MTL - Attack Stream of Life-Chapter 193

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Weige's base, the infrastructure is more complete than Futian's base, plus the second batch of players who brought in technology in the later stage, in general, this place is more advanced. Of course, after a few months, Futian is also making progress, and the two sides may not be much different.

Qingchuan also focused on live broadcasting of several hunting teams in Xiangyang Base.

Contrary to everyone's imagination, the number of men and women in the hunting team is almost the same. Normal people think that men's physical strength is much stronger than women's, and they must have more advantages. But in the face of adversity, women's tenacity and perseverance to turn over from the Jedi are amazing.

Rights are not obtained by prayer, but by blood and sweat. Wei Ge's base does not have a greenhouse for women, and he forces these women to fight like men. In this way, there are many capable women.

The same goes for the managers of the base. Wei Ge completely abandons the interference of gender and decides winners and losers based on his personal ability. There will be a group of women with outstanding ability to successfully become managers.

Qingchuan left after the live broadcast, no one was going to keep him.

Not long after coming from the peaceful world, most people still dare not approach this kind of guy who dares to kill with a smile. That's right, Qing Chuan didn't use a ruthless hand in the end, but to be honest, just because the collapsed middle-aged man wasn't worth getting his hands dirty, it didn't mean that he didn't dare to kill.

It's too terrifying, offending others, at most, quarreling and fighting, offending this person, and directly dying.

Facing this kind of snake essence disease that turns one's face, no one has a little emotion anymore. Qingchuan walked for a long time, but no one dared to chew their tongues behind.

Those who have unusual expectations for the live broadcast room are even more complicated.

They thought they met Superman, the **** of the world, but they didn't expect to meet Green Arrow, who is evil and evil (there is no Superman and Green Arrow in this world, it's just a metaphor). Sure enough, movies are all lies. Where can there be so many superheroes who can't fight back?

No wonder people say that superheroes are fairy tales, they are all to coax children.

This live broadcast accident was recorded on the live broadcast from beginning to end, so once today is over, players in other places and the outside world also know about it. The outside world immediately sparked a storm of public opinion about how to define a magical anchor.

Most sensible people can still accept this, although it is actually a little difficult for them to adapt to this change in the overall environment of society.

On the other side, there is a disorderly and chaotic society, a place with no moral bottom line and no laws and regulations. For details, you can refer to the landscape of gun-toting thugs and various Great Escape movies during the chaotic period.

They must abandon that naive way of thinking and recognize their position.

Has the anchor committed a crime?

Criminal. But not this time, but before, he had said several times that he met some bad "cannibalistic" guys, and finally killed them directly.

But who can condemn him?

Society is about to return to the forest model of the jungle, the weak should be cautious, and the hyenas and vultures should not revel, because there are still people at the top of the food chain like anchors. At least the anchors are still in the lawful camp, not completely, standing on one foot.

In addition, the two live broadcast bases currently have the most basic order and laws, which can protect most of the right to live and human dignity.

Those who hide behind the keyboard wantonly attack this anchor inhumane, cruel, snake spirit and so on. who cares? The right to publicity comes from the boredom of netizens after they have enough food and clothing. Now that survival is still a problem, who is in the mood to listen to rabid dogs?

Most of the comments on the anchors are positive, but there must be some negatives. The anchor has said several times before that he killed a lot of "cannibalistic" guys, but he didn't see it with his own eyes, and everyone thought it was just a joke.

Now I know I'm not kidding.

They have to redefine not only their position, but also the position of the anchor. The anchor is not the kind of ordinary tool that is influenced by capital and popularity. As he himself said, "the most basic awe of benefactors and strong people should be."

Too many people have been emboldened by this entertainment era, thinking that they can keep pace with the big guys. But this is not the case. Even in a peaceful society, there are still class status differences between the capable and the incompetent, not to mention such a society.

This kind of guy with superhuman strength, people are willing to kindly inform you more information, remind them what materials to prepare, what can be eaten, it is already a love. It's duty not to tell.

No thanks, at least respect the information and knowledge gained from him.

There are also some people who are very frustrated. In reality, they like to use moral kidnapping to coerce people, especially they like to use the moral standard of saints to require heroes to 'die after death', and now they suddenly find it useless , isn't it very painful?


I think too much, there are missionaries, how can they be arrogant? What's more, if you want to dominate the world, you must have some powerful capital that no one else has? anyone? rich? Have force? Or have a superhuman personality?

Nothing to say? It's just that survival is a problem.

The above are some thoughts and opinions of ordinary people.

Those who hold power want to get this magical live room even more. There will be no civilian communication equipment in that world for a while, so isn't this live broadcast room the best and most wide-ranging publicity platform?

They brainwashed their most loyal troops over and over again, in order to ensure that they are still the top group of people in the pyramid when they arrive in that world.

In fact, some people have already taken a fancy to the ready-made lunch of Futian and Wei Ge. In history, there have been many things that have overthrown the founders themselves - waxing for these people in advance.

"Ah!" A stench of wind blew on Qing Chuan's face.

Many people must be cursing him.

There are many more who want to find him.

He pulled the tail of a monster the size of a hill, and slowly dragged it back, like a little ant carrying a caterpillar with no love.

The monster has lost its temper. It can't die, and it can't be beaten. It has a blue nose and a swollen face, beyond recognition, and can no longer see its original appearance. After two days of swelling, everyone will be able to identify what kind of monster it is.

There were many people working near the base, bending over to collect food and carrying rocks and soil. They sensed some strange movement on the ground, and stood up straight to look at the source of the movement, which almost scared their souls away.

"Strange! Monster!" With an exclamation, the toiler dropped the stone knife in his hand and ran away, "The monster is here!" All birds flew away, only Qingchuan, who was pulling the monster's tail, was a bit Leng Leng looked back, and looked at a monster that was also Leng Leng.

"You scared people." Qing Chuan said.

The monster exhaled from its nostrils, although I didn’t know what the two-legged monster was talking about, the attitude had already been put on: Blame me?

Qingchuan silently dragged the monster towards the base, leaving behind the monster a wide road that was even smoother than the road roller.

At least in the process of Qingchuan dragging this monster into the base, their jaws suffered.

Even Wei Ge didn't know what to say. He tried to speak several times, but found that he couldn't say anything.

Sometimes Wei Ge thinks he already knows Qingchuan very well, but reality will always give him a blow.

Now he was urgently pulled to the huge flat ground in the middle, which is the place where a group of people meet and have dinner on weekdays. Today, a monster sits there. If it weren't for the short forelimbs, this monster might have preferred to lie on his face with an expressionless face.

There is no trace of restraint on the monster's body, but it just doesn't move, and occasionally turns to look at the stupid human, all of which are irritated by "Don't suffer Laozi, Laozi doesn't want to talk to you". Wei Ge noticed some abnormal swelling on the monster's body. He wasn't sure if it was beaten or broken.

"This is... the sandbag you prepared for the children?" Wei Ge licked his mouth, not knowing how to face this 'sandbag'.

Qing Chuan nodded, "Sooner or later you have to get used to it."

"The children who can face them stay and train them. If they can't face them, don't waste resources on them. It doesn't require much strength, but the heart must be brave. The resources are limited, the more Children who can adapt quickly should be given priority.”

Weige understands what Qingchuan means, children need to quickly adapt to this environment, and they will face more such monsters in the future. The monsters that will appear in the future will only be stronger and more terrifying than the current one.

Like a tiger after hunting a prey, it does not kill it, but trains the little tiger to hunt.

Children must learn to face monsters and adapt to life fighting them. Qingchuan uses this method to train children, and also uses this method to select outstanding ones and eliminate those who cannot adapt to the environment.

Perhaps there will be children with various talents among the eliminated children, but the society cannot wait for the other party to overcome their fears.

"I'm sorry, kid. But that's life."

Qingchuan's way of thinking can jump out of the influence of some emotions, and is closer to the instinct of animals, cruel but effective survival instinct. He was a little inhuman at times, but he was well-meaning. When the eagle pushed his child off the cliff, the high wind did not allow tears to appear on his face.

In fact, both of them are overthinking.

Children are much more adaptable than adults. A monster came to the base, or a monster with all limbs broken, and it became a teaching tool for children. Many adults in the base have rioted. In peaceful times, they would probably have to protest and demonstrate.

Now they can't protest, at least they can resist this dangerous arrangement with indifference.

The hunters who often go out know what's going on outside, but some are still in their comfort zone, pretending that the world hasn't changed without opening their eyes.

Until children learn how to face this special teaching tool, adults still do not fully feel the cruel side of the world. Now the number of monsters is small, and they can still shrink in the base. In the future, the number of monsters will increase, and they will have to face each other from time to time.

I don't know if these adults will be able to think of their pretentiousness now.

However, the environment never changes due to anyone's wishes. Everyone complained that the food was obviously enough to eat, but when the base had to desperately squeeze the labor force to get them to obtain the ingredients, the autumn wind before winter came as promised. to.

Almost overnight, the lush plants turned yellow.

One day the autumn wind passes, and everything is desolate.

And the temperature suddenly changed from the comfortable early autumn to the late autumn, the people who were still wearing single clothes went out and the wind blew their faces, and they almost jumped from the cold.

"No wonder the animals in the livestock farm are trying their best to eat for the past two days. If they can't eat it, they will be stuffed." They all squeezed their bodies together, as if they had entered a hibernation state.

Maybe this is how the animals of this small world resist this setting.

The humans from the outside world are stunned.

They have not evolved the ability to deal with this sudden cold winter. Fortunately, the base stores food and wood. Everyone can use the contribution points they have accumulated before in exchange for materials, it is best to exercise restraint, because no one knows how long this cold winter will last.

As expected, those who used to be lazy and lazy are in a hurry, and those who habitually consume in excess are also in a hurry. One is not saving money, and the other is that the money saved is not enough to spend.

So when many people exchanged contribution points for thermal materials, some people had difficulty even eating, so they had to squeeze to keep warm.

At this time, the sky began to snow, covering the entire base piece by piece. At first glance, I can't see any color other than white, and I may even suffer from snow blindness after looking at it for a long time.

The base can provide not many warm clothes for going out. Except for the hunting team with missions, the rest of the base can only live at home regardless of their position. Wei Ge was very busy. He used iron and blood to deal with a group of troublemakers, and he also took people out to hunt to get more supplies.

High-dimensional civilization should know what the weather is like here. Most of the things that have appeared after fighting monsters recently are warm materials and food. For now, this is the most efficient way to get supplies. Animals hibernating under snow cover are not easy to find.

Everything is on the right track, and Qingchuan also left a design draft for the future base.

A circle of golden runes around Qingchuan enveloped him tightly, and the cold wind, frost and snow turned into white smoke in an instant.

He slowly stretched out a hand, which was as white as jelly, with a few small stones on it. The energy between the heavens and the earth was pulled by the spiritual force and combined into one after another overlapping array patterns inside the small stones.

Suddenly, the few small stones flew around like meteors and landed around the base.

An invisible circle wraps Wei Ge's entire base. The wind calmed down after passing through the barrier, the snow also became gentle, and the warm atmosphere surrounded the base. The animal seemed to be conscious, woke up from its sleep, opened one eye, and looked at the outside world.

Give him a small gift before leaving, Qing Chuan thought. He glanced down at the cliff and starlights not far away, and blinked at the waking critters.

"Shh, good night."

After that, people disappear.

Qingchuan walked on the snow without leaving any footprints.

The world is quiet,

Even if it is winter, there will be some traces of life, there are always some animals that are not afraid of the cold, but there are none here. He chiseled the ice, but there was nothing in the water. He brushed off the snow, but there was nothing in the grass. All animals are dormant.

The whole world is dormant, except for the humans who live in one place and the monsters who are not afraid of wind and snow.

He saw traces left by human beings, but he did not see human beings, presumably dead. When humans die, like monsters, their bodies disappear. Probably transferred to a high-dimensional civilization, I don't know what happened.

In a way, it doesn't seem like a bad thing. If the body does not disappear, he has to worry that someone will kill people to eat people to get food. Cannibalism is not uncommon in the era of order collapse.

He wanted to share the information that Futian shared with him. Before them, there might be another civilization that came here. What happened to that civilization? Is to escape, or just die? Has the will of the world asked for help?

Qingchuan sits on the top of a high and uplifted mountain on a flat ground, and there is a tree there. He was sitting on a branch that extended out, and the bottom was hanging in the air, and he didn't know how many meters. He swayed his legs, looked at the silver-white earth from a distance, and let out a light breath, which turned into white smoke and dispersed.

Before winter passed, the third batch of players came, and more people came, almost 1% of the total population. They were better prepared - all in thick clothing and almost all adults had hot weapons in their hands.

Qingchuan doesn't know what's going on outside. Many citizens of countries where it is illegal to carry guns also have hot weapons, and they don't seem to be useless. Could it be that because this situation can no longer be changed, the country has changed its policy and provided its citizens with guns and ammunition in order to protect their lives?

This is a good thing for individuals. Everyone knows that if you store grain without guns, your home becomes a granary.

But it will undoubtedly bring more challenges to those bases.

Qingchuan no longer updates the live broadcast every day, because it looks like snow at first glance, so it only broadcasts once a month. The last live broadcast was seven days ago, and he should have rested for a while, wandering around.

This time, he decided to broadcast again for the third batch of players.

Qingchuan, holding a small umbrella painted with golden sunflowers and wearing a goose-yellow thermal three-piece suit (fleece ball cap, scarf and open-handed cloak), fell from the sky, and he frightened the group of people fighting below, Subconsciously, the guns were aimed at him. It's a pity that it was all blocked by the small umbrella, and a bunch of bullets were wasted.

He put away the small umbrella and looked at the trembling people.

"Hello~ It's your lucky day to meet me. Would you like to say hello to the camera?"

Just now holding a gun, the man with his face full of eldest and my eldest child almost fell to his knees on the ground. They all know this anchor and have seen his cruel side. I just didn't expect it to be more ferocious and mysterious than I imagined.

A bearded man shaking his hands, almost unable to hold the gun, "I-I'm sorry..."

Huh? It was interesting that the other party did not speak a language that Qingchuan knew.

When his skeleton was made, a common language was already loaded, and before, he never felt the language barrier. Because of this area, the people who come in are basically all people from the area where they stayed before.

"What are you talking about? Can someone translate it for me?"

Qing Chuan's expression was kind, but the few over there were swallowing saliva all the time, looking even more frightened. But finally, a little man raised his hand tremblingly, "I, I know a little bit."

With the help of the human body translator, the communication finally became smoother.

The number of players in the third batch is indeed more, which is known to Qingchuan. But what he didn't know was that this time the player's delivery completely disrupted the area. Therefore, the sixth person in front of him came from six regions of four countries.

Is it a showy operation of the high-dimensional civilization that has been monitoring the situation here? In order to cause a melee within the human race, in order to achieve the purpose of eliminating a group of people?

Why not just drop the monsters? Is it because monsters cost more?

If it is true, Qingchuan has to admit that this move is very good. Differences in nationality and ethnicity do make it difficult to form a group, and it is indeed more likely to cause various confusions, and it will indeed lead to a decline in the number of conflicting populations.

He asked about the situation in the outside world.

The situation outside is getting worse, all kinds of political forces, religions, world destroyers... You know, not everyone is thinking about how to live. Others wondered how to die unforgettable, or had a more foresight, and began to enter this wasteland world layout for themselves, and so on.

A lot of people think it's the end of the world, it's like having a bachelor party before getting married, and they want to do everything they want before they get selected. Countries with strong government control are better, but those countries that are already chaotic are miserable, and panic spreads like a virus.

Smashing, smashing and looting are basic operations, and there are more things that people can't imagine.

Nowhere is safe, shops are looted, public facilities are not safe, people are hiding in their homes after storing enough supplies and weapons.

The monsters in the game are executing the human removal plan, and the human beings outside the game are also breaking out the human removal plan. Many people have stopped going out. They have guns and enough living materials for a few months, waiting to enter this world.

The outside world is already on the edge of a cliff.

"Wait a moment, it seems that when the last group of people entered, things were okay? It's only been three months, gastritis has turned into advanced lung cancer? Is the disease a little too fast?"

When they heard Qingchuan's question, they all laughed bitterly.

"It is precisely because the second batch of players disappeared and then appeared here, so everyone had to believe that this was not a scam. The whole society suddenly lost the motivation to make money and work. Life has no expectations . Anyway, to come here, there is no point in working and living hard. When everyone thinks that way, things go bad.”

Qingchuan once again had this clear understanding: it is beyond imagination when human beings go bad.

Huh? It doesn't seem surprising at all.

After asking the general question, Qingchuan gave a few people a simple map, "The nearest base nearby."

They thought they would be disabled if they didn't die, but they didn't expect Qingchuan to let it go so lightly and provided a map. "You, you won't kill us?"

Qing Chuan raised his eyebrows, "You guys want to die?" He laughed, "It's not impossible to satisfy your wish~"

"No, no! No!" A fist the size of a sandbag landed on the person who spoke before, and several of them stepped back, "Please don't listen to this person's nonsense, thank you Aqing-sama." Forget it, as if there were ghosts chasing him, he quickly disappeared from sight.

"I don't care how the outside is, orderly or chaotic. Inside, don't commit cannibalism on a scale of more than 30 people, don't hurt women and children, especially don't let me see this Pointless death. I guess you don't want to know the consequences."

After he said these words to the camera, he closed the live broadcast.

"Mr. Snowman."

A white snowman more than three meters high appeared in his sight. It was a monster obtained in the horror game world. It has relatively large ability restrictions and loves houses, so it basically does not appear. It can only survive in the environment of winter snow and has no attack power.

"Snowman, please help to search. Are there any single human children within a hundred miles nearby. Let me know after the search results."

As the little snowballs left, the snowman became smaller and smaller, and finally disappeared.

"I can't take it for granted that 60 points in the open-book test is no problem. The grandson of the high-dimensional civilization secretly replaced the Beijing test with the Jiangsu test, and also adjusted it to the Zhejiang score line... Guarantee the next one first To approve children, you have to collect some food, tsk."

"I just wanted to develop slowly, this is forcing me to find someone to cooperate with."

He looked up at the sky, and the surveillance from nowhere seemed like a dark cloud shrouded the world.

The author has something to say:Qingchuan: This is to force us to cheat collectively!