MTL - Attack Stream of Life-Chapter 200

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"The host of the black coffin system?" Qingchuan, who was collecting breeding beasts, star beast eggs and cubs in the nursery, quickly noticed a newcomer. He was not sure when he only saw the tombstone at first, but when he saw the huge black coffin rising up on the monitor screen, he was sure.

Since there is a combat department here, then there is nothing to him.

The wind is tight and chaotic.

Dead Daoists are not dead Daoists, please attract some attention.

Qingchuan made a decisive decision, he recalled all the demons, left here directly with the spoils, and returned to the interstellar insect where Hook was.

It wasn't until two days later that Qingchuan learned about the farm. Looking at the video and pictures coming from the front of the computer, there was a host's commentary and Hu Keyian's news report. Qingchuan's heart Can't be calm for a long time.

All the corpses had a tombstone growing out of their chests. It didn't take long for them to die, but they were sucked dry one by one, with only skin and bones.

The most amazing thing is that all the devices are unusable. No secret recording instruments like black boxes were spared. No one knows what happened, neither live nor recorded information.

There are only silent tombstones.

All the gates were opened (Qingchuan's pot), the uncontrolled star beasts began to destroy instinctively, the land-type star beasts could not leave this continent, but the flying and aquatic star beasts began to Wreak havoc on the side. They flew over the ocean, swam across the ocean, and went to the continent where the Zerg lived.

Ordinary Zerg are no match for these star beasts at all.

Watching the news that the Zerg was destroyed by the impact of the star beasts, mourning all the way, Qingchuan was indifferent, not even a little emotional.

This kind of racial survival war never allows a little mercy. The star beasts are still just instinctive attacks, and replacing them with wisdom is not just such a degree of revenge.

He is the first, the host of the black coffin system is the second, and more.

Since there are other missionaries coming, then his remaining advantages are not much. You need to go to Wang Zongxing quickly and find these royal insects with hunting grounds. They have clues about the small world.

Hu Ke was even more eager than Qingchuan. On the second day of the War Worm Star, he set off again to the King Worm Star without opening the suitcase. Now, Hu Ke, who is a mixed blood of a low-level insect and a high-level insect, boarded the interstellar insect car to Wang Zongxing as a laborer.

The procedures for going to Wang Zongxing are more complicated and the inspection is more rigorous. Those with vitality and spirit will not be missed. It can be said that even a small fly will not let go.

And every time a flashworm is checking to prevent someone from mixing in through the ability of the space class.

Hu Ke told Qingchuan that because of the unscrupulousness of those in power, the Zerg offended many cosmic forces, including some races with space capabilities. The assassination of the royal insects happened before, so the Every cosmic bug car to King Bug Star needs a flash bug check.

Qing Chuan did not hide in the space crack, he hid in the silkworm chrysalis and entered a dormant state. Because the body is clay, when it is dormant, no matter how it is detected, it is just a pile of minerals and inorganic substances.

He used this method to get into the interstellar bug car and escape the inspection of the flash bug.

When you get off the ship, it is also a set of inspections. After checking that there was no problem, Hook took a small amount of luggage and was sent to a remote manor by the main family along with other employed people. They were restricted from going out and could only work within the designated area.

People and machines are constantly guarding the entrances and exits, and there are monitors and patrolling personnel everywhere. Employers also have strict rules and regulations, even when they should go to bed, when to eat, and where to eat.

This is why the salaries here are high and there are not many candidates.

When the Zerg's animal instincts are slowly suppressed by 'human nature' and begin to seek their true self and self, the royal worms can no longer expect to use 'through the ages' to demand their boundless allegiance. Now that the pheromone is still working, when the pheromone does not work, I am afraid that these proud royal insects will be torn to pieces by the oppressed Zerg at the first time.

The strict internal order of the Zerg is gradually facing challenges. There are not many people like Hu Ke, but there is always such a person in a year and a half. Therefore, the royal worms have rectified their old nests to the point where they are impregnable.

Royal bugs and senior bugs cherish their lives so much.

It looks like Wang Zongxing is a piece of iron?

But both Qingchuan and Hu Ke have their own ways to communicate with the outside world.

Qingchuan is especially secretive and invisible. Even Hu Ke will never guess what Qingchuan is doing recently, because Qingchuan seems to be very addicted to the film and television entertainment of this planet recently, he can stay in the room all the time Watch a video of the day.

In order to avoid being discovered, these videos were downloaded by Hook the day before, and then the battery was fully charged.

Thank goodness they haven't gotten to the point of monitoring every employee's room.

Hu Ke did not know that Qingchuan was actually looking for the avatars of members of the royal family, especially members of the royal family who owned hunting grounds. They occasionally appeared in some news, but Qingchuan could not directly ask Hu Ke for news reports, so he asked for a bunch of video materials, film and television dramas, variety shows, news and so on.

The information of some members of the royal family is mixed in, and it is not conspicuous at all.

After all, in Wang Zongxing, their base camp, no matter how cautious the royal insects are, they will still be a little presumptuous at home. What's more, the royal worms are not very cautious when they are outside, because of their reckless behavior, they are news figures wherever they go.

It was also from these news that Qingchuan slowly learned why Hu Ke was harmed by a royal worm, but he had to fight against the entire royal worm-like a moth who only eats, drinks and plays. Drain blood on all other Zerg.

Royal bugs have enjoyed privileges since ancient times, and the bugs all over the world serve them. Once private property was not recognized, the so-called human rights are even more whimsical. Even now, the rights of the royal worms have tightened slightly, and they still enjoy the right to step on everyone's heads.

Not because of what they have done for this race, just because they are royal bugs.

Women in the Zerg have always enjoyed protection because of their scarcity. But in the royal bug, women are just a handy toy, and they can be thrown away when they break. Even the advanced bugs are the same.

The Zerg has many laws, but all laws only apply to non-royal bugs, and royal bugs are laws that are above the law.

Qingchuan can say with certainty that if it wasn't for natural pheromone suppression, such exploiters would have been destroyed long ago. Even with pheromone suppression, aren't there still so many rebels?

The status of the royal bug is determined by the legendary king bug, that is, the king bug whose corpse forms a planet. It was the only female Zerg at that time, and it could give birth to Zerg with different functions. It determined the responsibilities of each Zerg, including the leader's royal worm.

Because of this, the royal worm respects the legendary king thousands of years ago. Qingchuan feels that this king worm has a huge secret, which may be related to the World Tree, not that it has opened up a different dimensional?

So he also found a lot of information about this king bug, reliable and unreliable. Those with historical materials, as well as legends and unofficial history, are welcome.

The ruined farm belongs to Princess Cammy, the third heir. Qingchuan quickly found her. From the picture, she almost didn't have any insect limbs on the surface, she was completely human, except that her eyes had no whites and pupils, but were pure pale pink.

The pale pink color is like blood dripping in milk. It should be a lovely color, but it smells **** for no reason. But it may also be Qingchuan's subjective feelings, the instinctive disgust of the perpetrator, which can offset this cuteness.

"Remember this face." Qing Chuan handed over the search to the mirror demon.

Princess Cammy has a huge princess castle, and there are many annexes for the beautiful men she collected, so most people don't know where she will be today. Moreover, even the places where such remote mercenaries live are heavily guarded, and the place where the princess is located will not lack protection.

After thinking about it, looking for someone, the mirror demon is the most suitable.

The Mirror Demon is a two-dimensional creature, living in the mirror world, unless you also enter the mirror world, you can't find it at all. Flashworms can build space channels, but they can't do anything about this kind of two-dimensional space, and they can't turn themselves into two-dimensional existences.

Therefore, the safety of the mirror demon can be guaranteed.

Secondly, the mirror demon is more convenient to find someone, as long as there is a mirror, there is it. For someone like Princess Cammy who is extraordinarily outgoing and extremely confident in her appearance, her residence will never lack a mirror. This also greatly facilitates the mirror demon to find someone.

Finally, in the last hunting spree, many demons participated, but the mirror demon who loved the waves most did not let it participate, this little thing was not happy.

Children still have to be coaxed.

Soon the Mirror Demon found the location of Princess Cammy, she is indeed a very indiscriminate princess, and can exchange several beautiful men a day. She has a huge harem, and there are countless beautiful male Zerg for fun. The favored male Zerg will have a separate palace, and the unfavored ones will be piled in one place.

The Mirror Demon followed her for three days, every day she woke up in a different bed, and the people around her never repeated. Of course, I also watched the pictures of the beautiful men being dragged away to feed the dogs because they did not meet her wishes.

"Finally Jiuchi, Boss, not killing is not enough for the anger of the common people, let me destroy her instead of the moon!" The mirror demon was filled with righteous indignation, in fact, he just wanted to play.

"Don't make trouble." Qingchuan ruthlessly refused, and then called Meng Yao out, "I want to know, how did the royal worm determine the location of the small world? Where do they come from so many small worlds What? Does it have anything to do with the legacy left by their ancestor king bug?"

Qingchuan's plan is this: the mirror demon searches and determines the location, the dream demon enters the dream to obtain information, and finally the painted skin demon replaces it with a perfect disguise.

Like the mirror demon's second dimension, the dreaming of the dream demon is also an inexplicable skill. Because the dream demon is also not the real body to enter the dream, it creates the dream, but it has been kept out of it. There is also a small problem. Although the dream demon can control the dream, it cannot control the behavior of the original owner in the dream.

So, only boot.

For this, Meng Yao has studied various inductive psychology, and also learned to become a screenwriter and director, in order to create more realistic dreams and get the desired information more easily.

In order to get a job, everyone is working hard.

The way Meng Yao learns, even a specially trained person can get the information they want. She has never suffered a single crime since she was born, and she has never asked for anything. Princess Kamimi, who does not need to work hard at all, is not the opponent of Meng Yao at all. She revealed all the secrets in two nights, and there is nothing left.

"How on earth did you do it?" Qing Chuan felt very strange.

"I made her a queen in her dream, and also arranged a cool and beautiful man." Meng Yao lowered her eyelids slightly, so don't tell the boss, that beautiful man is just like an elf The boss copied it.

It's not that it wants to commit the following crimes, but I have found a lot of prototypes, but the ascetic, ethereal, and holy look of the boss's shape more pokes the aesthetic point of this princess. Of course, the one who pokes each other the most is to completely ignore Princess Cammy's arrogance.

Meng Yao really can't imagine how her boss is compromising, I'm afraid it will be violent in minutes? So I took the next step and chose an indifference mode.

Anyway, for a person like Princess Cammy who wants something from childhood to adulthood, what she can't get is always the best.

Qing Chuan didn't know the truth, and thought Meng Yao's method was good and had a lot of brains.

Princess Cammy has always been wild and conceited. If she becomes a queen, she will only be more reckless. Smile for the Bomei people, she can definitely do the things of the beacon fire show lords. As long as the beauty reveals what she wants to know, she can't be in a hurry to be courteous?

Meng Yao sees that the boss is satisfied, and even locks the little secret tightly, anyway, even in the dream, the boss is not taken advantage of, right?

This princess uses spiritual power to contact the small world. The only flaw in the perfect camouflage of the painted skin monster is mental power, so it is impossible for the painted skin monster to disguise as Princess Kamui to find a small world.

The news they got from Princess Kami was that the World Tree they were looking for was right in front of them—yes, it was the small planet under their feet, the corpse left by the legendary strongest king bug.

People who evolved a small world by themselves will not die, just like Qingchuan, if the physical body dies, the spiritual body will not die. But the king worm is indeed dead. There have been several wars in the history of the Zerg that almost wiped out the clan, and the king worm did not make any movement. It should be dead.

Then, it means that those small worlds are not evolved by the king bugs themselves.

It is said that the strongest king worm in history has devoured several planets. Qingchuan suspected that the undigested cores of the planets fused together to form many small worlds.

I learned from Princess Cammy that there are only seven small worlds that can be used, and there are six remaining. Life is not allowed at all, but it is also a small world. This kind of world is a small primary world, incomplete and without rules. It does not allow life to exist at all. It is also extremely dangerous and basically useless.

A world tree with seven complete small worlds and six incomplete small worlds.

This is enough for all S-rank quests to riot.

Qingchuan has not forgotten how rare world seeds are in the S-class world, even an old-fashioned host like the host of the living system, who has experienced so many S-class worlds, has yet to get a world seed? .

300% interest is enough for people to take risks, thirteen world seeds...

Qingchuan can already imagine how the other S-level missionaries who did not participate in this mission will beat their chests and feet.

These small worlds, the royal worms get the right to use. They and the king insect are in the same line of spiritual power attributes, they can communicate in the sense of soul, and then borrow the small world.

The real world tree is buried deep inside the planet. If Qingchuan wants to get it, he can consider breaking through this small planet.

However, his personal strength is not strong enough to shatter a planet with one punch.

Secondly, this small planet looks ordinary, but it is the corpse of the real overlord of the universe. Let's not talk about the strength. Qingchuan is so powerful now, and only has a small world, and people directly swallowed it before his death. There have been countless small worlds, and the civilization of the Zerg has been reproduced.

The planet itself still has some consciousness left, and it will never sit still.

In addition, the royal bugs and senior bugs of the above group are also a force. There are also several war worm stars around. Even if the host of the black coffin system came over and he beat 10,000 of them, but there are dozens of millions of Zerg here, the ants will kill the elephants.

The World Tree is not easy to get.

Do you really have to call everyone? Although he has the first advantage, it is obviously unrealistic for one person to win the World Tree, and there are other taskers behind him. Shouldn't I bring everyone along while I still have an advantage, and still get a piece of the pie?

Qing Chuan was thinking about how to maximize the benefits. He thought for a long time until the sound of the hired person came back from the corridor at the door.

He asked the mirror demon and the dream demon to go back to their small world first, and then quickly turned on the little machine that Hook prepared to watch the video materials, looking like they were enjoying it.

Although there are restrictions on personal movement, the employed persons are not materially distressed. Hook's room is very large, divided into four parts: a small living room, a bathroom, a bedroom and a balcony. Qing Chuan is now on a desk in the bedroom.

Hu Ke said goodbye to other colleagues at the door one by one, and then came in from the door, looking very simple and honest. It wasn't until he closed the door and entered the bedroom that he tore off his disguise and nodded to Qing Chuan, "Today I suddenly asked all staff to check, so it's later than usual."

"Check? Is there an emergency?"

Hook almost couldn't help rolling his eyes, "There is no emergency, Princess Cammy had a dream, just looking for her dream lover everywhere."


What kind of beautiful man did Meng Yao create, to be able to fascinate a Hua Hua princess like this?

While speaking, Hook had taken off a layer of work clothes outside and was ready to take a bath, "Not only here, but even other planets are also investigating. Those people took the picture given by Princess Cammy, It may be necessary to recruit a group of men to deal with. I really don't know who would be so unlucky to be similar to her dream lover."

The princess is as famous as her brutality.

But there is no absolute, maybe some men will be satisfied with being the guest of honor for the sake of money, power and status?

Neither of them took this matter to heart, it had nothing to do with their high-spirited mentality.

A few more days passed, and it was the only time in a month that employees were free to go out. Only one day, I can't go very far, I can only walk around the nearby streets. But it was enough for them.

Hu Ke put Qingchuan in his small bag. In fact, he wanted to stuff it into his pocket at first, but Qingchuan politely refused.

The pheromone of the drunken dancer after Hook's disguise is really allergic.

Dirty is more disgusting."

The native Hook knew many little secrets of this planet. Although he pretended to be frightened by the magnificence, in fact, the corner of his eyes was always looking for a certain signal he wanted.

Black market, what he is looking for is the black market, a place that does not require identification, just money. As long as they have enough money, they are even willing to defy the royal bug, of course, it must be a lot of money.

From this small window, all you can see are all kinds of strange pets carried by the Zerg and their trouser legs, or the counters of the street shops on both sides.

Hook lowered his head, as if ashamed of his poverty and low class, he carefully avoided people, turned slowly to a small alley, and knocked on the door of one of the houses.

The door was opened by a tall and sturdy man. They exchanged two secret words similar to greeting, and Hook entered the room smoothly. A special person received him, handed him a dark blue mask, and led him into a box, which was an elevator.

When the elevator door opened again, Qingchuan in the small bag saw an underground city.

The blackness is like a man-made sky at night, shining with dots of stars. Beneath the sky is a lively street market. The Zerg on the street are shoulder to shoulder, all wearing masks, just like sardines crowded.

This is a black market?

Shouldn't the black market be a more mysterious place? Why are there so many people?

Although it is a little surprising that there are so many people in the black market, one thing should be clear, that is, there is no monitoring here. Qing Chuan didn't know what others thought, but he felt that his breathing was much easier.

When a person wants to do something bad, the overwhelming surveillance is really troublesome.

Qingchuan made a note of this place, and can come to play often in the future. If you want to bring missionaries here, this is also a very good place to stay.

Hu Ke went to a certain store, and then turned to a small room inside. "The outside is for ordinary guests, and the inside is for special guests."

"Should I step aside?"

"It's okay."

Hook took some things from this shop, in addition to some real estate and a small amount of cash, and a box of strange minerals.

"This is a special mineral that only Zerg can absorb, and can repair mental damage." Hook told him, and asked, "Does Qingchuan need anything? Nothing can be traced back, nor will it be held accountable. Like a masterless brain, there are many here."

"Not yet. By the way, I heard someone discussing the planet we stayed before, the destroyed land seems to be the property of which royal family member. There is nothing on the news about such a thing. Say?"

Hu Ke laughed, "Because of shame, it is not broadcast on the news. The royal family are all good-faced Zerg, not to mention the loss of a royal family. Star beasts are hard to come by, but for those royal families who own 80% of their wealth and resources, it's just a little bit of property."

That's a sale you didn't know there was a life potion in it. Qing Chuan now knows how much money this life potion trade is making, and it is still being targeted in private by so many intelligent races, which shows how high the profit is.

"So this is what happened? I think the Zerg over there has been tossed by the star beasts." Qingchuan said with a fake expression, his face was still very sincere.

Hu Ke shook his head, "The military department is already dealing with it, and will give an account to the royal family. But... As far as I know, the situation is not very good. There is no clue at all. After so many days, even What the enemy looks like, a few people, don't know anything. The royal family is angry, right?"

"Isn't it saying that the military and the royal family are not dealing with it?" Qing Chuan asked strangely.

"No confrontation is no confrontation, and the royal dignity does not allow provocation. This matter involves aliens, so it cannot be regarded as an internal contradiction. The meaning of the military is to fight against alien civilizations, at least here The military will definitely investigate this matter carefully.”

This is not good news, he wants to get the World Tree, maybe he will be the enemy of the entire Zerg. Isn't this kind of thing just blowing up the ancestral graves of all the Zerg? Because all Zerg are born from this giant king insect.

Break up ancestral graves, that's right.

When the time comes, let alone the royal supporters, even the Zerg like Hook will be angry?

Qingchuan finally understood why the host of the life system said that the life system was different from the battle system. If Qingchuan wanted to get that World Tree, it was too difficult to go straight to the bar, and he had to take the route of nine bends and eighteen bends. But those combat systems that can split planets can kill them all the way.

Not to mention, it took him a month to find out the farm and use a lot of demons before deciding to start. This does not guarantee that you will not be discovered.

The host of the black coffin system has become a big one. Qing Chuan didn't even know how the other party did it, so he killed all the living creatures and made all the instruments scrapped. A military department went to block it, but no one has been blocked so far, and even the enemy does not know what it is.

Qing Chuan sat cross-legged in the small bag with a very serious expression on his little big face. He slowly exhaled: this dish is too big to eat alone.


The author has something to say: Qingchuan: The dish is so big that it can’t be eaten in one bite.

Other tasks: willing to do it for you.

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