee itself does not have a particularly powerful attack ability, its power comes from the guardian, and constantly produces powerful war bugs.

Is it the same for the king bug?

Qingchuan flew up and down to observe, and also specifically stared at the tail of the king bug, it was a little strange for a long time, "What are you looking at?"

"I'm thinking, will the king worm with residual mental power still lay eggs? Generally, the king worm responsible for racial reproduction must abandon some other functions and concentrate on reproduction. Even if the king worm itself is powerful The overlord of the universe, for the continuation of the race, it must also discard some offensive capabilities."

"So in the early days of the king insect, its most important attack method should be: calling other insects to protect it, and quickly giving birth to strong guardian insects to protect it."

Qing Chuan explained to Badjiu while avoiding Wang Zong's head.

Qingchuan's explanation made him curious for a long time.

The two of them watched the king worm desperately vibrate its two small wings, but they couldn't fly. The tail was also up and down, looking like it wanted to lay eggs, but nothing could be squeezed out. After looking at it for a long time, why is it still a little pitiful?

Under the blocking of the light bear and the black coffin host, the king worm shrunk again, only half the size of the original. But it still held onto the World Tree tightly and struggled desperately.

"I have experienced more than a dozen S-rank worlds, and this is not the first time I have participated in the dungeon world. But it is the first time I have faced such a weak boss." Bad Jiu whispered. Really weak, that is, the nest is hard to find, plus there are many younger brothers. After overcoming the previous series of difficulties, the real boss is not too difficult. This dungeon is not easy, the difficulty is five stars, but the difficulty of four stars is concentrated on the preliminary work, and the final boss is only one star difficulty.

However, although the boss is weak, there are quite a few younger brothers, endless.

The sunflowers are blowing more and more light groups, like fireflies floating in the air, the tasker uses this to distinguish the dark warriors who move silently.

Can play 300% lethality.

From this point of view, it is the best choice for the king bug to arrange so many black warriors, and most people can't resist this kind of intensive attack.

Guangxiong and the host of the black coffin focused on brushing the boss, Qingchuan helped the two to clean up the black warriors on the periphery because of their flexibility, and the others were responsible for using group attacks to hold the large number of black warriors. Princess Wind's dandelion seeds show a terrible side in the later stages.

So the more it goes to the later stage, the stronger the combat power of the tasker's side.

Yelling at the tasker.

When the black warrior was about to be cleaned up, the smaller and smaller king worm roared, and the surface cracked several light cracks, shooting out a dazzling golden light.

"It's going to explode!"

The king bug is still a huge pure spiritual entity, which is about to explode, and their taskers can hide in the small world or realm, what if the world tree is destroyed?

Qing Chuan didn't care too much, pulled out the chains and bound the tightly hugged World Tree.

The cracks on the king bug are like eggshells before tea eggs are boiled, and golden rays of light shoot out from the inside, like a golden hedgehog.

This was too fast, Qing Chuan couldn't react in time, and was hit by a light.

He felt that the place where he was illuminated was as hot as being splashed with concentrated sulfuric acid. Looking closely, the skin on his hands was rapidly dehydrating and aging, and it was wrinkled in a few seconds, completely like an old man .

It came with the innate ability? !

Qingchuan was not the only one who was recruited. All the missionaries and the creatures summoned by the missionaries who could not respond quickly were aging rapidly, and even the host of the black coffin did not avoid it.

"Hide!" The bad guy behind him let out a low voice, ready to hide in his own domain.

"Wait a minute, it can be saved!"

Qingchuan's time gem glasses glowed softly, and then it was like rewinding a movie, rewinding time within one kilometer to five minutes ago.

Five minutes ago, the king bug hadn't exploded, and the others were confidently posing in various shapes, and the black bug was ready to pounce. Except Qing Chuan took the time to tie the World Tree with chains again, the others were still a little unresponsive.

Rewind time within the zone? At least it's a rare-level item, and it's the one that's used less than once.

Having no life skills and therefore no stable diamond income, the battle system is humble online, even if it is already S-rank, occasionally buying a good rare item has to save money and live a life of eating instant noodles after buying it. How dare you use it so casually?

The bad guy sitting behind the faucet let out a sigh of relief, "Life is really rich." Unless it's a critical moment of life and death, he won't be willing to use it. Lose.

Although the situation just now was critical, it didn't reach the point of death, so it was used.

What a luxury.

Some ignorant king bugs were once again pushed to the brink of self-destruction, but the taskers were all prepared. At the last moment, Qingchuan jumped to the World Tree held by Wang Zong, took out a knife, and prepared to take the World Tree away.

Wang worm lowered his head directly and opened his mouth towards Qingchuan. Although he couldn't see it, he could indeed feel an inexplicable force spraying over when he was prepared. Qing Chuan didn't turn his head back, his other hand condensed a curved sickle to cut directly.

This is really an inexplicable operation, using a knife to deal with the invisible power of time?

However, with this knife, the king bug's attack was completely ineffective.

Cleaver (mutation).

The man who practiced the ultimate mystery of slaughtering on ghosts. Tangible things and intangible things, even time, will be cut for you to see.

It is possible to sever formless things that are theoretically impossible to sever.

Even the power of time can be cut, why don't you go to heaven?

Wang Bug: I want to report, some people use plug-ins here!

Taking advantage of the time that the king bug was stunned, Qingchuan successfully cut off its connection with the world tree, and directly rushed into the small world with the super giant 'grape'. The most important World Tree was rescued, and others also hid in their own domain or small world.

The king worm regrets it, it looks at the empty space, the world tree is gone, the younger brother is seriously injured, and it will explode into the dust of the universe.

No, it doesn't want to explode!

The fragments turned into small meteors and fell on the surrounding war bug stars.

It was like a golden rain, dazzling the eyes of the Zerg, and their eyes were blurred.

Three days later, all the dust settled, and the decline of Wang Zongxing and the royal family insect has become a fact. It is said that the 'pheromone blocking potions' from those star beasts have also been successfully extracted. Although some people want to ban them, some of them have flowed into the people.

Low-level insects are not willing to be controlled, the feeling of standing up, once enjoyed, will never be forgotten.

The class reform of the Zerg is already an inevitable future.

The initiator of everything, those ten missionaries have returned to the small world of human beings, and they have to share the final fruits of labor.

At such a time, when you want a reward, you can't be ashamed. Qing Chuan was already very shameless, but at this moment, he suddenly discovered that these seniors who looked like a person were directly peeled off and stepped on the ground when they were shameless.

After a long time of chatting and almost fighting a few fights, it was finally determined that Qingchuan was the third-ranked contributor. In addition to a mature world seed, he could also get an immature world seed seed.

As for the other three quests, they also have world seeds and a part of the base of the world tree as compensation.

Qingchuan can be said to be a big winner, two world seeds, plus almost half of the base of the world tree, earn a lot of money. No way, who asked him to be the one who brought the tasker over, gave the most clues, and was the one who saved all the World Trees in a pinch.

The taskers earned the seeds of the world tree, and they were all very generous. Everyone took out some energy stones and let Qingchuan set up several space teleportation arrays to remove the bad luck of the seven small worlds. One by one the races were sent back to their own home.

Some of the gadgets from the Zerg they wanted to take away were also taken away.

There is only such thing as bacteria, which must be cleaned up. This makes some people who rely on bacteria to be "strong" feel very unbalanced. However, all dissatisfaction was forcibly suppressed by the tasker.

After these civilizations go back, there will still be disputes, the characteristics of intelligent creatures, when there is no foreign enemy, there will be civil war. But as long as civilization continues, it doesn't matter.

Qing Chuan doesn't have much time, he still looks young, but he is already a candle that is about to burn out.

"I'm going to meet someone," he said.

"Is that Zerg friend?" Wei Ge immediately knew who it was. The Zerg friend who could make Qingchuan change his mind and send away the remaining people on Wang Zongxing, and he also got along with Qingchuan in a mini state for more than a month.

"I want to go with you." Wei Ge emphasized.

Qingchuan knew what Wei Ge was thinking when he saw Wei Ge's expression, he helplessly raised his forehead, "What are you thinking? It's not the same." He gestured a distance of ten centimeters.

"I want to thank him." As a boyfriend, Wei Ge thought seriously.

Qingchuan didn't know whether to laugh or cry, but finally agreed, the two of them went to the Zerg world again, Wang Zongxing had become a meteor shower, and they went to the first planet of Cracklow, before Huke's Family.

"He still lives here." Qing Chuan looked around, and it was the same feeling that a single straight man's room had nothing but the necessary items for survival.

Qingchuan sat on the chair that Hu Ke usually sat in, and shook his hand at a camera. The camera is connected to the smart housekeeper. Now the images of Qingchuan and the two have been transmitted to Hu Ke's hand Inside the ring, maybe he's coming soon.

Sure enough, soon, just a few minutes, Hooker came.

"Qingchuan?" Hook is not sure, Qingchuan is now so big and has white hair.

"It's me."

"Cough!" Wei Ge interrupted the two people's gaze, he saw Hu Ke for the first time, except for the horn on his head, he was no different from a human, "Hello, I'm Qingchuan Boyfriend. Those days are troublesome for you."

"You're welcome." Hooker said dryly, he was still a little unresponsive, and suddenly the little cutie turned into a big cutie, it was a bit strange. Plus thinking about the exploding Wang Zongxing and the few remaining royal insects, the mood is even more complicated.

Qingchuan also noticed that Hu Ke was not the same as before. No longer cautious, but somewhat high-spirited. Thinking about these days, he wasn't doing nothing.

Social unrest is best for reform. This is a good opportunity to overthrow the current class rule. If you miss it, you don't know when. Hooker is a smart guy, and he certainly won't miss it.

"I'm here to see you one last time, I'm leaving." Qing Chuan said.

"Back to your planet?"

Qingchuan nodded, he took out a box, "The last thank you, whether you still consider me a friend or not, don't refuse." More Qingchuan did not say, their position Embarrassingly, one is a human and the other is a zerg.

Hook did not refuse, because he really needed some material help.

"You have always been my friend." Hook said seriously.

Qing Chuan laughed, "Goodbye."


The two of Qingchuan left, Hu Ke opened the box, there were many glass bottles, all filled with pheromone isolation potions, and a piece of paper, a map of a certain place on the planet Kraklow, the map of At a certain point, a treasure chest was simply and rudely drawn.

He took the blueprint to the place by himself, which was full of three large boxes of gold and silver jewelry, and many of them also carried the royal family's logo. I don't know which royal family bug belonged. been collected here.

For Hook, who was preparing to form a team, these things were timely rain, which greatly eased his financial tension.

Under the golden light that made people lazy, Hook sat on the box, holding paper in his hand, looking up at the sky, and finally relieved.

"Thank you, friend."

Qingchuan and Wei Ge left the stage early, and they returned to the s-level tasker hall of the tasker community.

They have successfully passed the S-level dungeon world and become an official S-level tasker. The system of the two almost didn't cry with joy. After the system is upgraded to S-level, more functions will be unlocked, and it has become a big man to look up to in the world of the system.

S-level taskers have a mandatory S-level task once a year, and there are no requirements at other times. They can do nothing to play in the tasker community, or they can find other low-end small worlds to do tasks.

The two went through the formal procedures in the tasker hall, and other taskers came out of the small world one after another.

"I thought you guys would be later." Qing Chuan asked Futian, who had been getting along well recently.

The host of the system, the gang you left behind are also very powerful, and a new country has been established."

"They still need to work hard." Wei Ge smiled politely.

"Exchange contact information? We can cooperate if necessary." Futian asked, and the two naturally followed suit.

Other taskers who cooperated well also came over and exchanged contact information.

If there is a dungeon mission, the assistant of the life department will play an unexpected role. After this mission, everyone has a very deep understanding of this.

The host of the big player system passed by them, snorted softly, and left.

Qingchuan and Wei Ge came out of the S-level tasker hall, and the eyes of passers-by have completely changed, from newcomers with potential to challenge to big bosses who have successfully upgraded.

The new paint has changed from purple potato color to local tyrant gold.

"I think only this color is worthy of who I am now." Proud!

Qingchuan didn't want to express his opinion on the aesthetics of the system, he looked at Wei Ge, "Let's find a small world to relax?" Although the last world was a bit thrilling, it was only a year A lot of time, without the sense of substance of that task.

"Okay." Wei Ge would never refuse Qingchuan's small request.

In fact, there are many interesting places in the community. And your record of passing the S-class world has formed a new island, which appeared on the pilgrimage road, do you really not want to go and see it?”

The live broadcast system stretched out its robotic arm and grabbed Wei Ge and shook it, "Are you crazy? Could it be that I'm Zhou Papi? Now is the most glorious moment in your life, attracting attention. You have to do it Mission? And I haven't shown enough!"

"The task will not affect the internal communication of your system." Qing Chuan lifted the two systems one by one, put them aside, reached out and touched the brain of the artisan system, "Good, the points in the system are casual. You can use it and buy anything."

The craftsman system was instantly captured by the overbearing president host, "Okay." I'm good.

The live broadcast system puffed up and looked at its stupid host. It's a pity that the stupid host refused to receive the signal from the live broadcast system at all, and even pulled out a mocking smile of "Unfortunately it's not you". The live broadcast system couldn't help crying: "What kind of abuse did I do to bind you? You will regret it!"

However, the stupid host of his family no longer paid attention to his own system, but moved to Qingchuan's side, and the two of them brushed the task list like visiting a supermarket.

"What kind of small world does Xiao Ge want to go to?"

"Huh...ancient?" Wei Ge has not seen Qingchuan who looked like an ancient scholar. Maybe he has seen it in his previous life, but that's not him, it's different.

"That's it, that's it."

Qing Chuan pressed his finger towards the screen.

The author has something to say: Dear readers, hello everyone~

A few months later, this article is coming to an end. If one day in the future, everyone thinks of this article, and happiness will bloom on their faces, that is the greatest meaning of this article.

Looking back at the editor, many topics cannot be written now, and it took a week to revise it to 200,000.

Because of the lack of pen power and the waste of the name, it was not very popular at first. That's when I started to wonder, what do readers like? Can I combine what I like with what everyone likes?

What I like is still obvious. I want to write a free and uninhibited person, strong in heart, open-minded, and able to live out his own style no matter what life is like.

I will often read everyone's comments, so I noticed that everyone likes infinite horror, women's clothing, entertainment, infrastructure, and slaps in the face...

I will slowly add these elements to my thoughts and turn it into a full story.

Some readers said, big, why are there more and more routines in the later stage, have you started to water? In fact, the next few worlds spend more time and energy. The games in the infinite horror world and the movie scripts in the entertainment world are really super brain-burning. I think the routine may be due to the addition of thermal elements. There are too many of the same type, and you feel that there is nothing new?

These types are not familiar to me at the beginning (I am timid and do not pay attention to the entertainment industry), but as soon as I wrote it, I found that it was very interesting. So thank you all for letting me try to take that step and see the new landscape.

Here, I would like to thank you all for your support.

You are like a little candle in winter, just looking at it makes you feel very warm.

There are also readers who leave comments on each chapter, give suggestions enthusiastically, and help me catch bugs. Thank you for always paying attention to this novel, always spreading flowers and claws, and taking the time to help me find out the shortcomings, Help me improve, thanks.

Not great value?

The lines between people are like accidental interlacing lines. Every encounter is a fate.


This article also has a side story, um, it's a side story about a small world, farming, you can take a look if you are interested~

And, can you follow my advance message?

"God Don't Want to Stop Me From Building Infrastructure" is a story of crossing a **** child and a black-bellied priest, a kind but not naive person, who finds happiness in a strange world. One month after the end of the sideshow, I will open an article, um, next month.

Looking forward to seeing you again~

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