MTL - Attack Stream of Life-Chapter 198

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"Hook, I need to leave." Qing Chuan whispered.

Hu Ke couldn't see Qingchuan, but his perception was very keen, he locked the direction and looked at the empty place. The fact that his mental power is blocked does not mean that he is a waste person, and his strong physical quality is still preserved.

"Because of that person just now?" He was exceptionally keen.

"Yes or no. But he does have clues about what I'm looking for. Don't worry, I'll be back before dinner." , Qingchuan turned directly to the direction of the person who left.

Qingchuan is not sure if leaving a space mark will be detected, or if it is more likely to get information by simply following.

The other party didn't find it, got on a significantly more advanced private buggy car, and then turned on the communicator and started talking on the phone. The safety protective equipment company has ordered a batch of unmarked protective equipment, please rest assured your boss and so on.

No Logo? This keyword attracted Qingchuan's attention. He remembered that the things that were put into the small world as rewards were also unmarked. Could it be a coincidence?

The smell of monsters, plus no signs, is another planet of monster limb teleportation. One may be a coincidence, but two, three, where do so many coincidences come from?

& nbsp; A really huge chunky tree.

Qingchuan has never seen such a round tree like a stone pier. There is also a house on this tree, which is the home of this man. The elevator goes all the way to the top. The house was much bigger than Hook's, and it had huge balconies that looked green from a height to the distance.

It is equivalent to a single-family villa, or is located in the green mountains and green waters.

But the man was very dissatisfied, and when he saw the house, his expression became a little impatient, and he muttered: "This country is not even a decent planet. I don’t even have a place to live, so I have to go out and have fun.”

It turned out to be a country planet.

Is this person from a prosperous city like Beishangguang?

Qingchuan followed this person into the inside. The interior was beautifully decorated, with many exquisite decorations and expensive decorations. From the aesthetic point of view of Qingchuan, the decoration here also belongs to the kind of 'more expensive', but this man is still very dissatisfied.

The Zerg man scolded, threw his shoes into the corner at will, poured himself a bottle of bubbling drink, threw two ice cubes, and comfortably Take a sip. Qingchuan smelled a fermented sour taste, but it was not bad, with a grassy smell of tree sap.

After drinking, a housework robot came over and took away the empty cup. He lay on the sofa like a muddy beach, motionless, and fell asleep. .

This Zerg has completely lost the civility and culture from the beginning. In private, he is a big guy with a big foot, and he has a self-awareness of 'the troubled son'. unknown.

He slept for a long time, lying down until his stomach growled, then woke up, then slowly got up and placed an order with his bracelet. Qingchuan didn't recognize the words here, but he saw three-dimensionally rotated images.

The food here is rougher, with chunks of meat mixed with chunks of plant roots. But it must be better than the nutritional supplements that Hook eats with no expression every day.

He ordered a lot of food to eat and drink, both white meat and red meat, so the man was still not satisfied.

Qingchuan suspects that this person may not have come to this planet for a long time, that he is not quite used to the life here, and he did not come here voluntarily, so he brought a An unwilling anger.

& nbsp; Remove one of the bubbles, pop it, and it's takeaway.

This man reluctantly ate a third of the meal, picking and choosing, thinking that this was not the freshest, and was picky about the origin that he did not like Planet, it doesn't taste right. All the rest are thrown into the kitchen waste bin, or by the housework robot.

After dinner, he was finally going out again, and Qingchuan followed.

This time he didn't take that private buggy car, but a bigger flying buggy, just like the rich people took private jets back then. This flying buggy flies fast and stably, driving autonomously all the way, and in a while, it crosses a continuous mountain range, a plain, and a vast sea to another continent.

Qingchuan sat in front of the display screen, looking at the familiar behemoth below.

"Private domain, no flying." A bug car flew across from the opposite side. The two bug bugs were of the same race, and the warning over there went directly to this side.

The man was furious, "It's me."

The other side was not afraid at all, and smiled, "So it's the new Mr. Steward, Mr. Steward has finished his work for the boss?" Then he smiled and said, "Mr. Steward, we can only come in through the main entrance. The boss's rules, you don't want to violate the boss's wishes, right?"

As soon as he heard the word boss, the furious man lost his temper immediately. , Grievance went down from the front door, and then walked in.

Instead of walking all the time, I walked into a building, verified my identity, and scanned my entire body to see if I was carrying anything I shouldn't be carrying. It is very strict, and it is more cautious than in the movie.

The man finally made it through and entered an elevator-like enclosed space.

Qingchuan, who was hiding in the gap, calmly followed. What does space gap mean? It is in another dimension at all, but he can see the situation here. His movement is not a movement in orientation, but a movement in space.

Unless there is a special instrument for testing spatial fluctuations, you can test where there are spatial fluctuations here. No other device could do anything about his infiltration method.

After turning four or five times, the Zerg man arrived in a large office, divided into several sections, and Zerg men and women in uniform uniforms walked around. In the center is a virtual continent with a miniature model on it, which can be zoomed in and out to check the situation.

He walked over, looking like an imperial commissioner inspecting, put on an air and asked slowly: "What's wrong with the farm today?"

Qingchuan found that this farm was a huge continent, and a small corner was magnified more than ten times to see that it was breeding the tyrannical monsters in his impression. The monsters are still the size of ladybugs on the enlarged model.

Thinking of these monsters raging on the other side, but being reared by the people here, he felt an indescribable sense of absurdity.

Man is the knife, I am the fish, this sentence is like a knife aimed at Qingchuan.

"How about the mortality rate of the little cubs?" The cubs shouted angrily one by one, spewing out various abilities from their mouths.

their eyes...are they not red?

"Eighty percent will survive the post-operative period." The person being questioned pointed to the cage coming out from the other end, where the cubs were He was also roaring furiously, but his eyes were already red. The eyes of these cubs are also very different. The former is angry, while the latter seems to have swallowed some irritating medicine.

"Be sure to do the surgery, these little cubs are very smart, once they escape one, things will become troublesome. We don't need them to have brains , just need their flesh." The man's words sounded like a dirty joke.

Others echoed, "Yes, we will make them fat and strong to satisfy the boss."

This dialogue reminded Qingchuan of the conclusion of the strange doctor, that the brains of the monsters were manipulated.

If the monster has been passively operated since he was a child, then this operation will not end at once, it may last for a long time, and it has been destroying the brain. Otherwise, nanobots will not be collected from adult monsters.

What is a monster with a brain like?

Are these monsters also one of the victims of this race?

Qingchuan silently memorized the map and the location of the hospital in his mind.

He carefully threw out a paper figure the size of his palm, which is the size of a small soybean.

"Please record everything you see and pass it on to me."

The well-behaved little paper figure nodded, it was attached to the wall, almost blending with the white wall, and Qingchuan continued to walk around with this man.

This man doesn't really know much, he was probably airborne, and he asks everything he sees to show that he is very responsible. The person being questioned was impatient in his heart, but his face was still polite, and he said everything he knew.

This is convenient for Qing Chuan. He only needs to follow this man to get a rough idea of ​​the situation in this place.

This is really a breeding area, a monster breeding area. Its breeding mode is that of pigs. Leave the breeding pigs, the monsters without brain modifications, and let them lay eggs. The hatched little monsters are selected as the next generation of breeding pigs with the highest quality, and the others are transformed.

After castration, or brain modification, these juvenile monsters are raised as meat animals. The transformed monsters will be aggressive even towards the same kind, so they cannot be bred.

They also tried artificial breeding and gene synthesis. But the monsters born by non-natural methods, whether it is the ability or the energy contained in the flesh, are less than half of the original. In order to pursue high quality, they still adhere to the natural breeding mode.

From men's fear of monsters, Qingchuan guessed that the original IQ of this monster would not be too low, even if it could not reach the level of humans, it would never face these The Zerg have no resistance.

But it is still canned meat today.

The war between races and races has always been so brutal.

Because the monsters are powerful, people here usually use a powerful weapon to deal with these monsters.

I was thinking about the next poison, but the monster itself is immune to most poisons.

Using weapons with too low lethality would not be effective. Adult monsters are really powerful. Especially when there is no rational madness, it is really to kill one by one, and one team to kill a bunch. So in the end, we can only use weapons that are very lethal and do not damage the flesh.

There is no doubt that the cost of this monster-killing weapon is also high.

To increase profits, the most effective way is to reduce costs. To get more profit from this monster meat, it must reduce the cost of raising it, slaughtering it and making it into a finished product.

From the dialogue between the Zerg men and others, Qingchuan learned that they have taken many measures to reduce costs. Improve pup survival from surgery, use cheaper feed, and most importantly, reduce slaughter costs.

They didn't talk about the destruction of human civilization in other worlds, they didn't mention a word, but Qingchuan knew how they could reduce the cost of slaughter - pass the danger on to other civilizations. Other civilizations are not strong enough, and bacteria can also be used to enhance personal combat power.

As for bacteria, there may be other uses.

The man just came to make a tour, and he was ready to go back after the tour.

Qingchuan wrote down the location of this place. Since the fixed location does not move, there is no need for another next marker. The location of the home of the man who took him on the half-day tour was also recorded, and it would be much more convenient for him to go to these two places in the future.

In fact, it's not dark at the moment, and it's not long since he came, this Zerg man simply came over to punch a card, finish his business, and leave.

Afterwards, Qingchuan followed this person to see the advanced red light districts and beautiful girls of Zerg, and then was surprised to learn that only the advanced districts have real insect girls, low-level ones There are only male-transformed girls in the district.

Because there are few girls, the force value is not lower than that of men, and even many varieties of Zerg girls have stronger force value, so it becomes extremely difficult to marry a wife. There is no advantage in the male itself, so he has to make do with the male.

As for the children, don't worry, the Zerg girls lay a bunch of eggs at a time, only the best ones are left, and the rest are sent to the state nursery school, male families Can go to adopt/foster children.

Qingchuan immediately understood why there were so many all-male families in Hooker's place.

Seeing that this Zerg man and his sister were about to go into places not suitable for children, Qingchuan felt that the information collected today was almost the same, and flashed back to Hook's residence.

Hu Ke hadn't come back yet, Qingchuan originally wanted to broadcast live, but after thinking about it, it was not too late to tell Wei Ge when he got more accurate news, so he dismissed the idea. He didn't know that Wei Ge, who was separated by a few universes, had smirked for a day thinking about his live broadcast.

Weige, don't look at the big and five thick(?) If Qingchuan was small, hidden in a flower bud, and carried around in the palm of your hand, it would be a wonderful dream. (Lu refers to the little love letter of the interstellar world)

Accidentally, a dream come true?

The Qingchuan in the live broadcast is small, standing in the corner of a book, no more than fifteen centimeters at most, it is completely according to Wei Ge's dream The little prince came out.

If Qingchuan was by his side, Wei Ge wanted to put him in his shirt chest pocket. Would Qing Chuan put his hands on the collar of his pocket and look around curiously? The perspective of a normal body type must be very different from that of a mini body type, right?

Or when it’s time to eat, how should Qingchuan eat? Holding a bowl carved from walnuts, or a bowl made from pistachio pits, eating grain by grain?

What should I do when I eat fruit? Such a big fruit, is he going to hold and slowly grind the hard peel with his small teeth?

Weige pinched his nose, the more he thought about it, the more angry he became, he wished he could immediately use his skill 'Seeing Things and Thinking People' to fly to the edge of Qingchuan. However, the situation on Qingchuan's side is unclear, he may have caused trouble in the past, and he could not be separated from the base for a while.


There are too many players in the fourth batch, the good and the bad are mixed, and it is inevitable that there will be troublemakers. Qingchuan has been busy with this matter these days. The first few hunting teams had already drank the antidote for bacteria and used monster meat to supplement nutrition.

The new guys were acting against each other, did not drink the medicine, and even suffered from paranoia thinking that Wei Ge was trying to harm them, and even moved a few thoughts Unstable old hunting party.

Well, Wei Ge has reformed the base. Those who trust him are accepted as official official hunting teams, directly regulated by the base, where they are officials and have various benefits. These people need to drink antidote regularly, supplemented by Wei Ge's exercises and monster meat.

And those who don't trust him, they can organize people to hunt by themselves, they belong to non-organized personnel, and they are responsible for the profits and losses. Antidote? That's not there, if you want to buy it yourself, there is definitely no base group purchase discount.

And then, in fact, only a few of those folk hunting teams bought this antidote, and everyone else thought these people were fools. It is a fact that drinking the potion will greatly reduce the strength.

Space fluctuation test props are generally used to remove marks on humans, not to determine marks on monsters. Except for a certain wolf-tooth team of all hunting members who chased the monsters, other bases did not dare to use this kind of props so luxuriously.

Even the producer Wei Ge would not dare to waste props casually. It is not difficult to make, but the raw material is difficult, which only Qingchuan has.

Wigo wants to get monster meat, and also adopts the method of getting as much meat as possible before the monster dies. This can also confuse the high-dimensional world, making them think that nothing has been found here, but they are lucky to find that this method can obtain monster meat.

Speaking too far, back to the recent riot at Xiangyang Base.

In the final analysis, this is caused by the mentality of the players in the front and rear batches. Players definitely don't want to. The former has a large number, the latter has a high force value, and no one is afraid of anyone.

Weige directly cleaned up a batch of thorns, Gewuen-go.

Because of the iron-blooded policy, the internal discord was suppressed. Later, the laws of some bases were urgently adjusted. Recently, I have seen two groups of people slow down Slowly integrating, even if there are some small groups formed because of the original nationality and race, it is basically harmless.

This kind of stability is only now, if Wei Ge leaves, there will be chaos without him. Therefore, I can't go to Qingchuan for a while. He is already preparing for decentralization.

& nbsp; ' Panic. Under the premise of being full, everyone gradually accumulated some contribution points, and began to buy some necessities of life after food and clothing, such as toiletries and the like.

The base finally began to develop light industry.

An official supermarket appeared at the base. In addition to various ingredients and homemade goods, there were also some materials obtained from monsters. It was dropped by a level 1 monster that had been slowly eliminated. Items dropped by Level 2 monsters are still scarce.

Marriage also began to appear in the base. This is more complicated, because many people have wives and husbands in real society. But the world is different, maybe there is no chance to see each other in this life. Many people are thinking, should we find another one?

But this happens occasionally. This end is married, and the other end is married.

Emma, ​​things are happening.

Xiangyang Base is different from other places. It is monogamous. The strong have no privileges. They raise many women or many men. It's flouting marriage laws.

In this way, the base's marriage, and the original marriage, have conflicts, and it is very troublesome to resolve. Because no matter what you do, it is wrong. There are even the original spouses who simply left the second marriage, and there is no benefit to being tired.

There are also many men and women who are confident in their own honey juice. superior? In this way, they do not want to have a substantial marriage relationship.

But their suitors are reluctant. At first glance, these suitors saw that this was the rhythm of scumbags, some continued to fight, and some took a step back. Here, there are still a bunch of messed up disputes.

However, despite these trivial troubles, Wei Ge's Xiangyang base is still developing very well, and has expanded to tens of thousands of people, and its overall strength is definitely ranked in the top five of. As the leader of the base, Wei Ge has naturally received a lot of attention.

The strange thing is that Wei Ge has almost no admirers.

Firstly, because he is too unsympathetic, the first time a beautiful man or woman appears, it will be regarded as a 'conspiracy', drag it down ,trial. If you find that there is no problem, then there will never be any guilt.

The base began to spread the rumors that 'the monsters are more sensual than we are'.


"Have you seen the monster the kids practice? That was brought back by our top mate a few months ago."

Too hardcore, can't do it, withdraw.

The hard-core muscular man sneezes, he is having dinner. Red meat is too rough for him now, so he has been eating more delicate fish and liver recently.

So don't eat red meat? I still eat it. He made spicy shredded beef and honey shredded pork. The strands are very tasty and bite-resistant. They are very suitable as snacks to pass the time.

Qingchuan has made some good spicy shredded beef and honey shredded pork. But from Hook's point of view, there are two **** of flesh floss, one dark red and the other maroon, both thin and like cotton balls.

Hu Ke sucked in the tasteless nutrients and watched Qingchuan take the shredded pork one by one, oh no, clean up the pork strips, and then conjured up a better than him The flat round fruit stone with a big head has a vine-like pattern on it, and a small organ is also made. When you open it, it is a food box.

He put all the shredded pork into the food box made of this fruit stone, waved his hand, and disappeared.

Hu Ke grew up so big, he had never been so particular about eating. Moreover, Zerg generally do not have snacks, not even children. A race is devoted to being strong, and there are really not so many words in life.

"Have you found what you were looking for?" Hooker asked suddenly.

Qingchuan packed up all his plates, dishes and cutlery before slowly answering: "I have some eyebrows, I can't say I can find it. But it's better than before, and I finally pulled it out. a thread."

"I asked someone and said that the person was the management of a cannery. It seems that there is some unknown identity?"

Qingchuan didn't know about raising monsters or raising bacteria, what was the situation here, so he didn't follow along, but asked: "There are indeed some unknown identities, what? Makes you feel troublesome?"

"Trouble?" Hook laughed, his laughter was low, like a knife on a whetstone, "What trouble am I afraid of? Speaking of trouble, I'm afraid I have more trouble."

Qingchuan was surprised, "Could it be that you are still a wanted criminal? Did you kill people and set fires or kill people?"

Qingchuan's question made Hu Ke think of his own experience, "On the contrary, I didn't kill people and set fire, and I didn't slaughter people all over the house, but I was chased like a Dead bugs in the gutter. Now I'm not a wanted man, but I'm pretty much like a wanted man."

"My enemy is the entire royal family that is above the Zerg. Let our blood be engraved with the king of the gene of surrender."

"Who's more troublesome, you say?"

The author has something to say: Hooker: Whose is more trouble?

Qingchuan: Guess?

Read The Duke's Passion